

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > x86_64 > media > main-release > by-pkgid > 6d99ae7e58412bfed75dd0eed422d84a > files > 1


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; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This file was taken from Mandriva Linux with their permission
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Logging Options

; Defines what classes of security alerts are logged to the syslog daemon.
; Logging of errors of the class S_MEMORY are always logged to syslog, no
; matter what this configuration says, because a corrupted heap could mean that
; the other logging options will malfunction during the logging process.
;suhosin.log.syslog = 

; Defines the syslog facility that is used when ALERTs are logged to syslog.
;suhosin.log.syslog.facility = 

; Defines the syslog priority that is used when ALERTs are logged to syslog.
;suhosin.log.syslog.priority = 

; Defines what classes of security alerts are logged through the SAPI error log.
;suhosin.log.sapi = 

; Defines what classes of security alerts are logged through the external
; logging.
;suhosin.log.script = 

; Defines what classes of security alerts are logged through the defined PHP
; script.
;suhosin.log.phpscript = 0

; Defines the full path to a external logging script. The script is called with
; 2 parameters. The first one is the alert class in string notation and the
; second parameter is the log message. This can be used for example to mail
; failing MySQL queries to your email address, because on a production system
; these things should never happen.
; = 

; Defines the full path to a PHP logging script. The script is called with 2
; variables registered in the current scope: SUHOSIN_ERRORCLASS and
; SUHOSIN_ERROR. The first one is the alert class and the second variable is
; the log message. This can be used for example to mail attempted remote URL
; include attacks to your email address.
; = 

; