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<?xml version="1.0" encoding = "iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
 * Copyright 1999-2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

<!DOCTYPE faqs SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/faqs.dtd">

<faqs title="Programming/Parsing FAQs">

  <faq title="Does &XercesCName; support Schema?">

    <q> Does &XercesCName; support Schema?</q>


      <p>Yes.  The &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion; contains an implementation
         of the W3C XML Schema Language, a recommendation of the Worldwide Web Consortium
         available in three parts:
         <jump href="">XML Schema: Primer</jump> and
         <jump href="">XML Schema: Structures</jump> and
         <jump href="">XML Schema: Datatypes</jump>.
         We consider this implementation complete.  See
         <jump href="schema.html#limitation">the Schema page</jump> for limitations.</p>


  <faq title="Why &XercesCName; does not support this particular Schema feature?">

    <q> Why &XercesCName; does not support this particular Schema feature?</q>


      <p>The &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion; contains an implementation
         of the W3C XML Schema Language, a recommendation of the Worldwide Web Consortium
         available in three parts:
         <jump href="">XML Schema: Primer</jump> and
         <jump href="">XML Schema: Structures</jump> and
         <jump href="">XML Schema: Datatypes</jump>.
         We consider this implementation complete.  See
         <jump href="schema.html#limitation">the Schema page</jump> for limitations.</p>

      <p>If you find any Schema feature which is specified in the W3C XML Schema Language
         Recommendation does not work with &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion;, we encourage
         the submission of bugs as described in
         <jump href="bug-report.html">Bug Reporting</jump> page.


  <faq title="Why does my application crash when instantiating the parser?">

    <q>Why does my application crash when instantiating the parser?</q>


      <p>In order to work with the &XercesCName; parser, you have to first
        initialize the XML subsystem. The most common mistake is to forget this
        initialization. Before you make any calls to &XercesCName; APIs, you must
        call XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize(): </p>

try {
catch (const XMLException&amp; toCatch) {
   // Do your failure processing here

      <p>This initializes the &XercesCProjectName; system and sets its internal
        variables. Note that you must the include <code>xercesc/util/PlatformUtils.hpp</code> file for this to work.</p>


  <faq title="Is it OK to call the XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize/Terminate pair of routines multiple times in one program?">
    <q>Is it OK to call the XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize/Terminate pair of routines multiple times in one program?</q>
      <p>Yes.  Since &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion152;, the code has been enhanced so that
         calling XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize/Terminate pair of routines
         multiple times in one process is now allowed.

      <p>But the application needs to guarantee that only one thread has entered either the
        method XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize() or the method XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() at any
        one time.</p>

      <p>If you are calling XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize() a number of times, and then follow with
         XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() the same number of times, only the first XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize()
         will do the initialization, and only the last XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() will clean up
         the memory.  The other calls are ignored.

      <p>To ensure all the memory held by the parser are freed, the number of XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() calls
         should match the number of XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize() calls.

         Consider the following code snippets (for illustration simplicity the following
         sample code is not coded in try/catch clause):

// The XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize/Terminate calls are paired.
    // Initialize the parser

    SAXParser* parser = new SAXParser;
    delete parser;

    // Free all memory that was being held by the parser

    // Initialize the parser

    parser = new SAXParser;
    delete parser;

    // Free all memory that was being held by the parser

// calls XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize() three times
// then calls XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() numerous times
    // Initialize the parser

    // The next two calls are no-op

    SAXParser* parser = new SAXParser;
    delete parser;

    // The first two XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() calls are no-op

    // This third XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() will free all memory that was being held by the parser

    // This extra fourth XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() call is no-op.
    // However calling XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() without a matching XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize()
    // is dangerous and should be avoided.

  <faq title="Why does my application crash or hang if XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize()/Terminate() pair is called more than once?">

    <q>Why does my application crash or hang if XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize()/Terminate() pair is called more than once?</q>


      <p>Please make sure you are using the &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion152; or up.

      <p>Earlier version of &XercesCName; does not allow XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize()/Terminate()
         pair to be called more than once or has a problem.


