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<html><head><title>OpenRM - RM Library (rmtypes.h)</title></head>
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<h2>Index of OpenRM - RM Library</h2>
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<a name="RMcolor1D"><b>RMcolor1D</b>
typedef struct RMcolor1D
    float lum;
} RMcolor1D;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMcolor2D"><b>RMcolor2D</b>
typedef struct RMcolor2D
    float lum, alpha;
} RMcolor2D;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMcolor3D"><b>RMcolor3D</b>
typedef struct RMcolor3D
    float r, g, b;
} RMcolor3D;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMcolor4D"><b>RMcolor4D</b>
typedef struct RMcolor4D
    float r, g, b, a;
} RMcolor4D;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMvertex2D"><b>RMvertex2D</b>
typedef struct RMvertex2D
    float x, y;
} RMvertex2D;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMvertex3D"><b>RMvertex3D</b>
typedef struct RMvertex3D
    float x, y, z;
} RMvertex3D;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMvertex4D"><b>RMvertex4D</b>
typedef struct RMvertex4D
    float x, y, z, w;
} RMvertex4D;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMmatrix"><b>RMmatrix</b>
typedef struct RMmatrix
    float m[4][4];
} RMmatrix;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMcacheKey;"><b>RMcacheKey;</b>
typedef unsigned int RMcacheKey;
#define RM_CACHEKEY_UNINITIALIZED_VALUE (unsigned int)(-1)

#if 0
/* 64 bit cache key */
typedef unsigned long RMcacheKey;

typedef struct RMinternalMarker2D
    int         npts;
    int         gl_begin_flag;
    RMvertex2D *vlist;
} RMinternalMarker2D;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMvisMap"><b>RMvisMap</b>
typedef struct RMvisMap
    int   nentries;
    float r[MAX_VIS_CMAP_ENTRIES];
    float g[MAX_VIS_CMAP_ENTRIES];
    float b[MAX_VIS_CMAP_ENTRIES];
    float a[MAX_VIS_CMAP_ENTRIES];
    float transfer_min, transfer_max;
} RMvisMap;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMbitmap"><b>RMbitmap</b>
typedef struct RMbitmap
    int            w, h;
    int            bytes_per_scanline;
    int            pbsize;
    unsigned char *pixeldata;
} RMbitmap;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMimage"><b>RMimage</b>
typedef struct RMimage
    /* configuration */
    int    ndims;		/* 2 or 3, set implicitly by user */
    int    w, h, d;		/* set by user */
    RMenum image_format;	/* set by user: RM_IMAGE_RGB, etc. */
    RMenum image_type;		/* set by user: RM_IMAGE_BYTE, etc. */
    float  xzoom, yzoom;	/* for 2d images only, user supplied, default 1.0, 1.0 */

    /* pixel data */
    RMenum copy_flag;		 /* set by user */
    void  *pixeldata;		 /* set by user */
    void (*appfreefunc)(void *); /* set by user */

    /* colormap */
    RMvisMap *vismap;		 /* set by user, default NULL */

    /* scale & bias */
    float scale, bias;

    /* internals, private */
    int          bytes_per_component; /* computed by RM */
    int          bytes_per_scanline;  /* computed by RM */
    int          elements;	      /* computed by RM */
#if 0
    /* display list stuff removed 10/5/2000 */
    int          d1;
    RMenum       dirty_flag;
    unsigned int pbsize;

    /* internal, component manager */
    int          compListIndx;
    /* internal, context cache key */
    RMcacheKey   cacheKey;
} RMimage;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMcamera2D"><b>RMcamera2D</b>
typedef struct RMcamera2D
    float xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;  /* defines extents of camera (like a viewport, but in R2 world coords) */
    float aspect_ratio;
} RMcamera2D;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMcamera3D"><b>RMcamera3D</b>
typedef struct RMcamera3D
    /* camera points */
    RMvertex3D eye;
    RMvertex3D at;
    RMvertex3D up;

    float  hither, yon; 		/* near & far */
    float  fov;				/* field of view angle in degrees in the Y direction */
    float  aspect;			/* aspect ratio (width / height) --> field of view angle in X direction */
    RMenum isStereo;			/* flag for stereo (RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE) */
    float  degrees_eye_separation;	/* for stereo cameras only */
    float  focalDistance;		/* for stereo cameras only */
} RMcamera3D;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMtextProps"><b>RMtextProps</b>
typedef struct RMtextProps
    int    fontEnum;		/* one of RM_FONT_SERIF,RM_FONT_SANS, RM_FONT_MONO, RM_FONT_SYMBOL */
    RMenum    italicEnum;		/* RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE */
    RMenum    boldEnum;		/* RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE */
    int    sizeEnum; 		/* enum of RM_FONT_XXS, RM_FONT_XS, RM_FONT_S, RM_FONT_M, RM_FONT_L, RM_FONT_XL, RM_FONT_XXL */
    RMenum hJustify, vJustify;
    int    listbase;		/* OpenGL dislay list base (computed by RM at runtime) */
    int    listoffset;		/* OpenGL display list stuff (computed by RM at runtime) */
    void  *fontinfo;

