

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > x86_64 > media > main-release > by-pkgid > 3252f00ea68883c2544b0b4a58a31e46 > files > 54


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  <!ENTITY skim "<application>skim</application>">
  <!ENTITY kappname "&skim;">
  <!ENTITY scim "<application>libscim</application>">
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    <title><!--Uncomment following line when upload to the web-->
    <!--inlinemediaobject><imageobject><imagedata align="right" fileref="&skim_commondir;/skim_logo.png"/></imageobject></inlinemediaobject-->
    The &skim; Handbook
        <surname>LiuCougar (liuspider)</surname>
      <para>An input method platform based upon 
      <ulink url="">scim-lib</ulink> and all-in-one configure GUI.</para>
  <chapter id="introduction" >
    &skim; is an input method platform based upon scim-lib under *NIX (including
    <ulink url="">GNU/Linux</ulink> and
    <ulink url="">FreeBSD</ulink>)
    systems optimized for &kde;. It provides a GUI panel (named scim-panel-kde), 
    a KConfig config module and SetupUIs for itself and scim-lib. 
    It also has its own plugin systems which support on-demand loadable actions. 
    <sect1 id="features" >
      KDE compliant:
      <listitem><para>Default settings are retrieved from KDE and the GUI honors 
      the KDE/Qt global styles, including but not limited to the apperances 
      colors of widgets and icons;</para>
      <listitem><para>GUI language is determined by the KDE global setting, rather 
      than LANG (or similar) environment variable, so no matter what your locale 
      is, you can select preferrable user interface language. What's more, skim 
      ships with a bunk of translations, currently including: (Simplified/Tranditional) 
      Chinese, German, Japanese and Korean.</para>
      Fully &kde; integration: if you close your &kde; when &skim; is still 
      running (given that your KDE is configured to save session when logout), 
      next time you login &kde;, &skim; will get loaded automatically; 
      After installation of &skim;, you can start it from "KDE Menu->Utilitis->&skim;"
      Fully customizable: a setup GUI is shipped with &skim;, in which you can 
      modify all settings not only about &skim; but also &scim; and most the 
      settings will take efforts immediately without the hassle of restart (now only
      one rarely used configure can not be changed in &skim;, see also 
      <xref linkend="faq-no-scim-settings"/>);
      Based on modular concept: nearly everything you see are in seperate plugins,
      so you can configure which one you want. Not specified plugins would not get 
      loaded at all to save your memery; some temporary functions such as configuration
      dialogs will be loaded on-demand, and will be unloaded automatically when they
      are no longer needed;
      Object Oriented: like any other KDE/Qt application &skim; is written in C++.
    <sect1 id="screenshots" >
		    <imagedata fileref="mainwindow.png" format="PNG"/>
      <para>Screenshot of plugin Main Window (Main Toolbar)
		    <imagedata fileref="inputwindow.png" format="PNG"/>
      <para>Screenshot of plugin Input Window
		    <imagedata fileref="kdesystray.png" format="PNG"/>
      <para>Screenshot of plugin KDE System Tray Indicator
		    <imagedata fileref="setupwindow.png" format="PNG"/>
      <para>Screenshot of plugin Setup Window
  <chapter id="installation" >
    <sect1 id="how-to-obtain-skim" >
      <title>How to obtain &skim;</title>
      Please download the latest &skim; &skim_version; from
      <ulink url=";package_id=118018" type="html">Sourceforge</ulink>.
    <sect1 id="requirements" >
      	&scim; >= &require_scim_version;, &Qt; >= 3.2.0 and &kde; >= 3.2.0 are required to run/compile &skim;.
      <note><title>Notice</title><para>After installing skim, you should also install at least an IMEngine 
      (refer to a input method), such as <emphasis>scim-chinese</emphasis>
       (currently contains the Pinyin IMEngine for Simplified Chinese), 
      <emphasis>scim-tables</emphasis> (contains
      table-based input methods, such as Wubi, Erbi for Simplified Chinese),
      <emphasis>scim-hangul</emphasis> (a popular Korean input method), <emphasis>scim-uim</emphasis> (contains a lot of 
      Janpanese IMEngines) or <emphasis>scim-m17n</emphasis> (contains more than 30 input methods for
      various languages).</para></note>
      <sect2 id="binary_requirements" >
      <title>Install (Binary) RPM</title>
      <para>If you want to use RPM directly, then please install RPMs 
      for scim and skim.</para>
      <sect2 id="compile_from_source_requirements" >
      <title>Compile from Source</title>
      <para>If you want to compile skim from source, then please make sure before
      compiling &skim; at least the RPMs for scim and scim-devel are installed.</para>
      <para>Otherwise, if &scim; was compiled in your box, you have all necessary files.</para>
      <para>If you do not want Gtk2 based original GUI from scim-lib, you can disable them 
	while configure it: after you compile it, you can still install &skim;.
	In a word, &skim; does not depend on original Gtk2 based GUI.
