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<html><head><title>OpenRM - RMV Library (rmvmesh.c)</title></head>
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<h2>Index of OpenRM - RMV Library</h2>
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<a name="rmvJ3ComputeMeshNormals"> 
 RMenum rmvJ3ComputeMeshNormals (RMvertex3D *v,
			         RMvertex3D *normals,
				 int usize,
				 int vsize,
				 RMenum flipNormalsBool)
 RMvertex3D *v - a handle to an array of size (usize * vsize)
    of RMvertex3D points (input).
 RMvertex3D *normals - a handle to a caller-supplied array of size
    (usize * vsize) ofRMvertex3D points (modified).
 int usize, vsize - int specifying the dimensions of the 2D grid of
    data (input).

 RMenum flipNormalsBool - set to RM_TRUE to "flip" the normals computed by
    the vector cross product of coordinate differences. Set to RM_FALSE
    to use the normals as computed.
 Computes approximate surface normals from a two-dimensional grid of
 3D vertices.  The surface normals are apporximate using a Catmull-Rom
 spline basis, thus producing C^1 continuity across interior vertices.
 Note that although the array of input vertices are processed as
 though they were a 2D array, the array is not actually two-dimensional.
 Upon successful computation of the surface normals, RM_CHILL is
 returned.  Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned.
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmv3DRuledBox"> 
 void rmv3DRuledBox (RMvertex3D *grid_min,
	             RMvertex3D *grid_max,
		     int iusize,
		     int ivsize,
		     int iwsize,
		     RMenum linewidth,
		     RMenum linestyle,
		     RMenum backface_cull_enable,
		     RMnode *n)
 RMvertex3D *grid_min, *grid_max - handles to the minimum and maximum
    points of the bounding box for the ruled box (input).
 int iusize, ivsize, iwsize - int specifying the (u, v, w) rulings in
    each dimension (input).
 RMenum linewidth_enum - an RMenum specifying the line width.  Must be
    RM_LINEWIDTH_HEAVY, or RM_LINEWIDTH_[1..8] (input).

 RMenum linestyle_enum - an RMenum specifying the lline style.  Must
 RMenum backface_cull_enable - an RMenum specifying whether or not to
    enable back face culling for the RMnode.  Must be one of RM_TRUE
    or RM_FALSE (input).
 RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
 Creates a ruled wireframe enclosure for annotating 3D structured,
 uniform grids.  By enabling back face culling, as a visualization is
 moved around, the appropriate sides of the enclosure will be culled,
 thus revealing the dataset with a "ruled backstop".
 Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned. Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned,
 and the return RMnode remains unmodified.
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmvJ3Bar"> 
 RMenum rmvJ3Bar (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j),
	          float (*appdatafunc)(int i, int j),
		  float (*appdata2func)(int i, int j),
		  RMvisMap *vmap,
		  int axis_offset_enum,
		  int iusize,
		  int ivsize,
		  float scale,
		  int scaling_flag,
		  RMnode *n)

 RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j) - a handle to a
    caller-supplied function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z)
    corresponding to the grid point (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i, j) (input).

 RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input).
 int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the glyph.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET, or
    RMV_ZAXIS_OFFSET (input).

 int iusize, ivsize - int specifying the dimensions of the 2D grid of
    data (input).
 float scale - a float specifying the scaling factor for the bars.
    When the scaling mode is RMV_SCALE_ABSOLUTE, this parameter
    dictates the "diameter" of each bar directly.  When the mode is
    RMV_SCALE_RELATIVE, the product of this parameter and the adjacent
    grid spacing determines the "diameter" of the bar (input).
 int scaling_flag - an integer specifying the scaling type.  Must be
 RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
 Creates a 3D bar plot from data, with the data shown as 3D bars.  The
 bars are a single color, the RMnode default color at render time.
 The bar plot can also be colored via the secondary data function and
 the RMvismap.
 The position of each bar is centered on the underlying 2D grid
 defined by the grid function, its height determined by the data
 function, and its "diameter" is controlled with the scaling mode and
 scale parameter.  The axis offset determines the placement of the
 bars relative to the underlying 2D grid.
 Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the 3D filled bar plot
 primitives are added to the RMnode.  Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmvJ3BarOutline"> 
 RMenum rmvJ3BarOutline (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j),
		         float (*appdatafunc)(int i, int j),
			 float (*appdata2func)(int i, int j),
			 RMvisMap *vmap,
			 int axis_offset_enum,
			 int iusize,
			 int ivsize,
			 float scale,
			 int scaling_flag,
			 int linewidth_enum,
			 int linestyle_enum,
			 RMnode *n)
 RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j) - a handle to a
    caller-supplied function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z)
    corresponding to the grid point (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i, j) (input).

 RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input).
 int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the glyph.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET, or
    RMV_ZAXIS_OFFSET (input).

 int iusize, ivsize - int specifying the dimensions of the 2D grid of
    data (input).
 float scale - a float specifying the scaling factor for the bars.
    When the scaling mode is RMV_SCALE_ABSOLUTE, this parameter
    dictates the "diameter" of each bar directly.  When the mode is
    RMV_SCALE_RELATIVE, the product of this parameter and the adjacent
    grid spacing determines the "diameter" of the bar (input).
 int scaling_flag - an integer specifying the scaling type.  Must be
 RMenum linewidth_enum - an RMenum specifying the line width.  Must be
    RM_LINEWIDTH_HEAVY, or RM_LINEWIDTH_[1..8] (input).

 RMenum linestyle_enum - an RMenum specifying the lline style.  Must
 RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
 Creates a 3D bar outline plot from data, with the data shown as 3D
 bars.  The bar outlines are a single color, the RMnode default color
 at render time.  The bar plot can also be colored via the secondary
 data function and the RMvismap.
 The position of each bar is centered on the underlying 2D grid
 defined by the grid function, its height determined by the data
 function, and its "diameter" is controlled with the scaling mode and
 scale parameter.  The axis offset determines the placement of the
 bars relative to the underlying 2D grid.
 Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the 3D bar outline plot
 primitives are added to the RMnode.  Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmvJ3Impulse"> 
 RMenum rmvJ3Impulse (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i,int j),
	              float (*appdatafunc)(int i, int j),
		      float (*appdata2func)(int i, int j),
		      RMvisMap *vmap,
		      int axis_offset_enum,
		      int usize,
		      int vsize,
		      int linewidth_enum,
		      int linestyle_enum,
		      RMnode *n)
 RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i,int j) - a handle to a
    caller-supplied function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z)
    corresponding to the grid point (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i, j) (input).

 RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input).
 int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the glyph.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET, or
    RMV_ZAXIS_OFFSET (input).
 int usize, vsize - int specifying the dimensions of the 2D grid of
    data (input).
 RMenum linewidth_enum - an RMenum specifying the line width.  Must be
    RM_LINEWIDTH_HEAVY, or RM_LINEWIDTH_[1..8] (input).

 RMenum linestyle_enum - an RMenum specifying the lline style.  Must
 RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
 Creates a 3D impulse plot from data, with the data shown as spikes.
 The impulse plot is a single color, the RMnode default color at
 render time.  The impulse spikes can also be colored via the
 secondary data function and the RMvismap.  The (i, j)th impulse spike
 is a combination of the grid point, the primary data function, and
 the axis offset chosen.
 Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the 3D impulse plot primitives
 are added to the RMnode.  Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned.
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmvJ3MeshUOutline"> 
 RMenum rmvJ3MeshUOutline (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j),
		           float (*appdatafunc)(int i, int j),
			   float (*appdata2func)(int i, int j),
			   RMvisMap *vmap,
			   int axis_offset_enum,
			   int iusize,
			   int ivsize,
			   int linewidth_enum,
			   int linestyle_enum,
			   RMnode *n)
 RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j) - a handle to a
    caller-supplied function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z)
    corresponding to the grid point (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i, j) (input).

 RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input).
 int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the glyph.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET, or
    RMV_ZAXIS_OFFSET (input).
 int iusize, ivsize - int specifying the dimensions of the 2D grid of
    data (input).
 RMenum linewidth_enum - an RMenum specifying the line width.  Must be
    RM_LINEWIDTH_HEAVY, or RM_LINEWIDTH_[1..8] (input).

