

distrib > Mandriva > 2007.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > d035bc5e285ecfdf60a53bb62062bb41 > files > 79


<script type="text/javascript">
 This code was taken from the "Cacti" project by Henrik Storner, and
 modified slightly for use with the "Hobbit" monitor project

 The original copyright notice follows.

+ Bonsai: A more user friendly zoom function for Cacti                        +
+ Copyright (C) 2004  Eric Steffen                                            +
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or               +
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License                 +
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2              +
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                      +
+                                                                             +
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             +
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              +
+ GNU General Public License for more details.                                +
+                                                                             +
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           +
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 +
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. +
+ email :                                                +

 zoom.js version 0.4

// Global constant

var cURLBase = "";

// Global variables

var gZoomGraphName = "zoomGraphImage";
var gZoomGraphObj;
var gMouseObj;
var gUrlObj;
var gBrowserObj;

// Objects declaration

/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  urlObj  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function urlObj(url) {
 var urlBaseAndParameters;

 urlBaseAndParameters = url.split("?");
 this.urlBase = urlBaseAndParameters[0];
 this.urlParameters = urlBaseAndParameters[1].split("&");

 this.getUrlBase = urlObjGetUrlBase;
 this.getUrlParameterValue = urlObjGetUrlParameterValue;

/*++++++++++++++++++++++++  urlObjGetUrlBase  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function urlObjGetUrlBase() {
 return this.urlBase;

/*++++++++++++++++++++  urlObjGetUrlParameterValue  +++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function urlObjGetUrlParameterValue(parameter) {
 var i;
 var fieldAndValue;
 var value;

 i = 0;
 while (this.urlParameters [i] != undefined) {
  fieldAndValue = this.urlParameters[i].split("=");
  if (fieldAndValue[0] == parameter) {
   value = fieldAndValue[1];
 return value;

/*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  mouseObj  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function mouseObj() {
 this.startedX = 0;
 this.startedY = 0;

 this.stoppedX = 0;
 this.stoppedY = 0;

 this.currentX = 0;
 this.currentY = 0;

 this.dragging = false;

 this.setEvent = mouseObjSetEvent;
 this.leftButtonPressed = mouseObjLeftButtonPressed;
 this.rightButtonPressed = mouseObjRightButtonPressed;
 this.getCurrentPosition = mouseObjGetCurrentPosition;
 this.saveCurrentToStartPosition = mouseObjSaveCurrentToStartPosition;
 this.saveCurrentToStopPosition = mouseObjSaveCurrentToStopPosition;

/*++++++++++++++++++++++++  mouseObjSetEvent  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function mouseObjSetEvent(theEvent) {
 if (gBrowserObj.browser == "Netscape") {
  this.event = theEvent;
 } else {
  this.event = window.event;

/*++++++++++++++++++++++++  mouseObjLeftMouseButton  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function mouseObjLeftButtonPressed() {
 var LeftButtonPressed = false;
 //alert ("Button Pressed");
 if (gBrowserObj.browser == "Netscape") {
  LeftButtonPressed = (this.event.which == 1);
   	//alert ("Net");
 } else {
  LeftButtonPressed = (this.event.button == 1);
 return LeftButtonPressed;

/*++++++++++++++++++++++++  mouseObjRightMouseButton  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function mouseObjRightButtonPressed() {
 var RightButtonPressed = false;
 //alert ("Button Pressed");
 if (gBrowserObj.browser == "Netscape") {
  RightButtonPressed = (this.event.which == 3);
   	//alert ("Net");
 } else {
  RightButtonPressed = (this.event.button == 2);
 return RightButtonPressed;

/*+++++++++++++++++++  mouseObjGetCurrentPosition  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function mouseObjGetCurrentPosition() {
 this.currentX = this.event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
 this.currentY = this.event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
 // alert (this.currentX + "\n" + this.currentY);

/*+++++++++++++++++  mouseObjSaveCurrentToStartPosition  ++++++++++++++++++++*/

function mouseObjSaveCurrentToStartPosition() {
 this.startedX = this.currentX;
 this.startedY = this.currentY;

