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<!-- $Id: SQL.html,v 1.10 2007/08/29 17:47:42 castaglia Exp $ -->
<!-- $Source: /cvsroot/proftp/proftpd/doc/howto/SQL.html,v $ -->

<title>ProFTPD mini-HOWTO - SQL and mod_sql</title>

<body bgcolor=white>

<center><h2><b>SQL and <code>mod_sql</code></b></h2></center>

<b>Compiling with <code>mod_sql</code></b><br>
To compile <code>proftpd</code> with the <code>mod_sql</code> SQL module, you
will need to have the libraries and header files of a SQL database installed;
the <code>mysql.h</code> and <code>libmysqlclient.a</code> files for MySQL,
the <code>libpq-fe.h</code> and <code>libpq.a</code> files for Postgres.

<code>mod_sql</code> is the module that provides a generic interface between
the <code>proftpd</code> daemon and the underlying SQL database(s);
<code>mod_sql</code> relies on backend modules to handle the database-specific
operations.  For MySQL database, the backend module is
<code>mod_sql_mysql</code>; <code>mod_sql_postgres</code> is to be used when
dealing with Postgres databases.  Then, to build a <code>proftpd</code>
daemon to use <code>mod_sql</code>, use the <code>--with-modules</code> option
of the <code>configure</code> script, specifying both <code>mod_sql</code> and
the backed module, <i>e.g.</i>:
  ./configure --with-modules=mod_sql:mod_sql_mysql
Sometimes the necessary header and library files for building in SQL support
are in non-standard locations; the <code>configure</code> script needs to be
told about these non-standard locations so that it can find the necessary files,
and build the daemon properly.  The <code>--with-includes</code> option (for
header file locations) and <code>--with-libraries</code> option (for library
file locations) are used for informing <code>configure</code> of such things.
For example, if you had installed MySQL using a prefix of
<code>/usr/local/mysql</code>, so that the path the header file was:
and the path the library was:
then, the above <code>configure</code> line would be changed to look like:
  ./configure \
    --with-modules=mod_sql:mod_sql_mysql \
    --with-includes=/usr/local/mysql/include/mysql \
The same options can be used similarly for specifying Postgres file locations.
(<b>NOTE: Postgres 7.2 or higher should be used; earlier versions of Postgres
lacked a string-escaping function that allowed for an SQL injection
vulnerability.  Use the <code>mod_sql_postgres</code> from proftpd 1.2.9rc1
or later in conjunction with a newer Postgres library to fix the bug.</b>)

<code>mod_sql</code> is capable of using OpenSSL for different ways of
encrypting passwords stored in database tables.  The <code>configure</code>
options for building an OpenSSL-capable <code>mod_sql</code> might look
something like this:
  CFLAGS=-DHAVE_OPENSSL LIBS=-lcrypto ./configure \
    --with-modules=mod_sql:mod_sql_mysql \
    --with-includes=/usr/local/mysql/include/mysql:/usr/local/openssl/include \
Note that this example assumes that you have installed OpenSSL using a prefix
of <code>/usr/local/openssl</code>.

<b>Configuring <code>mod_sql</code></b><br>
Now that a <code>proftpd</code> daemon has been compiled for SQL support,
you can begin the task of configuring it so that <code>mod_sql</code> can
access your SQL database tables.  At a very minimum, <code>mod_sql</code>
assumes that it has access to a table with two columns, one for user names, the
other for passwords.  For more complete functionality, tables providing
full user and group information are needed.  The full information that can
be provided is described below.

<b>User Information Table</b><sub>1</sub>
<table border=1>

    <td>user's login</td>

    <td>user's password</td>

    <td>user's UID</td>

    <td>user's GID</td>

    <td>user's home</td>

    <td>user's shell</td>
<ol type=number>
  <li>The user table <b>MUST</b> exist.

  <li>Nothing in <code>proftpd</code> or <code>mod_sql</code> prevents you
    from using duplicate UIDs, from given multiple users the same UID.  Hower,
    this is should be done <i>only if you are certain you know what you are

  <li>See the <code>SQLDefaultHomedir</code> and <code>SQLUserInfo</code>
    configuration directives.

  <li>See the <code>RequireValidShell</code> configuration directive.

<b>Group Information Table</b><sub>1</sub>
<table border=1>

    <td>group's name</td>

    <td>group's GID</td>

    <td>group's members</td>
<ol type=number>
  <li><code>mod_sql</code> will normally concatenate all matching group rows;
    you can have multiple rows for each group with only one member per group,
    or have a single row with multiple groups, or a mixing of the two.  However,
    if you use the <em>fast</em> option for <em>groupset</em> of the
    <code>SQLAuthenticate</code> directive, you may <i>not</i> have multiple
    rows per group.

  <li>Multiple members per group are formatted as comma-separated names
    (no contained whitespace) in the text for this column.

