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			<a name="Delete"></a><h4> <span class="mw-headline"> Delete</span></h4>
<p>Deletes all partition data from the Intel Partition Table only (by filling it with
zero bytes). Both the MBR Code and the signature bytes (if any) remain the same.
</p><p><br />
Some BIOS use the Partition Table content to set the harddisk
geometry. Unexpected values can trigger some BIOS bugs. The Dos version of TestDisk is the most affected. If it detects a known bug, it displays <b>Buggy BIOS</b> after the disk geometry.
<b>Delete</b> may solve the problem. Reboot your computer
and autodetect your harddisk.
</p><p>Back to <a href="running_testdisk.html" title="Running TestDisk">Running the TestDisk Program </a>
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