  <faq title="Why does my application crash after calling XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate()?">

    <q>Why does my application crash after calling XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate()?</q>


      <p>Please make sure the XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() is the last &XercesCName; function to be called
         in your program.  NO explicit nor implicit &XercesCName; destructor (those local data that are
         destructed when going out of scope) should be called after XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate().
         For example consider the following code snippets which is incorrect
         (for illustration simplicity the following sample code is not coded in try/catch clause):

1: {
2:    XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize();
3:    DOMString c("hello");
4:    XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate();
5: }

      <p>The DOMString object "c" is destructed when going out of scope at line 5 before the closing
         brace.  As a result, DOMString destructor is called at line 5 after
         XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() which is wrong.  Correct code should be:

1: {
2:    XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize();
2a:    {
3:           DOMString c("hello");
3a:    }
4:    XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate();
5: }

      <p>The extra pair of braces (line 2a and 3a) ensures that all implicit destructors are called
         before terminating &XercesCName;.</p>

      <p>In addition the application also needs to guarantee that only one thread has entered either the
        method XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize() or the method XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() at any
        one time.

  <faq title="I'm suddenly getting segfaults with Xerces-C 2.3.0;
    why might this be?">
    <q>I'm suddenly getting segfaults with Xerces-C 2.3.0;
        why might this be?</q>
      <p>The introduction of pluggable memory management into
        Xerces-C, one of the main features of 2.3.0, means that
        application writers have to be more conscious about
        destructors being invoked implicitly after a call to
        XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate().  For example, the
        following code is guaranteed to produce a segmentation
        fault under Xerces-C 2.3.0, while it happened to work
        under previous versions (in fact, this was how our
        SAXPrint sample was formerly written;
        try-catch blocks removed for brevity):
void myParsingFunction()
    SAXParser parser;
    //parser.various method calls
} // seg fault here!
      <p>The reason this will produce a segmentation fault is
        that any dynamic memory the SAXParser (or any other of
        Xerces's parsers) needs to allocate is now allocated
        by default by a static object owned by XMLPlatformUtils.
        When the XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() call is made, this
        object is destroyed--and, consequently, so are all the
        objects that it directly created.  This includes all the
        objects dynamically allocated by the SAXParser.  When the
        parser object goes out of scope, its destructor is
        invoked, and this attempts to destroy all the objects
        that it created--which have of course just been destroyed
        by the static MemoryManager in XMLPlatformUtils.
        To avoid this, one must either explicitly scope the
        parser object inside calls to
        XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize() and
        XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate(), or dynamically allocate
        the parser object and destroy it explicitly before the
        call to XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() is made.
      <p>Another way of producing segmentation faults--that again, 
      unfortunately, was employed by some of our
      samples--is to have calls to XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate()
      in a catch block that catches any of Xerces's exceptions.
      Since the destructor of the exception will implicitly be
      invoked upon exit from the catch block, and since some of
      the exceptions' destructors call on Xerces's
      default memory manager to destroy dynamically-allocated
      objects, their destruction will provoke a segmentation
      fault even if a return statement is placed in the catch
      block since the default memory manager will no longer exist.  
      This practice is now avoided in all our samples.

  <faq title="Is &XercesCName; thread-safe?">

    <q>Is &XercesCName; thread-safe?</q>


      <p>This is not a question that has a simple yes/no answer. Here are the
        rules for using &XercesCName; in a multi-threaded environment:</p>

      <p>Within an address space, an instance of the parser may be used without
        restriction from a single thread, or an instance of the parser can be accessed
        from multiple threads, provided the application guarantees that only one thread
        has entered a method of the parser at any one time.</p>

      <p>When two or more parser instances exist in a process, the instances can
        be used concurrently, without external synchronization. That is, in an
        application containing two parsers and two threads, one parser can be running
        within the first thread concurrently with the second parser running within the
        second thread.</p>

      <p>The same rules apply to &XercesCName; DOM documents. Multiple document
        instances may be concurrently accessed from different threads, but any given
        document instance can only be accessed by one thread at a time.</p>

      <p>DOMStrings allow multiple concurrent readers. All DOMString const
        methods are thread safe, and can be concurrently entered by multiple threads.
        Non-const DOMString methods, such as <code>appendData()</code>, are not thread safe and the application must guarantee that no other
        methods (including const methods) are executed concurrently with them.</p>

      <p>The application also needs to guarantee that only one thread has entered either the
        method XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize() or the method XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() at any
        one time.</p>


