

distrib > Mandriva > 2006.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > a512b27f512850f72bf78b44150e02f1 > files > 22


|| INSTALLING Kronolith 2.0 ||

This document contains instructions for installing the Kronolith
web-based calendar application on your system.

For information on the capabilities and features of Kronolith, see the file
README in the top-level directory of the Kronolith distribution.


Kronolith can be obtained from the Horde website and FTP server, at

Bleeding-edge development versions of Kronolith are available via CVS; see
the file docs/HACKING in the Horde distribution for information on
accessing the Horde CVS repository.


To function properly, Kronolith requires the following:

  1. A working Horde installation.

     Kronolith runs within the Horde Application Framework, a set of
     common tools for Web applications written in PHP. You must
     install Horde before installing Kronolith.

     The Horde Framework can be obtained from the Horde website and
     FTP server, at

     Many of Kronolith's prerequisites are also Horde prerequisites.
     Be sure to have completed all of the steps in the INSTALL
     file for the Horde Framework before installing Kronolith.

  2. MCAL or SQL support in PHP.

     Kronolith store its data either using the MCAL extension, or in
     an SQL database. Build PHP either --with-mcal or with whichever
     SQL driver you require; see the Horde INSTALL file for more
     details on using databases with Horde.

     If you are using MCAL, and don't have support for it in PHP
     already, here are instructions for compiling libmcal and
     PHP. Make sure to use libmcal 0.7 and libmcal drivers 0.9, or later.

     (Note that there are RPMs for libmcal and a libmcal-aware PHP if
     you use RedHat. You can get these from the Horde site:

     Check out libmcal from CVS:
     > cvs -d login
     (leave Password blank)
     > cvs -d co libmcal

     Check out icap and mstore from CVS, UNDER libmcal:
     > cd libmcal
     > cvs co icap mstore

     > cd icap
     > make
     > cd ../mstore
     > make
     > cd ..
     > ./configure --with-icap --with-mstore
     > make; make install
     additionally copy *.h to /usr/local/mcal/include

     > mkdir /var/calendar
     > chmod 1777 /var/calendar

     cd to php4 src directory
     configure php with --with-mcal=/usr/local/mcal and other regular options
     make and make install

     cd to apache directory
     make and make install

     restart your httpd server

     make the mstore password file /etc/mpasswd
     use the htpasswd program from apache
     for the first time use
     > htpasswd -c /etc/mpasswd username
     and for adding more users don't use the -c switch

     You only need one username to run kronolith. The calendars for
     the different horde users are managed automatically.


Kronolith is written in PHP, and must be installed in a web-accessible
directory. The precise location of this directory will differ from
system to system. Conventionally, Kronolith is installed directly underneath
Horde in the webserver's document tree.

Since Kronolith is written in PHP, there is no compilation necessary;
simply expand the distribution where you want it to reside and rename
the root directory of the distribution to whatever you wish to appear
in the URL. For example, with the Apache webserver's default document
root of '/usr/local/apache/htdocs', you would type:

   cd /usr/local/apache/htdocs/horde
   tar zxvf /path/to/kronolith-1.0.tar.gz
   mv kronolith-1.0 kronolith

and would then find Kronolith at the URL



1. Configuring Horde for Kronolith

   a. Register the application

      In horde/config/registry.php, find the applications['kronolith'] stanza.
      The 'show' parameter should already be marked '=> true'.
      If you have changed the location of Kronolith relative to Horde,
      either in the URL or in the filesystem or both, you must
      update the 'fileroot' and 'webroot' settings to their correct

2. [Only if you are using SQL, not libmcal] Creating the database table

   The specific steps to create the Kronolith database table depend
   on which database you've chosen to use.

   First, look in scripts/drivers/ to see if a script already
   exists for your database type. If so, you should be
   able to simply execute that script as superuser in your
   database. (Note that executing the script as the "horde" user will
   probably fail when granting privileges.)

   If such a script does not exist, you'll need to build your own, using
   the file kronolith.sql as a starting point. If you need
   assistance in creating databases, you may wish to let us know on
   the Kronolith mailing list.

   You will also need to make sure that the "horde" user in your
   database has table-creation privileges, so that the tables that
   PEAR DB uses to provide portable sequences can be created.

3. Configuring Kronolith.

   To configure Kronolith, change to the config/ directory of the
   installed distribution, and make copies of all of the configuration
   "dist" files without the "dist" suffix:

      cd config/
      for foo in *.dist; do cp $foo `basename $foo .dist`; done

   Documentation on the format of those files can be found in each
   file; open each in an editor and make changes as suggested within.
   The default values are reasonable, but may not be appropriate for
   your site, so it is best to check them before preceeding.

   You must login to Horde as a Horde Administrator to finish the
   configuration of kronolith.  Use the Horde "Administration" menu item to
   get to the Administration page, and then click on the "Configuration"
   icon to get the Configuration page.  Select "Calendar" from the selection
   list of applications, and click on the "Configure" button.  Fill in or
   change any configuration values as needed.  When done click on "Generate
   Calendar Configuration" to generate the conf.php file.  If your web server
   doesn't have write permissions to the configuration directory or
   file, it will not be able to write the file.  In this case, cut and
   paste the returned configuration information into the file

   Note for international users:  Kronolith uses GNU gettext to provide local
   translations of text displayed by applications; the translations are
   found in the po/ directory.  If a translation is not yet available
   for your locale (and you wish to create one), or if you're having
   trouble using a provided translation, please see the horde/docs/TRANSLATIONS
   file for instructions.

4. Testing Kronolith

   Use Kronolith to create, modify, and delete events. Test at
   least the following:

     - Creating a new event
     - Creating a recurring event
     - Modifying an event
     - Deleting an event


If you encounter problems with Kronolith, help is available!

The Horde Frequently Asked Questions List (FAQ), available on the Web

The Horde Project runs a number of mailing lists, for individual
applications and for issues relating to the project as a whole.
Information, archives, and subscription information can be found at

Lastly, Horde developers, contributors and users also make occasional
appearances on IRC, on the channel #horde on the freenode Network

Please keep in mind that Kronolith is free software written by volunteers.
For information on reasonable support expectations, please read

Thanks for using Kronolith!

The Horde team

$Horde: kronolith/docs/INSTALL,v 1.13 2003/11/18 20:00:41 ericr Exp $