 RMenum linestyle_enum - an RMenum specifying the lline style.  Must
 RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
 Creates a wireframe representation of a mesh from the data,
 generating one polyline for each row of constant V of the underlying
 2D grid.  The wireframe is a single color, the default color of the
 RMnode at render time.  The wireframe can also be colored via the
 secondary data function and the RMvismap.
 Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the U-mesh outline primitives
 are added to the RMnode.  Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned.
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmvJ3MeshUHorizon"> 
 RMenum rmvJ3MeshUHorizon (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j),
		           float (*appdatafunc)(int i, int j),
			   float (*appdata2func)(int i, int j),
			   RMvisMap *vmap,
			   int axis_offset_enum,
			   int iusize,
			   int ivsize,
			   float zerocrossing,
			   RMnode *n)

 RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j) - a handle to a
    caller-supplied function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z)
    corresponding to the grid point (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i, j) (input).

 RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input).
 int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the glyph.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET, or
    RMV_ZAXIS_OFFSET (input).
 int iusize, ivsize - int specifying the dimensions of the 2D grid of
    data (input).
 float zerocrossing - a float specifying the zero value within the
    data range.  The "area fill" will be computed relative to this
    zero value (input).
 RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
 Creates a series of 3D horizon plots from the data.  A horizon plot
 is similar to an "area fill", such as those created by
 rmv2DAreaFill().  Geometry representing a 2D area fill for each V-row
 of input data is created.  The horizon plot is a single color, the
 default color of the RMnode at render time.  The horizon plot can
 also be colored via the secondary data function and the RMvismap.
 Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the U-mesh horizon primitives
 are added to the RMnode.  Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned.
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmvJ3MeshUHorizonOutline"> 
 RMenum rmvJ3MeshUHorizonOutline (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j),
			          float (*appdatafunc)(int i, int j),
				  float (*appdata2func)(int i, int j),
				  RMvisMap *vmap,
				  int axis_offset_enum,
				  int iusize,
				  int ivsize,
				  RMenum linewidth,
				  RMenum linestyle,
				  float zerocrossing,
				  RMnode *n)
 RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j) - a handle to a
    caller-supplied function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z)
    corresponding to the grid point (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i, j) (input).

 RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input).
 int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the glyph.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET, or
    RMV_ZAXIS_OFFSET (input).
 int iusize, ivsize - int specifying the dimensions of the 2D grid of
     data (input).
 RMenum linewidth_enum - an RMenum specifying the line width.  Must be
    RM_LINEWIDTH_HEAVY, or RM_LINEWIDTH_[1..8] (input).

 RMenum linestyle_enum - an RMenum specifying the lline style.  Must
 float zerocrossing - a float specifying the zero value within the
    data range.  The "area fill" will be computed relative to this
    zero value (input).
 RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
 Creates a series of 3D horizon outline plots from the data.  A
 horizon outline plot is similar to an "area fill", such as those
 created by rmv2DAreaFill().  Geometry representing a 2D area fill for
 each V-row of input data is created.  The horizon outline plot is a
 single color, the default color of the RMnode at render time.  The
 horizon outline plot can also be colored via the secondary data
 function and the RMvismap.
 Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the U-mesh horizon outline
 primitives are added to the RMnode.  Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmvJ3MeshVOutline"> 
 RMenum rmvJ3MeshVOutline (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j),
		           float (*appdatafunc)(int i, int j),
			   float (*appdata2func)(int i, int j),
			   RMvisMap *vmap,
			   int axis_offset_enum,
			   int iusize,
			   int ivsize,
			   int linewidth,
			   int linestyle,
			   RMnode *n)
 RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j) - a handle to a
    caller-supplied function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z)
    corresponding to the grid point (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i, j) (input).

 RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input).
 int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the glyph.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET, or
    RMV_ZAXIS_OFFSET (input).
 int iusize, ivsize - int specifying the dimensions of the 2D grid of
    data (input).
 RMenum linewidth_enum - an RMenum specifying the line width.  Must be
    RM_LINEWIDTH_HEAVY, or RM_LINEWIDTH_[1..8] (input).

