

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 6baf89fec71424e31c49314428614112 > files > 168



       RAM is getting smaller and smaller, and as a result, also more and more
       vulnerable. This makes the manufacturing of hardware more expensive,
       since an excessive amount of RAM chips must be discarded on account of
       a single cell that is wrong. Similarly, static discharge may damage a
       RAM module forever, which is usually remedied by replacing it

       This is not necessary, as the BadRAM code shows: By informing the Linux
       kernel which addresses in a RAM are damaged, the kernel simply avoids
       ever allocating such addresses but makes all the rest available.

Reasons for this feature
       There are many reasons why this kernel feature is useful:
       - Chip manufacture is resource intensive; waste less and sleep better
       - It's another chance to promote Linux as "the flexible OS"
       - Some laptops have their RAM soldered in... and then it fails!
       - It's plain cool ;-)

Running example
       To run this project, I was given two DIMMs, 32 MB each. One, that we
       shall use as a running example in this text, contained 512 faulty bits,
       spread over 1/4 of the address range in a regular pattern. Some tricks
       with a RAM tester and a few binary calculations were sufficient to
       write these faults down in 2 longword numbers.

       The kernel recognised the correct number of pages with faults and did
       not give them out for allocation. The allocation routines could
       therefore progress as normally, without any adaption.
       So, I gained 30 MB of DIMM which would otherwise have been thrown
       away. After booting the kernel, the kernel behaved exactly as it
       always had.

Initial checks
       If you experience RAM trouble, first read /usr/src/linux/memory.txt
       and try out the mem=4M trick to see if at least some initial parts
       of your RAM work well. The BadRAM routines halt the kernel in panic
       if the reserved area of memory (containing kernel stuff) contains
       a faulty address.

Running a RAM checker
       The memory checker is not built into the kernel, to avoid delays at
       runtime. If you experience problems that may be caused by RAM, run
       a good RAM checker, such as
       The output of a RAM checker provides addresses that went wrong. In
       the 32 MB chip with 512 faulty bits mentioned above, the errors were
       found in the 8MB-16MB range (the DIMM was in slot #0) at addresses
       and the error was a "sticky 1 bit", a memory bit that stayed "1" no
       matter what was written to it. The regularity of this pattern
       suggests the death of a buffer at the output stages of a row on one of
       the chips. I expect such regularity to be commonplace. Finding this
       regularity currently is human effort, but it should not be hard to
       alter a RAM checker to capture it in some sort of pattern, possibly
       the BadRAM patterns described below.

       By the way, if you manage to get hold of memtest86 version 2.3 or
       beyond, you can configure the printing mode to produce BadRAM patterns,
       which find out exactly what you must enter on the LILO: commandline,
       except that you shouldn't mention the added spacing. That means that
       you can skip the following step, which saves you a *lot* of work.

       Also by the way, if your machine has the ISA memory gap in the 15M-16M
       range unstoppable, Linux can get in trouble. One way of handling that
       situation is by specifying the total memory size to Linux with a boot
       parameter mem=... and then to tell it to treat the 15M-16M range as
       faulty with an additional boot parameter, for instance:
               mem=24M badram=0x00f00000,0xfff00000
       if you installed 24MB of RAM in total.

       If you use this patch on an x86_64 architecture, your addresses are
       twice as long.  Fill up with zeroes in the address and with f's in
       the mask.  The latter example would thus become:
               mem=24M badram=0x0000000000f00000,0xfffffffffff00000
       The patch applies the changes to both x86 and x86_64 code bases
       at the same time.  Patching but not compiling maps the entire
       source tree at once, which makes more sense than splitting the
       patch into an x86 and x86_64 branch, because those two branches
       could not be applied at the same time because they would overlap.

Capturing errors in a pattern
       Instead of manually providing all 512 errors to the kernel, it's nicer
       to generate a pattern. Since the regularity is based on address decoding
       software, which generally takes certain bits into account and ignores
       others, we shall provide a faulty address F, together with a bit mask M
       that specifies which bits must be equal to F. In C code, an address A
       is faulty if and only if
               (F & M) == (A & M)
       or alternately (closer to a hardware implementation):
               ~((F ^ A) & M)
       In the example 32 MB chip, we had the faulty addresses in 8MB-16MB:
               xxx42f4         ....0100....
               xxx62f4         ....0110....
               xxxc2f4         ....1100....
               xxxe2f4         ....1110....
       The second column represents the alternating hex digit in binary form.
       Apperantly, the first and one-but last binary digit can be anything,
       so the binary mask for that part is 0101. The mask for the part after
       this is 0xfff, and the part before should select anything in the range
       8MB-16MB, or 0x00800000-0x01000000; this is done with a bitmask
       0xff80xxxx. Combining these partial masks, we get:
               F=0x008042f4    M=0xff805fff
       That covers everything for this DIMM; for more complicated failing
       DIMMs, or for a combination of multiple failing DIMMs, it can be
       necessary to set up a number of such F/M pairs.

Rebooting Linux
       Now that these patterns are known (and double-checked, the calculations
       are highly error-prone... it would be neat to test them in the RAM
       checker...) we simply restart Linux with these F/M pairs as a parameter
       If you normally boot as follows:
              LILO: linux
       you should now boot with
              LILO: linux badram=0x008042f4,0xff805fff
       or perhaps by mentioning more F/M pairs in an order F0,M0,F1,M1,...
       When you provide an odd number of arguments to badram, the default mask
       0xffffffff (only one address matched) is applied to the pattern.

       Beware of the commandline length. At least up to LILO version 0.21,
       the commandline is cut off after the 78th character; later versions
       may go as far as the kernel goes, namely 255 characters. In no way is
       it possible to enter more than 10 numbers to the badram boot option.