/*++++++++++++++++++  mouseObjSaveCurrentToStopPosition  ++++++++++++++++++++*/

function mouseObjSaveCurrentToStopPosition() {
 this.stoppedX = this.currentX;
 this.stoppedY = this.currentY;

/*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  zoomGraphObj  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function zoomGraphObj(zoomGraphName) {

// We use 3 zones. The first (zoomGraph) represent the entire graph image.
// The second (zoomBox) represent the graph itself.
// The last zone (zoomSensitiveZone) represent the area where the user can
// launch the zoom function

 this.zoomGraphName = zoomGraphName;
 this.imgObject = document.getElementById(this.zoomGraphName);
 gUrlObj = new urlObj(this.imgObject.src);

 this.zoomGraphLeft = 0;
 this.zoomGraphTop = 0;
 this.zoomGraphRight = 0;
 this.zoomGraphBottom = 0;
 this.zoomGraphWidth = 0;
 this.zoomGraphHeight = 0;

 this.zoomBoxLeft = 0;
 this.zoomBoxTop = 0;
 this.zoomBoxRight = 0;
 this.zoomBoxBottom = 0;
 this.zoomBoxWidth = 0;
 this.zoomBoxHeight = 0;

 this.zoomSensitiveZoneLeft = 0;
 this.zoomSensitiveZoneTop = 0;
 this.zoomSensitiveZoneRight = 0;
 this.zoomSensitiveZoneBottom = 0;
 this.zoomSensitiveZoneWith = 0;
 this.zoomSensitiveZoneHeight = 0;

 this.refresh = zoomGraphObjRefresh;
 this.drawSelection = zoomGraphObjDrawSelection;



/*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++  zoomGraphObjRefresh  +++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function zoomGraphObjRefresh() {
//  Constants
 var cZoomBoxName = "zoomBox";

 // Distance from top edge of image to top of graph
 var cZoomBoxTopOffsetWOText = 17 - 1;		// With no text (was: 15)
 var cZoomBoxTopOffsetWText = 34 - 1;		// With text (was: 17)

 // Distance from right edge of image to right edge of graph
 var cZoomBoxRightOffset = -16;

 var cZoomSensitiveZoneName = "zoomSensitiveZone";
 var cZoomSensitiveZoneOffset = 12;

// Variables
 var imgObject;
// var imgSource;
 var imgAlt;

 var divObject;

 var left;
 var top;
 var width;
 var height;

 var zoomBoxWidth;
 var zoomBoxHeight;

 imgObject = this.imgObject;
 //imgSource = imgObject.src;
 imgAlt = imgObject.alt;

 width = imgObject.width;
 height = imgObject.height;

 zoomBoxWidth = parseInt(gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("graph_width")) + 1;
 zoomBoxHeight = parseInt(gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("graph_height")) + 1;

 // Get absolute graph position
 // start with the image's coordinates and walk through it's
 // ancestory of elements (tables, div's, spans, etc...) until
 // we're at the top.  Along the way we add in each element's
 // coordinates to get the final answer

 left = 0;
 top = 0;
  left += imgObject.offsetLeft;
  top += imgObject.offsetTop;
  imgObject  = imgObject.offsetParent;

 this.zoomGraphLeft = left;
 this.zoomGraphTop = top;
 this.zoomGraphRight = left + width;
 this.zoomGraphBottom = top + height;
 this.zoomGraphWidth = width;
 this.zoomGraphHeight = height;

this.zoomBoxRight = this.zoomGraphRight + cZoomBoxRightOffset;
if(imgAlt == "") {
 this.zoomBoxTop = this.zoomGraphTop + cZoomBoxTopOffsetWOText;
else {
 this.zoomBoxTop = this.zoomGraphTop + cZoomBoxTopOffsetWText;
 this.zoomBoxLeft = this.zoomBoxRight - zoomBoxWidth;
 this.zoomBoxBottom = this.zoomBoxTop + zoomBoxHeight;

 this.zoomBoxWidth = zoomBoxWidth;
 this.zoomBoxHeight = zoomBoxHeight;