  <faq title="I am seeing memory leaks in &XercesCName;. Are they real?">

    <q>I am seeing memory leaks in &XercesCName;. Are they real?</q>


      <p>The &XercesCName; library allocates and caches some commonly reused
        items. The storage for these may be reported as memory leaks by some heap
        analysis tools; to avoid the problem, call the function <code>XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate()</code> before your application exits. This will free all memory that was being
        held by the library.</p>

      <p>For most applications, the use of <code>Terminate()</code> is optional. The system will recover all memory when the application
        process shuts down. The exception to this is the use of &XercesCName; from DLLs
        that will be repeatedly loaded and unloaded from within the same process. To
        avoid memory leaks with this kind of use, <code>Terminate()</code> must be called before unloading the &XercesCName; library</p>

      <p>To ensure all the memory held by the parser are freed, the number of XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() calls
         should match the number of XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize() calls.

      <p>If you are using XML4C where ICU is used, you may call ICU function u_cleanup() to clean up
         ICU static data.  Please see <jump href="">ICU documentation</jump>
         for details.

  <faq title="I find memory leaks in &XercesCName;. How do I eliminate it?">

    <q>I find memory leaks in &XercesCName;. How do I eliminate it?</q>


      <p>The "leaks" that are reported through a leak-detector or heap-analysis
        tools aren't really leaks in most application, in that the memory usage does
        not grow over time as the XML parser is used and re-used.</p>

      <p>What you are seeing as leaks are actually lazily evaluated data
        allocated into static variables. This data gets released when the application
        ends. You can make a call to <code>XMLPlatformUtil::terminate()</code> to release all the lazily allocated variables before you exit your

      <p>To ensure all the memory held by the parser are freed, the number of XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate() calls
         should match the number of XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize() calls.

      <p>If you are using XML4C where ICU is used, you may call ICU function u_cleanup() to clean up
         ICU static data.  Please see <jump href="">ICU documentation</jump>
         for details.

  <faq title="Can &XercesCName; create an XML skeleton based on a DTD">

    <q>Is there a function that I have totally missed that creates
      an XML file from a DTD, (obviously with the values missing, a skeleton, as it


      <p>No.  This is not supported.</p>


  <faq title="Can I use &XercesCName; to perform write validation">

    <q>Can I use &XercesCName; to perform "write validation" (which is having an
      appropriate Grammar and being able to add elements to the DOM whilst validating
      against the grammar)?</q>


      <p>No.  This is not supported.</p>

      <p>The best you can do for now is to create the DOM document, write it back
        as XML and re-parse it.</p>


  <faq title="Can I validate the data contained in a DOM tree?">

    <q>Is there a facility in &XercesCName; to validate the data contained in a
      DOM tree? That is, without saving and re-parsing the source document?</q>


      <p>No. The best option for now is to generate XML source from the DOM and feed that back
        into the parser.</p>


  <faq title="How to write out a DOM tree into a string or an XML file?">
     <q>How to write out a DOM tree into a string or an XML file?</q>
      <p>Please make sure you are using &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion; or up.</p>

      <p>You can use
         the DOMWriter::writeToString, or DOMWriter::writeNode to serialize a DOM tree.
         Please refer to the sample DOMPrint or the API documentation for more details of

  <faq title="Why does DOMNode::cloneNode() not clone the pointer assigned to a DOMNode via DOMNode::setUserData()?">
    <q>Why does DOMNode::cloneNode() not clone the pointer assigned to a DOMNode via DOMNode::setUserData()?</q>
      <p>&XercesCName; supports the DOMNode::userData specified
      in <jump href="">
      the DOM level 3 Node interface</jump>.  As
      is made clear in the description of the behaviour of
      <code>cloneNode()</code>, userData that has been set on the
      Node is not cloned.  Thus, if the userData is to be copied
      to the new Node, this copy must be effected manually.
      Note further that the operation of <code>importNode()</code>
      is specified similarly.

