

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 00bdf001b179ab7cab5a36ebc3f9271b > files > 28


Attribute VB_Name = "mPSAPI"
Option Explicit
Private Const MAX_PATH = 260
Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Const PROCESS_VM_READ = &H10

'typedef struct _MODULEINFO {    LPVOID lpBaseOfDll;    DWORD SizeOfImage;
   lpBaseOfDLL As Long
   SizeOfImage As Long
   EntryPoint As Long
End Type

'typedef struct _PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS {
'    DWORD cb;
'    DWORD PageFaultCount;
'    DWORD PeakWorkingSetSize;
'    DWORD WorkingSetSize;
'    DWORD QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage;
'    DWORD QuotaPagedPoolUsage;
'    DWORD QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage;
'    DWORD QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage;
'    DWORD PagefileUsage;
'    DWORD PeakPagefileUsage;
   cb As Long
   PageFaultCount As Long
   PeakWorkingSetSize As Long
   WorkingSetSize As Long
   QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage As Long
   QuotaPagedPoolUsage As Long
   QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage As Long
   QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage As Long
   PagefileUsage As Long
   PeakPagefileUsage As Long
End Type

'    LPVOID FaultingPc;
'    LPVOID FaultingVa;
   FaultingPc As Long
   FaultingVa As Long
End Type

'BOOL EmptyWorkingSet(  HANDLE hProcess  // identifies the process);
Public Declare Function EmptyWorkingSet Lib "PSAPI.DLL" ( _
   ByVal hProcess As Long _
) As Long

'BOOL EnumDeviceDrivers(
'  LPVOID *lpImageBase,  // array to receive the load addresses
'  DWORD cb,             // size of the array
'  LPDWORD lpcbNeeded    // receives the number of bytes returned);
Public Declare Function EnumDeviceDrivers Lib "PSAPI.DLL" ( _
   lpImageBase() As Long, _
   ByVal cb As Long, _
   lpcbNeeded As Long _
) As Long

'BOOL EnumProcesses(
'  DWORD * lpidProcess,  // array to receive the process identifiers
'  DWORD cb,             // size of the array
'  DWORD * cbNeeded      // receives the number of bytes returned);
Public Declare Function EnumProcesses Lib "PSAPI.DLL" ( _
   lpidProcess As Long, _
   ByVal cb As Long, _
   cbNeeded As Long _
) As Long

'BOOL EnumProcessModules(  HANDLE hProcess,      // handle to the process
'  HMODULE * lphModule,  // array to receive the module handles
'  DWORD cb,             // size of the array
'  LPDWORD lpcbNeeded    // receives the number of bytes returned);
Public Declare Function EnumProcessModules Lib "PSAPI.DLL" _
   (ByVal hProcess As Long, _
   lphModule As Long, _
   ByVal cb As Long, _
   lpcbNeeded As Long _
) As Long

'DWORD GetDeviceDriverBaseName(
'  LPVOID ImageBase,  // the load address of the driver
'  LPTSTR lpBaseName, // receives the base name of the driver
'  DWORD nSize        // size of the buffer);
Public Declare Function GetDeviceDriverBaseName Lib "PSAPI.DLL" Alias "GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA" _
   (ByVal ImageBase As Long, _
   ByVal lpBaseName As String, _
   ByVal nSize As Long _
) As Long

'DWORD GetDeviceDriverFileName(
'  LPVOID ImageBase,  // the load address of the driver
'  LPTSTR lpFilename, // buffer that receives the path
'  DWORD nSize        // size of the buffer);
Public Declare Function GetDeviceDriverFileName Lib "PSAPI.DLL" Alias "GetDeviceDriverFileNameA" _
   (ByVal ImageBase As Long, _
   ByVal lpFileName As String, _
   ByVal nSize As Long _
) As Long

'DWORD GetMappedFileName(  HANDLE hProcess,    // handle to the process
'  LPVOID lpv,         // the address to verify
'  LPTSTR lpFilename,  // buffer that receives the filename
'  DWORD nSize         // size of the buffer);
Public Declare Function GetMappedFileName Lib "PSAPI.DLL" Alias "GetMappedFileNameA" _
   (ByVal hProcess As Long, _
   ByVal lpv As Long, _
   ByVal lpFileName As String, _
   ByVal nSize As Long _
) As Long

'DWORD GetModuleBaseName(  HANDLE hProcess,    // handle to the process
'  HMODULE hModule,    // handle to the module
'  LPTSTR lpBaseName,  // buffer that receives the base name
'  DWORD nSize         // size of the buffer);
Public Declare Function GetModuleBaseName Lib "PSAPI.DLL" Alias "GetModuleBaseNameA" _
   (ByVal hProcess As Long, _
   ByVal hModule As Long, _
   ByVal lpFileName As String, _
   ByVal nSize As Long _
) As Long

'DWORD GetModuleFileNameEx(  HANDLE hProcess,    // handle to the process
'  HMODULE hModule,    // handle to the module
'  LPTSTR lpFilename,  // buffer that receives the path
'  DWORD nSize         // size of the buffer);
Public Declare Function GetModuleFileNameEx Lib "PSAPI.DLL" Alias "GetModuleFileNameExA" _
   (ByVal hProcess As Long, _
   ByVal hModule As Long, _
   ByVal lpFileName As String, _
   ByVal nSize As Long _
) As Long

