

distrib > Mandriva > 2007.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 32062b55b75836bcd3de20e75500c1e6 > files > 10


CHPOX - CHeckPOinter for linuX

Copyright (C) 2002, Olexander O. Sudakov <>
Copyright (C) 2002, Eugeniy S. Meshcheryakov <>

This program licensed under the GNU General Public License. See COPYING for
more details.


CHPOX is a set of the Linux kernel modules for transparent dumping of
specified processes into disk file and restarting ones.


  Dumping of one process or process with all it's children into disk file.
  Restarting of process or group of processes from file.
  CHPOX supports dumping of virtual memory, regular files, terminal state,
current working directory, pipes, Unix sockets, multiple non-interacting
  It does not crush on openMosix [3], it is SMP safe.
  It works as a kernel module, so you does not need recompilation of the 
Linux kernel.


  Before installation you must have configured and compiled kernel sources
and file for it.
  1. Unzip and untar archive with CHPOX sources:
         tar -xzf chpox-<version>.tar.gz
  2. 'cd' to the directory containing the source codes and run './configure'
         cd chpox-<version>
You can pass path to Linux sources to 'configure':
         ./configure --with-linux=/path/to/kernel/sources

If there is not file in Linux directory you must
specify path to it:

         ./configure --with-sysmap=/path/to/

See output of

         ./configure --help

for other configure options.

  3. Run 'make', 'make install' and 'depmod -ae':

	 make install
	 depmod -ae
  !!!WARNING: Compile CHPOX with the same compiler the kernel was compile.
  !!!WARNING: Recompile CHPOX after recompiling kernel

  Before starting checkpointing and restoring processes you must load CHPOX
         modprobe chpox_mod

         insmod chpox_mod

  Checkpointing of processes is controlled by proc interface. You can register
or unregister process(es) by writing string <pid>:<signal>:<arg>:<dump file>
into file '/proc/chpox/register'. This will cause registration or unregistering 
of process (possibly with all it's child processes) with identifier <pid>.
Passing <arg> == 0 unregisters process with given <pid> (if <pid> is 0 it 
unregisters all registered processes). If <arg> isn't 0 it registers given
process (or group of processes). Dump file name is created as <dump file>.

  The meaning of <arg>:
  - if bit 2 is set then executable file is included into dump. It may be
useful to transfer processes between different machines with the same
shared libraries.
  - if bit 3 is set then shared libraries registered  will be included 
into dump file.
  - if bit 4 is set then CHPOX will checkpoint all child processes of given


  Registration of process with PID 1234 for checkpointing with signal 31 
     echo "1234:31:1:/tmp/proc.dump" > /proc/chpox/register

  Registration of process with all it's child processes:

     echo "1234:31:9:/tmp/proc.dump" > /proc/chpox/register

  Unregistering of one process:

     echo "1234:0:0:" > /proc/chpox/register

  Unregistering of all registered processes:

     echo "0:0:0:" > /proc/chpox/register

  After registering of process you can checkpoint it as many times as 
necessary by sending signal to it:
     kill -31 1234

  File "/proc/chpox/info" holds information about registered processes 
in form:
<pid>:<signal>: [<flag>|<number of checkpoints>] -> <filename> [<last checkpoint time>]

  Flag is one of:
    C - new entry
    S - checkpoint is in progress
    O - last request was processed correctly
    E - last request caused an error


2108:31:9 [O|1] -> /tmp/proc.dump [1040130768.799984]

  File "/proc/chpox/libs" holds information about libraries registered for
including into processes which use them (but see also `chpoxctl' program).
You can add libraries to list by writing string in form "+<library file name>"
to this file:

    echo "+/lib/" > /proc/chpox/libs

To remove library from the list write string "-<library file name>":

    echo "-/lib/" > /proc/chpox/libs

You can clean list of libraries by writing string "-":

    echo "-" > /proc/chpox/libs
Any manipulations with libraries list require root rights.

  File "/proc/chpox/version" contains version number of chpox module.
  Another way to control CHPOX is user-level executable called `chpoxctl' which
uses ioctl interface for chpox.
  See output of command
     chpoxctl --help

for details.

