

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > x86_64 > media > main-release > by-pkgid > 5031cb4f461fa35ea52f9ab41e868e5d > files > 56


This is, produced by Makeinfo version 3.12h from

   This file documents the `Festival' Speech Synthesis System a general
text to speech system for making your computer talk and developing new
synthesis techniques.

   Copyright (C) 1996-2001 University of Edinburgh

   Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
preserved on all copies.

   Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.

   Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
translation approved by the authors.

Indirect: 954 50102 99530 146559 195953 245547 293749 343237 382209 465327

Tag Table:
Node: Top954
Node: Abstract3127
Node: Copying4235
Node: Acknowledgements7497
Node: What is new15748
Node: Overview18042
Node: Philosophy19299
Node: Future22823
Node: Installation24885
Node: Requirements25409
Node: Configuration30748
Node: Site initialization37652
Node: Checking an installation43709
Node: Y2K47343
Node: Quick start49384
Node: Basic command line options50102
Node: Simple command driven session53167
Node: Getting some help57179
Node: Scheme59243
Node: Scheme references60191
Node: Scheme fundamentals61064
Node: Scheme Festival specifics62925
Node: Scheme I/O66799
Node: TTS69983
Node: Utterance chunking71293
Node: Text modes74395
Node: Example text mode79134
Node: XML/SGML mark-up84207
Node: Sable example86708
Node: Supported Sable tags88404
Node: Adding Sable tags94185
Node: XML/SGML requirements96722
Node: Using Sable97624
Node: Emacs interface99530
Node: Phonesets100885
Node: Lexicons104274
Node: Lexical entries105207
Node: Defining lexicons107372
Node: Lookup process110364
Node: Letter to sound rules117075
Node: Building letter to sound rules122748
Node: Lexicon requirements137119
Node: Available lexicons139892
Node: Post-lexical rules142454
Node: Utterances145895
Node: Utterance structure146559
Node: Utterance types152411
Node: Example utterance types155741
Node: Utterance modules158496
Node: Accessing an utterance159772
Node: Features168162
Node: Utterance I/O172064
Node: Text analysis174546
Node: Tokenizing174805
Node: Token to word rules175626
Node: Homograph disambiguation178952
Node: POS tagging185818
Node: Phrase breaks188087
Node: Intonation190955
Node: Default intonation191967
Node: Simple intonation192710
Node: Tree intonation194973
Node: Tilt intonation195768
Node: General intonation195953
Node: Using ToBI197840
Node: Duration199828
Node: Default durations201572
Node: Average durations201931
Node: Klatt durations202486
Node: CART durations203061
Node: UniSyn synthesizer204679
Node: Diphone synthesizer217462
Node: Diphone database format218646
Node: LPC databases220897
Node: Group files224657
Node: Diphone_Init226263
Node: Access strategies229552
Node: Diphone selection230889
Node: Other synthesis methods233478
Node: LPC diphone synthesizer233862
Node: MBROLA234617
Node: Synthesizers in development236008
Node: Audio output237471
Node: Voices245066
Node: Current voices245547
Node: Building a new voice251466
Node: Defining a new voice266840
Node: Tools272393
Node: Regular expressions273037
Node: CART trees276630
Node: Ngrams280019
Node: Viterbi decoder280817
Node: Linear regression284423
Node: Building models from databases285799
Node: Labelling databases286608
Node: Extracting features291153
Node: Building models293749
Node: Programming297591
Node: The source code298083
Node: Writing a new module305806
Node: API319736
Node: Scheme API320257
Node: Shell API322727
Node: Server/client API324032
Node: C/C++ API334710
Node: C only API338135
Node: Java and JSAPI338603
Node: Examples339268
Node: POS Example339568
Node: Problems343237
Node: References345549
Node: Feature functions350233
Node: Variable list365623
Node: Function list382209
Node: Index465327

End Tag Table