

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > x86_64 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 590f859b25d5a026716d1fd5ce850b83 > files > 27


Change Log
- 1.1.29b - Frame Based Stepmodes in MovePath
          - NONINTERACTIVE interface for Move Path
          - Inform about Locks in Dialog Window,
            (clear lock if locking process does not exist --UNIX only)
- 1.1.20a - MovePath
             - AnimPreview
             - Keyframes
	     - Force visibility
	  - VCR Navigator
	     Popup menu
		paste before
		paste after
		paste replace
		clear pastebuffer
- 0.99.00 - Move Path bugfix in the dialog
            (update preview did'nt work with gimp 1.1.2 and gtk 1.1)
          - Animated Filtercalls:
            added a 2.nd Set of Iterators (iter_ALT Procedures) for
            Plugins of GIMP 1.1.3.
          - bugfixes in iterator code generator.
          - GAP now uses gimp standard procedures to copy layers and channels.
          - prepared filename-handling for win/dos conventions.
- 0.98.02 - GAP_DB_BROWSER (1.1 variant) show help like the dbbrowser in gimp-1.1.1
- 0.98.01 - GAP_DB_BROWSER variants for GIMP 1.0 and GIMP 1.1
            new e-mail adress
- 0.98.00 - Sarted porting GAP to GIMP 1.1
            Changed internal interfaces to work with
            both GIMP 1.0.2 and GIMP 1.1 PDB.
            MovePath: The Layermask of imported Source Layerobjects
                      is no longer ignored.
- 0.97.01 - Added Patches for the XJT Load/Save filters
            (XJT support for gimp 1.0.0 upto gimp 1.0.2)
- 0.97.00 - Patches updated to work with gimp 1.0.2
          - New Plugin 'Frames Modify'
          - Bugfix in patchcode layer_cmds.c 
            (get/set linked state didnt work since gimp 0.99.18)
- 0.96.04 - Patches updated to work with gimp 1.0.1
- 0.96.03 - Extended Pitstop-Dialog in 'Filter All layers'
                  (now you can specify a backup file to store the
		  Image after each non-interactive filtercall,
		  futher you may skip the filtercall.
		  These extensions were done because the MapObject
		  Plugin crashes sometimes
		  (after 3 hours calculating time on a PII 300Mhz processor)
          - Extended Parameters for non-interactive call of 
                  plug_in_gap_range_to_multilayer and
                  (the image_id of the created image is now returned)                
- 0.96.02 - Added Clip To Image Option and Tooltips in MovePath Plugin.
          _ Added Plugin 'Framesequence shift'
          - Exended 'Frames To Image' Plugin 
                  (now you can set framerate and framename
                  for the generated layers) 
          - Extended 'Duplicate Frames' Plugin
                  (now you can use a framerange as source,
                   not just the current frame)
- 0.96.01 - Bugfix (refresh problems when GAP's array dialog was used twice
                    in one plugin -- because of double call to gtk_init)
- 0.96.00 - Added AnimFrames scale, resize and crop
          - Added 'Split Image to Frames" (plug_in_gap_split)
          - Added 'Frames MPEG_encode'  plug_in_gap_mpeg_encode
                   (Requires free software 'mpeg_encode' to run)
          - Added 'Frames MPEG2_encode'  plug_in_gap_mpeg2encode
                   (Requires software 'mpeg2encode' to run)
          - Most Dialogs changed  (some have got tooltips)
            (now based on the new gap_arr_dialog module)
          - internal changes (header files for all modules)
          - bugfix: memory leak in gap_layer_copy.c
- 0.95.04 - Iterator Generation: added support for iteration on PARAM_DRAWABLE type
            Updated Iterator_ALT procedures for:
            - BumpMap          (now you can use animated bumpmaps)
            - DepthMerge
            - Displace
            - Refract
- 0.95.03 - Patches updated to work with gimp 1.0.0
            (Removed patches for gimp 0.99.19 due to sizelimit
            in the Plugin registry)
- 0.95.02 - Added Script sel-to-anim-img.scm
- 0.95.01 - Made Patches usable for GIMP release 0.99.31
            (there were no updates needed, just added some links
             from 0.99.29 to 0.99.31)
- 0.95.00 - extended MovePath plugin.
            Now you can specify an angle for each point of the path
            how to rotate the moving object layer.
- 0.94.02 - Patches updated to work with gimp 0.99.29
- 0.94.01 - Added new features to 'Frames to Image' Plugin:
            Select of flatten_modes, and optional exclude of the BG-Layer.
- 0.94.00 - Move Path Plugin uses now 1 Point per default.
            (If you want to move an Object, you'll have to)
            add Point(s) explicit.
          - bugfix: Move Path Plugin initial value for src_paintmode
                    undefined values sometimes caused 'cant get new layer' Error
                    and Sourcelayers were not copied to the frames
          - Patches updated to work with gimp 0.99.28
          - Updated Foundation adress
- 0.93.06 - Patches updated to work with gimp 0.99.27
            implemented new versions of
            (the old versions were slow and failed
             on Images with many layers)
- 0.93.05 - Patches updated to work with gimp 0.99.24
            Patches extended:
            Added gimp-core functions to layers dialog:
            raising/lowering a Layer to Top/Bottom of the layerstack
- 0.93.04 - Patches updated to work with gimp 0.99.22
            Window with Info Message if no Source Image was
            selected in MovePath
- 0.93.03 - Bugfix of the Patches updated to work with gimp 0.99.19
            (duplicate_into should now copy channels too)
- 0.93.02 - Patches updated to work with gimp 0.99.19

- 0.93.01 - Bugfix
           (GAP filters now should work on frames that are not 
           in the current directory)

- 0.93.00 - Internal "Gen Code by name" Button
            generates additional file <plugin_name>_Iterator.c
            (see README_Developers for more details)
          - The Patches to the gimp core
            (needed to run GAP bend, movel, adjust, implayer Plugins)
            are now available for gimp releases:
            the patches are stored in seperate versioned directories,
            The script now expects the gimp-version
            as calling argument.

- 0.92.00 - "Filter all Layers"  Dialog Window after and 2.nd
            Interactive Plugin call. (to give a chance to see
            the effects caused by the plugin or to cancel
            before proceeding) 
          - New Patches to the gimp core
            (for Plugins "adjust", "bend", "movel"
             these Plugins are not part of GAP, you can get them
             from the Plugin Registry)
          - Internal"Gen Code by name" Button if GAP_DEBUG environment is set.

- 0.91.01 - "Apply Varying" Button insensitive if animated call
             not available.
          - Convert Frames Dialog window
             now hides Colors and Dither entries
             if Conv to INDEXED is not selected.

- 0.91.00  - Patches to the gimp core were updated to work with gimp 0.99.16
             (plus: gimage_update_full was added for GAP)
             (The Patches do work with  gimp 0.99.17 too)

            - "plug_in_gap_layers_run_animfilter"
              New Plugin allows animated calls to (more than 50) existing Plugins