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<html><head><title>OpenRM - RM Library (rmx.c)</title></head>
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<h2>Index of OpenRM - RM Library</h2>
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<a name="rmxPipeSetDisplay"> 
 RMenum rmxPipeSetDisplay (RMpipe *toModify,
		           Display *display)
 RMpipe *toModify - a handle to an RMpipe that will be modified by
    this routine (modified).

 Display *display - a handle to an opened X display (input).
 This routine assigns an X display handle to an RMpipe, returning
 RM_CHILL upon success, or RM_WHACKED upon failure.
 Only those applications that want to do their own XOpenDisplay calls
 will make use of this routine.
<i>librm library source file: rmx.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmxPipeGetDisplay"> 
 Display * rmxPipeGetDisplay (const RMpipe *toQuery)
 const RMpipe *toQuery - a handle to an RMpipe object that will be
    queried (input).
 Returns to the caller the X Display handle associated with an RMpipe.
<i>librm library source file: rmx.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmxPipeSetColormap"> 
 RMenum rmxPipeSetColormap (RMpipe *toModify,
		            const Colormap newCmap)
 RMpipe *toModify - a handle to an RMpipe (modified).

 Colormap newCmap - an X colormap handle.
 Directly assigns an X Colormap to an RMpipe object. This routine
 allows applications that require specific and precise control to
 modify the X Colormap within an RMpipe.
 The only time that the X Colormap is ever used inside an RMpipe is
 when rmauxCreateWindow is used to create a new X window.
 Returns RM_CHILL upon success, or RM_WHACKED upon failure.
<i>librm library source file: rmx.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmxPipeGetColormap"> 
 Colormap rmxPipeGetColormap (const RMpipe *toQuery)
 const RMpipe *toQuery - a handle to an RMpipe (input).
 Returns to the caller the X Colormap handle attribute of an RMpipe
 object. If the input RMpipe is NULL, a value of zero is returned.
<i>librm library source file: rmx.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmxGetSharableColormap"> 
 Colormap rmxGetSharableColormap (Display *d,
		                  XVisualInfo *v)
 Display *d - a handle to an opened X Display (input).

 XVisualInfo *v - a handle to a valid XVisualInfo structure (input).
 Obtains a standard, sharable colormap suitable for use by
 XCreateWindow. Returns a handle to a valid X Colormap upon success,
 otherwise zero is returned.
 Only those applications that create their own windows will need to
 use this routine. When using OpenGL, a sharable Colormap that is
 compatible with the OpenGL-compatible XVisual must be specified to
 XCreateWindow, otherwise a BadMatch error will be generated when the
 window is mapped.
<i>librm library source file: rmx.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmxPipeSetVisual"> 
 RMenum rmxPipeSetVisual(RMpipe *toModify,
		         XVisualInfo *visual)
 RMpipe *toModify - a handle to an RMpipe object (modified).

 XVisualInfo *visual - a handle to an XVisualInfo structure (input).
 This routine will assign the specified X Visual to the RMpipe object,
 returning RM_CHILL upon success or RM_WHACKED upon failure.
 Under usual circumstances, the XVisual inside an RMpipe is discovered
 and assigned by RM when rmPipeInit is called. The RM-discovered
 visual will be suitable for OpenGL rendering. This routine may be
 used by applications that wish to discover their own visual and
 assign that to an RMpipe.
 The X visual structure is used at the time that an OpenGL rendering
 context is created. When rmPipeInit is called, an OpenGL rendering
 context is created automatically.
 It will be a rare occurance when an application will call this
 routine.  Usually, applications that create their own X windows will
 use rmxPipeGetVisual to obtain the X Visual that is compatible with
 OpenGL for use in creating an X window.
 This routine may be removed in a future version of RM (January 2000).
<i>librm library source file: rmx.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmxPipeGetVisual"> 
 XVisualInfo * rmxPipeGetVisual (const RMpipe *toQuery)
 const RMpipe *toQuery - a handle to an RMpipe (input). 
 Use this routine to obtain the handle of the XVisualInfo struct
 associated with an RMpipe object. This attribute will be valid only
 after the RMpipe has been initialized with rmPipeInit.
 Upon success, returns the handle to an XVisualInfo structure, or NULL
 upon failure.
 At this time (January 2000), no check is made to determine if the
 XVisualInfo structure inside the RMpipe is valid at the time when
 this routine is called.
<i>librm library source file: rmx.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmPipeSetContext"> 
 RMenum rmPipeSetContext (RMpipe *toModify,
                          GLXContext context)
 RMpipe *toModify - a handle to an RMpipe object (modified).

