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<html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><title>Peg and Operative Revisions</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css" /><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.73.2" /><link rel="start" href="index.html" title="Version Control with Subversion" /><link rel="up" href="svn.advanced.html" title="Chapter 3. Advanced Topics" /><link rel="prev" href="svn.advanced.externals.html" title="Externals Definitions" /><link rel="next" href="svn.advanced.changelists.html" title="Changelists" /></head><body><div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Peg and Operative Revisions</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="svn.advanced.externals.html">Prev</a> </td><th width="60%" align="center">Chapter 3. Advanced Topics</th><td width="20%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="svn.advanced.changelists.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr /></div><div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="svn.advanced.pegrevs"></a>Peg and Operative Revisions</h2></div></div></div><p>We copy, move, rename, and
      completely replace files and directories on our computers all
      the time.  And your version control system shouldn't get in the
      way of your doing these things with your version-controlled
      files and directories, either.  Subversion's file management
      support is quite liberating, affording almost as much
      flexibility for versioned files as you'd expect when
      manipulating your unversioned ones.  But that flexibility means
      that across the lifetime of your repository, a given versioned
      object might have many paths, and a given path might represent
      several entirely different versioned objects.  And this
      introduces a certain level of complexity to your interactions
      with those paths and objects.</p><p>Subversion is pretty smart about noticing when an object's
      version history includes such “<span class="quote">changes of address</span>”.
      For example, if you ask for the revision history log of a
      particular file that was renamed last week, Subversion happily
      provides all those logs—the revision in which the rename
      itself happened, plus the logs of relevant revisions both before
      and after that rename.  So, most of the time, you don't even
      have to think about such things.  But occasionally, Subversion
      needs your help to clear up ambiguities.</p><p>The simplest example of this occurs when a directory or file
      is deleted from version control, and then a new directory or
      file is created with the same name and added to version control.
      Clearly the thing you deleted and the thing you later added
      aren't the same thing.  They merely happen to have had the same
      path, <code class="filename">/trunk/object</code> for example.  What,
      then, does it mean to ask Subversion about the history of
      <code class="filename">/trunk/object</code>?  Are you asking about the
      thing currently at that location, or the old thing you deleted
      from that location?  Are you asking about the operations that
      have happened to <span class="emphasis"><em>all</em></span> the objects that have
      ever lived at that path?  Clearly, Subversion needs a hint about
      what you really want.</p><p>And thanks to moves, versioned object history can get far
      more twisted than that, even.  For example, you might have a
      directory named <code class="filename">concept</code>, containing some
      nascent software project you've been toying with.  Eventually,
      though, that project matures to the point that the idea seems to
      actually have some wings, so you do the unthinkable and decide
      to give the project a name.
      <sup>[<a id="id362534" href="#ftn.id362534" class="footnote">19</a>]</sup>
      Let's say you called your software Frabnaggilywort.  At this
      point, it makes sense to rename the directory to reflect the
      project's new name, so <code class="filename">concept</code> is renamed
      to <code class="filename">frabnaggilywort</code>.  Life goes on,
      Frabnaggilywort releases a 1.0 version, and is downloaded and
      used daily by hordes of people aiming to improve their
      lives.</p><p>It's a nice story, really, but it doesn't end there.
      Entrepreneur that you are, you've already got another think in
      the tank.  So you make a new directory,
      <code class="filename">concept</code>, and the cycle begins again.  In
      fact, the cycle begins again many times over the years, each
      time starting with that old <code class="filename">concept</code>
      directory, then sometimes seeing that directory renamed as the
      idea cures, sometimes seeing it deleted when you scrap the idea.
