

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > x86_64 > media > main-release > by-pkgid > 00cc9f6fec3636d9ae8073ae80f2546b > files > 111


NOTE: This file is *VERY* outdated!

OXObject is an abstract base class for all X Window related objects (with a

OXWindow is a simple general encapsulation of X 'Window'. It is seldom used
directly by the application.

OXFrame is an abstract base class for all windows that need to be laid out
(either OXSimpleFrame for a single window, or OXCompositeFrame for container
frame). The layout algorithm is quite robust and in some aspects resembles
the one used by Tk (see below). When using OXSimpleFrame, child windows must
register to the OXClient in order to receive events. It's automatic for
child of a composite frame (not anymore, see Changelog note 10/7/96).

The OXCompositeFrame can be one of the following types, according to the way
it arrange its contents:

VERTICAL_FRAME - This kind of composite frame arrange the internal frames as
a vertical stack of frames, in the same order they were added to the
composite frame, and according to the hint preferences.

HORIZONTAL_FRAME - This kind of composite frame arrange the internal frames
as an horizontal row of frames, in the same order they were added to the
composite frame, and according to the hint preferences.

VERTICAL_TILE_FRAME - to be implemented, similar to the current canvas
layout algorithm. Given a width, this frame would arrange its contents in a
matrix-like way, the height could extend beyond the specified.

HORIZONTAL_TILE_FRAME - to be implemented, similar to the current canvas
layout algorithm.

MATRIX_FRAME - or something like that, should be similar to the TILE_FRAMEs,
but with fixed number of columns or rows.

FIXED_POS_FRAME - also to be implemented, the internal frames are in fixed
X, Y locations, and perhaps w/fixed W, H too. The layout algorithm does
nothing, the user's program is responsible for the initial placement of the
internal frames.  Useful for non-resizable dialog boxes and other widgets.

The layout hints are used by the container frame to decide how to arrange a
particular internal frame:

LHINTS_NOHINTS - No hints. Use the default preference according to the frame
type: left-top for the vertical and horizontal frames.

LHINTS_EXPAND_X - Expand this frame to fit the available width of the
container frame. If the container frame is a vertical frame, fit the full
width. If is an horizontal frame, fit the available width after positioning
the other frames; if there are more than one expandable frames, the
available width is divided by the number of these frames to keep all them
with the same width.

LHINTS_EXPAND_Y - Expand this frame to fit the available height of the
container frame. If the container frame is an horizontal frame, resize to
fit the full height. If is a vertical frame, fit the available height after
positioning the other frames; if there are more than one expandable frames,
the available height is divided by the number of these frames to keep all
them with the same height.

LHINTS_CENTER_X - Center this frame horizontally. Use with vertical
container frames only, currently is ignored in horizontal frames.

LHINTS_CENTER_Y - Center this frame vertically. Use with horizontal
container frames only, currently is ignored in vertical frames.

LHINTS_LEFT - Position this frame to the left of the container frame, after
other previous frames with the same hint attributes.

LHINTS_RIGHT - Position this frame to the right of the container frame,
before any other previous frames with the same hint attributes.

LHINTS_TOP - Position this frame to the top of the container frame, below
any other previous frames with the same hint attributes.

LHINTS_BOTTOM - Position this frame at the bottom of the container frame,
above any other previous frames with the same hint attributes.

LHINTS_NORMAL - Is the combination of (LHINTS_LEFT | LHINTS_TOP).

The hints can be OR'ed in a way the settings don't interfere with each
is not. The behavior of these "prohibited" combinations is undefined.

The additional parameters (paddings) determine the distance to keep from the
borders of the next closer frame edge (i.e. the border another internal
frame or the edge of the container frame, not counting the borders).


The layout algorithm of a container frame should never call the layout
algorithm of the inner frame. It is automatically called on resizing


The 3d derivative (in OXWidgets.h) are a bit overkill. Creating new objects
in this hierarchy will surely help redesign more cleanly what each class
should exactly have or do. For example, we need to have a OXCompositeFrame
that understand more free layout hints for the Folder module: that is,
perhaps, a son of OLayoutHints (note not OX, as it is not a X Window object,
but only hints for the frames), that could handle (x,y) coordinates to place

Another derivative of OLayoutHints could also handle the min/max sizes for
the purpose of an object oriented taskbar button class.

Currently we have implemented the following widgets:

OXLabel         - simple widget holding a text
OXIcon          - simple widget holding a pixmap

OXTextEntry     - when finished, an editable text entry, w/support for
                  cut & paste, etc.

OXButton        - an abstract button class
OXTextButton    - a simple text button class
OXPictureButton - a button holding a pixmap

OXCheckButton   - a checkmark-like button class
OXRadioButton   - a radio button class

OXPopupMenu     - a popup menu class, with menu-cascading possibilities
OXMenuBar       - an application top-level menu bar

OXScrollBar     - an abstract scrollbar class
OXHScrollBar    - an horizontal scrollbar class
OXVScrollBar    - a vertical scrollbar class

OXCanvas        - a generic scrollable canvas

OXTab           - a multiple "tab" widget

OXListBox       - a list box

OXDDListBox     - when finished, a "drop-down"-like list box

OXMsgBox        - a message box dialog object

OXFileDialog    - a file open / save as... dialog objects

plus some others...

The implementation of these widgets lacks several things, still we have to
correct several deficiencies and optimize the code, but they are already

We have also implemented a OXMainFrame class for the application top-level
windows, and OXTransientFrame for dialog windows.

Class Hierarchy, the classes in () are specific to the explorer app.

            |    |
            |    +--OXButton
            |    |    |
            |    |    +--OXTextButton
            |    |    |
            |    |    +--OXPictureButton
            |    |    |
            |    |    +--OXCheckButton
            |    |    |
            |    |    +--OXRadioButton
            |    |
            |    +--OXIcon
            |    |    |
            |    |    +--OXListItemIcon
            |    |         |
            |    |         +--OXFileIcon
            |    |
            |    +--OXLabel
            |    |    |
            |    |    +--OXListItemLabel
            |    |
            |    +--OXMenuTitle
            |    |
            |    +--OXTextEntry
            |    |
            |    +--OXPopupMenu
            |    |
            |    +--OXScrollBarElt
            |    |
            |    +--OXTabElt
            |    |
            |    +--(OXStatusBar)
                 |    |
                 |    +--OXHScrollBar
                 |    |
                 |    +--OXVScrollBar
                 |    |
                 |    +--OXFileItem
                 |    |
                 |    +--OXFileContainer
                 |    |
                 |    +--OXListView
                 |    |
                 |    +--OXTextLBEntry
                 |    |
                 |    +--OXTreeLBEntry
                 |    |
                 |    +--OXFileSystemDDListBox
                 |    |
                 |    +--OXMenuBar
















There is an example program included ( which can be used to test the
widget library. To compile it, just edit the Makefile to point to your XLib
location, then do a 'make'. A 'wintest' executable will be created,
containing a menu bar with some cascaded menus, a scrollable canvas with
some colored windows inside, etc. The File/Open option should popup a simple
dialog window.