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			<a name="TestDisk_Startup"></a><h2> <span class="mw-headline"> TestDisk Startup</span></h2>
<p>When <a href="testdisk.html" title="TestDisk">TestDisk</a> is executed, you may see the phrase <code>Please wait...</code>
on your screen until it has gathered enough data from the BIOS or OS to get the hard disk list.
TestDisk 6.5-WIP, Data Recovery Utility, October 2006
Christophe GRENIER &lt;;

TestDisk is a data recovery designed to help recover lost partitions
and/or make non-booting disks bootable again when these symptoms
are caused by faulty software, certain types of viruses or human error.
It can also be used to repair some filesystem errors.

Information gathered during TestDisk use can be recorded for later
review. If you choose to create the text file, testdisk.log , it
will contain TestDisk options, technical information and various
outputs; including any folder/file names TestDisk was used to find and
list onscreen.

Use arrow keys to select, then press Enter key:
[ Create ]  Create a new log file
[ Append ]  Append information to log file
[ No Log ]  Don't record anything
TestDisk 6.5-WIP, Data Recovery Utility, October 2006
Christophe GRENIER &lt;;

  TestDisk is free software, and

Select a media (use Arrow keys, then press Enter):
Disk /dev/sda - 120 GB / 111 GiB
Disk /dev/sdb - 120 GB / 111 GiB

[Proceed ]  [  Quit  ]

Note: Disk capacity must be correctly detected for a successful recovery.
If a disk listed above has incorrect size, check HD jumper settings, BIOS
detection, and install the latest OS patches and disk drivers.
<p>If the reported size doesn't match the harddisk size, i.e., a 120 GB harddisk is recognized as only a 32 GB harddisk, check your BIOS harddisk settings and the jumpers on the disk. On most large hard disks, there are jumpers to limit the size to only 32 or 8 GB. If your HD is detected as 130 GB only, LBA48 support may not be avaible in your OS, read <a href="os_notes.html" title="OS Notes">OS notes</a> for more information.
</p><p>Next step is to select the partition table type
TestDisk 6.6-WIP, Data Recovery Utility, February 2007
Christophe GRENIER &lt;;

Disk /dev/sda - 120 GB / 111 GiB

Please select the partition table type, press ENTER when done.
[ Intel ]  Intel/PC partition
[ Mac   ]  Apple partition map
[ None  ]  Non partitioned media
[ Sun   ]  Sun Solaris partition
[ XBox  ]  XBox partition

Note: Do NOT select 'None' for media with only a single partition. It's very
rare for a drive to be 'Non-partitioned'.
<a name="TestDisk_Menu_Items"></a><h2> <span class="mw-headline"> TestDisk Menu Items </span></h2>
<ul><li> <a href="menu_analyse.html" title="Menu Analyse"> Analyse  </a>  Analyse current partition structure and search for lost partitions
</li><li> Advanced Filesystem Utils
<ul><li> <a href="advanced_fat_repair.html" title="Advanced FAT Repair"> FAT: Boot and FAT repair</a>
</li><li> <a href="advanced_ntfs_boot_and_mft_repair.html" title="Advanced NTFS Boot and MFT Repair"> NTFS: Boot and MFT repair</a>
</li><li> <a href="advanced_find_ext2_ext3_backup_superblock.html" title="Advanced Find EXT2 EXT3 Backup SuperBlock"> EXT2/EXT3: Find Backup SuperBlock</a>
</li><li> <a href="menu_geometry.html" title="Menu Geometry"> Geometry </a>  Change disk geometry
</li><li> <a href="menu_options.html" title="Menu Options"> Options  </a>  Modify options
</li><li> <a href="menu_mbrcode.html" title="Menu MBRCode"> MBR Code </a>  Write TestDisk MBR code to first sector
</li><li> <a href="menu_delete.html" title="Menu Delete"> Delete   </a>  Delete all data in the partition table
<p>Return to <a href="testdisk.html" title="TestDisk"> TestDisk </a> main page
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