      Or, to get really sick, maybe you rename
      <code class="filename">concept</code> to something else for a while, but
      later rename the thing back to <code class="filename">concept</code> for
      some reason.</p><p>In scenarios like these, attempting to instruct
      Subversion to work with these re-used paths can be a little like
      instructing a motorist in Chicago's West Suburbs to drive east
      down Roosevelt Road and turn left onto Main Street.  In a mere
      twenty minutes, you can cross “<span class="quote">Main Street</span>” in
      Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, and Lombard.  And no, they aren't the same
      street.  Our motorist—and our Subversion—need a
      little more detail in order to do the right thing.</p><p>In version 1.1, Subversion introduced a way for you to tell
      it exactly which Main Street you meant.  It's called the
      <em class="firstterm">peg revision</em>, and it is a revision
      provided to Subversion for the sole purpose of identifying a
      unique line of history.  Because at most one versioned object
      may occupy a path at any given time—or, more precisely, in
      any one revision—the combination of a path and a peg
      revision is all that is needed to refer to a specific line of
      history.  Peg revisions are specified to the Subversion
      command-line client using <em class="firstterm">at syntax</em>, so
      called because the syntax involves appending an “<span class="quote">at
      sign</span>” (<code class="literal">@</code>) and the peg revision to the
      end of the path with which the revision is associated.</p><p>But what of the <code class="option">--revision (-r)</code> of which
      we've spoken so much in this book?  That revision (or set of
      revisions) is called the <em class="firstterm">operative
      revision</em> (or <em class="firstterm">operative revision
      range</em>).  Once a particular line of history has been
      identified using a path and peg revision, Subversion performs
      the requested operation using the operative revision(s).  To map
      this to our Chicagoland streets analogy, if we are told to go to
      606 N. Main Street in Wheaton,
      <sup>[<a id="id362645" href="#ftn.id362645" class="footnote">20</a>]</sup>
      we can think of “<span class="quote">Main Street</span>” as our path and
      “<span class="quote">Wheaton</span>” as our peg revision.  These two pieces of
      information identify a unique path which can travelled (north or
      south on Main Street), and will keep us from travelling up and
      down the wrong Main Street in search of our destination.  Now we
      throw in “<span class="quote">606 N.</span>” as our operative revision, of
      sorts, and we know <span class="emphasis"><em>exactly</em></span> where to
      go.</p><div class="sidebar"><p class="title"><b>The peg revision algorithm</b></p><p>The Subversion command-line performs the peg revision
        algorithm any time it needs to resolve possible ambiguities in
        the paths and revisions provided to it.  Here's an example of
        such an invocation:</p><pre class="screen">
$ svn <em class="replaceable"><code>command</code></em> -r <em class="replaceable"><code>OPERATIVE-REV</code></em> item@<em class="replaceable"><code>PEG-REV</code></em>
</pre><p>If <em class="replaceable"><code>OPERATIVE-REV</code></em> is older than
        <em class="replaceable"><code>PEG-REV</code></em>, then the algorithm is as
        follows:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>Locate <em class="replaceable"><code>item</code></em> in the revision
            identified by <em class="replaceable"><code>PEG-REV</code></em>.  There
            can be only one such object.</p></li><li><p>Trace the object's history backwards (through any
            possible renames) to its ancestor in the revision
            <em class="replaceable"><code>OPERATIVE-REV</code></em>.</p></li><li><p>Perform the requested action on that ancestor,
            wherever it is located, or whatever its name might
            be or have been at that time.</p></li></ul></div><p>But what if <em class="replaceable"><code>OPERATIVE-REV</code></em> is
        <span class="emphasis"><em>younger</em></span> than
        <em class="replaceable"><code>PEG-REV</code></em>?  Well, that adds some
        complexity to the theoretical problem of locating the path in
        <em class="replaceable"><code>OPERATIVE-REV</code></em>, because the path's
        history could have forked multiple times (thanks to copy
        operations) between <em class="replaceable"><code>PEG-REV</code></em> and
        <em class="replaceable"><code>OPERATIVE-REV</code></em>.  And that's not
        all—Subversion doesn't store enough information to
        performantly trace an object's history forward, anyway.  So
        the algorithm is a little different:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>Locate <em class="replaceable"><code>item</code></em> in the revision
            identified by <em class="replaceable"><code>OPERATIVE-REV</code></em>.  There
            can be only one such object.</p></li><li><p>Trace the object's history backwards (through any
            possible renames) to its ancestor in the revision
            <em class="replaceable"><code>PEG-REV</code></em>.</p></li><li><p>Verify that the object's location (path-wise) in
            <em class="replaceable"><code>PEG-REV</code></em> is the same as it is in
            <em class="replaceable"><code>OPERATIVE-REV</code></em>.  If that's the
            case, then at least the two locations are known to be
            directly related, so perform the requested action on the
            location in <em class="replaceable"><code>OPERATIVE-REV</code></em>.
