

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 535a7a10fe62254ee9ca7e6375f081a9 > files > 131


How to install ocamlnet

ocamlnet is a quite large library, and is split up into several
parts. Usually, it is not necessary to install all of ocamlnet,
and there are configuration options allowing you to select what
you want.

The following table gives a rough overview. The libraries you
must build at minimum are tagged as CORE. For the other libraries
the configuration option is shown that will select them for build:

Library 	Option		What it provides
cgi		CORE		This is an alias for netcgi1
equeue		CORE		Event queues
equeue-gtk1	-enable-gtk	Event queues - integration into lablgtk
equeue-gtk2	-enable-gtk2	Event queues - integration into lablgtk2
equeue-ssl	-enable-ssl	Event queues - SSL support
equeue-tcl	-enable-tcl	Event queues - integration into labltk
netcgi1		CORE		Web applications
netcgi2		CORE		Web applications (revised lib)
netcgi2-plex	CORE		Web applications - support for netplex
netclient	CORE		Clients for HTTP, FTP (exp), Telnet
nethttpd	-with-nethttpd	Web server
nethttpd-for-netcgi1 (same as nethttpd)
nethttpd-for-netcgi2 (same as nethttpd)
netplex		CORE		Generic server framework
netshm		CORE		Shared memory for IPC
netstring	CORE		String routines (e.g. URLs, HTML, Mail)
netsys		CORE		System interfaces missing in Unix
pop		CORE		POP3 client
rpc		CORE		Sophisticated SunRPC/ONCRPC implementation
rpc-auth-dh	-with-rpc-auth-dh SunRPC/ONCRPC - Add-on for Diffie-Hellman auth
rpc-auth-local	CORE (*)	SunRPC/ONCRPC - Add-on for local auth
rpc-generator	CORE		SunRPC/ONCRPC - Stub generator
rpc-ssl		-enable-ssl	SunRPC/ONCRPC - Add-on for SSL support
rpc-xti		CORE (*)	SunRPC/ONCRPC - Add-on for XTI-only transports
shell		CORE		Sophisticated version of Sys.command
smtp		CORE		SMTP client
(*) If the operation system supports it

You should know that before ocamlnet-2.2 these libraries were distributed
as several software packages (called ocamlnet, equeue, rpc, netclient).
If you want to upgrade, you must upgrade all libraries at once and
replace them with the versions coming with ocamlnet-2.2.

For your convenience, the configuration options allow you to select
libraries by prerequisites, e.g. -enable-ssl installs all libraries that
need SSL. The following matrix shows which prerequisites are needed
for which libraries:

Option		Prerequisite	Version/Where to get/What it is
CORE		findlib		>= 1.0
				Library manager

CORE		pcre		>= 5
				Regular expressions library

-enable-gtk	lablgtk		>= 1.2 (*)
				Bindings for gtk GUIs

-enable-gtk2	lablgtk2	probably any (*)
				Bindings for gtk2 GUIs

-enable-ssl	ssl		probably any
				Bindings for openssl

-enable-tcl	labltk		probably any
				part of the O'Caml distribution
				Bindings for tcl/tk GUIs

-with-nethttpd	none		none

   Note: nethttpd must be explicitly selected because it is distributed
   under different license conditions than the other libraries. See
   the file LICENSE for more.

-with-auth-dh	cryptgps	probably any
				Cryptographic library

   Note: At runtime, -with-auth-dh needs further prerequisites,
   namely the so-called keyserv daemon.
(*) The distribution of this prerequite does not include findlib
    support. It is, however, silently assumed the prerequisite
    library is installed in the findlib way. Sorry if this is
    inconvenient for you.

In order to configure ocamlnet, just run the "configure" script with
the mentioned options (-enable-X and -with-X). There are a few
other options, as listed below. By default, the library archives
are installed into the findlib default location. You can find out
this location with the command

    ocamlfind printconf destdir

For every ocamlnet library, a subdirectory is created where the 
files are installed. The few binary executables are installed into
the directory where the ocaml compilers are installed. The data
files are installed into the same directory as the netstring
archives. The "configure" run shows all effective options.

Option			What it changes
-bindir <dir>		Binary executables are installed in <dir>

-datadir <dir> 		Data files are installed in <dir>.

			Note: This directory is compiled into the
			netstring library, and cannot be changed
			at runtime.

-equeue-tcl-defs <str>	Only if you have -enable-tcl:
 			Sets options for the C compiler so the
			include files for tcl are found. E.g.
			-equeue-tcl-defs -I/usr/include/tcl8.4

-equeue-tcl-libs <str>	Only if you have -enable-tcl:
			Sets options for the linker so the 
			tcl library is found. E.g.
			-equeue-tcl-libs -ltcl8.4

-auth-dh-style <style>	Only if you have -with-rpc-auth-dh:
			Overrides the auto-selected style to
			connect to the keyserv daemon.
			Possible styles are:
			- keyenvoy: run the keyenvoy program
			- unixdomain: contact using Unix Domain socket
			- tirpc: contact using XTI transport
			  (this is also known as TI-RPC)

-prefer-netcgi2		Only if you have -with-nethttpd:
			Builds nethttpd against netcgi2 instead
			of netcgi1

The directory where the library archives are installed can be
changed when you run "make install", see below.

After having configured ocamlnet, you can build it:

    make all

builds the bytecode version, and

    make opt

builds the native version (if posssible on your platform).

After the build you can install ocamlnet. It is not required to
become root for this, as it is sufficient that you have write
privileges in all directories where files are installed. Do
this with:

   make install

At this time, you can change the location where the library archives
are installed:

   env OCAMLFIND_DESTDIR="<dir>" make install

Here, <dir> is the replacement for what is output by
"ocamlfind printconf destdir".

In order to uninstall ocamlnet, run

    make uninstall


Special notes for distributors

The build system includes a few mechanisms making life easier to
build ocamlnet in package management environments.

First, it is suggested to distribute ocamlnet as several packages
in binary form:

- ocamlnet		CORE only
- ocamlnet-gtk		Add-on libraries needing gtk
- ocamlnet-gtk2		Add-on libraries needing gtk2
- ocamlnet-ssl		Add-on libraries needing ssl
- ocamlnet-tcl		Add-on libraries needing tcl
- ocamlnet-nethttpd	nethttpd (optional, if it makes the different
			licensing conditions clearer)

Second, you can completely separate the builds of the CORE and
the add-on stuff:

It is possible to build the add-on stuff later, i.e. after the
ocamlnet CORE is already installed. To do so, use the special
configuration option -without-core, and run "make" with these
extra variables:

   INC_NETSYS="-package netsys"
   INC_NETSTRING="-package netstring"
   INC_EQUEUE="-package equeue"
   INC_NETCGI1="-package netcgi1"
   INC_NETCGI2="-package netcgi2"
   INC_NETPLEX="-package netplex"
   INC_RPC="-package rpc"
   INC_SHELL="-package shell"

i.e. "make all" becomes

   make all INC_NETSYS="..." INC_NETSTRING="..." ...

The effect is that the add-on libraries are built against the already
installed core.

Third, at installation time, it is possible to install into a
local directory hierarchy. To do so, use

   env DESTDIR="<root>" \
       OCAMLFIND_DESTDIR="<root>/$(ocamlfind printconf destdir)" \
       make install

where <root> is the local directory. You should ensure that
the direcories

   "<root>/$(ocamlfind printconf destdir)", and optionally,
   "<root>/$(ocamlfind printconf destdir)"/stublibs

already exist.