      <para>The header files for &Qt; and &kde; are also required to compile skim, which are
      normally included in libqt-devel and libkdecore-devel/libkdelibs-devel RPMs.
    <sect1 id="compilation-and-installation" >
      <title>Compilation and Installation</title>
      <para>If you'd like to compile skim yourself, the following should do
	it: <screen>
          <prompt>#</prompt><userinput><command>make</command> install</userinput>
      <para>The last command should be executed as root. Should you run into any problems,
	please report them to the <ulink url="" >Mailing list</ulink>.
  <chapter id="using-skim" >
    <title>Using &skim;</title>
     <sect1 id="prerequisite-start-skim" >
      	Before you can use any XIM server in X, your environment must be setup.
      <para>First, for Gentoo users, edit the file ~/.xinitrc (if it does not exist, create one), 
      and modify it according to the sample below
      <screen><userinput>export XMODIFIERS=@im=SCIM</userinput>
<userinput>export LC_CTYPE="zh_CN.GBK"</userinput>
<userinput>export GTK_IM_MODULE=scim</userinput>
<userinput>export QT_IM_MODULE=scim</userinput>
      The 4th line is only necessary if your &Qt; is compiled with 
      <ulink url="">qt-immodule</ulink> support and 
      <ulink url="">scim-qtimm</ulink> has been installed. Under Gentoo, please emerge latest Qt with USE="immqt-bc" (or USE="immqt" if you are
      willing to recompile all your Qt based applications afterwards) and then emerge scim-qtimm. SuSE will include these by default in the upcoming version. 
      <para>Please change the locale/encoding (zh_CN.GBK is used in the sample above)
      according to your favorite. Now available locales/encodings supported by &scim; are listed below
      <warning><title>Warning:</title><para>some of these locales/encodings are not recommended to use, 
      such as zh_CN.GB2312 (please use zh_CN instead), due to bugs in other 
      applications/libraries (Xfree 86 etc.)</para></warning>
      <para>Besides all these locales/encodings listed above, most utf8 locales are also support. The built-in
      support locale only contains "en_US.UTF-8". So if you want to use other utf8 enabled locales (say fr_FR.UTF-8), please
      follow these procedures:</para>
      <procedure><title>Enable other utf8 locales in scim/skim</title>
      <step><para>Start skim by
        <screen><prompt>%</prompt><userinput><command>scim-panel-kde</command> -d -f</userinput></screen>
      <step><para>Open the configure dialog by selecting the <guimenuitem>configure</guimenuitem>
      action in the right click menu of either the system tray icon or the main window;</para></step>
      <step><para>Go to <guimenu>Global Settings</guimenu> -> <guisubmenu>General SCIM</guisubmenu>;</para></step>
      <step><para>Check the <guibutton>advanced</guibutton> checkbox;</para></step>
      <step><para>Replace the content in the combobox of "Supported unicode locales" with fr_FR.UTF-8;</para></step>
      <step><para>Click the <guibutton>Add</guibutton> button;</para></step>
      <step><para>Do not forget to click the <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> 
      (or <guibutton>Ok</guibutton>) button finally.</para></step>
      <para>After adding the new utf8 locale, you should see fr_FR.UTF-8 in the drop down
      menu of <guimenu>Supported unicode locales</guimenu> combobox. Please restart skim 
      after this modification (you can just exit X and reenter).</para>
      <para>For Fedora core 1 users, please add the
      same two export commands as above to the end of file /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/xinput.</para>
     <sect1 id="start-skim" >
      <title>Start &skim;</title>
      <para>Before trying starting &skim;, please make sure that &scim; and scim-panel-gtk
      are not running; if they are, kill them: first kill scim then scim-panel-gtk as follows:
          <prompt>%</prompt><userinput><command>killall</command> scim-launcher</userinput>
          <prompt>%</prompt><userinput><command>killall</command> scim-panel-gtk</userinput></screen></para>
        Currently, you can use three different methods to start &skim;:
     <sect2 id="use-skim-as-default-panel" >
      <title>Use skim as the default panel</title>
      	If you prefer KDE/Qt interface and want scim to use skim as the default panel, 
        please execute.
        <screen><prompt>%</prompt><userinput><command>scim-panel-kde</command> -d -f </userinput></screen>
        then please open the configure dialog (click the 
	<guimenuitem>configure</guimenuitem> action) and go to 
        <guimenu>Global Settings</guimenu> -> <guisubmenu>General SCIM</guisubmenu>,
        change these settings as followings: 
              <guilabel>Panel Program: </guilabel><constant>scim-panel-kde</constant> 
              <guilabel>Config Module: </guilabel><constant>kconfig</constant></screen>
        These modifications are only required the first time you use &skim;.
        After this modification, scim will know you prefer skim and will use skim
        automatically. So all you should do to start &skim; and &scim; is just
        <screen><prompt>%</prompt><userinput><command>scim</command> -d</userinput></screen>
	<screen><prompt>%</prompt><userinput><command>skim</command> -d</userinput></screen>
        (Please see also <xref linkend="faq-differ-skim-scim_panel_kde"/>)
      <para>If you want KDE invokes skim automatically when KDE session begins, please make sure that 
      under <guimenu>Global Settings</guimenu> -> <guisubmenu>X Window</guisubmenu>, <guibutton>Start skim automatically when KDE starts</guibutton> checkbox is selected.