 GLXContext context - a handle to a valid GLXContext (an OpenGL
    rendering context) (input). 
 Use this routine to assign an X11 OpenGL rendering context to an
 RMpipe. Inside this routine, the input context "theContext" is copied
 into a field internal to the RMpipe object. This routine would be used,
 for example, to obtain an OpenGL context from your application (e.g., some
 FLTK infrastructure) and to tell OpenRM to use it for subsequent rendering.
 Since this routine only makes a copy of the context, you need to "make
 it current" with a call to rmPipeMakeCurrent *after* you call
 This routine will return RM_WHACKED if the input RMpipe is NULL. Otherwise,
 it returns RM_CHILL. No error checking is performed on the input
 X11 OpenGL context.
<i>librm library source file: rmx.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmPipeGetContext"> 
 GLXContext rmPipeGetContext (const RMpipe *toQuery)
 RMpipe *toQuery - a handle to an RMpipe object (input).
 Returns the current GLXContext associated with an RMpipe object upon
 success.  A return value of zero is returned if there is a problem.
 Note that the GLXContext returned by this routine is not necessarily
 "active" unless this call is made after the RMpipe is "made current"
 by using rmPipeMakeCurrent.
<i>librm library source file: rmx.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmPipeSetWindow"> 
 RMenum rmPipeSetWindow (RMpipe *toUse,
	  	         Window theWindow,
			 int windowWidth,
			 int windowHeight)
 RMpipe *toUse - a handle to an RMpipe object (input, but not const).

 Window w - a valid X window handle (input).

 int windowWidth, int windowHeight - integer values specifying the
    pixel width & height of the window "w". 
 Use this routine to "bind" an X11 Window to an RMpipe. When this
 routine is called, the RMpipe's window attribute is set to the value
 specified by theWindow parameter, and the RMpipe's window pixel dimension
 attributes are set. 
 Note that there are no event callbacks associated with the RMpipe: when the
 window geometry changes (size, etc) it is the responsibility of the
 application to inform RM that the window geometry has changed
 (rmPipeSetWindowSize). There are separate versions of this routine
 for Win32 and X.
 To assign an offscreen rendering area to the RMpipe, use the routine
 rmPipeSetOffscreenWindow() rather than rmPipeSetWindow().
<i>librm library source file: rmx.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmPipeSetOffscreenWindow"> 
 int rmPipeSetOffscreenWindow (RMpipe *toUse,
		               GLXPixmap glxp,
		               int windowWidth,
		               int windowHeight)
 RMpipe *toUse - a handle to an RMpipe object (input, but not const).

 GLXPixmap - a valid GLXPixmap handle (input).

 int windowWidth, int windowHeight - integer values specifying the
    pixel width & height of the window "w". 
 Use this routine to "bind" an offscreen X11 rendering area, a
 GLXPixmap, to an RMpipe. When this  routine is called, a number
 of things happen:
 1. The RMpipe's notion of the window size is set
 2. The GLXContext contained within the RMpipe is made current.
 3. Final internal initialization within RM on the RMpipe's GLXContext
 is performed, readying both RM and OpenGL for use.
 After this call succeeds, on X11 systems is is safe to begin making
 raw OpenGL calls. Note that things work a bit differently in Win32.
 See rmauxSetInitFunc().
 Returns RM_CHILL upon success, or RM_WHACKED upon failure.
 This routine should be used by all applications to activate an OpenGL
 context and to bind an offscreen rendering areaw to the RMpipe.
 Note that there are no event callbacks associated with the RMpipe: when the
 window geometry changes (size, etc) it is the responsibility of the
 application to inform RM that the window geometry has changed
 (rmPipeSetWindowSize). There are separate versions of this routine
 for Win32 and X.
 To bind a displayable window to an RMpipe, use rmPipeSetWindow().
<i>librm library source file: rmx.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmPipeGetWindow"> 
 Window rmPipeGetWindow (const RMpipe *toQuery)
 const RMpipe *toQuery - a handle to an RMpipe object (input).
 Returns the window handle associated with an RMpipe object, or zero
 upon failure. Note there are separate versions of this routine for
 Win32 and X11.
<i>librm library source file: rmx.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmPipeSwap1BuffersX11"> 
 RMenum rmPipeSwapBuffersX11 (RMpipe *p)
 RMpipe *p - a handle to an RMpipe (input).
<i>librm library source file: rmx.c </i><hr width="75%">
<a name="rmxPipeCreateContext"> 
 RMenum rmxPipeCreateContext (RMpipe *toModify)
 RMpipe *toModify - a handle to an RMpipe (input).
 This routine will create a GLX OpenGL rendering context that matches
 the channel characteristics set in the RMpipe toModify. If successful,
 this routine returns RM_CHILL, and sets the RMpipe's context variable,
 along with the RMpipe's XVisual structure.
 If unsucessful, RM_WHACKED is returned, and no modifications to the RMpipe
 will occur.
 Failure can occur if (1) there is no GLX extension on the X Server; (2) the
 OpenGL implementation does not support the desired channel characteristics
 (e.g., if RM_MBUF_STEREO_CHANNEL is requested, but there is no stereo
 visual available).
 This routine is invoked only from within rmauxCreateXWindow(). Applications
 that want to create their own windows will need to call this routine
 prior to creating windows in X, and then use rmxPipeGetVisual() to obtain
 the appropriate XVisual structure to use when creating a window.
<i>librm library source file: rmx.c </i><hr width="75%">