

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > ee493823148ed6fb895c827f4e36eb1c > files > 2330


<?xml encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!ENTITY XercesCFullName      "Xerces C++ Parser">            <!-- fullproductname -->
<!ENTITY XercesCName          "Xerces-C++">                   <!-- productname -->
<!ENTITY XercesCVersion       "2.7.0">                        <!-- versionnumber -->
<!ENTITY XercesCVersion152    "1.5.2">                        <!-- versionnumber -->
<!ENTITY XercesCProjectName   "Xerces">                       <!-- projectname -->
<!ENTITY XercesCInstallDir    "xerces-c2_7_0">                <!-- installdirname -->
<!ENTITY XercesCSrcInstallDir "xerces-c-src2_7_0">            <!-- sourcedirectory -->
<!ENTITY XercesCWindowsLib    "xerces-c_2">                   <!-- windowslibname -->
<!ENTITY XercesCWindowsDLL    "xerces-c_2_7_0">               <!-- windowsDLLname -->
<!ENTITY XercesCUnixSoName    "27.0">                         <!-- unixlibname -->
<!ENTITY XercesCUnixVersion   "27">                           <!-- unixlibname -->
<!ENTITY XercesCUnixLib       "libxerces-c">                  <!-- unixlibname -->
<!ENTITY XercesCNamespace     "xercesc">                      <!-- C++ namespace name -->
<!ENTITY XercesCNSVersion     "xercesc_2_7">                  <!-- C++ namespace name with Version -->
<!ENTITY XercesCDevelEmailAddress  " "> <!-- emailaddress -->
<!ENTITY XercesCUserEmailAddress  " "> <!-- emailaddress -->
<!ENTITY JiraURL  "http&colon;// "> <!-- url -->
<!ENTITY XercesDistDir        ""> <!-- download directory -->

<!ENTITY colon "&#58;">
<!ENTITY percent "&#37;">

<!-- value for home entity in xerces-c_book.xml -->
<!ENTITY home '
<external href="../index.html"  label="Home"/>

<!-- value for releases_plan entity in xerces-c_book.xml -->
<!ENTITY releases_plan '
<hidden id="releases_plan" source="releases_plan.xml"/>

<!-- value for faq-distrib entity in xerces-c_book.xml -->
<!ENTITY faq-distrib '
<entry id="faq-distrib" source="faq-distrib.xml"/>

<!-- value for faq-contributing entity in xerces-c_book.xml -->
<!ENTITY faq-contributing '
<entry id="faq-contributing" source="faq-contributing.xml"/>

<!-- value for source_repository entity in xerces-c_book.xml -->
<!ENTITY source_repository '
<external href="http&colon;//" label="Source Repository"/>

<!-- value for mail_archive entity in xerces-c_book.xml -->
<!ENTITY mail_archive_user '
<external href="http&colon;//" label="User Mail Archive"/>

<!ENTITY mail_archive_devel '
<external href="http&colon;//" label="Devel Mail Archive"/>

<!-- Entity for bug report information used in bug-report.xml -->
<!ENTITY bug-report '
<s2 title="How to report bugs">
<p> Please report bugs to <jump href="http&colon;//">Jira</jump>,
the Apache bug database.  Pick the product "Xerces-C++"
using the following components&colon;
<tr><td>DOM</td><td>Items specific to DOM</td></tr>
<tr><td>SAX/SAX2</td><td>Items specific to SAX or SAX2</td></tr>
<tr><td>Non-Validating Parser</td><td>General Parsing Problem</td></tr>
<tr><td>Validating Parser (DTD)</td><td>DTD related parser issue</td></tr>
<tr><td>Validating Parser (Schema)</td><td>Schema related parser issue</td></tr>
<tr><td>Utilities</td><td>Items related to utilities like MessageLoader, Transcoder, NetAccessors, Platform specific utilities</td></tr>
<tr><td>Build</td><td>Problem with build, makefile, project files</td></tr>
<tr><td>Documentation</td><td>Documentation bugs such as FAQ, Programming Guide</td></tr>
<tr><td>Samples/Tests</td><td>Samples or test cases related issues</td></tr>
<tr><td>Miscellaneous</td><td>Items not covered in other categories</td></tr>
<p>A copy of your bug report is sent automatically to the discussion list
<jump href="mailto&colon;&XercesCDevelEmailAddress;">&XercesCName; development mailing list</jump>.
<s2 title="Search first">
<p> Check the <jump href="http&colon;//">Jira</jump> database
before submitting your bug report to avoid creating a duplicate report.
Even the bug has been reported already, you may add a comment to the existing report
since your contribution may lead to a quicker identification/resolution to the bug reported.
<p> Here is the list of
<jump href=
outstanding bugs</jump>  that are currently reported in Jira.
<s2 title="Write a good bug report">
<p> Writing a useful bug report, which makes the bug reproducible, is the first step
towards the resolution of the bug. Specifics about the bug, like
<li>&XercesCName; version number</li>
<li>Operating system and version number</li>
<li>Compiler and version number</li>
<li>The XML document (or excerpt) that failed</li>
<li>The C++ application code that failed</li>
<li>Whether you built the &XercesCName; library yourself or used the
binary distribution</li>
<li>What happened</li>
are all necessary information to allow developer to reproduce,
identify, evaluate and eventually, fix the bug, which is the very
purpose of your reporting of the bug.
<p>If you are providing a patch please review the information in
<jump href="faq-contributing.html#Submitting Patches">Submitting Patches</jump>.