  <faq title="How are entity reference nodes handled in DOM?">

    <q>How are entity reference nodes handled in DOM?</q>


      <p>If you are using the native DOM classes, the function <code>setCreateEntityReferenceNodes</code>
        controls how entities appear in the DOM tree. When
        setCreateEntityReferenceNodes is set to true (the default), an occurrence of an
        entity reference in the XML document will be represented by a subtree with an
        EntityReference node at the root whose children represent the entity expansion.
        Entity expansion will be a DOM tree representing the structure of the entity
        expansion, not a text node containing the entity expansion as text.</p>

      <p>If setCreateEntityReferenceNodes is false, an entity reference in the XML
        document is represented by only the nodes that represent the entity expansion.
        The DOM tree will not contain any entityReference nodes.</p>


  <faq title="What kinds of URLs are currently supported in &XercesCName;?">

    <q>What kinds of URLs are currently supported in &XercesCName;?</q>


      <p>The <code>XMLURL</code> class provides for limited URL support. It understands the <code>file://, http://</code>, and <code>ftp://</code> URL types, and is capable or parsing them into their constituent
        components, and normalizing them. It also supports the commonly required action
        of conglomerating a base and relative URL into a single URL. In other words, it
        performs the limited set of functions required by an XML parser.</p>

      <p>Another thing that URLs commonly do are to create an input stream that
        provides access to the entity referenced. The parser, as shipped, only supports
        this functionality on URLs in the form <code>file:///</code> and <code>file://localhost/</code>, i.e. only when the URL refers to a local file.</p>

      <p>You may enable support for HTTP and FTP URLs by implementing and
        installing a NetAccessor object. When a NetAccessor object is installed, the
        URL class will use it to create input streams for the remote entities referred
        to by such URLs.</p>


  <faq title="How can I add support for URLs with HTTP/FTP protocols?">

    <q>How can I add support for URLs with HTTP/FTP protocols?</q>


      <p>Support for the http: protocol is now included by default on all

      <p>To address the need to make remote connections to resources specified
        using additional protocols, ftp for example, &XercesCName; provides the <code>NetAccessor</code> interface. The header file is <code>src/xercesc/util/XMLNetAccessor.hpp</code>. This interface allows you to plug in your own implementation of URL
        networking code into the &XercesCName; parser.</p>


  <faq title="Can I use &XercesCName; to parse HTML?">

    <q>Can I use &XercesCName; to parse HTML?</q>


      <p>Yes, but only if the HTML follows the rules given in the
        <jump href="">XML specification</jump>. Most HTML,
        however, does not follow the XML rules, and will generate XML well-formedness


  <faq title="I keep getting an error: &quot;invalid UTF-8 character&quot;. What's wrong?">

    <q>I keep getting an error: "invalid UTF-8 character". What's wrong?</q>


      <p>Most commonly, the XML <code>encoding =</code> declaration is either incorrect or missing. Without a declaration, XML
        defaults to the use utf-8 character encoding, which is not compatible with the
        default text file encoding on most systems.</p>

      <p>The XML declaration should look something like this:</p>

      <p><code>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?&gt;</code></p>

      <p>Make sure to specify the encoding that is actually used by file. The
        encoding for "plain" text files depends both on the operating system and the
        locale (country and language) in use.</p>

      <p>Another common source of problems is that some characters are not
        allowed in XML documents, according to the XML spec. Typical disallowed
        characters are control characters, even if you escape them using the Character
        Reference form. See the <jump href="">XML
        spec</jump>, sections 2.2 and 4.1 for details. If the parser is generating an <code>Invalid character (Unicode: 0x???)</code> error, it is very likely that there's a character in there that you
        can't see. You can generally use a UNIX command like "od -hc" to find it.</p>


  <faq title="What encodings are supported by Xerces-C / XML4C?">

    <q>What encodings are supported by Xerces-C / XML4C?</q>


      <p>Xerces-C has intrinsic support for ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16 (Big/Small
        Endian), UCS4 (Big/Small Endian), EBCDIC code pages IBM037, IBM1047 and IBM1140
        encodings, ISO-8859-1 (aka Latin1) and Windows-1252. This means that it can
        parse input XML files in these above mentioned encodings.</p>

      <p>XML4C -- the version of Xerces-C available from IBM -- combines Xerces-C
         and <jump href="">
         International Components for Unicode (ICU)</jump> and
         extends the encoding support to over 100 different encodings that are allowed
         by ICU.  In particular, all the encodings registered with the
         <jump href="">
         Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) </jump> are supported in XML4C.</p>

      <p>Some implementations or ports of Xerces-C provide support for
        additional encodings. The exact set will depend on the supplier of the parser
        and on the character set transcoding services in use.</p>


