

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > f87205b3964e98ff1b899ef46a958604 > files > 5


%define	snap		20030629
%define	tkined_version	1.5.0

%define name		scotty
%define version		3.0.0
%define release		0.%{snap}.2mdk

Summary:		A Tcl extension to build network management applications
Name: 			%{name}
Version: 		%{version}
Release:		%{release}
License: 		Freely redistributable and modifiable
Group: 			Development/Other
Source0:		%{name}-%{snap}.tar.bz2
Source1:		tkined_16x16.png
Source2:		tkined_32x32.png
Source3:		tkined_48x48.png
Patch0:			%{name}-tnmmibtcl.patch.bz2
Patch1:			scotty-20030629-install_fix.patch.bz2
Patch2:			scotty-20030629-soname.patch.bz2
BuildRequires:		autoconf
BuildRequires:		chrpath
BuildRequires:		libsmi2-devel >= 0.4.1
BuildRequires:		tcl >= 8.4
BuildRequires:		tk >= 8.4
BuildRequires:		zlib-devel
Requires:		libsmi2 >= 0.4.1
Requires:		libsmi-mibs-ext >= 0.4.1
Requires:		libsmi-mibs-std >= 0.4.1
Requires:		smi-tools >= 0.4.1
Requires:		tcl >= 8.4
Requires:		tk >= 8.4
BuildRoot:	 	%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-buildroot

Scotty is a Tcl extension to build network management applications
using Tcl (and Tk). The scotty extension provides new Tcl commands

 - send and receive ICMP packets
 - query the Domain Name System (DNS)
 - access UDP sockets from Tcl
 - probe and use some selected SUN RPCs
 - retrieve and serve documents via HTTP
 - send and reveice SNMP messages (SNMPv1, SNMPv2C, SNMPv3)
 - write special purpose SNMP agents in Tcl
 - parse and access SNMP MIB definitions
 - schedule jobs that are to be done regularly
 - realize event driven programming on network maps

This scotty distributions also includes the sources for Tkined.
Tkined is a network editor which allows to draw maps showing your
network configuration. The most important feature of Tkined is its
programming interface which allows network management applications
to extend the capabilities of Tkined. Most applications for Tkined
are written using the Tnm Tcl extension.

%package		suid
Summary:		Two Scotty SUID root utilities (for pinging, and receiving SNMP traps)
Requires:		%{name} = %{version}
Group:			Development/Other

%description		suid
These two small utilities are used by Scotty to send ICMP packets
(pings and such) and for receiving SNMP traps (which requires
listening to a priviledged port).  Since they are SUID root, they
are packaged separately from the main distribution so the user
has the option not to install them.

%package		tkined
Summary:		An interactive network editor for network management applications
Requires:		%{name} = %{version}
Group:			Development/Other

%description		tkined
Tkined is a network editor which allows to draw maps showing your
network configuration. The most important feature of Tkined is its
programming interface which allows network management applications
to extend the capabilities of Tkined. Most applications for Tkined
are written using scotty.


%setup -q -n %{name}-%{snap}
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p0
%patch2 -p0

# fix missing tnmSmiTcl.o rule
echo 'Tnm_SmiObjCmd() {}' > tnm/snmp/tnmSmiTcl.c
pushd unix
    %configure2_5x \
    --disable-rpath \
    %make CFLAGS="%{optflags}" GENERIC_CFLAGS="%{optflags}"

[ "%{buildroot}" != "/" ] && rm -rf %{buildroot}

pushd unix
    make \
	INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot} \
	MAN_INSTALL_DIR=%{buildroot}%{_mandir} \
	install sinstall

mv unix/README README.unix
mv tnm/agents/README tnm.agents.README
mv tnm/examples/README tnm.examples.README
mv tnm/mibs/README tnm.mibs.README
mv tnm/changes tnm.changes
mv tkined/changes tkined.changes

ln -snf scotty%{version} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/scotty
ln -snf tkined%{tkined_version} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/tkined

cp -pr %{buildroot}/usr/lib/tnm%{version}/examples .
rm -r %{buildroot}/usr/lib/tnm%{version}/examples

# Add menu entry for tkined
install -d %{buildroot}%{_menudir}
cat > %{buildroot}%{_menudir}/%{name}-tkined << EOF
?package(%{name}-tkined): \
    command="/usr/bin/tkined" \
    title="Scotty-tkined" \
    longtitle="Scotty-tkined network editor" \
    section="Applications/Monitoring" \
    icon="%{name}-tkined.png" \

# Install icons
install -d %{buildroot}%{_miconsdir}
install -d %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}
install -d %{buildroot}%{_liconsdir}

install -m644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_miconsdir}/%{name}-tkined.png
install -m644 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/%{name}-tkined.png
install -m644 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_liconsdir}/%{name}-tkined.png

# house cleaning
rm -f %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/mann/dns*

# strip rpath
chrpath -d %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/scotty%{version}

%post -p /sbin/ldconfig
%preun -p /sbin/ldconfig

%post tkined
cd %{_libdir}/tkined%{tkined_version}/apps
echo auto_mkindex . library.tcl | %{_bindir}/tclsh
# Done in libs package now

%postun tkined
# Done in libs package now

[ "%{buildroot}" != "/" ] && rm -rf %{buildroot}

%defattr (-,root,root)
%doc README README.unix license.terms examples
%doc tnm.changes tnm.agents.README tnm.examples.README tnm.mibs.README
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/scotty
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/scotty%{version}
%attr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/tnm%{version}.so
%attr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/tnm%{version}

%files suid
%defattr (-,root,root)
%attr(4755,root,root) %{_bindir}/nmicmpd
%attr(4755,root,root) %{_bindir}/nmtrapd

%files tkined
%defattr (-,root,root)
%doc README README.unix license.terms tkined.changes
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/tkined
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/tkined%{tkined_version}
%attr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/tkined%{tkined_version}.so
%attr(-,root,root) %{_libdir}/tkined%{tkined_version}

* Wed Feb 02 2005 Lenny Cartier <> 3.0.0-0.20030629.2mdk
- rebuild

* Sun Jun 29 2003 Oden Eriksson <> 3.0.0-0.20030629.1mdk
- 20030629
- used ideas from a package by Torbjorn Turpeinen
- added P1 & P2
- strip rpath

* Mon Jan 27 2003 Oden Eriksson <> 2.1.11-3mdk
- build release
- misc spec file fixes

* Wed Aug 28 2002  Lenny Cartier <> 2.1.11-2mdk
- rebuild

* Tue Aug 28 2001 Lenny Cartier <> 2.1.11-1mdk
- 2.1.11

* Mon Mar 19 2001 Lenny Cartier <> 2.1.9-3mdk
- rebuild

* Wed May 03 2000 Lenny Cartier <> 2.1.9-2mdk
- fix group
- bzip2 patch

* Tue Feb 29 2000 Lenny Cartier <>
- used srpm provided by Sandor Takacs <>
- fixed the files section
- bzip2 archive