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A Tour of NTL: Obtaining and Installing NTL for UNIX  </title>

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<p align=center>
A Tour of NTL: Obtaining and Installing NTL for UNIX 

<p> <hr> <p>

This procedure should work on most Unix or Unix-like platorms
(including MAC OSX, and Windows with Cygwin tools).


To obtain the source code and documentation for NTL,
<a href="">
download <tt>ntl-xxx.tar.gz</tt></a>,
placing it a directory, and then, working in this directory,
do the following.
Here, "<tt>xxx</tt>" denotes the current version number.

   % gunzip ntl-xxx.tar.gz
   % tar xf ntl-xxx.tar
   % cd ntl-xxx/src
   % ./configure PREFIX=$HOME/sw
   % make
   % make check
   % make install

This will build, test, and install NTL in <tt>$HOME/sw</tt>.
Of course, change <tt>$HOME/sw</tt> to whatever you want (the default is 
You will find the NTL header files in <tt>$HOME/sw/include/NTL</tt>
 and the compiled binary 
in <tt>$HOME/sw/lib/libntl.a</tt>.
If you really are interested in high-performace, you will
<i>definitely</i> want to build NTL
using  GMP (the GNU Multi-Precision package).
If GMP has already been installed in a standard
system library, like <tt>/usr/local</tt>, then invoke <tt>configure</tt>
above as
   % ./configure PREFIX=$HOME/sw NTL_GMP_LIP=on
and if GMP is installed somewhere else, say <tt>$HOME/sw</tt>, then
   % ./configure PREFIX=$HOME/sw NTL_GMP_LIP=on GMP_PREFIX=$HOME/sw
does the job.
<a href="tour-gmp.html">This page</a> provides more

Now suppose you want to compile a program that uses NTL.
Suppose you are working in some directory and <tt>foo.c</tt>
is your program.
Assume that you have installed NTL in <tt>$HOME/sw</tt> as above.
The following should work:
   % g++ -I$HOME/sw/include -L$HOME/sw/lib foo.c -o foo -lntl -lm
If you are using GMP, then:
   % g++ -I$HOME/sw/include -L$HOME/sw/lib foo.c -o foo -lntl -lgmp -lm

More Details
What follows is a more detailed description of the installation process.

<b>Step 1.</b>
Extract the source files by executing:
   % gunzip ntl-xxx.tar.gz
   % tar xvf ntl-xxx.tar

Note that this will unpack everything into a sub-directory <tt>ntl-xxx</tt>,
creating this directory if necessary.
   % cd ntl-xxx
   % ls
You should see a file "<tt>README</tt>", and directories 
"<tt>include</tt>", "<tt>doc</tt>", and "<tt>src</tt>".
The directory "<tt>doc</tt>" contains all the documentation.
The file "<tt>doc/tour.html</tt>" contains a copy of the on-line documentation.
The directory "<tt>include</tt>" 
contains all the header files within a subdirectory
The directory "<tt>src</tt>" contains everything else.
Go there now:
   % cd src

<b>Step 2.</b>
Run the configuration script.

Execute the command
   % ./configure [ variable=value ]...

This configure script generates the file "<tt>makefile</tt>" and the file
"<tt>../include/NTL/config.h</tt>", based upon the values assigned to the
variables on the command line.


Here are the most important variables, and their default values.

   CC=gcc               # The C compiler
   CXX=g++              # The C++ compiler
   CFLAGS=-O2           # C complilation flags
   CXXFLAGS=$(CFLAGS)   # C++ compilation flags (by default, same as CFLAGS)

   PREFIX=/usr/local    # Directory in which to install NTL library components

   NTL_STD_CXX=on       # ISO Mode switch

   NTL_GMP_LIP=off      # Switch 'on' to enable the use of GMP as the primary
                        # long integer package

   GMP_PREFIX=none      # Directory in which GMP components have been installed


If you are happy with all the default values, run:
   % ./configure
Actually, the initially installed <tt>makefile</tt> and <tt>config.h</tt> files
already reflect the default values, and you do not have to even run
the configure script.

If your C/C++ compilers are called cc/CC, run:
   % ./configure CC=cc CXX=CC

If you want to use, say, the options <tt>-g</tt> and <tt>-O</tt> for 
compiling <tt>C</tt> and <tt>C++</tt>, run:
   % ./configure "CFLAGS=-g -O"
Note the use of quotes to keep the argument in one piece.

If <a href="tour-gmp.html">GMP (the GNU Multi-Precision package)</a>  
is installed in a standard system directory, and you want to use it
to obtain better performance for long integer arithemtic, run:
   % ./configure NTL_GMP_LIP=on
If GMP was installed in 
   % ./configure NTL_GMP_LIP=on GMP_PREFIX=$HOME/sw
Go <a href="tour-gmp.html">here</a> for complete details.