// this.drawSelection(this.zoomBoxLeft, this.zoomBoxTop, this.zoomBoxRight, this.zoomBoxBottom);
 this.drawSelection(0, 0, 0, 0); // reset selection

 divObject = document.getElementById(cZoomBoxName); = this.zoomBoxLeft; = this.zoomBoxTop; = this.zoomBoxWidth; = this.zoomBoxHeight;

 this.zoomSensitiveZoneLeft = this.zoomBoxLeft - cZoomSensitiveZoneOffset;
 this.zoomSensitiveZoneTop = this.zoomBoxTop - cZoomSensitiveZoneOffset;
 this.zoomSensitiveZoneRight = this.zoomBoxRight + cZoomSensitiveZoneOffset;
 this.zoomSensitiveZoneBottom = this.zoomBoxBottom + cZoomSensitiveZoneOffset;
 this.zoomSensitiveZoneWidth = this.zoomSensitiveZoneRight - this.zoomSensitiveZoneLeft;
 this.zoomSensitiveZoneHeight = this.zoomSensitiveZoneBottom - this.zoomSensitiveZoneTop;

 divObject = document.getElementById(cZoomSensitiveZoneName); = this.zoomSensitiveZoneLeft; = this.zoomSensitiveZoneTop; = this.zoomSensitiveZoneWidth; = this.zoomSensitiveZoneHeight;

/*++++++++++++++++++++++  zoomGraphObjDrawSelection  ++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function zoomGraphObjDrawSelection (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
 var cZoomBoxName = "zoomBox";
 var divObject;

// Calculate relative to zoomBox

 x1 = x1 - this.zoomBoxLeft;
 x2 = x2 - this.zoomBoxLeft;
 y1 = y1 - this.zoomBoxTop;
 y2 = y2 - this.zoomBoxTop;

 var minX = Math.min(x1, x2);
 var maxX = Math.max(x1, x2) + 1;
 var minY = Math.min(y1, y2);
 var maxY = Math.max(y1, y2) + 1;

 divObject = document.getElementById(cZoomBoxName); ="rect(" + minY + "px " + maxX + "px " + maxY + "px " + minX + "px)";

/*++++++++++++++++++++  standard functions definition  ++++++++++++++++++++++*/

Parses User-Agent string into useful info.

Source: Webmonkey Code Library

Author: Richard Blaylock
Author Email:

Usage: var bd = new BrowserDetector(navigator.userAgent);

// Utility function to trim spaces from both ends of a string
function Trim(inString) {
  var retVal = "";
  var start = 0;
  while ((start < inString.length) && (inString.charAt(start) == ' ')) {
  var end = inString.length;
  while ((end > 0) && (inString.charAt(end - 1) == ' ')) {
  retVal = inString.substring(start, end);
  return retVal;

function BrowserDetector(ua) {

// Defaults
  this.browser = "Unknown";
  this.platform = "Unknown";
  this.version = "";
  this.majorver = "";
  this.minorver = "";

  uaLen = ua.length;

// ##### Split into stuff before parens and stuff in parens
  var preparens = "";
  var parenthesized = "";

  i = ua.indexOf("(");
  if (i >= 0) {
    preparens = Trim(ua.substring(0,i));
        parenthesized = ua.substring(i+1, uaLen);
        j = parenthesized.indexOf(")");
        if (j >= 0) {
          parenthesized = parenthesized.substring(0, j);
  else {
    preparens = ua;

// ##### First assume browser and version are in preparens
// ##### override later if we find them in the parenthesized stuff
  var browVer = preparens;

  var tokens = parenthesized.split(";");
  var token = "";
// # Now go through parenthesized tokens
  for (var i=0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
    token = Trim(tokens[i]);
        //## compatible - might want to reset from Netscape
        if (token == "compatible") {
          //## One might want to reset browVer to a null string
          //## here, but instead, we'll assume that if we don't
          //## find out otherwise, then it really is Mozilla
          //## (or whatever showed up before the parens).
        //## browser - try for Opera or IE
        else if (token.indexOf("MSIE") >= 0) {
      browVer = token;
    else if (token.indexOf("Opera") >= 0) {
      browVer = token;
        //'## platform - try for X11, SunOS, Win, Mac, PPC
    else if ((token.indexOf("X11") >= 0) || (token.indexOf("SunOS") >= 0) ||
(token.indexOf("Linux") >= 0)) {
      this.platform = "Unix";
    else if (token.indexOf("Win") >= 0) {
      this.platform = token;
    else if ((token.indexOf("Mac") >= 0) || (token.indexOf("PPC") >= 0)) {
      this.platform = token;