'BOOL GetModuleInformation(  HANDLE hProcess,         // handle to the process
'  HMODULE hModule,         // handle to the module
'  LPMODULEINFO lpmodinfo,  // structure that receives information
'  DWORD cb                 // size of the structure);
Public Declare Function GetModuleInformation Lib "PSAPI.DLL" _
   (ByVal hProcess As Long, _
   ByVal hModule As Long, _
   lpmodinfo As MODULEINFO, _
   ByVal cb As Long _
) As Long

'BOOL GetProcessMemoryInfo(  HANDLE Process,  // handle to the process
'                   // structure that receives information
'  DWORD cb         // size of the structure);
Public Declare Function GetProcessMemoryInfo Lib "PSAPI.DLL" _
   (ByVal hProcess As Long, _
   ppsmemCounters As PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS, _
   ByVal cb As Long _
) As Long

'BOOL GetWsChanges(  HANDLE hProcess,  // handle to the process
'                    // structure that receives information
'  DWORD cb          // size of the structure);
Public Declare Function GetWsChanges Lib "PSAPI.DLL" _
   (ByVal hProcess As Long, _
   ByVal cb As Long _
) As Long

'BOOL InitializeProcessForWsWatch(  HANDLE hProcess  // handle to the process);
Public Declare Function InitializeProcessForWsWatch Lib "PSAPI.DLL" _
   (ByVal hProcess As Long _
) As Long

'BOOL QueryWorkingSet(  HANDLE hProcess,  // handle to the process
'  PVOID pv,         // buffer that receives the information
'  DWORD cb          // size of the buffer);
Public Declare Function QueryWorkingSet Lib "PSAPI.DLL" _
   (ByVal hProcess As Long, _
   pv As Long, _
   ByVal cb As Long _
) As Long

Public Function IsProcessRunning(strProcessName As String) As Boolean
    '*** Purpose    : Check task list and return True if indicated process
    '                 is included in task list.
    '*** Parameters : strProcessName: Name of exe file to verify.
    '*** Comments   :
    Dim aProcesses() As Long
    Dim cbNeeded As Long, lR As Long
    Dim i As Long, cProcesses As Long
    Dim hProcess As Long
    Dim hMod(0 To 1023) As Long
    Dim lLen As Long, szProcessName As String

    ' // Get the list of process identifiers.
    ReDim aProcesses(0 To 1023) As Long
    IsProcessRunning = False
    If (EnumProcesses(aProcesses(0), 1024 * 4, cbNeeded) <> 0) Then
        cProcesses = cbNeeded / 4

        '// Print the name and process identifier for each process.
        For i = 0 To cProcesses - 1
            hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION Or _
                                   PROCESS_VM_READ, _
                                   0, aProcesses(i))
            lLen = MAX_PATH
            If (hProcess <> 0) Then
                If (EnumProcessModules(hProcess, hMod(0), 1024 * 4, cbNeeded)) Then
                           szProcessName = String$(lLen, 0)
                    LSet szProcessName = "unknown"
                    lR = GetModuleBaseName(hProcess, hMod(0), szProcessName, lLen)
                    szProcessName = Left(szProcessName, InStr(szProcessName, Chr(0)) - 1)
                    szProcessName = LCase(szProcessName)
                    If szProcessName = LCase(strProcessName) Then
                        IsProcessRunning = True
                        CloseHandle hProcess
                        Exit For
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            CloseHandle hProcess

        Next i
    End If

End Function

Public Function GetPIDFromProcess(strProcessName As String) As Long
    '*** Purpose    : Check task list and return True if indicated process
    '                 is included in task list.
    '*** Parameters : strProcessName: Name of exe file to verify.
    '*** Comments   :
    Dim aProcesses() As Long
    Dim cbNeeded As Long, lR As Long
    Dim i As Long, cProcesses As Long
    Dim hProcess As Long
    Dim hMod(0 To 1023) As Long
    Dim lLen As Long, szProcessName As String

    ' // Get the list of process identifiers.
    ReDim aProcesses(0 To 1023) As Long
    GetPIDFromProcess = 0
    If (EnumProcesses(aProcesses(0), 1024 * 4, cbNeeded) <> 0) Then
        cProcesses = cbNeeded / 4

        '// Print the name and process identifier for each process.
        For i = 0 To cProcesses - 1
            hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION Or _
                                   PROCESS_VM_READ, _
                                   0, aProcesses(i))
            lLen = MAX_PATH
            If (hProcess <> 0) Then
                If (EnumProcessModules(hProcess, hMod(0), 1024 * 4, cbNeeded)) Then
                           szProcessName = String$(lLen, 0)
                    LSet szProcessName = "unknown"
                    lR = GetModuleBaseName(hProcess, hMod(0), szProcessName, lLen)
                    szProcessName = Left(szProcessName, InStr(szProcessName, Chr(0)) - 1)
                    szProcessName = LCase(szProcessName)
                    If szProcessName = LCase(strProcessName) Then
                        GetPIDFromProcess = aProcesses(i)
                        CloseHandle hProcess
                        Exit For
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            CloseHandle hProcess

        Next i
    End If
End Function