     <sect2 id="start-skim-auto" >
      <title>Let &skim; do all the dirty work</title>
      	If you only want to use skim occasionally, all you should do to start &skim; and &scim; is just
                <prompt>%</prompt><userinput><command>&skim;</command> -d</userinput></screen>
        or start it from "KDE Menu->Utilitis->&skim;"
     <sect2 id="start-skim-manually" >
      <title>Manually start &skim;</title>
      	If for some reasons (eg. debug), you want to start &skim; and &scim; manually
	and separately, then you should do followings
          <prompt>%</prompt><userinput><command>scim-panel-kde</command> -d</userinput>
          <prompt>%</prompt><userinput><command>scim</command> -c kconfig -d</userinput></screen>
    IMPORTANT: &skim; has to be started before &scim;.
    (NOTICE: If you need gtk_immodule, then please run following commands:
  <chapter id="questionsanswersandtips" >
    <title>Questions, Answers, and Tips</title>
    <qandaset id="faq" >
      <title>Frequently asked questions</title>
          <para>Question: Why do you bother to write &skim; now that &scim; 
          already has a Gtk2 based panel?</para>
          <para>Ok, the most important reason is that: Nearly all applications 
          running on my Desktop are KDE/Qt based ones, and &scim;'s panel was the 
          only exception, and it does not fit into the entire K Desktop Environment
          very well, so I decided to write a KDE/Qt panel for &scim;.</para>
          <!--para>On the other hand, the Gtk2 panel has some disadvantages, which 
          &skim; is designed to overcome, such as incapability of online 
          <para>Question: &scim; and &skim; are loaded successfully, and I can trigger
	  input method and input CJK, but the inputed characters refuse to transfer 
	  into target KDE/Qt applications.</para>
          <para>Make sure the XIM Input Style setting of Qt is "Over The Spot". You
	  can change this by invoking "qtconfig", "Interface" tab, at the bottom of
	  this page.
        <question id="faq-no-scim-settings">
          <para>Question: How can I modify &scim; specific settings? I can't find
          them in the configuration dialog.</para>
          <para>Currently &skim; have almost all &scim; specific settings in its configuration
          dialog, with the only exception: the setting UI specific to a generic table is not
          incorporated. So if you want to modify this kind of configuration, please use scim-setup. 
          You can start it as:
          <prompt>%</prompt><userinput><command>scim-setup</command> -c kconfig</userinput>
          <para>If skim is your default panel, you can start scim-setup without
          the parameters ("-c kconfig").</para>
          <para>This issue will be solved in &skim; post-1.0 version when generic table
          IMEngine is splitted from scim-lib itself.</para>
        <question id="faq-no-ims-in-list">
          <para>Question: Why does the left click menu of the system tray icon contain 
          no input methods?</para>
          <para>No scim backend process is running. You can try
          <prompt>%</prompt><userinput><command>scim</command> -d</userinput>
          <para>This is probably caused by misconfiguration of scim/skim: please follow
          the procedures described in <xref linkend="using-skim"/></para>
        <question id="faq-differ-skim-scim_panel_kde">
          <para>Question: What's the difference of skim and scim-panel-kde?</para>
          <para>Before &skim; 0.9.0, this package was called scim-panel-kde. However, as
          the package contains more and more functionality beyond just a panel for &scim;, so
          I decided to rename it to &skim;.</para>
          <para>However, you still can find a program called scim-panel-kde in &skim; now. The
          difference between skim and scim-panel-kde is that: no matter what is set
          in skim config dialog under "Global Settings -> Skim Plugins", the plugin 
          "SCIM Server" won't get loaded by the latter program. In a word, scim-panel-kde
          is meant to be used by scim-launcher to start skim automatically. 
          <para>(You may want to have a look at the source of scim-panel-kde: it is in fact only
          a shell wrapper of the real skim program.)</para>
  <chapter id="credits">
    <title>Credits and License</title>
	Program copyright 2004 Liucougar (Liuspider) <email></email>
	<listitem><para>&scim; Core Author: JamesSu
  <listitem><para>Art Designer: Kitae
  <listitem><para>German : Hendrik Brand
          Jan Hefti
  <listitem><para>Janpanese : Yukiko Bando
  <listitem><para>Korean : Kitae
  <listitem><para>Tranditional Chinese : Jim Huang
  (Please replace _ZAI_ with @ to retrieve the original Email address)
	Documentation Copyright &copy; 2004 Liucougar (Liuspider) 
	&underFDL;               <!-- FDL: do not remove -->
	<!-- Determine which license your application is licensed under,
	     and delete all the remaining licenses below:
	     (NOTE:  All documentation are licensed under the FDL,
	     regardless of what license the application uses) -->
	&underGPL;               <!-- GPL License -->
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