  var msieIndex = browVer.indexOf("MSIE");
  if (msieIndex >= 0) {
    browVer = browVer.substring(msieIndex, browVer.length);

  var leftover = "";
  if (browVer.substring(0, "Mozilla".length) == "Mozilla") {
    this.browser = "Netscape";
        leftover = browVer.substring("Mozilla".length+1, browVer.length);
  else if (browVer.substring(0, "Lynx".length) == "Lynx") {
    this.browser = "Lynx";
        leftover = browVer.substring("Lynx".length+1, browVer.length);
  else if (browVer.substring(0, "MSIE".length) == "MSIE") {
    this.browser = "IE";
    leftover = browVer.substring("MSIE".length+1, browVer.length);
  else if (browVer.substring(0, "Microsoft Internet Explorer".length) ==
"Microsoft Internet Explorer") {
    this.browser = "IE"
        leftover = browVer.substring("Microsoft Internet Explorer".length+1,
  else if (browVer.substring(0, "Opera".length) == "Opera") {
    this.browser = "Opera"
    leftover = browVer.substring("Opera".length+1, browVer.length);

  leftover = Trim(leftover);

  // # Try to get version info out of leftover stuff
  i = leftover.indexOf(" ");
  if (i >= 0) {
    this.version = leftover.substring(0, i);
    this.version = leftover;
  j = this.version.indexOf(".");
  if (j >= 0) {
    this.majorver = this.version.substring(0,j);
    this.minorver = this.version.substring(j+1, this.version.length);
  else {
    this.majorver = this.version;

} // function BrowserCap

/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++  initBonsai  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function initBonsai() {
 gBrowserObj = new BrowserDetector(navigator.userAgent);
 //alert("Browser: " + gBrowserObj.browser + "\nPlatform: " + gBrowserObj.platform + "\nVersion: " + gBrowserObj.version + "\nMajorVer: " + gBrowserObj.majorver + "\nMinorVer: " + gBrowserObj.minorver);
/* gUrlObj = new urlObj(document.URL);*/
 gZoomGraphObj = new zoomGraphObj(gZoomGraphName);
 gMouseObj = new mouseObj();

/*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++  insideZoomBox  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function insideZoomBox() {
 var szLeft = gZoomGraphObj.zoomSensitiveZoneLeft;
 var szTop = gZoomGraphObj.zoomSensitiveZoneTop;
 var szRight = gZoomGraphObj.zoomSensitiveZoneRight;
 var szBottom = gZoomGraphObj.zoomSensitiveZoneBottom;

 var mpX = gMouseObj.currentX;
 var mpY = gMouseObj.currentY;
 return ((mpX >= szLeft) && (mpX <= szRight) && (mpY >= szTop) && (mpY <= szBottom));

/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  initEvents  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function initEvents() {
 document.onmousemove = onMouseMouveEvent;
 document.onmousedown = onMouseDownEvent;
 document.onmouseup = onMouseUpEvent;
 window.onresize = windowOnResizeEvent;

 if (gBrowserObj.browser == "Netscape") {

/*+++++++++++++++++++++  events functions definition  +++++++++++++++++++++++*/

/*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++  onMouseDownEvent  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function onMouseDownEvent(e) {

 if (insideZoomBox()) {
  if ((gMouseObj.leftButtonPressed()) && (!gMouseObj.dragging)) {
   gMouseObj.dragging = true;
   gZoomGraphObj.drawSelection(gMouseObj.currentX, gMouseObj.currentY, gMouseObj.currentX, gMouseObj.currentY);
  } else if (gMouseObj.rightButtonPressed()) {
   var test = true;

