

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > x86_64 > media > main-release > by-pkgid > 5476648a605140ffaec58f0395c11144 > files > 30


# $Id: 1136 2008-02-06 01:31:41Z shodan $

from sphinxapi import *
import sys, time

if not sys.argv[1:]:
	print "Usage: python [OPTIONS] query words\n"
	print "Options are:"
	print "-h, --host <HOST>\tconnect to searchd at host HOST"
	print "-p, --port\t\tconnect to searchd at port PORT"
	print "-i, --index <IDX>\tsearch through index(es) specified by IDX"
	print "-s, --sortby <EXPR>\tsort matches by 'EXPR'"
	print "-a, --any\t\tuse 'match any word' matching mode"
	print "-b, --boolean\t\tuse 'boolean query' matching mode"
	print "-e, --extended\t\tuse 'extended query' matching mode"
	print "-f, --filter <ATTR>\tfilter by attribute 'ATTR' (default is 'group_id')"
	print "-v, --value <VAL>\tadd VAL to allowed 'group_id' values list"
	print "-g, --groupby <EXPR>\tgroup matches by 'EXPR'"
	print "-gs,--groupsort <EXPR>\tsort groups by 'EXPR'"
	print "-l, --limit <COUNT>\tretrieve COUNT matches (default is 20)"

q = ''
host = 'localhost'
port = 3312
index = '*'
filtercol = 'group_id'
filtervals = []
sortby = ''
groupby = ''
groupsort = '@group desc'
limit = 0

i = 1
while (i<len(sys.argv)):
	arg = sys.argv[i]
	if arg=='-h' or arg=='--host':
		i += 1
		host = sys.argv[i]
	elif arg=='-p' or arg=='--port':
		i += 1
		port = int(sys.argv[i])
	elif arg=='-i':
		i += 1
		index = sys.argv[i]
	elif arg=='-s':
		i += 1
		sortby = sys.argv[i]
	elif arg=='-a' or arg=='--any':
		mode = SPH_MATCH_ANY
	elif arg=='-b' or arg=='--boolean':
	elif arg=='-e' or arg=='--extended':
	elif arg=='-f' or arg=='--filter':
		i += 1
		filtercol = sys.argv[i]
	elif arg=='-v' or arg=='--value':
		i += 1
		filtervals.append ( int(sys.argv[i]) )
	elif arg=='-g' or arg=='--groupby':
		i += 1
		groupby = sys.argv[i]
	elif arg=='-gs' or arg=='--groupsort':
		i += 1
		groupsort = sys.argv[i]
	elif arg=='-l' or arg=='--limit':
		i += 1
		limit = int(sys.argv[i])
		q = '%s%s ' % ( q, arg )
	i += 1

# do query
cl = SphinxClient()
cl.SetServer ( host, port )
cl.SetWeights ( [100, 1] )
cl.SetMatchMode ( mode )
if filtervals:
	cl.SetFilter ( filtercol, filtervals )
if groupby:
	cl.SetGroupBy ( groupby, SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, groupsort )
if sortby:
	cl.SetSortMode ( SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, sortby )
if limit:
	cl.SetLimits ( 0, limit, max(limit,1000) )
res = cl.Query ( q, index )

if not res:
	print 'query failed: %s' % cl.GetLastError()

if cl.GetLastWarning():
	print 'WARNING: %s\n' % cl.GetLastWarning()

print 'Query \'%s\' retrieved %d of %d matches in %s sec' % (q, res['total'], res['total_found'], res['time'])
print 'Query stats:'

if res.has_key('words'):
	for info in res['words']:
		print '\t\'%s\' found %d times in %d documents' % (info['word'], info['hits'], info['docs'])

if res.has_key('matches'):
	n = 1
	print '\nMatches:'
	for match in res['matches']:
		attrsdump = ''
		for attr in res['attrs']:
			attrname = attr[0]
			attrtype = attr[1]
			value = match['attrs'][attrname]
			if attrtype==SPH_ATTR_TIMESTAMP:
				value = time.strftime ( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(value) )
			attrsdump = '%s, %s=%s' % ( attrsdump, attrname, value )

		print '%d. doc_id=%s, weight=%d%s' % (n, match['id'], match['weight'], attrsdump)
		n += 1

# $Id: 1136 2008-02-06 01:31:41Z shodan $