    int    compListIndx;
} RMtextProps;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMclipPlane"><b>RMclipPlane</b>
typedef struct RMclipPlane
    RMenum     enabled;		/* RM_TRUE, RM_FALSE */
    RMvertex3D point;
    RMvertex3D normal;		/* (point, normal) parametrization */	
   float       a, b, c, d;	/* plane equation */
} RMclipPlane;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMlight"><b>RMlight</b>
typedef struct RMlight
   /* individual light ala OpenGL Light (see glLight) */
    RMcolor4D  ambientLightColor;
    RMcolor4D  diffuseLightColor;
    RMcolor4D  specularLightColor;
    RMvertex3D lightXYZ;		/* position for point and spot lights, direction for directional light sources */
    float      spotCutoff;		/* [0.0, 90.0] degrees */
    float      spotExponent;		/* default = 0.0, higher numbers produce more focused spots */
    RMvertex3D spotDirection;
    float      constantAttenuation;
    float      linearAttenuation;
    float      quadraticAttenuation;
    RMenum     enabled;			/* RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE */
} RMlight;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMlightModel"><b>RMlightModel</b>
typedef struct RMlightModel
    /* light model parms ala OpenGL Light Model (see glLightModel) */
    RMcolor4D globalAmbient;
    GLenum    twoSideEnable;
    GLenum    localViewerEnable;
} RMlightModel;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMtexture"><b>RMtexture</b>
typedef struct RMtexture
    RMimage   *images[RM_MAX_MIPMAPS];

    int       dims;			/* 1, 2 or 3d texture */
    int       nmipmaps;			/* number of mipmaps associated w/this texture */
#if 0
    GLuint    tname;			/* generated by glGenTextures */

    /* flags for OpenGL */
    GLenum    mag_filter_mode;		/* for GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER */
    GLenum    min_filter_mode;		/* for GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER */
    GLenum    wrap_mode;		/* applied to each of u, v, w */

    /* OpenGL has extra options for texel storage modes */
    GLenum    *oglTexelFormat;		/* GL_RGBA, GL_RGB, etc. default is GL_RGBA */

    /* environment modes */
    GLenum     envMode;			/* see man glTexEnv */
    RMcolor4D *blendColor;		/* see man glTexEnv */

    int        borderWidth;		/* texture border */

    /* residency status currently not used. */
    RMenum     residency_status;	/* internal: RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE */

    /* for the component manager */
    int        compListIndx;
    /* internal, context cache keys for texture IDs and texture data */
    RMcacheKey  cacheKeyID;
    RMcacheKey  cacheKeyData;

    /* reference counting - indicates whether or not a shared texture is
       assigned as a scene parameter to an RMnode */
    int         refCount;
} RMtexture;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMfog"><b>RMfog</b>
typedef struct RMfog
    GLenum    fogMode;		/* GL_LINEAR, GL_EXP or GL_EXP2, def GL_LINEAR */
    GLfloat   fogDensity;	/* default = 1.0 */
    GLfloat   fogStart;		/* default is 0.0 */
    GLfloat   fogEnd;		/* default is 1 */
    RMcolor4D fogColor;		/* default is 0,0,0,0 */
} RMfog;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMstate"><b>RMstate</b>
typedef struct RMstate
    RMmatrix      model;		/* model transformations */
    RMmatrix      view;			/* viewing transformations */
    RMmatrix      modelView;		/* combined model & view (OGL style) */
    RMmatrix      projection;		/* projection matrix */
    RMmatrix      composite;	        /* model*view*projection */
    RMmatrix      pick;			/* pick matrix */
    RMmatrix      textureMatrix;	/* texture matrix */
    RMmatrix      projection_inverse;	/* inverse of the concatenated view & projection matrices  (?) */
    RMmatrix      vpm;			/* viewport matrix - from NDC to window */
    float         vp[4];		/* (x, y) VP location + (w, h) VP width & height */
    float         aspect_ratio; 
    float         focal_length; 
    int           w, h;			/* window width & height */
    RMenum        rendermode;
    RMenum        renderpass;
    RMenum        which_channel;	/* used */
    RMtexture    *texture;		/* current texture */
    int           texture_mode;		/* if current texture, GL_TEXTURE_2D, etc. */
    int           attrib_stack_depth;	/* current attribute stack depth */
    /* material properties */
    RMcolor4D     ambient;
    RMcolor4D     diffuse;
    RMcolor4D     specular;
    RMcolor4D     emissive;
    RMcolor4D     unlit_color;
    float         specular_exponent;
    float         opacity;