  <faq   title="What character encoding should I use when creating XML documents?">

    <q>What character encoding should I use when creating XML documents?</q>


      <p>The best choice in most cases is either utf-8 or utf-16. Advantages of
        these encodings include:</p>

        <li>The best portability. These encodings are more widely supported by
          XML processors than any others, meaning that your documents will have the best
          possible chance of being read correctly, no matter where they end up.</li>
        <li>Full international character support. Both utf-8 and utf-16 cover the
          full Unicode character set, which includes all of the characters from all major
          national, international and industry character sets.</li>
        <li>Efficient. utf-8 has the smaller storage requirements for documents
          that are primarily composed of characters from the Latin alphabet. utf-16 is
          more efficient for encoding Asian languages. But both encodings cover all
          languages without loss.</li>

      <p>The only drawback of utf-8 or utf-16 is that they are not the native
        text file format for most systems, meaning that common text file editors and
        viewers can not be directly used.</p>

      <p>A second choice of encoding would be any of the others listed in the
        table above. This works best when the xml encoding is the same as the default
        system encoding on the machine where the XML document is being prepared,
        because the document will then display correctly as a plain text file. For UNIX
        systems in countries speaking Western European languages, the encoding will
        usually be iso-8859-1.</p>

      <p>The versions of Xerces distributed by IBM, both C and Java (known
        respectively as XML4C and XML4J), include all of the encodings listed in the
        above table, on all platforms.</p>

      <p>A word of caution for Windows users: The default character set on
        Windows systems is windows-1252, not iso-8859-1. While &XercesCName; does
        recognize this Windows encoding, it is a poor choice for portable XML data
        because it is not widely recognized by other XML processing tools. If you are
        using a Windows-based editing tool to generate XML, check which character set
        it generates, and make sure that the resulting XML specifies the correct name
        in the <code>encoding="..."</code> declaration.</p>


  <faq title="Is EBCDIC supported?">

    <q>Is EBCDIC supported?</q>


      <p>Yes, &XercesCName; supports EBCDIC with the ibm1140, ibm037 and ibm1047 encodings.
        When creating EBCDIC encoded XML data, the preferred encoding is ibm1140. The ibm037 encoding,
        and its alternate name, ebcdic-cp-us, is almost the same as ibm1140, but
        it lacks the Euro symbol.</p>

      <p>These three encodings, ibm1140, ibm037 and ibm1047, are available on both
        Xerces-C and IBM XML4C, on all platforms.</p>

      <p>On IBM System 390, XML4C also supports three alternative forms,
        ibm037-s390, ibm1140-s390, and ibm1047-s390. These are similar to the base ibm037, ibm1140, and ibm1047
        encodings, but with alternate mappings of the EBCDIC new-line character, which
        allows them to appear as normal text files on System 390. These encodings are
        not supported on other platforms, and should not be used for portable data.</p>

      <p>XML4C on System 390 and AS/400 also provides additional EBCDIC
        encodings, including those for the character sets of different countries. The
        exact set supported will be platform dependent, and these encodings are not
        recommended for portable XML data.</p>


  <faq title="Why does deleting a transcoded string result in assertion on windows?">
    <q>Why does deleting a transcoded string result in assertion on windows?</q>
      <p>Both your application program and the &XercesCName; DLL must use the same *DLL* version of the
         runtime library.  If either statically links to the runtime library, the
		 problem will still occur.</p>

      <p>For example, for a Win32/VC6 build, the runtime library build setting MUST
		 be "Multithreaded DLL" for release builds and "Debug Multithreaded DLL" for
		 debug builds.</p>

      <p>Or for example for a Win32/BCB6 build, application need to switch to Multithreaded
         runtime to avoid such memory access violation.</p>

      <p>To bypass such problem, instead of calling operator delete[] directly, you can use the
         provided function XMLString::release to delete any string that was allocated by the parser.
         This will ensure the string is allocated and deleted by the same DLL and such assertion
         problem should be resolved.</p>

  <faq title="How do I transcode to/from something besides the local code page?">
    <q>How do I transcode to/from something besides the local code page?</q>
      <p>XMLString::transcode() will transcode from XMLCh to the local code page, and
         other APIs which take a char* assume that the source text is in the local
         code page. If this is not true, you must transcode the text yourself. You
         can do this using local transcoding support on your OS, such as Iconv on
         Unix or IBM's ICU package. However, if your transcoding needs are simple,
         you can achieve some better portability by using the &XercesCName; parser's
         transcoder wrappers. You get a transcoder like this:
            Call XMLPlatformUtils::fgTransServer->MakeNewTranscoderFor() and provide
            the name of the encoding you wish to create a transcoder for. This will
            return a transcoder to you, which you own and must delete when you are
            through with it.