            Otherwise, relatedness was not established, so error out
            with a loud complaint that no viable location was found.
            (Someday, we expect that Subversion will be able to handle
            this usage scenario with more flexibility and
            grace.)</p></li></ul></div><p>Note that even when you don't explicitly supply a peg
        revision or operative revision, they are still present.  For
        your convenience, the default peg revision is
        <code class="literal">BASE</code> for working copy items and
        <code class="literal">HEAD</code> for repository URLs.  And when no
        operative revision is provided, it defaults to being the same
        revision as the peg revision.</p></div><p>Say that long ago we created our repository, and in revision 1
      added our first <code class="filename">concept</code> directory, plus an
      <code class="filename">IDEA</code> file in that directory talking about
      the concept.  After several revisions in which real code was
      added and tweaked, we, in revision 20, renamed this directory to
      <code class="filename">frabnaggilywort</code>.  By revision 27, we had a
      new concept, a new <code class="filename">concept</code> directory to
      hold it, and a new <code class="filename">IDEA</code> file to describe
      it.  And then five years and twenty thousand revisions flew by,
      just like they would in any good romance story.</p><p>Now, years later, we wonder what the
      <code class="filename">IDEA</code> file looked like back in revision 1.
      But Subversion needs to know if we are asking about how the
      <span class="emphasis"><em>current</em></span> file looked back in revision 1, or
      if we are asking for the contents of whatever file lived at
      <code class="filename">concepts/IDEA</code> in revision 1.  Certainly
      those questions have different answers, and because of peg
      revisions, you can ask either of them.  To find out how the
      current <code class="filename">IDEA</code> file looked in that old
      revision, you run:</p><pre class="screen">
$ svn cat -r 1 concept/IDEA 
svn: Unable to find repository location for 'concept/IDEA' in revision 1
</pre><p>Of course, in this example, the current
      <code class="filename">IDEA</code> file didn't exist yet in revision 1,
      so Subversion gives an error.  The command above is shorthand
      for a longer notation which explicitly lists a peg revision.
      The expanded notation is:</p><pre class="screen">
$ svn cat -r 1 concept/IDEA@BASE
svn: Unable to find repository location for 'concept/IDEA' in revision 1
</pre><p>And when executed, it has the expected results.</p><p>The perceptive reader is probably wondering at this point if
      the peg revision syntax causes problems for working copy paths
      or URLs that actually have at signs in them.  After
      all, how does <span class="command"><strong>svn</strong></span> know whether
      <code class="literal">news@11</code> is the name of a directory in my
      tree, or just a syntax for “<span class="quote">revision 11 of
      <code class="filename">news</code></span>”?  Thankfully, while
      <span class="command"><strong>svn</strong></span> will always assume the latter, there is a
      trivial workaround.  You need only append an at sign to the
      end of the path, such as <code class="literal">news@11@</code>.