If you want to use 
<a href="tour-stdcxx.html">traditional rather than ISO mode</a>, run:
   % ./configure NTL_STD_CXX=off

If you want to install NTL in the directory <tt>$HOME/sw</tt>,
   % ./configure PREFIX=$HOME/sw

There are a number of more esoteric configuration variables that can be set.
See <a href="config.txt"><tt>config.txt</tt></a> for a complete

Note that all of these configuration options can also be set
by editing the two files <tt>makefile</tt>
and <tt>../include/NTL/def_config.h</tt> by hand.
These files are fairly simple and well documented, and so this is not
too hard to do.

Note that the file "<tt>../include/NTL/def_config.h</tt>"
contains a backup copy of the original <tt>config.h</tt> file,
and that the file "<tt>def_makefile</tt>"
contains a backup copy of the original <tt>makefile</tt> file.

This command is intended only as a convenience 
and -- more importantly -- to allow the configuration process
to be script driven.
This script does not perform any "magic", like finding out what
the local C compiler is called, etc.  
If the defaults are not
correct for your platform, you have to set an appropriate variable.

<b>Step 3.</b>
Execute <tt>make</tt>.

Just type:
   % make

The build  process after this point is fully automatic.
But here is a description of what happens.


The makefile 
builds the file "<tt>../include/NTL/mach_desc.h</tt>", which defines some machine characteristics
such as word size and machine precision.
This is done by compiling and running a <tt>C</tt> program
called <tt>MakeDesc</tt>
that figures out these characteristics on its
own, and prints some diagnostics to the terminal.

A script is run that "automagically"
determines the best way to write a timing function
on your platform.
It tries different routines in the files <tt>GetTime1.c</tt>,
<tt>GetTime2.c</tt>, etc., and when it finds a good one,
it copies the file into <tt>GetTime.c</tt>.

The files "<tt>lip_gmp_aux_impl.h</tt>" and "<tt>../include/NTL/gmp_aux.h</tt>"
are generated for use with GMP.
If not using GMP, these files are still created, but they are empty.

The configuration wizard script is run.
This script works in a sub-directory, 
compiling several programs,
and performing a number of timing experiments,
in order to determine the optimal setting for a number of flags
in the file <tt>../include/NTL/config.h</tt>.
When the script finishes (it may take several minutes),
you will be told what the wizard thinks are the best settings,
and your <tt>config.h</tt> file will be automatically updated.
Note that any flags you set in Step 2 
will be in
effect while the wizard runs, and will be retained in the updated
<tt>config.h</tt> file, with the exception of the flags
which are set by the wizard. 
Also note that if you <i>do not</i> want the wizard to run,
you should pass <tt>WIZARD=off</tt> to the configure script;
however, this is not recommended.

The makefile will compile all the source files,
and then creates the library "<tt>ntl.a</tt>" in the current directory.

Note that for finer control  you can optionally  break up this process 
into the five
component steps:
   % make setup1
   % make setup2
   % make setup3
   % make setup4
   % make ntl.a


<b>After NTL is built.</b>

Executing <tt>make check</tt> runs a series of timing and test programs.
It is a good idea to run this to see if everything really
went well.

Executing <tt>make install</tt>
copies a number of files to a directory <tt>&lt;prefix&gt;</tt> that you
specify by passing <tt>PREFIX=&lt;prefix&gt;</tt>
as an argument to <tt>configure</tt> at configuration time,
or as an argument to <tt>make install</tt> at installation time.
The default is <tt>/usr/local</tt>, so either you need root 
permissions, or you choose a <tt>&lt;prefix&gt;</tt> for which
you have write permission.
The files <tt>../include/NTL/*</tt> are copied into
The file <tt>ntl.a</tt> is copied to <tt>&lt;prefix&gt;/lib/libntl.a</tt>.
The files <tt>../doc/*</tt> are copied into

You can also "fine tune" the installation procedure further.
See the <a href="config.txt">configure documentation</a> for details.

Executing <tt>make uninstall</tt> undoes <tt>make install</tt>.

Executing <tt>make clobber</tt> essentially
undoes <tt>make</tt>.
<i>Make sure you do this if you re-build NTL for a different architecture!</i>

Executing <tt>make clean</tt> will remove object files, but not 
To rebuild after executing <tt>make clean</tt>, execute <tt>make ntl.a</tt>.

Assuming you have installed NTL as above,
to compile a program <tt>foo.c</tt> that uses NTL,
   g++ -I&lt;prefix&gt;/include -L&lt;prefix&gt;/lib foo.c -o foo -lntl -lm
This compiles <tt>foo.c</tt> as a <tt>C++</tt> program
and creates the binary <tt>foo</tt>.
If you built NTL using <a href="tour-gmp.html">GMP</a>, execute:
   g++ -I&lt;prefix&gt;/include -L&lt;prefix&gt;/lib -L&lt;gmp_prefix&gt;/lib  foo.c -lntl -lgmp -lm
Of course, if <tt>&lt;prefix&gt;</tt> and <tt>&lt;gmp_prefix&gt;</tt>
are the same, you do not need to  duplicate the <tt>-L</tt> 
flags, and if either are standard directories, like <tt>/usr/local</tt>,
you can leave out the corresponding <tt>-I</tt> and <tt>-L</tt>
flags altogether.
This works even if you are not working in the directory
in which you built NTL.
If you <i>are</i> working in that directory, you can just execute
   make foo

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