 RMenum linestyle_enum - an RMenum specifying the lline style.  Must
 RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
 Creates a wireframe representation of a mesh, generating one polyline
 for each row of constant U of the underlying 2D grid.  The wireframe
 is a single color, the default color of the RMnode at render time.
 The wireframe can also be colored via the secondary data function and
 the RMvismap.
 Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the V-mesh outline primitives
 are added to the RMnode.  Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned.
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmvJ3MeshVHorizon"> 
 RMenum rmvJ3MeshVHorizon (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j),
		           float (*appdatafunc)(int i, int j),
			   float (*appdata2func)(int i, int j),
			   RMvisMap *vmap,
			   int axis_offset_enum,
			   int iusize,
			   int ivsize,
			   float zerocrossing,
			   RMnode *n)
 RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j) - a handle to a
    caller-supplied function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z)
    corresponding to the grid point (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i, j) (input).

 RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input).
 int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the glyph.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET, or
    RMV_ZAXIS_OFFSET (input).
 int iusize, ivsize - int specifying the dimensions of the 2D grid of
    data (input).
 float zerocrossing - a float specifying the zero value within the
    data range.  The "area fill" will be computed relative to this
    zero value (input).
 RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
 Creates a series of 3D horizon plots from the data.  A horizon plot
 is similar to an "area fill", such as those created by
 rmv2DAreaFill().  Geometry representing a 2D area fill for each U-row
 of input data is created.  The horizon plot is a single color, the
 default color of the RMnode at render time.  The horizon plot can
 also be colored via the secondary data function and the RMvismap.
 Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the V-mesh horizon primitives
 are added to the RMnode.  Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned.
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmvJ3MeshVHorizonOutline"> 
 RMenum rmvJ3MeshVHorizonOutline (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j),
			          float (*appdatafunc)(int i, int j),
				  float (*appdata2func)(int i, int j),
				  RMvisMap *vmap,
				  int axis_offset_enum,
				  int iusize,
				  int ivsize,
				  RMenum linewidth,
				  RMenum linestyle,
				  float zerocrossing,
				  RMnode *n)
 RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j) - a handle to a
    caller-supplied function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z)
    corresponding to the grid point (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i, j) (input).

 RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input).
 int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the glyph.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET, or
    RMV_ZAXIS_OFFSET (input).
 int iusize, ivsize - int specifying the dimensions of the 2D grid of
    data (input).
 RMenum linewidth_enum - an RMenum specifying the line width.  Must be
    RM_LINEWIDTH_HEAVY, or RM_LINEWIDTH_[1..8] (input).

 RMenum linestyle_enum - an RMenum specifying the lline style.  Must
 float zerocrossing - a float specifying the zero value within the
    data range.  The "area fill" will be computed relative to this
    zero value (input).
 RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
 Creates a series of 3D horizon outline plots from the data.  A
 horizon outline plot is similar to an "area fill", such as those
 created by rmv2DAreaFill().  Geometry representing a 2D area fill for
 each U-row of input data is created.  The horizon outline plot is a
 single color, the default color of the RMnode at render time.  The
 horizon outline plot can also be colored via the secondary data
 function and the RMvismap.
 Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the V-mesh horizon outline
 primitives are added to the RMnode.  Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmvJ3MeshOutline"> 
 RMenum rmvJ3MeshOutline (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j),
		          float (*appdatafunc)(int i, int j),
			  float (*appdata2func)(int i, int j),
			  RMvisMap *vmap,
			  int axis_axis_offset_enum,
			  int iusize,
			  int ivsize,
			  int linewidth,
			  int linestyle,
			  RMnode *n)
 RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j) - a handle to a
    caller-supplied function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z)
    corresponding to the grid point (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i, j) (input).

 RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input).
 int axis_axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to
    offset the glyph.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET,
 int iusize, ivsize - integer specifying the dimensions of the 2D grid
    of data (input).
 RMenum linewidth_enum - an RMenum specifying the line width.  Must be
    RM_LINEWIDTH_HEAVY, or RM_LINEWIDTH_[1..8] (input).