The two SQL statements below should work for any ANSI SQL compliant databases,
and are known to work for MySQL and PostgreSQL.  They both fully specify the
tables as described above, with reasonable defaults for field length and data
type.  More stringent definitions are suggested: if you plan on keeping home
directory or shell information in the database, those fields could be defined
as <code>NOT NULL</code>, or even <code>UNIQUE</code> for home directory.
Similarly, if you plan on being able to use the <em>groupsetfast</em> argument
to the <code>SQLAuthenticate</code> directive, you should create both the
<em>groupname</em> and <em>gid</em> fields as <code>UNIQUE</code>.

To create a user table:
  CREATE TABLE users (
    passwd VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL,
    gid INTEGER,
    homedir VARCHAR(255),
    shell VARCHAR(255)
(<i>Note</i>: if you plan to reuse the same UID for multiple users, then you
will need to remove the <code>UNIQUE</code> from the <code>uid</code> column
description).  To create a group table:
  CREATE TABLE groups (
    groupname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
    members VARCHAR(255)

The key configuration directives for <code>mod_sql</code> are:
  <li><code>SQLConnectInfo</code>, for setting the information for connecting
     to the database server
  <li><code>SQLAuthenticate</code>, for controlling how the module will
     perform its authentication lookups
  <li><code>SQLAuthTypes</code>, for defining which authentication methods to
  <li><code>SQLUserInfo</code>, for modifying the names of the columns using
    which the module will lookup values from the user table
  <li><code>SQLGroupInfo</code>, for modifying the names of the columns using
    which the module will lookup values from the group table
A list of <code>mod_sql</code> configuration directives can be found here:
  <a href=""></a>

<p><a name="FAQ">
<b>Frequently Asked Questions</b><br>
Whenever questions arise about problems using <code>mod_sql</code>, the first
place to look will be the server debugging output and in a
<code>SQLLogFile</code>.  <code>mod_sql</code> is <i>very</i> verbose with its
debugging information, and you can see everything it is doing.  However, there
are times when there is too much information in the debugging output, and you
are unsure of how to remedy the problem.  These are some of the frequent

<p><a name="SQLAuthoritative"></a>
<font color=red>Question</font>: Why is <code>proftpd</code> only looking in
my SQL tables when a user logs in?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: You probably configured <code>mod_sql</code>
to be &quot;authoritative&quot; in your <code>SQLAuthenticate</code> setting by
using the <em>*</em> option.  Conversely, if you actually want
<code>proftpd</code> to only authenticate SQL-defined users, the <em>*</em>
&quot;authoritative&quot; suffix is what you would want to use.

<p><a name="SQLDefaultID"></a>
<font color=red>Question</font>: Why does my SQL user not use the UID/GID I
configured for her in my SQL table?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: More than likely, you gave this user a UID
that is below the default <code>SQLMinUserUID</code> (999), or a GID that is
below the default <code>SQLMinUserGID</code> (999).  Use the
<code>SQLMinUserUID</code>, <code>SQLMinUserGID</code>, and/or
<code>SQLMinID</code> configuration directives to set these limits lower as

<p><a name="SQLShell"></a>
<font color=red>Question</font>: Do I have to configure a real shell for my
SQL-defined users?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: No. The <code>proftpd</code> daemon only checks
the shell for a user in order to provide compatibilty with other FTP daemons,
which do the same check; <code>proftpd</code> itself does not spawn the shell.
See the <code>RequireValidShell</code> configuration directive for turning this
check off.

<p><a name="SQLLogQUIT"></a>
<font color=red>Question</font>: How come my <code>SQLLog QUIT</code> is not
run if the session aborts or dies?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: Not all FTP clients are polite and issue the
<code>QUIT</code> before the session ends.  Perhaps their session is timed out,
or dropped due to network problems.  Use <code>EXIT</code> as the FTP command
in your <code>SQLLog</code> directive, rather than <code>QUIT</code>, as
mentioned in the <code>SQLLog</code> documentation.

<p><a name="SQLFaster"></a>
<font color=red>Question</font>: How can I make <code>mod_sql</code> go
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: There are a couple of things you might try.
First, if using a version of <code>mod_sql</code> from ProFTPD-1.2.7rc1 or
later, make use of the <code>SQLNegativeCache</code> configuration directive.

Other forms of this question are &quot;Why does <code>mod_sql</code> iterate
through every user in the database?&quot;, or &quot;Why is <code>mod_sql</code>
so slow during logins?&quot;  Here's the reason: <code>mod_sql</code> is
designed to handle all authentication functions that the daemon throws at it.
This includes the functions that iterate through all users
(<code>setpwent()</code>, <code>getpwent()</code>, <code>endpwent()</code>) and
the functions that iterate through all groups (<code>setgrent()</code>,
<code>getgrent()</code>, <code>endgrent()</code>).

When you see <code>mod_sql</code> iterating through all groups or users, it is
doing so because it has been asked to do so by the daemon.  Since there is no
good way to keep an open query around without adding more to the various
backend modules than we already have, <code>mod_sql</code> pre-caches all
users when <code>setpwent()</code> is called, and pre-caches all groups when
<code>setgrent()</code> is called.  This allows the <code>getpwent()</code> and
<code>getgrent()</code> calls to be simple, at the cost of more time during

In simple situations, these functions are never called.  When you start
limiting access to directories, files, or various FTP commands based on user or
group, that is when the daemon needs to iterate through the users and groups to
check permissions.  A basic FTP server, including virtual and anonymous
servers, will never make the (potentially, very) expensive user iteration
calls, but may iterate through all groups.

