

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > x86_64 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 7f2fc40f2a4a6a60166a8ab5fbb134ac > files > 5


This is a "plugin" for the Video Disk Recorder (VDR).

Written by:                  Petri Hintukainen <>

Project's homepage:

Latest version available at:

See the file COPYING for license information.


  X11 and Linux framebuffer front-end for VDR.
  Plugin displays video and OSD in X/Xv/XvMC window,
  Linux framebuffer/DirectFB/vidixfb or DXR3 card.

  Support for local and remote frontends.

  Built-in image and media player supports playback of most known 
  media files (avi/mp3/divx/jpeg/...), DVDs and radio/video streams
  (http, rtsp, ...) directly from VDR.


  - vdr-1.4.0 or later
    (vdr is required only at server side)
  - xine-lib 1.1.1 or later
    (xine-lib is not required for server in network-only usage)
  - Enough CPU power and memory to decode streams
    (PII 400Mhz + 64M should be enough with Xv or DirectFB)


  Remote (network) mode should be used only in firewalled 
  environment; it gives anyone full control to VDR !

  Full access is allowed to all hosts listed in svdrphosts.conf.

  Multicast streaming can flood your internet connection and/or
  wireless LAN. If there is no router (or intelligent switch ?)
  all multicast packets will be broadcasted to all network links.
  This will flood slow network links:
    - Internet connection if outgoing bandwith is < 10 Mbit/s
    - Wireless LAN (11 or 54 Mbit/s).
  By default multicast TTL is set to 1 so multicast packets should
  be stopped to first router regardless of network configuration.

Public CVS

  Latest fixes are available from public CVS

  CVS checkout command:
  cvs co vdr-xineliboutput

Buildtime options

  X11 and xine-lib are detected by Makefile.
  It is possible to override auto-detection by adding
  following definitions to VDR's Make.config:

    enable/disable building of X11 frontends:

    enable/disable framebuffer frontends:

    enable/disable xine (input)plugin:

  or changing corresponding lines in plugin's Makefile.

  It is possible to compile only remote frontends with command 
  "make frontends". Building frontends is possible without VDR.
  Only xine-lib (and corresponding development package or headers)
  are required.

Installing - IMPORTANT

  This was changed in version 1.0.0pre2.

  It is important to copy required libraries to right place
  either by hand or by executing "make install" in plugin's
  source directory.
  Installing binaries and libraries usually requires root


  To be able to use remote frontends each client's IP address
  must be defined in VDR's svdrphosts.conf.
  Full access is allowed to all hosts listed in svdrphosts.conf.
  Connections from any other hosts are rejected.

Usage examples (VDR plugin)

  If no arguments are given, both X11 and framebuffer frontends are tried.
  First working frontend is used with best available video driver.
  Complete list of available command-line arguments can be obtained
  with "vdr --help".

  Only local frontend, X11/Xv video, alsa audio:
    vdr -P"xineliboutput --local=sxfe --video=xv --audio=alsa --remote=none"

  Only local frontend, (slow) X11 video, oss audio:
    vdr -P"xineliboutput --local=sxfe --video=xshm --audio=oss --remote=none"

  Only local frontend, DirectFB: 
    vdr -P"xineliboutput --local=fbfe --video=DirectFB --remote=none"

  Only remote frontend(s):
    vdr -P"xineliboutput --local=none --remote=37890"

  Local and remote frontends:
    vdr -P"xineliboutput --local=sxfe --remote=37890"
    vdr -P"xineliboutput --local=fbfe --remote=37890"

Using remote frontends

  Two remote frontends are included, vdr-fbfe for framebuffer and 
  vdr-sxfe for X11.
  Complete list of available command-line arguments can be obtained
  with "vdr-??fe --help".

  Frontend should find server automatically (from local subnet) 
  and negoate best available transport. If frontend does not
  find server (or specific transport should be used), mrl must
  be given on command line.


    Search for VDR (xineliboutput) server, connect to it and
    negoatite best available transport. Use best available audio 
    and video driver.

    Connect to default port and negoate best available transport
       vdr-fbfe xvdr://

    Connect to, port 12550 and use TCP transport
       vdr-fbfe xvdr+tcp://

    Automatically search for VDR server and use UDP transport
        vdr-fbfe xvdr+udp:
        vdr-fbfe --udp

  Available transports for video/audio 
      pipe  Use local pipe; server and front-end must be running in 
            same machine
      rtp   Use RTP/UDP multicast for data and TCP for control. 
            Multiple frontends can receive same stream.
      udp   Use UDP unicast for data and TCP for control.
      tcp   Use TCP protocol for control and data. Both channels 
            use same server port and are opened by client.