 RMenum linestyle_enum - an RMenum specifying the lline style.  Must
 RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
 This is just a convenience routine, combining rmvJ3MeshUOutline and
 rmvJ3MeshVOutline in one operation, creating a ruled, wireframe
 representation of a surface from data.  The wireframe is a single
 color, the default color of the RMnode at render time.  The wireframe
 can also be colored via the secondary data function and the RMvismap.
 See rmvJ3MeshVOutlin() and rmvJ3MeshUOutline().
 Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the V-mesh horizon primitives
 are added to the RMnode.  Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned.
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmvJ3MeshSurface"> 
 RMenum rmvJ3MeshSurface (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j),
		          float (*appdatafunc)(int i, int j),
			  float (*appdata2func)(int i, int j),
			  RMvisMap *vmap,
			  int axis_offset_enum,
			  int iusize,
			  int ivsize,
			  RMenum flipNormalsBool,
			  RMnode *n)
 RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j) - a handle to a
    caller-supplied function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z)
    corresponding to the grid point (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i, j) (input).

 RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input).
 int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to
    offset the glyph.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET,
 int iusize, ivsize - int specifying the dimensions of the 2D grid of
    data (input).

 RMenum flipNormalsBool - use RM_TRUE to "flip the normals" computed by
    this routine, or use RM_FALSE to use the normals computed by this routine
    without modification (see rmvJ3ComputeMeshNormals).
 RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
 Creates a surface representing the combination of the data and the
 underlying grid function.  The surface is a single color, the RMnode
 default color at render time.  The surface can also be colored via
 the secondary data function and the RMvismap.  The surface vertices
 are a combination of the grid point, the primary data function, and
 the axis offset chosen.
 Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the surface primitives are
 added to the RMnode.  Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is returned.
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmvJ3ScatterPoint"> 
 RMenum rmvJ3ScatterPoint (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i, int j),
		           float (*appdatafunc)(int i, int j),
			   float (*appdata2func)(int i, int j),
			   RMvisMap *vmap,
			   int axis_offset_enum,
			   int iusize,
			   int ivsize,
			   RMenum compute_normals_enum,
			   RMenum flipNormalsBool,
			   RMnode *n)
 RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i,int j) - a handle to a
    caller-supplied function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z)
    corresponding to the grid point (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i, j) (input).

 RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input).
 int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the glyph.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET, or
    RMV_ZAXIS_OFFSET (input).
 int iusize, ivsize - int specifying the dimensions of the 2D grid of
    data (input).
 RMenum compute_normals_enum - an RMenum specifying whether or not to
    compute normals.  Must be one of RM_TRUE or RM_FALSE (input).
 RMenum flipNormalsBool - use RM_TRUE to "flip the normals" computed by
    this routine, or use RM_FALSE to use the normals computed by this routine
    without modification (see rmvJ3ComputeMeshNormals).
 RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
 Creates a 3D scatterplot from data, with each position represented by
 a point.  The scatterplot is a single color, the RMnode default color
 at render time.  The points can also be colored via the secondary
 data function and the RMvismap.  The size of the point primitives
 used in the scatterplot can be set with rmNodeSetPointSize().
 Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the scatterplot point
 primitives are added to the RMnode.  Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmvI3ScatterCube"> 
 RMenum rmvI3ScatterCube (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i),
		          float (*appdatafunc)(int i),
			  float (*appdata2func)(int i),
			  RMvisMap *vmap,
			  int axis_offset_enum,
			  int npts,
			  float scale,
			  RMnode *n)
 RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
    function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z) corresponding to the
    grid point (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i) (input).
 float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i) (input).

 RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input).
 int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the cube.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET, or
    RMV_ZAXIS_OFFSET (input).
 int npts - an integer specifying number of data points (input).
 float scale - float specifying the size of the cubes, measured in
    world coordinates (input).
 RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
 Creates a 3D scatterplot from data, with each position represented by
 a solid cube.  The scatterplot is a single color, the RMnode default
 color at render time.  The solid cubes can also be colored via the
 secondary data function and the RMvismap.
 Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the scatterplot solid cube
 primitives are added to the RMnode.  Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmvI3ScatterWireCube"> 
 RMenum rmvI3ScatterWireCube (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i),
		              float (*appdatafunc)(int i),
			      float (*appdata2func)(int i),
			      RMvisMap *vmap,
			      int axis_offset_enum,
			      int npts,
			      float scale,
			      RMenum linewidth,
			      RMenum linestyle,
			      RMnode *n)
 RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
    function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z) corresponding to the
    grid point (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i) (input).
 float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i) (input).