<!-- build-winunix.xml & faq-distrib.xml supported platforms -->
<!ENTITY build-winunix-supported-platforms '
<tr><th><em>Operating System</em></th><th><em>Compiler</em></th></tr>
<tr><th><em>32-bit binary</em></th><td></td></tr>
<tr><td>Windows 2000</td><td>MS Visual C++ 6.0 SP3</td></tr>
<tr><td>AIX 5.1</td><td>xlC_r 6.0.0</td></tr>
<tr><td>Solaris 2.8</td><td>Forte C++ Version 6 Update 2</td></tr>
<tr><td>HP-UX 11i</td><td>aCC A.03.52 with pthreads</td></tr>
<tr><td>RHEL 4.0 (IA32)</td><td>gcc 3.4.3</td></tr>

<tr><th><em>64-bit binary</em></th><td></td></tr>
<tr><td>AIX 5.1</td><td>xlC_r 6.0.0</td></tr>
<tr><td>Solaris 2.8</td><td>Forte C++ Version 6 Update 2</td></tr>
<tr><td>HP-UX 11i</td><td>aCC A.03.52 with pthreads</td></tr>
<tr><td>SuSE Linux 8.0 (AMD64)</td><td>gcc 3.2.2</td></tr>

<!-- note in build-winunix.xml about building on untested platforms -->
<!ENTITY build-winunix-note '
<p>If you are not using any of these compilers, you are taking a calculated risk
by exploring new grounds. Your effort in making &XercesCName; work on this
new compiler is greatly appreciated and any problems you face can be addressed
on the <jump href="mailto&colon;&XercesCUserEmailAddress;">&XercesCName; user mailing list</jump>.

<!-- support faq info for faq-other.xml -->
<!ENTITY faq-other-support '
<faq title="Is there any kind of support available for &XercesCName;?">
<q>Is there any kind of support available for &XercesCName;?</q>
<p>&XercesCName; comes with <em>no</em> formal support.</p>
<p>Every volunteer project obtains its strength from the people involved in
it. Mailing lists provide a simple and effective communication mechanism. You
are welcome to join any of these mailing lists (or all of them if you wish).
You can choose to lurk, or to actively participate. It is up to you. Before you
join these lists, you should look over the resources in the Reference Library
<p>Instructions for subscribing are at
<jump href="http&colon;//">http&colon;//</jump>.
Archives of the lists are available from
<jump href="http&colon;//">

<!-- patch faq info for faq-other.xml -->
<!ENTITY faq-other-patch '
<faq title="I have a patch to the &XercesCName; source code. How do I submit it?">
<q>I have a patch to the &XercesCName; source code. How do I submit it?</q>
<p>Mail it to the <jump href="mailto&colon;&XercesCDevelEmailAddress;">&XercesCName;
development mailing list</jump>. Its also a good idea to add a report to <jump href="&JiraURL;">Jira</jump> to track the issue There are no set rules about
how or what must be included -- if you have fixed a problem or enhanced the code
in some way, we really would like to get your changes, and will take them in
any reasonable form.</p>
<p>Generally a diff of the changed files against the current sources from
CVS is good, along with some kind of description of what the change is.
(Working with the current sources is important!)</p>

<!-- note with link to faq-distrib in faq-build.xml -->
<!ENTITY faq-build-faq-distrib1 '
(please refer to
<jump href="faq-distrib.html#faq-1">FAQ&colon; What platforms / compilers are
being used to build the binary distribution kits?</jump>)

<!ENTITY faq-build-faq-distrib3 '
(for exact name
see <jump href="faq-distrib.html#faq-3">FAQ&colon; Which DLLs do I need to distribute with my application?</jump>)

<!-- note with link to faq-distrib in install.xml per solaris and gtar -->
<!ENTITY install-faq-distrib11 '
<jump href="faq-distrib.html#faq-11">FAQ</jump> for more information.

<!-- note with link to releases-plan in releases.xml -->
<!ENTITY releases-releases-plan '
<s2 title="Releases Plan">
<p> For future release plan about &XercesCName;,
please refer to <jump href="releases_plan.html">Releases Plan</jump>.

<!-- paragraph in releases.xml with table of bugzilla bugs fixed -->
<!ENTITY releases-fixed-bugs-para '

<!-- feedback info in schema.xml -->
<!ENTITY schema-feedback-info '
<p>We would very much appreciate feedback on the package via the &XercesCName; mailing list
<jump href="mailto&colon;&XercesCUserEmailAddress;">&XercesCUserEmailAddress; </jump>, and we
encourage the submission of bugs as described on our
<jump href="bug-report.html">Bug-Reporting</jump> page.
Please read this document before using this package.

<!-- bug report / contact info in feedback.xml -->
<!ENTITY feedback-bug-report '
<p>Please browse through this bundled documentation completely.  Most of
the common questions have been answered in the FAQs. Specifically, do
read the answer to "<jump href="faq-other.html#faq-4"> Is there any kind
of support available for &XercesCName;?</jump>". Browsing this
documentation, may be the quickest way to get an answer. Of course, if
all else fails, as mentioned in the link above, you can post a question
to the <jump href="mailto&colon;&XercesCUserEmailAddress;">&XercesCName; user mailing list</jump>.</p>
<p>See <jump href="bug-report.html">Bug Reporting</jump> if you would like
to report a defect (greatly appreciated!).</p>