  Registration of process with PID 1234 for checkpointing with signal 31

     chpoxctl add 1234 31 1 /tmp/proc.dump

  Registration of process with all it's child processes:

     chpoxctl add 1234 31 9 /tmp/proc.dump

  Unregistering of one process:

     chpoxctl del 1234

  Unregistering of all registered processes:
     chpoxctl clear

  Adding library to list:
     chpoxctl addlib /lib/

  Removing one library from list:

     chpoxctl dellib /lib/

  Removing all libraries from list:

     chpoxctl clearlibs

  Displaying list of registered libraries:
     chpoxctl liblist


  For restoring of checkpointed process you must execute program `ld-chpox'
with loaded chpox module:
     ld-chpox /tmp/proc.dump
  See output of command

     ld-chpox --help

for details.
  See also next section.


  You will need to enable misc binary format support in Linux kernel
  In order to run chpox dumps as a executable file you can register dump 
format as misc binary format.
  In Debian system you can install package `binfmt-support' and execute 
following command as root:

     update-binfmts --install chpox /usr/local/bin/ld-chpox --magic "CHPOX"

  On other systems you can register chpox format by writing string
":chpox:M:0:CHPOX::/usr/local/bin/ld-chpox:" into file 
"/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register". But in that case you will
need to do this after each reboot.


  To see information about chpox dump file you can use file(1) program.
Execute command:
     file -m chpox.magic <dump-file>

and you will see folowing information about the dump file: chpox file
format version, architecture for which dump was created, whether file
is complete or corrupted during checkpoint and number of child processes
  File chpox.magic is included into the chpox distribution. Alternatively
you can merge it with /etc/magic file.


  Registration of process for checkpoint will block the specified signal
of specified process. Blocking of signal is doing by setting the notifier 
function that returns 1 and cleans queue of signals before returning.
When specified signal is sent to process notifier is executed in the 
context of process being checkpointed.  
  During execution of notifier, VMA dump and dump of files information are 
executed. If MOSIX is configured process returns home before dumping. 
This kind of operation is similar to EPCKPT [1]. EPCKPT is very powerful 
(supports almost all except sockets) but it needs patching of kernel and thus
does not work with MOSIX. CRAK tries to stop the process before checkpointing
and after that operates with its structures. CRAK does not designed for SMP 
(at least version for Linux-2.4.4) but it is declared that it supports 
sockets (not in version for Linux-2.4.4). 


   Olexander O. Sudakov <>
   Eugeniy S. Meshcheryakov <>

CHPOX based on

   VMADUMP           by Erik Hendriks <>
   EPCKPT            by Eduardo Pinheiro
   CRAK              by Hua Zhong <>


  This is version 0.6-2 beta. It is tested with Linux kernel version 2.4.21 with
openMosix patch, version 2.4.22 without openMosix patch, and with Linux
kernel version 2.4.22 on PowerPC.

  This version does not work correctly with interactive programs. 
  Probably many?..


  This version of CHPOX tested on machines with i386 and PowerPC (G3) 
architecture. But VMADUMP module have code for supporting Sparc and Alpha
architectures. For Sparc dumping/restoring of FPU state is not 
  If you succeed using CHPOX on machines with Sparc or Alpha architectures, 
please be kind to inform us about that.
  Also inform us if you had troubles compiling or using CHPOX.

  Chpox supports connected and listening stream Unix (or local) sockets.
It yet does not supports Internet sockets.
  Chpox does not saves socket flags.
  While restoring chpox creates connected sockets using socketpair
system call. It restores listening socket with name it has during 
checkpointing if possible. If it is not possible chpox tries to rename
socket by changing last letter of the file name. If that fails chpox
creates socket in abstract namespace. So if you want to restore listening
socket with old name remove old socket file first.


  Support for Internet sockets, shared memory, System V IPC, processes
with multiple threads.
  Better integration with openMosix.


  1. The home to checkpointing packages
  2. BPROC: Beowulf Distributed Process Space
  3.     The openMosix Project