       When the kernel now boots, it should not give any trouble with RAM.
       Mind you, this is under the assumption that the kernel and its data
       storage do not overlap an erroneous part. If this happens, and the
       kernel does not choke on it right away, it will stop with a panic.
       You will need to provide a RAM where the initial, say 2MB, is faultless

       Now look up your memory status with
              dmesg | grep ^Memory:
       which prints a single line with information like
               Memory: 158524k/163840k available
                       (940k kernel code,
                       412k reserved,
                       1856k data,
                       60k init,
                       0k highmem,
                       2048k BadRAM)
       The latter entry, the badram, is 2048k to represent the loss of 2MB
       of general purpose RAM due to the errors. Or, positively rephrased,
       instead of throwing out 32MB as useless, you only throw out 2MB.

       If the system is stable (try compiling a few kernels, and do a few
       finds in / or so) you may add the boot parameter to /etc/lilo.conf
       as a line to _all_ the kernels that handle this trouble with a line
       after which you run "lilo".
       Warning: Don't experiment with these settings on your only boot image.
       If the BadRAM overlays kernel code, data, init, or other reserved
       memory, the kernel will halt in panic. Try settings on a test boot
       image first, and if you get a panic you should change the order of
       your DIMMs [which may involve buying a new one just to be able to
       change the order].

       You are allowed to enter any number of BadRAM patterns in all the
       places documented in this file. They will all apply. It is even
       possible to mention several BadRAM patterns in a single place. The
       completion of an odd number of arguments with the default mask is
       done separately for each badram=... option.

Kernel Customisation
       Some people prefer to enter their badram patterns in the kernel, and
       this is also possible. In mm/page_alloc.c there is an array of unsigned
       long integers into which the parameters can be entered, prefixed with
       the number of integers (twice the number of patterns). The array is
       named badram_custom and it will be added to the BadRAM list whenever an
       option 'badram' is provided on the commandline when booting, either
       with or without additional patterns.

       For the previous example, the code would become

       static unsigned long __initdata badram_custom[] = {
               2,      // Number of longwords that follow, as F/M pairs
               0x008042f4L, 0xff805fffL,

       Even on this place you may assume the default mask to be filled in
       when you enter an odd number of longwords. Specify the number of
       longwords to be 0 to avoid influence of this custom BadRAM list.

BadRAM classification
       This technique may start a lively market for "dead" RAM. It is important
       to realise that some RAMs are more dead than others. So, instead of
       just providing a RAM size, it is also important to know the BadRAM
       class, which is defined as follows:

               A BadRAM class N means that at most 2^N bytes have a problem,
               and that all problems with the RAMs are persistent: They
               are predictable and always show up.

       The DIMM that serves as an example here was of class 9, since 512=2^9
       errors were found. Higher classes are worse, "correct" RAM is of class
       -1 (or even less, at your choice).
       Class N also means that the bitmask for your chip (if there's just one,
       that is) counts N bits "0" and it means that (if no faults fall in the
       same page) an amount of 2^N*PAGESIZE memory is lost, in the example on
       an x86 architecture that would be 2^9*4k=2MB, which accounts for the
       initial claim of 30MB RAM gained with this DIMM.

       Note that this scheme has deliberately been defined to be independent
       of memory technology and of computer architecture.

Known Bugs
       LILO is known to cut off commandlines which are too long. For the
       lilo-0.21 distribution, a commandline may not exceed 78 characters,
       while actually, 255 would be possible [on x86, kernel 2.2.16].
       LILO does _not_ report too-long commandlines, but the error will
       show up as either a panic at boot time, stating
               panic: BadRAM page in initial area
       or the dmesg line starting with Memory: will mention an unpredicted
       number of kilobytes. (Note that the latter number only includes
       errors in accessed memory.)

Future Possibilities
       It would be possible to use even more of the faulty RAMs by employing
       them for slabs. The smaller allocation granularity of slabs makes it
       possible to throw out just, say, 32 bytes surrounding an error. This
       would mean that the example DIMM only looses 16kB instead of 2MB.
       It might even be possible to allocate the slabs in such a way that,
       where possible, the remaining bytes in a slab structure are allocated
       around the error, reducing the RAM loss to 0 in the optimal situation!

       However, this yield is somewhat faked: It is possible to provide 512
       pages of 32-byte slabs, but it is not certain that anyone would use
       that many 32-byte slabs at any time.

       A better solution might be to alter the page allocation for a slab to
       have a preference for BadRAM pages, and given those a special treatment.
       This way, the BadRAM would be spread over all the slabs, which seems
       more likely to be a `true' pay-off. This would yield more overhead at
       slab allocation time, but on the other hand, by the nature of slabs,
       such allocations are made as rare as possible, so it might not matter
       that much. I am uncertain where to go.

       Many suggestions have been made to insert a RAM checker at boot time;
       since this would leave the time to do only very meager checking, it
       is not a reasonable option; we already have a BIOS doing that in most

       It would be interesting to integrate this functionality with the
       self-verifying nature of ECC RAM. These memories can even distinguish
       between recorable and unrecoverable errors! Such memory has been
       handled in older operating systems by `testing' once-failed memory
       blocks for a while, by placing only (reloadable) program code in it.
       Unfortunately, I possess no faulty ECC modules to work this out.

Names and Places
       The home page of this project is on
       This page also links to Nico Schmoigl's experimental extensions to
       this patch (with debugging and a few other fancy things).

       In case you have experiences with the BadRAM software which differ from
       the test reportings on that site, I hope you will mail me with that
       new information.

       The BadRAM project is an idea and implementation by
               Rick van Rein
               Haarlebrink 5
               7544 WP  Enschede
               The Netherlands
       If you like it, a postcard would be much appreciated ;-)
