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<html><head><title>OpenRM - RMAUX Library (rmflyui.c)</title></head>
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<h2>Index of OpenRM - RMAUX Library</h2>
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<a name="rmauxFlyUI"> 
 void rmauxFlyUI (RMnode *cameraNode,
                  RMnode *sgRoot,
	          float orientationScale,
		  float stepScale)
 RMnode *cameraRoot - (input) the RMnode containing the RMcamera3D that
    will be manipulated with a flight model.

 RMnode *sgRoot - (input) the root of the scene graph that will be
    drawn on each frame. cameraRoot and sgRoot may be the same node.

 float orientationScale - (input) a floating point value between 0.0
    and 1.0 used to attenuate rotations. A good range of value for
    this parameter is 1/30...1/60.

 float stepScale - (input) a floating point value between 0.0 and 1.0
    used to attenuate translational camera motion. A good range of
    values for this parameter is 1/30..1/60. 
 rmauxFlyUI builds a set of button to event mappings that are useful
 for terrain flyovers. The fundamental assumption of rmauxFlyUI is
 that the input RMnode contains an RMcamera3D scene parameter. This 3D
 camera will be modified - thus, rmauxFlyUI changes the position of
 the viewer in the scene, but does not change the orientation matrices
 of any objects.
 Pressing the left mouse button commences activity (motion), and
 pressing the left mouse button again stops the viewer (abruptly).
 Changes in the horizontal location of the pointer cause camera roll
 to change, while changes to the vertical location of the pointer
 affect camera pitch. Heading changes as a function of roll & pitch
 (like flying an aircraft).
 The input float parameter orientationScale is used to regulate how
 quickly changes occur. The value of orientationScale is inversely
 proportional to the number of frames required for a given change to
 occur. For example, on each fly frame, we compute the displacement
 between the pointer current position and the center of the window.
 Then, we adjust the camera to a new heading. The adjustment is
 computed such that the new heading will be achieved in
 1/orientationScale frames. Therefore, orientationScale is most often
 a value between 0.0 and 1.0. The closer to 1.0, the more rapid will
 the changes occur. The closer to 0.0, the more slowly they will
 occur.  We may some day incorporate a temporal filter on changes, but
 for now, we don't.
 The input float parameter stepScale regulates the amount of camera
 translation per frame. The amount the camera moves during each frame
 is a function of stepScale multiplied by the cameraFocalDistance
 parameter (by default, the camera focal distance parameter is 1.0,
 which measures units of the distance from the eye point to the view
 reference, or look at point). Increasing the cameraFocalDistance
 parameter has no substantive effect on the view matrix except when
 viewing in stereo.
 Upon entry, rmauxFlyUI checks to see if the input RMnode "cameraNode"
 has a 3d camera as a scene parameter. If none is present, an error message
 isissued and we return. If one is present, we grab a copy of the camera
 and use the copy for the duration of the UI run. Our copy is
 modified, then we set the camera3D scene parameter of the target as
 we fly around. Should the application want to modify the camera, it
 will be necessary to call rmauxFlyUI again to re-register the new
 camera with the FlyUI machinery.
 During operation, the scene graph rooted at the input RMnode "sgRoot"
 is drawn on each frame from a viewpoint that "flies" through the scene.
 We use a crude, static-velocity model (zero acceleration). It's like
 a 3 year old child: either it's completely stopped, or going at full
 speed, with no speed inbetween.
<i>librmaux library source file: rmflyui.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmauxFlyResetCamera"> 
 int rmauxFlyResetCamera RMAUX_BUTTON_FUNC_PARMS()
 the macro RMAUX_BUTTON_FUNC_PARMS() expands to:

 RMpipe *p - a handle to the current RMpipe.

 int xbutton, ybutton - the current (x, y) positions of the mouse
 This routine restores the 3D camera parameters to what they were when
 rmauxFlyUI was originally called.  It is intended to be called from
 event loop code.
 Returns 1 to the caller, presumably an event loop handler, so that
 processing will continue.
<i>librmaux library source file: rmflyui.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmauxFlyToggleMotion"> 
 int rmauxFlyToggleMotion RMAUX_BUTTON_FUNC_PARMS()
 the macro RMAUX_BUTTON_FUNC_PARMS() expands to:

 RMpipe *p - a handle to the current RMpipe.

 int xbutton, ybutton - the current (x, y) positions of the mouse
 This routine turns on and off motion by manipulating the "idle
 function."  When turning motion off, the idle function is removed
 (nothing happens).  When turned on, we set the idle function to
 rmauxFlyMotionFunc so that we begin to fly.  A 1 is returned to the
<i>librmaux library source file: rmflyui.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmauxFlyMotionFunc"> 
 int rmauxFlyMotionFunc RMAUX_BUTTON_FUNC_PARMS()
 the macro RMAUX_BUTTON_FUNC_PARMS() expands to:

 RMpipe *p - a handle to the current RMpipe.

 int xbutton, ybutton - the current (x, y) positions of the mouse 
 Given a new cursor location, update the camera to take into account
 the rotational and translational effects of the change from the
 current values and those dictated by the new cursor position.
 A static structure is used to hold state, so this routine (in fact,
 all of rmauxFlyUI) is not thread safe at this time.
 Always returns 1 so that rmauxEventLoop will not terminate.
<i>librmaux library source file: rmflyui.c </i><hr width="75%">