

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 5081cee732e45727aae56c01b518be7b > files > 7


Gerber Viewer

gEDA - GPL Electronic Design Automation

README for gerbv
(This software is ALPHA)

  Gerber Viewer (gerbv) is a viewer for Gerber files. Gerber files
  are generated from PCB CAD system and sent to PCB manufacturers
  as basis for the manufacturing process. 

  The different layers of the PCB are separated into different files. 
  gerbv can load all files at the same time, though it can not show 
  them at the same time. You have to browse through the different layers
  with the radio buttons on the right side.

- System Requirements

  gerbv is dependent on a couple of different external libraries:
  * GTK+, the graphical toolkit available from
  * GdkPixbuf (default but not necessary), extracts data from GDK pixbufs.
  * libpng (default but not necessary), saves extracted pixbufs to PNG.
  * getopt_long from the GNU project. gerbv can do without getopt_long
    long options to the program will hence not be available.

  gerbv is basically known to compile on all system which the above 
  mentioned libraries compile on, basically all flavors of *ix. It
  has been tested on Linux (2.2.*, 2.4.*), NetBSD (1.4.*, 1.5.*), Solaris 
  (5.7 and 5.8).

- Scroll Wheel

  gerbv supports zooming with scroll wheel. To be able to use scroll 
  wheel in XFree86 3.x you have to edit XF86Config and add the line:
	ZAxisMapping 4 5
  in the Section "Pointer".

  To use scrool wheel in XFree86 4.x you have to add the line:
	Option   "ZAxisMapping"   "4 5"
  under the input device describing your mouse.

- License  

  gerbv and all associated files is placed under the GNU Public 
  License (GPL) version 2.0.  See the toplevel COPYING file for 
  more information.

  Programs and associated files are: 
  Copyright 2001, 2002 by Stefan Petersen and the respective
  original authors (which are listed on the respective files)

- gEDA and gerbv Internet resources

  gerbv Homepage:
  gEDA Homepage:

  Mailing list:
	To subscribe send an email to:  
	with   subscribe geda-dev   in the body.
	To unsubscribe send an email to:
	with   unsubscribe geda-dev   in the body.

	To send email to the list use the address:

	Remember, is for the actual traffic.  
	For administrative commands, use

	The mailing list archive is at: 

	Many thanks to the SEUL project for hosting gEDA!

- Contact information  

  Stefan Petersen
  E-mail: spe at