      <span class="command"><strong>svn</strong></span> only cares about the last at sign in
      the argument, and it is not considered illegal to omit a literal
      peg revision specifier after that at sign.  This workaround
      even applies to paths that end in an at sign—you would
      use <code class="literal">filename@@</code> to talk about a file named
      <code class="filename">filename@</code>.</p><p>Let's ask the other question, then—in revision 1, what
      were the contents of whatever file occupied the address
      <code class="filename">concepts/IDEA</code> at the time?  We'll use an
      explicit peg revision to help us out.</p><pre class="screen">
$ svn cat concept/IDEA@1
The idea behind this project is to come up with a piece of software
that can frab a naggily wort.  Frabbing naggily worts is tricky
business, and doing it incorrectly can have serious ramifications, so
we need to employ over-the-top input validation and data verification
</pre><p>Notice that we didn't provide an operative revision this
      time.  That's because when no operative revision is specified,
      Subversion assumes a default operative revision that's the same
      as the peg revision.</p><p>As you can see, the output from our operation appears to be
      correct.  The text even mentions frabbing naggily worts, so this
      is almost certainly the file which describes the software now
      called Frabnaggilywort.  In fact, we can verify this using the
      combination of an explicit peg revision and explicit operative
      revision.  We know that in <code class="literal">HEAD</code>, the
      Frabnaggilywort project is located in the
      <code class="filename">frabnaggilywort</code> directory.  So we specify
      that we want to see how the line of history identified in
      <code class="literal">HEAD</code> as the path
      <code class="filename">frabnaggilywort/IDEA</code> looked in revision
      1.</p><pre class="screen">
$ svn cat -r 1 frabnaggilywort/IDEA@HEAD
The idea behind this project is to come up with a piece of software
that can frab a naggily wort.  Frabbing naggily worts is tricky
business, and doing it incorrectly can have serious ramifications, so
we need to employ over-the-top input validation and data verification
</pre><p>And the peg and operative revisions need not be so trivial,
      either.  For example, say <code class="filename">frabnaggilywort</code>
      had been deleted from <code class="literal">HEAD</code>, but we know it
      existed in revision 20, and we want to see the diffs for its
      <code class="filename">IDEA</code> file between revisions 4 and 10.  We
      can use the peg revision 20 in conjunction with the URL that
      would have held Frabnaggilywort's <code class="filename">IDEA</code> file
      in revision 20, and then use 4 and 10 as our operative revision
      range.</p><pre class="screen">
$ svn diff -r 4:10
Index: frabnaggilywort/IDEA
--- frabnaggilywort/IDEA	(revision 4)
+++ frabnaggilywort/IDEA	(revision 10)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-The idea behind this project is to come up with a piece of software
-that can frab a naggily wort.  Frabbing naggily worts is tricky
-business, and doing it incorrectly can have serious ramifications, so
-we need to employ over-the-top input validation and data verification
+The idea behind this project is to come up with a piece of
+client-server software that can remotely frab a naggily wort.
+Frabbing naggily worts is tricky business, and doing it incorrectly
+can have serious ramifications, so we need to employ over-the-top
+input validation and data verification mechanisms.
</pre><p>Fortunately, most folks aren't faced with such complex
      situations.  But when you are, remember that peg revisions are
      that extra hint Subversion needs to clear up ambiguity.</p><div class="footnotes"><br /><hr width="100" align="left" /><div class="footnote"><p><sup>[<a id="ftn.id362534" href="#id362534" class="para">19</a>] </sup>“<span class="quote">You're not supposed to name it.  Once you name it,
          you start getting attached to it.</span>”—Mike
          Wazowski</p></div><div class="footnote"><p><sup>[<a id="ftn.id362645" href="#id362645" class="para">20</a>] </sup>606 N. Main Street, Wheaton, Illinois, is the home of
          the Wheaton History Center.  Get it—“<span class="quote">History
          Center</span>”?  It seemed appropriate….</p></div></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr /><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="svn.advanced.externals.html">Prev</a> </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="svn.advanced.html">Up</a></td><td width="40%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="svn.advanced.changelists.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Externals Definitions </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"> Changelists</td></tr></table></div></body></html>