The <code>SQLAuthenticate</code> directive provides a method to tune
<code>mod_sql</code>; by default, <code>mod_sql</code> will handle the various
*<code>pwent()</code> and *<code>grent()</code> calls. When
<code>SQLAuthenticate</code> is told not to handle <em>userset</em> or
<em>groupset</em>, <code>mod_sql</code> simply passes the request on to
whatever authentication handlers exist in the system.  Keep in mind that
using <code>SQLAuthenticate</code> in this way means that the
<code>proftpd</code> daemon is <b>not</b> using the same information to
authenticate the user as it is to control the user's actions during their

For those of you who have used <code>mod_sql</code> in the past, these lookups
should probably be set to <em>off</em>.  Versions of <code>mod_sql</code> prior
to 3.2.0 (or thereabouts) did not handle the
<code>{set|get|end}{pw|gr}ent</code> functions at all, so by setting these
lookups to <em>off</em>, you lose no functionality.  Those of you new to
<code>mod_sql</code> should to consider your needs: is the cost of iterating
through every user stored in the database worth the ability to limit access
based on users/groups from the database?  If not, you will need to re-evaluate
the way you are using the database, and where you should be storing your
user/group information.

<p><a name="SQLOpenSSLSQLAuthType"></a>
<font color=red>Question</font>: When I use an <code>SQLAuthTypes</code> that
includes &quot;OpenSSL&quot;, what do the values in the database need to
look like?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: The value that <code>mod_sql</code> expects
is the base64-encoded value of the digested password string.  To get a list
of the message digest algorithms supported by your OpenSSL installation, you
can execute the following command:
  openssl list-message-digest-commands
To generate the string to put into the SQL tables, using MD5 as the digest
algorithm and &quot;password&quot; as the password:
  /bin/echo &quot;{md5}&quot;`/bin/echo -n &quot;password&quot; | openssl dgst -binary -md5 | openssl enc -base64`
The &quot;{md5}&quot; prefix is necessary, so that <code>mod_sql</code> knows
what digest algorithm was used.

Here's a quick and dirty example of generating database-ready strings using
every digest algorithm supported by the installed OpenSSL:
  for c in `openssl list-message-digest-commands`; do
    /bin/echo "{$c}"`/bin/echo -n "password" | openssl dgst -binary -$c | openssl enc -base64`
which generates:

<b>Note</b>: the <code>{digest}</code> prefix syntax is <b>only</b> needed for
passwords that will be handled as OpenSSL-style passwords.  This prefix
is <b>not</b> needed for any of the other <code>SQLAuthType</code> types.

There are a lot of PHP applications which might want to generate passwords
suitable for use with <code>mod_sql</code>.  For example, to generate
a base64-encoded MD5 password with PHP, which can then be read by
<code>mod_sql</code>, use the following PHP code:
  // $password contains the cleartext password before
  $password = "{md5}".base64_encode(pack("H*", md5($password)));

  // $password now contains the encrypted, encoded password
Or if you're using Python, you might try the following:
  password = "{md5}" + base64.b64encode("password").digest())

<p><a name="SQLScoreboardError"></a>
<font color=red>Question</font>: Why do I see &quot;error deleting scoreboard entry: Invalid argument&quot?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: This log message almost always denotes use
of <code>mod_sql</code>, and a problem in the <code>mod_sql</code>
configuration.  To debug the problem, define an <a href=""><code>SQLLogFile</code></a>
(making sure the path is <b>not</b> in a world-writable directory), to which
<code>mod_sql</code> will write debugging information.

<p><a name="SQLZlibError"></a>
<font color=red>Question</font>: I am trying to compile <code>proftpd</code> with MySQL support, and get the following error when I run <code>make</code>.  Why?<br>
  /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz
  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  make: *** [proftpd] Error 1
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: This error means that the linker cannot find
the <code>libz</code> library.  For many systems, this library is provided by
the <code>zlib</code> package; you may need to install this zlib package.
The <code>libz</code> library is required by the MySQL client libraries.

<p><a name="SQLLoaderError"></a>
<font color=red>Question</font>: I was able to compile <code>proftpd</code> with <code>mod_sql</code> without problems, but now when I try to start <code>proftpd</code>, I get the following error.  Why?<br>
  proftpd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
<font color=blue>Answer</font>:  Errors about "loading shared libraries",
especially when they happen when starting <code>proftpd</code>, come from
the dynamic/shared library loader.  The linker was able to find that library
at compile time, but not at run time.  If you were to look for the specified
library, you would see it.  So why can't the shared library loader find it?

Updating the directories searched automatically by the shared library loader
is a platform-specific task.  On Linux, for example, you will need to
edit your <code>/etc/</code> file to include the directory containing
the SQL client libraries; then run <code>/sbin/ldconfig</code> in order
update the shared library loader cache file.  Once the shared library loader
has been updated, <code>proftpd</code> should start without problems.

Last Updated: <i>$Date: 2007/08/29 17:47:42 $</i><br>
