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<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="gnet-examples-other"></a>dnslookup, hash, hfetch, hostinfo, and SDR</h2></div></div></div>
	dnslookup.  dnslookup performs a DNS
	lookup of a hostname or a reverse DNS lookup of an address.
	It demonstrates how to use both the blocking and asynchronous
	methods of DNS lookups.
	hash.  hash computes the MD5 and SHA
	hashes of a file.
	hfetch.  hfetch is a simple HTTP file fetcher.
	hostinfo.  hostinfo prints information
	about the host including it's domain name and interfaces.
	SDR.  SDR prints multimedia session
	announcements.  It demonstrates how to use multicast sockets
	in GNet.  SDR will only work if your network supports IP
	Multicast.  In fact, SDR is a good test for this.  If the
	network supports multicast, SDR will print announcements after
	a few seconds, otherwise, it will print nothing.