           NOTE: You must provide a maximum block size that you will pass to the transcoder
           at one time, and you must pass blocks of characters of this count or smaller when
           you do your transcoding. The reason for this is that this is really an
           internal API and is used by the parser itself to do transcoding. The parser
           always does transcoding in known block sizes, and this allows transcoders to
           be much more efficient for internal use since it knows the max size it will
           ever have to deal with and can set itself up for that internally. In
           general, you should stick to block sizes in the 4 to 64K range.
            The returned transcoder is something derived from XMLTranscoder, so they
            are all returned to you via that interface.
            This object is really just a wrapper around the underlying transcoding
            system actually in use by your version of Xerces, and does whatever is
            necessary to handle differences between the XMLCh representation and the
            representation used by that underlying transcoding system.
            The transcoder object has two primary APIs, transcodeFrom() and
            transcodeTo(). These transcode between the XMLCh format and the encoding you
            These APIs will transcode as much of the source data as will fit into the
            outgoing buffer you provide. They will tell you how much of the source they
            ate and how much of the target they filled. You can use this information to
            continue the process until all source is consumed.
            char* data is always dealt with in terms of bytes, and XMLCh data is
            always dealt with in terms of characters. Don't mix up which you are dealing
            with or you will not get the correct results, since many encodings don't
            have a one to one relationship of characters to bytes.
            When transcoding from XMLCh to the target encoding, the transcodeTo()
            method provides an 'unrepresentable flag' parameter, which tells the
            transcoder how to deal with an XMLCh code point that cannot be converted
            legally to the target encoding, which can easily happen since XMLCh is
            Unicode and can represent thousands of code points. The options are to use a
            default replacement character (which the underlying transcoding service will
            choose, and which is guaranteed to be legal for the target encoding), or to
            throw an exception.
         <p>Here is an example:</p>
// create an XMLTranscoder that is able to transcode between Unicode and Big5
// ASSUMPTION: assumes your underlying transcoding utility supports this encoding Big5
XMLTranscoder* t = 
    XMLPlatformUtils::fgTransService->makeNewTranscoderFor("Big5", failReason, 16*1024, MemoryManager);

// source string is in Unicode, wanna to transcode to Big5
t-&gt;transcodeTo(source_unicode, length, result_Big5, length, charsEaten, XMLTranscoder::UnRep_Throw );

// source string in Big5, wanna to transcode to Unicode
t-&gt;transcodeFrom(source_Big5, length, result_unicode, length, bytesEaten, (unsigned char*)charSz);


  <faq title="Why does setProperty not work?">

    <q>Why does setProperty not work?</q>


      <p>The function <code>SAX2XMLReader::setProperty(const XMLCh* const name, void* value)</code>
         and <code>DOMBuilder::setProperty(const XMLCh* const name, void* value)</code>
         takes a void pointer for the property value.  Application is required to initialize this void pointer
         to a correct type.  See <jump href="program-sax2.html#SAX2Properties">SAX2 Programming Guide</jump>
         and <jump href="program-dom.html#DOMBuilderProperties">DOM Programming Guide</jump>
         to learn exactly what type of property value that each property expects for processing.
         Passing a void pointer that was initialized with a wrong type will lead to unexpected result.


  <faq title="Why does getProperty not work?">

    <q>Why does getProperty not work?</q>


      <p>The function <code>void* SAX2XMLReader::getProperty(const XMLCh* const name)</code>
         and <code>void* DOMBuilder::getProperty(const XMLCh* const name)</code>
         returns a void pointer for the property value.  See
         <jump href="program-sax2.html#SAX2Properties">SAX2 Programming Guide</jump> and
         exactly what type of object each property returns.
      <p>The parser owns the returned pointer.  The memory allocated for
         the returned pointer will be destroyed when the parser is deleted.
         To ensure accessibility of the returned information after the parser
         is deleted, callers need to copy and store the returned information
         somewhere else; otherwise you may get unexpected result.  Since the returned
         pointer is a generic void pointer, see
         <jump href="program-sax2.html#SAX2Properties">SAX2 Programming Guide</jump> and
         <jump href="program-dom.html#DOMBuilderProperties">DOM Programming Guide</jump> to learn
         exactly what type of property value each property returns for replication.