 RMvisMap *map - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input).
 int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the wireframe cube.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET,
 int npts - an integer specifying number of data points (input).
 float scale - float specifying the size of the wireframe cubes,
    measured in world coordinates (input).
 RMenum linewidth_enum - an RMenum specifying the line width.  Must be
    RM_LINEWIDTH_HEAVY, or RM_LINEWIDTH_[1..8] (input).

 RMenum linestyle_enum - an RMenum specifying the lline style.  Must
 RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
 Creates a 3D scatterplot from data, with each position represented by
 a wireframe cube.  The scatterplot is a single color, the RMnode
 default color at render time.  The wireframe cubes can also be
 colored via the secondary data function and the RMvismap.
 Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the scatterplot wireframe cube
 primitives are added to the RMnode.  Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmvI3ScatterSphere"> 
 RMenum rmvI3ScatterSphere (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i),
		            float (*appdatafunc)(int i),
			    float (*appdata2func)(int i),
			    RMvisMap *vmap,
			    int axis_offset_enum,
			    int npts,
			    float scale,
			    RMnode *n)
 RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
    function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z) corresponding to the
    grid point (i, j) (input).
 float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i) (input).
 float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a secondary
    caller-supplied function that returns a float which is the scalar
    value at the grid point (i) (input).

 RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input).
 int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to offset
    the sphere.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET, RMV_YAXIS_OFFSET, or
    RMV_ZAXIS_OFFSET (input).

 int npts - int specifying number of data points (input).
 float scale - float specifying the size of the spheres, measured in
    world coordinates (input).
 RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
 Creates a 3D scatterplot from data, with each position represented by
 a sphere.  The scatterplot is a single color, the RMnode default color
 at render time.  The spheres can also be colored via the secondary
 data function and the RMvismap. 
 Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the scatterplot sphere
 primitives are added to the RMnode.  Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmvI3ScatterGlyph"> 
 RMenum rmvI3ScatterGlyph (RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i),
		           float (*appdatafunc)(int i),
			   float (*appdata2func)(int i),
			   RMvisMap *vmap,
			   int axis_offset_enum,
			   int npts,
			   RMenum size_enum,
			   RMenum marker_enum,
			   RMnode *n)
 RMvertex3D (*appgridfunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied
    function that returns an RMvertex3D (x, y, z) corresponding to the
    grid point (i) (input).
 float (*appdatafunc)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i) (input).
 float (*appdata2func)(int i) - a handle to a caller-supplied function
    that returns a float which is the scalar value at the grid point
    (i).  This value is used in conjunction with the RMvismap to
    compute vertex color (input).
 RMvisMap *vmap - a handle to an RMvisMap object (input).
 int axis_offset_enum - an integer specifying in which axis to
    offset the glyph.  Must be one of RMV_XAXIS_OFFSET,
 int npts - int specifying number of glyph points (input).
 RMenum size_enum - an RMenum specifying the size of the markers
    (input).  Must be one of RM_FONT_XXS, RM_FONT_XS, RM_FONT_S,
 RMenum marker_enum - an Rmenum specifying the marker type (input).
 RMnode *n - a handle to an RMnode (modified).
 Creates a 3D scatterplot from data, with each position represented
 with a glyph from the Zapf-Dingbats font.  Note that the precise size
 of the markers onscreen is implementation dependent.  The scatterplot
 is a single color, the RMnode default color at render time.  The
 glyph markers can also be colored via the secondary data function and
 the RMvismap.
 Upon success, RM_CHILL is returned and the scatterplot glyph
 primitives are added to the RMnode.  Otherwise, RM_WHACKED is
<i>librmv library source file: rmvmesh.c </i><hr width="75%">