  Forwarding lirc keys to server
     Use option --lirc with optional lircd socket name to
     forward LIRC commands from client to server.

  Audio driver
    Use alsa:
      vdr-fbfe --audio alsa
    Use alsa (and specific card/sub-device):
      vdr-fbfe --audio alsa:plughw:1,1

  Video driver (and display / device):
    With X11 frontend (vdr-sxfe):
        vdr-sxfe --video [xshm | xv | xvmc | xxmc | vidix |
                          XDirectFB | opengl | sdl | none [:display]]
        --video xv
        --video xvmc:

    With framebuffer frontend (vdr-fbfe):
        --video [fb | DirectFB | sdl | vidixfb | dxr3 | aadxr3 | none [:fb_device]]
        --video DirectFB
        --video fb:/dev/fb/1
        --video vidixfb
        --video aadxr3

    If deinterlacing post plugin options are not given at command line, 
    deinterlacing is controlled by VDR plugin configuration menu settings.

    De-interlacing can also be forced on or off with command-line option --post tvtime.
      vdr-sxfe --post tvtime:method=Linear,cheap_mode=1,pulldown=0,use_progressive_frame_flag=1
      vdr -P"xineliboutput --post=tvtime:method=Linear,cheap_mode=1,pulldown=0,use_progressive_frame_flag=1"
    Disable deinterlacing:
      vdr-sxfe --post tvtime:enable=0

Using with xine-ui (xine, fbxine, gxine, ...)

    xine "xvdr://;demux:mpeg_block"
    xine "xvdr+tcp://;demux:mpeg_block"
    xine "xvdr+udp://;demux:mpeg_block"

  "#nocache;demux:mpeg_block" should always be appended to end of mrl.

  Remote mode must be enabled in VDR plugin.

  Some configuration options are not available when using 
  third-party frontends.

Using with other media players (mplayer, vlc, ...)

  Primary device video and audio (without OSD or subtitles) 
  can be streamed from plugin control port to almost any media 
  player using http or rtsp.

  Session Announcement Protocol (SAP) compatible players 
  should detect stream automatically and add it to playlist 
  or bookmarks when RTP transmission is active (tested with vlc).

  Tested players: 

    Linux: mplayer, vlc, xine
    Windows: vlc


    vlc rtsp://
    vlc rtp://@

Controlling VDR

  With local frontend, vdr-sxfe and vdr-fbfe:

    Keyboard input from console is mapped to VDR keyboard input. 
    If VDR was compiled or configured without keyboard support,
    console keyboard input does not work.

    Keyboard input from X11 window is mapped to XKeySym remote.
    Keys are mapped to VDR keys in remote.conf file. Simple example
    of X11 key mappings is included in examples directory.

    It should be possible to use VDR's remote controller learning
    mode by pressing some key just after VDR has been started.
    Learning mode does not work with remote frontends.

    Keyboard input can be disabled in configuration menu. There
    are separate entries for local and remote frontends.

  With xine-ui:

    Keyboard shortcuts and remote events from xine menus are 
    automatically forwarded to VDR and translated to VDR keys.
    Translation to VDR keys is static and defined in xine_input_vdr.c.

Frontend key bindings

  Esc     Close frontend (vdr-fbfe / fdr-sxfe)
  Mouse left button double-click
          Toggle between fullscreen / window mode (vdr-sxfe only)

  Mouse right button click
          Toggle between normal window / always on top /
          borderless window (vdr-sxfe only)

  Close Window
          Close frontend (fdr-sxfe only)

Image viewer key bindings

  Left/Prev       Previous image
  Right/Next      Next image
  Up/Down         Jump 5 images forward/backward
  Yellow          Delete current image
  Back            Return to image list
  Stop/Blue       Exit image viewer
  Play            Start slide show
  Pause           Stop slide show
  FastFwd/FastRew Start slide show; Increase/decrease slide show speed; 
                  Change slideshow direction
  Ok              Toggle replay display mode

Media player key bindings

  Back         Return to file list
  Red          Open playlist (music) / Jump to beginning of file (video)
  Green        Jump 1 min back
  Yellow       Jump 1 min forward
  Stop/Blue    Stop replay
  0            Random play / normal play
  1, User8     Jump 20 s back
  3, User9     Jump 20 s forward
  2            Move subtitles up
  5            Move subtitles down
  Pause        Pause replay
  Play         Play
  Ok           Toggle replay display mode
  Next/Right   Skip to next file when replaying playlist
  Prev/Left    Skip to previous file when replaying playlist
  FastRew/FastFwd  Play faster/slower

  If media file includes multiple subtitles (DVD, .mkv file, ...),
  subtitle language can be selected from xineliboutput plugin menu 
  or with "Select subtitle track" key macro.