/*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++  onMouseMouveEvent  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function onMouseMouveEvent(e) {
 if (gMouseObj.dragging) {
  gZoomGraphObj.drawSelection(gMouseObj.startedX, gMouseObj.startedY, gMouseObj.currentX, gMouseObj.currentY);

/*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  onMouseUpEvent  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function onMouseUpEvent(e) {
 var graphStart;
 var graphEnd;

 var newGraphStart;
 var newGraphEnd;

 var idxStr;
 var countStr;


 graphStart = parseInt(gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("graph_start"));
 graphEnd = parseInt(gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("graph_end"));

 idxStr = "";
 countStr = "";

 if ((gMouseObj.rightButtonPressed()) && (insideZoomBox())) {
  var Timespan = graphEnd - graphStart;

  gMouseObj.dragging = false;
  newGraphEnd = graphEnd + Timespan * 2;
  newGraphStart = graphStart - Timespan * 2;

  var urlBase = cURLBase;
  var host = gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("host");
  var service = gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("service");
  var dispName = gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("disp");
  var firstIdx = gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("first");
  var idxCount =  gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("count");
  var graphWidth = gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("graph_width");
  var graphHeight = gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("graph_height");

  if (firstIdx != "") {
     idxStr = "&first=" + firstIdx;
  if (idxCount != "") {
     countStr = "&count=" + idxCount; 

  open(urlBase + "&host=" + host + "&service=" + service + "&disp=" + dispName + idxStr + countStr + "&graph_start=" + newGraphStart + "&graph_end=" + newGraphEnd + "&graph_height=" + graphHeight + "&graph_width=" + graphWidth, "_self");

 if ((gMouseObj.leftButtonPressed()) && (gMouseObj.dragging)) {
  gMouseObj.dragging = false;

  var x1 = gMouseObj.startedX - gZoomGraphObj.zoomBoxLeft;
  var x2 = gMouseObj.stoppedX - gZoomGraphObj.zoomBoxLeft;

  var y1 = gMouseObj.startedY - gZoomGraphObj.zoomBoxTop;
  var y2 = gMouseObj.stoppedY - gZoomGraphObj.zoomBoxTop;

  var minX = Math.min(x1, x2);
  var maxX = Math.max(x1, x2);
  var minY = Math.min(y1, y2);
  var maxY = Math.max(y1, y2);

  if (minX < 0) {
   minX = 0;
  if (maxX > gZoomGraphObj.zoomBoxWidth) {
   maxX = gZoomGraphObj.zoomBoxWidth;
  if (minY < 0) {
   minY = 0;
  if (maxY > gZoomGraphObj.zoomBoxHeight) {
   maxY = gZoomGraphObj.zoomBoxHeight;

  if ((minX != maxX) || (minY != maxY)) {
   var OnePixel = (graphEnd - graphStart) / gZoomGraphObj.zoomBoxWidth;  // Represent # of seconds for 1 pixel on the graph

   newGraphEnd = Math.round(graphEnd - (gZoomGraphObj.zoomBoxWidth - maxX) * OnePixel);
   newGraphStart = Math.round(graphStart + minX * OnePixel);

   var urlBase = cURLBase;
   var host = gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("host");
   var service = gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("service");
   var dispName = gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("disp");
   var firstIdx = gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("first");
   var idxCount =  gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("count");
   var graphWidth = gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("graph_width");
   var graphHeight = gUrlObj.getUrlParameterValue("graph_height");

   if (firstIdx != "") {
      idxStr = "&first=" + firstIdx;
   if (idxCount != "") {
      countStr = "&count=" + idxCount; 

   open(urlBase + "&host=" + host + "&service=" + service + "&disp=" + dispName + idxStr + countStr + "&graph_start=" + newGraphStart + "&graph_end=" + newGraphEnd + "&graph_height=" + graphHeight + "&graph_width=" + graphWidth, "_self");

/*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++  windowOnResizeEvent  +++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

function windowOnResizeEvent() {

/*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  main script  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

window.onload = initBonsai;

// end of script