    /* line & point style */
    float         pointsize;
    RMenum        linewidth;
    RMenum        linestyle;

    /* render mode parms */
    RMenum        shademodel;
    /* polygon face properties */
    RMenum        poly_mode_face;
    RMenum        poly_mode_drawstyle;
    RMenum        cull_mode;		/* cull faces? [RM_CULL_NONE, RM_CULL_FRONT, RM_CULL_BACK, RM_CULL_FRONT_AND_BACK] */
    RMenum        front_face;   	/* vertex winding? [RM_CCW, RM_CW] */

    /* clip planes */
    RMclipPlane  *cp0;
    RMclipPlane  *cp1;
    RMclipPlane  *cp2;
    RMclipPlane  *cp3;
    RMclipPlane  *cp4;
    RMclipPlane  *cp5;

    /* fog */
    RMenum       fogActive;	/* RM_TRUE if fog is active */
    RMfog        fog;		/* rather than creating copies */
    /* lighting */
    RMlightModel *lmodel;
    RMlight      *lightSources[RM_MAX_LIGHTS];

    /* text */
    RMtextProps  *textProps;

    int          frameNumber;

    /* internal use only */
    RMenum       colorMaterialActive;
    RMenum       lightingActive;
} RMstate;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMnode"><b>RMnode</b>
typedef struct RMnode
    /* scene graph topology */
    struct RMnode  *parent;
    int             nchildren;
    struct RMnode **children;

    /* here's the geometry */
    int             nprims;
    void          **prims;

    /* properties */
    _surface_properties    *sprops;
    _rendermode_properties *rprops;
    internals_RMsceneParms *scene_parms;

    /* fb clear control */
    internals_RMfbClear    *fbClear;

    /* bounding box info */
    _bounding_box           bbox;
    RMvertex3D              center;

    /* transformation info */
    internals_RMtransformationStruct *transforms;

    /* misc scheduling info about the object */
    _object_info object_info;

    /* callbacks */
    int (*viewPretraverseCallback)    (const struct RMnode *, const RMstate *);
    int (*viewPosttraverseCallback)   (const struct RMnode *, const RMstate *);

    int (*renderPretraverseCallback)    (const struct RMnode *, const RMstate *);
    int (*renderPosttraverseCallback)   (const struct RMnode *, const RMstate *);
    int (*viewSwitchCallback) (const struct RMnode *, const RMstate *);
     * 7/22/02. added view (stage) render order callback. note that the
     * switch callback and renderOrder callbacks are (or should be)
     * mutually-exclusive. such mutual-exclusivity is not reflected in
     * the data structure or in the API at this time.
    int (*viewRenderOrderCallback) (const struct RMnode *, const RMstate *, int *orderIndices, int nChildren);

    /* client data stuff - not multistage safe! (1/2001) */
    void  *clientData;
    void (*clientDataFreeFunc) (struct RMnode *, void *);

    int  refcount;

    /* attribute mask */
    GLuint   attribMask;

    /* optional mutex */
    RMmutex *nodeMutex;
    /* internal, component manager */
    int          compListIndx;
} RMnode;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMcontextCache"><b>RMcontextCache</b>
typedef struct RMcontextCache
    /* for RMprimitives */
    GLuint      *primDisplayListIDs;
    RMcacheKey  *primCacheKeys;
    int          numPrimDisplayListIDs;
    int          numPrimCacheKeys;

    /* for RMimages */
    GLuint      *imgDisplayListIDs;
    RMcacheKey  *imgCacheKeys;
    int          numImgDisplayListIDs;
    int          numImgCacheKeys;

    /* for RMtextures */
    GLuint      *textureIDs;
    RMcacheKey  *textureIDCacheKeys; /* textureID management */
    RMcacheKey  *textureDataCacheKeys; /* texture image data status */
    int          numTextureIDs;
    int          numTextureIDCacheKeys;
    int          numTextureDataCacheKeys;

    /* need to add this stuff VVVV  */
    /* RM-built display lists for quadrics objects */
    GLuint      *sphereIDs;
    GLuint      *coneIDs, *flipConeIDs;
    GLuint      *cylinderIDs, *flipCylinderIDs;
    /* pre-rendered bitmap font glyph display list IDs  */
    RMfontRegistry *pipeFontRegistry;
} RMcontextCache;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMpipe"><b>RMpipe</b>
typedef struct RMpipe
    /* stuff common to all environments/OpenGL implementations */
    RMenum       offscreen; /* RM_TRUE for offscreen formats, RM_FALSE otherwise */
    RMenum       processingMode;
    RMenum       channel_format;
    int          xwindow_width, xwindow_height;
    int          xflags;
    RMenum       opaque3DEnable, transparent3DEnable, opaque2DEnable;
    RMenum       initMatrixStack;	/* RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE */
    int          frameNumber;