DVD player key bindings

  Up/Down/Left/Right/Ok/Back  DVD menu navigation when DVD menu is active
  Red            Access DVD menu(s)
  Green          Jump 1 min back
  Yellow         Jump 1 min forward
  Stop/Blue/Back Stop replay
  Ok / Info      Toggle replay display mode
  1 / User8      Jump 20 s back  
  3 / User9      Jump 20 s forward
  Pause / Down   Pause replay
  Play / Up      Play
  6 / Next,      Next chapter
  4 / Prev       Previous chapter
  9              Next title
  7              Previous title
  Info           Show progress display
  2              Next subtitle track
  5              Previous subtitle track
  Left/Right    Play faster/slower

DVD playback

  DVD images

    Media player supports playing DVDs directly from hard disk.
    Found DVD folders are marked with 'D' in media player 
    file list.
    Plugin detects folders as DVDs if there is file 

    It is also possible to replay DVD as VDR recording by 
    creating empty recording directory and renaming or
    symlinking .VOBs of selected title to 00?.vdr files.
    DVD menus (VTS_??_0.VOB) should _not_ be copied.
    Audio can be selected from main menu just as with normal 
    VDR recordings.
    For seeking it is necessarily to create index.vdr file
    with genindex or similar tool.

  DVD discs

    "Real" DVD discs (accessible from /dev/dvd) can be played 
    from xineliboutput plugin menu.

    In case of remote frontend (vdr-sxfe/vdr-fbfe) DVD drive 
    of _remote client_ is used.

  Audio track can be selected from VDR audio track menu 
  (keys "Menu" + "Green" or "Audio") or from DVD menu.

  Subtitle track can be selected from xineliboutput plugin 
  menu, from DVD menu, with keys "2" and "5" or from subtitle
  menu (using "Select subtitle track" key macro).

Aspect ratio setting

    default  Aspect ratio is calculated from display resolution.

    4:3      4:3 video is scaled to fill whole window; 
             16:9 video has black bars at top and bottom

    16:9     16:9 video is scaled to fill whole window; 
             4:3 video has black bars at left and right.


    auto     4:3 and 16:9 are scaled to fill whole window.
             (useful if TV can "smart scale" 4:3 video to 16:9)

Shortcut key macros

  It is possible to change some settings and execute actions with 
  user-defined key macros and VDR User? keys.

  Supported settings and corresponding key sequences in VDR 
  keymacros.conf format are:

    Start replaying DVD                  (User? @xineliboutput Red 0)
    Start replaying Title 1 from DVD     (User? @xineliboutput Red 1)
    Select subtitle track                (User? @xineliboutput Red 2)
    Toggle aspect ratio                  (User? @xineliboutput Red 3)
    Toggle letterbox -> 16:9 cropping    (User? @xineliboutput Red 4)
    Toggle stereo -> 5.1 upmix           (User? @xineliboutput Red 5)
    Toggle 5.1 -> surround downmix       (User? @xineliboutput Red 6)
    Toggle de-interlacing                (User? @xineliboutput Red 7)
    Toggle local frontend on/off         (User? @xineliboutput Red 8)
    Start replaying default playlist or file pointed by symlink 
                                         (User? @xineliboutput Red 9)

  Defining "Select subtitle track" macro key enables VDR-style
  subtitle track menu for media player (identical to audio track 
  selection with VDR "Audio" key).

Special LIRC keys

  If plugin is compiled with macro INTERPRET_LIRC_KEYS defined, following 
  LIRC keys are interpreted by vdr-sxfe/vdr-fbfe:

    Fullscreen   Toggle fullscreen state
    Deinterlace  Toggle deinterlacing
    Quit         Close program

Xine-specific settings

  All xine-specific settings can be changed by editing file

Slave mode

  vdr-sxfe and vdr-fbfe implement simple slave mode. Slave mode is 
  activated with command-line option --slave. In slave mode program reads 
  CRLF-terminated commands from standard input instead of using keyboard
  as VDR remote controller. Supported commands are:

  HITK <vdrkey>    Send key press event to VDR
  FULLSCREEN       Toggle fullscreen state
  DEINTERLACE      Toggle deinterlacing
  QUIT             Close program

VDR Logo

  The VDR logo was designed by Jan Grell.