

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 8079d983ecf371717db799dd75bd56c2 > files > 65


# $Id: #
# Version: $Name: OpenRM-1-5-2-RC1 $
# $Revision: 1.2 $
# $Log: 2wall.config.2pipes,v $
# Revision 1.2  2000/09/02 21:58:25  wes
# CVS tag updates, doc updates.
# use 2 separate pipes for display

# Specify here which CAVE walls you want to run and in which graphics pipe
#Walls    left right
Walls    screen0 screen1
#Walls    left 

WallDisplay left 0 350x300+0+0
WallDisplay right 0 350x300+400+0

WallDisplay screen0 :0.0 1280x1024+0+0
WallDisplay screen1 :1.0 1280x1024+0+0

ProjectionData screen0 both wall -5 0 -10 -5 10 -10 0 0 -10 feet
ProjectionData screen1 both wall 0 0 -10 0 10 -10 5 0 -10 feet

# Display information for wall types (pipe # & (optional) window geometry)
# Set up all walls to by simulator by default
#WallDisplay simulator 	-1 window
#WallDisplay simulator1 	-1 window
#WallDisplay simulator2 	-1 window

#WallDisplay desk 	-1 window

#WallDisplay front 	-1 window
#WallDisplay left 	-1 window
#WallDisplay floor 	-1 window
#WallDisplay right 	-1 window
#WallDisplay back 	-1 window
#WallDisplay ceiling 	-1 window

#  The following will display all six walls on a single 1024x768 screen
#WallDisplay front 0 256x256+256+256
#WallDisplay left 0 256x256+0+256
#WallDisplay right 0 256x256+512+256
#WallDisplay back 0 256x256+768+256
#WallDisplay floor 0 256x256+256+0
#WallDisplay ceiling 0 256x256+256+512
#Walls front left right back floor ceiling
#DisplayMode mono
#TrackerType simulator

# Display mode - mono or stereo
DisplayMode	mono

# Type of tracking (simulator or daemon)
TrackerType simulator 

# Which type of wand is being used (simulator or daemon)
ControllerType simulator

# Version 2.6 Only
# Serial port(s) for tracking
# TrackerPort /dev/ttyd2

# Version 2.6 Only
# Baud rate for tracker
# TrackerBaud	38400

# Tracker calibration (y or n)
Calibration             n

# Tracker calibration file
CalibrationFile		/usr/local/CAVE/etc/cave.correction.table

# Version 2.7 handles this in the trackd daemon
# Offset from head sensor to point between user's eyes
# HeadSensorOffset   0 0 0 in

# Version 2.7 handles this in the trackd daemon
# Offset from wand sensor to position reported by library
# WandSensorOffset   0 0 0 in

# Interocular distance  (in inches or cm.)
InterocularDistance       2.7500   in

# Origin of coordinates of the CAVE (given in distance to the walls)
#  distance to left wall      distance to floor      distance to front wall
Origin          5.0                 0.0                     5.0  feet
#Origin          5.0                 5.0                     5.0  feet

# Cave width (& depth)
CAVEWidth       10.0    feet

# Cave height
CAVEHeight      10.0  feet

# Cave units for GL coordinates (Meters or feet)
Units   Feet

# Isolate CPUs & lock rendering processes to them
CPULock	n

# Whether to hide the cursor when in the CAVE windows
HideCursor n

# Size of screen & viewing distance - defines simulator viewing frustum
SimulatorView 10 7.5 2 feet

# Set the values of the shared memory keys to read
# the daemon data from
TrackerDaemonKey  4126
ControllerDaemonKey  4127

# Simulator mode
Simulator n
#Simulator y