    /* global control over use of display lists */
    RMenum       displayListEnableBool;

    /* Context Cache stuff */
    RMcontextCache *contextCache; /* the context cache */
    void *displayLists;     /* multistage rendering buffers. Note: these are
			     NOT OpenGL display lists!! This buffer contains
			     structures generated by the view-stage traversal
			     that are consumed by the draw-stage traversal */
    void *mtControl;        /* multistage process/thread control structure */

#ifdef RM_X
    /* stuff specific to X */
    Display     *xdisplay; 
    XVisualInfo *xvisual;
    Window       xdrawable;
    GLXContext   glxcontext;
    Colormap     xcolormap;

#ifdef RM_WIN
    /* stuff specific to Win32 */
    HDC    hdc;
    HWND   hwnd;
    HGLRC  hRC;

#ifdef RM_CR
    /* stuff specific to Chromium */
    int    contextCR;
    RMpipeCRvariables *crStuff;  /* see rmcr.c */

    int myRank, globalNPE;
    RMenum targetPlatform;

    /* pipe callbacks, all platforms */
    /* 1. render function */
    void (*channel_render_func)(RMnode *t, struct RMpipe *p);

     * 2. optional app callback invoked after rendering, but before
     * the "swapbuffers" call. can be used to perform synchronization
     * between multiple rendering engines.
    void (*postRenderBarrierFunc)(struct RMpipe *p);

    /* 3. color and depth buffer acquisition, swap buffer function */
    void (*postrenderfunc)(const RMimage *, RMenum whichBufferEnum);
    void (*postrender_depthbufferfunc)(const RMimage *, RMenum whichBufferEnum);
    /* 4. swap buffers func */
    RMenum (*swapBuffersFunc)(const struct RMpipe *);

    /* 5. shutdown function */
    void (*shutdownFunc)(struct RMpipe *);

    /* private stuff */
     * 12/26/02 - specialized barrier functions added during Chromium work.
     * for now, these funcs are added outside of the RM_CR def to minimize
     * the amount of arch-specific stuff.
    void (*postFBClearBarrierFunc)(const struct RMpipe *p);

     * context creation function - a per-platform thing
    RMenum (*createContextFunc)(struct RMpipe *p);

     * stuff related to constant time rendering
    int          targetFrameRate; /* frames per sec, set by user */
    RMtime       timePerFrame;    /* fps converted to sec/usec */
    double       timePerFrameMS;  /* ms per frame */
    RMtime       lastTimeStart;        /* when was last frame started? */
    RMtime       lastRenderTime;  /* elapsed time for last rendering */

    /* the timeSyncFunc is used as a post-render, pre-swapbuffers
       rendezvous point */
    void         (*timeSyncFunc)(struct RMpipe *p);
} RMpipe;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMprimitiveDataBlob"><b>RMprimitiveDataBlob</b>
typedef struct RMprimitiveDataBlob
    void  *ptr;				/* pointer to the stuff */
    RMenum copyflag;
    int    nthings;			/* how many things there are */
    int    blobtype;			/* what kind of blob? */
    int    stride;			/* size of individual thing */
    int    veclen;			/* vector length of data supplied */
    void (*appfreefunc)(void *);	/* the app-supplied free function for when the copy-flag is set to RM_DONT_COPY_DATA */
} RMprimitiveDataBlob;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMprimitive"><b>RMprimitive</b>
typedef struct RMprimitive
    RMenum               type;
    RMprimitiveDataBlob *blobs;

    /* methods, data, flags */
    void (*renderfunc)  OGLPRIMPARMLIST();	/* RMprimitive stores a pointer to the primitive draw method */
    void  *clientData;
    void (*clientDataFreeFunc) (struct RMprimitive *p, void *cd);
    void  *p1;					/* stuff that doesn't really fit into blobs */

    /* misc stuff - usage depends upon app */
    unsigned int flags1;
    unsigned int model_flag;
    int          display_list_enable;

    /* old stuff for compatibility */
    int    utility;

    /* internal, component manager */
    int          compListIndx;

    /* internal, context cache key */
    RMcacheKey   cacheKey;

    /* bounding box stuff */
    RMvertex3D   *bmin, *bmax;
    RMenum       (*primitiveComputeBoundingBoxFunc)(struct RMprimitive *);
} RMprimitive;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="RMpick"><b>RMpick</b>
typedef struct RMpick
    RMnode      *node;
    float        zval;		/* NDC z-value */
    unsigned int index;		/* object index */
    unsigned int prim_index;	/* primitive index */
} RMpick;
<i>librm library source file: rmtypes.h </i><hr width="75%">