

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 8079d983ecf371717db799dd75bd56c2 > files > 32


<html><head><title>OpenRM - RM Library (rmpick.c)</title></head>
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<h2>Index of OpenRM - RM Library</h2>
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<a name="rmFramePick"> 
 RMpick * rmFramePick (RMpipe *renderPipe,
                       RMnode *subTree,
                       int xpick,
	               int ypick)

 RMpipe *renderPipe - the pipe upon which rendering and picking will occur.

 RMnode *subTree- the subtree to be drawn, and picked.
 int xpick, ypick - integer values indicating an (x,y) window
 rmFramePick() performs object picking. A single RMpick object is
 returned representing the object closest to the viewer at the pixel
 location (xpick, ypick) in the display window. To obtain a list of
 all objects that appear at (xpick, ypick), not just the frontmost,
 use rmFramePickList().
 If no objects were picked, NULL is returned.
 Some scene parameters will generate pick hits. These include 2D and
 3D cameras. When the pick occurs at some (x,y) location that is not
 covered by any objects, a pick hit will be returned. In that case,
 the returned RMpick object's RMnode attribute will point to the
 RMnode that has a camera that generated the pick hit.
 With the RMpick object returned by rmPickFrame or rmPickFrameList,
 use the routine rmPickedNode to obtain a handle to the RMnode that
 was picked; rmPickedPrimitive to obtain a handle to the RMprimitive
 that was picked; rmPickedNodeName() to obtain the (character string)
 name of the node that was picked; and rmPickedPrimitiveZval to obtain
 the NDC z-coordinate of the primitive that was picked.
 June 2002: the RMpick object returned by rmFramePick should be deleted
 with rmPickDelete when it is no longer needed. (In versions of RM earlier
 than 1.4.2, a pointer to static memory was returned, and apps were 
 prohibited from free'ing that memory. This has changed as of v1.4.2).
 See the RM demo programs for example usage, particularly "trans2d.c", 
 which performs picking in 2D, and "pickTest.c", which performs 
 picking in 3D. The RM demo program "pickListTest.c" exercises
 rmFramePickList() in 3D.
<i>librm library source file: rmpick.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmFramePickList"> 
 int rmFramePickList (RMpipe *renderPipe,
                      RMnode *subTree,
                      int xpick,
		      int ypick,
		      RMpick **listReturn)

 RMpipe *renderPipe - the pipe upon which rendering and picking will occur.

 RMnode *subTree- the subtree to be drawn, and picked.
 int xpick, ypick - integer values indicating an (x,y) pixel
    coordinate within a window (input).

 RMpick **listReturn - a handle to an RMpick pointer (modified,
 Performs a pick operation, returning a list of all objects
 encountered at the (x,y) pixel location in the render window through
 the parameter listReturn. The number of objects in that list is
 returned on the stack, or zero is returned if there were no objects
 The list of objects that is returned to the caller is sorted in
 ascending order of the z-coordinate of the picked object. Therefore,
 listReturn[0] contains information about the object closest to the
 viewer, and listReturn[nhits-1] contains info about the object
 farthest from the viewer.
 The RMpick objects returned through listReturn should be freed when
 no longer needed by using rmPickListDelete().
<i>librm library source file: rmpick.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmPickDelete"> 
 RMenum rmPickDelete (RMpick *toDelete)
 RMpick *toDelete - a handle to a single or flat array of RMpick
 Use this routine to free resources associated with an RMpick object
 or flat array of RMpick objects.
 When rmFramePick() and rmFramePickList() finish, each returns an RMpick *
 object (rmFramePick) or flat array of RMpick objects (rmFramePickList).  
 When applications are finished with these RMpick objects, they should be 
 deleted using rmPickDelete().
<i>librm library source file: rmpick.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmPickedNode"> 
 RMnode * rmPickedNode (const RMpick *toQuery)
 const RMpick *toQuery - a handle to an RMpick object (input).
 Returns to the caller the RMnode handle contained within an RMpick
 object, or NULL upon failure.
 The RMpick object returned from rmFramePick (or objects returned from
 rmFramePickList) can be queried to determine the node, primitive,
 node name or z-coordinate of the picked object.
<i>librm library source file: rmpick.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmPickedPrimitive"> 
 int rmPickedPrimitive (const RMpick *toQuery)
 const RMpick *toQuery - a handle to an RMpick object (input).
 The RMpick object returned from rmFramePick (or objects returned from
 rmFramePickList) can be queried to determine the node, primitive,
 node name or z-coordinate of the picked object.
 This routine returns the index of the primitive that was
 picked. Combining the primitive index with the RMnode handle of the
 picked object allows applications to determine which primitive was
 Returns a non-negative integer upon success, or -1 upon failure.
<i>librm library source file: rmpick.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmPickedNodeName"> 
 char * rmPickedNodeName (const RMpick *toQuery)
 const RMpick *toQuery - a handle to an RMpick object (input).
 Returns to the caller the node name of the RMnode handle contained
 within an RMpick object, or NULL upon failure.
 The RMpick object returned from rmFramePick (or objects returned from
 rmFramePickList) can be queried to determine the node, primitive,
 node name or z-coordinate of the picked object.
 This routine is functionally equivalent to first obtaining the RMnode
 handle using rmPickedNode() followed by rmNodeGetName().
<i>librm library source file: rmpick.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmPickedPrimitiveZval"> 
 float rmPickedPrimitiveZval (const RMpick *toQuery)
 const RMpick *toQuery - a handle to an RMpick object (input).
 Returns to the caller the NDC z-coordinate of the RMprimitive at the
 (x,y) screen location where picking occured. A value of zero is
 returned upon error, when no picking occurred (RMpick NULL).
 The RMpick object returned from rmFramePick (or objects returned from
 rmFramePickList) can be queried to determine the node, primitive,
 node name or z-coordinate of the picked object.
<i>librm library source file: rmpick.c </i><hr width="75%">