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<center><h1>Class <a href="type_Netcgi.custom_activation.html">Netcgi.custom_activation</a></h1></center>
<pre><span class="keyword">class</span> <a name="TYPEcustom_activation"></a>custom_activation : <code class="type">?env:<a href="Netcgi_env.cgi_environment.html">Netcgi_env.cgi_environment</a> -> ?args:<a href="Netcgi_types.cgi_argument.html">Netcgi_types.cgi_argument</a> list -> ?meth:<a href="Netcgi_types.html#TYPErequest_method">Netcgi_types.request_method</a> -> ?operating_type:<a href="Netcgi.html#TYPEoperating_type">operating_type</a> -> unit -> </code><code class="type"><a href="Netcgi_types.cgi_activation.html">Netcgi_types.cgi_activation</a></code></pre>This class can be used to implement a non-standard connector that
 has the same output format as CGI. The CGI arguments, however,
 are not extracted from the input channel, but simply passed
 as <code class="code">args</code> to this class. The input channel of the environment
 is never used.

 The class does not modify any property of the environment, and it does
 not check whether the environment is compatible with the passed method
 and arguments. This is up to the user.

 The purpose of the custom activation class is that CGI environments
 can be created that do not communicate over stdin/stdout, but use other
 means to get their input and to deliver their output. You could do
 that by providing a customized <code class="code">cgi_environment</code> as well, but this
 alternate solution might be ineffective because CGI arguments must be 
 encoded for the only purpose to be immediately decoded by <code class="code">std_activation</code>.
 When using <code class="code">custom_activation</code>, one can bypass the environment, and
 set the CGI arguments directly.

 Note: Unlike <code class="code">std_activation</code>, this class sets the set of current arguments
 and the set of initial arguments to the same list. This means: if you
 modify an argument directly (<code class="code">set_value</code>, for instace) this will change
 both sets. It is recommended to pass only read-only arguments to
 this class in order to avoid this surprising behaviour.

<div class="param_info"><code class="code">env</code> : The default environment is to first try a classical
   CGI environment, and if that fails, to fall back to a test
<div class="param_info"><code class="code">args</code> : The list of CGI arguments that will be available in the
   CGI activation object</div>
<div class="param_info"><code class="code">meth</code> : The assumed HTTP method. The method is not extracted from
   the environment, but taken from this argument. Defaults to <code class="code">`GET</code>.</div>
<div class="param_info"><code class="code">operating_type</code> : See <code class="code">std_activation</code>.</div>
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