  <faq title="Why does the parser still try to locate the DTD even validation is turned off
       and how to ignore external DTD reference?">

    <q>Why does the parser still try to locate the DTD even validation is turned off
       and how to ignore external DTD reference?</q>


      <p>When DTD is referenced, the parser will try to read it, because DTDs can
         provide a lot more information than just validation. It defines entities and
         notations, external unparsed entities, default attributes, character
         entities, etc... So it will always try to read it if present, even if
         validation is turned off.

      <p>To ignore the DTD, with &XercesCName; &XercesCVersion; or up, you can call
         <code>setLoadExternalDTD(false)</code> (or
         <code>setFeature(XMLUni::fgXercesLoadExternalDTD, false)</code>
         to disable the loading of external DTD.   The parser will then ignore
         any external DTD completely if the validationScheme is set to Val_Never.

      <p>Note: This flag is ignored if the validationScheme is set to Val_Always or Val_Auto.

      <p>To ignore the DTD in earlier version of &XercesCName;, the
         only way to get around this is to install an EntityResolver
         (see the Redirect sample for an example of how this is done), and reset the
         DTD file to "".


  <faq title="Why do I get segmentation fault when running on Redhat Linux?">

    <q>Why do I get segmentation fault when running on Redhat Linux?</q>


      <p>There were some problems with Redhat Linux 7.x with C++ exception handling across shared
         libraries.  More details can be found
         <jump href="">here</jump>.
         Please try to upgrade your Redhat Linux gcc to the latest patch level and see if it helps.


  <faq title="Why does the XML data generated by the DOMWriter does not match my original XML input?">

    <q>Why does the XML data generated by the DOMWriter does not match my original XML input?</q>


      <p>If you parse an xml document using XercesDOMParser or DOMBuilder and pass such DOMNode
         to DOMWriter for serialization, you may not get something that is exactly the same
         as the original XML data.   The parser may have done normalization, end of line conversion,
         or has expanded the entity reference as per the XML 1.0 spec, 4.4 XML Processor Treatment of
         Entities and References.   From DOMWriter perspective, it does not know what the original
         string was, all it sees is a processed DOMNode generated by the parser.
         But since the DOMWriter is supposed to generate something that is parsable if sent
         back to the parser, it will not print the DOMNode node value as is.    The DOMWriter
         may do some "touch up" to the output data for it to be parsable.</p>

      <p>See <jump href="program-dom.html#DOMWriterEntityRef">How does DOMWriter handle built-in entity
         Reference in node value?</jump> to understand further how DOMWriter touches up the entity reference.

  <faq title="Why does my application crash when deleting the parser after releasing a document?">

    <q>Why does my application crash when deleting the parser after releasing a document?</q>


      <p>In most cases, the parser handles deleting documents when the parser gets deleted.  However, if an application
         needs to release a document, it shall adopt the document before releasing it, so that the parser 
         knows that the ownership of this particular document is transfered to the application and will not 
         try to delete it once the parser gets deleted.

XercesDOMParser *parser = new XercesDOMParser;
catch ()
DOMNode *doc = parser->getDocument();
delete parser;

      <p>The alternative to release document is to call parser's resetDocumentPool(), which releases 
         all the documents parsed.

  <faq title="Why do we have two versions of some XMLString methods (one with memory manager and one without)?">

    <q>Why do we have two versions of some XMLString methods (one with memory manager and one without)?</q>


      <p>With the introduction of the configurable memory manager, we didn't want to break users by
         changing the signature of the existing methods (for example, transcode and replicate). Also, 
         we did not want to provide a default memory
         manager as it would introduce a side effect with users experiencing some strange core dumps.
         The latter will occur when the scope of the string allocated is beyond that of
         XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate (i.e. a string is allocated using the default memory manager
         which is deleted when XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate is called, but the allocated string is
         deleted later). We plan to deprecate the methods without a memory manager in a later release.
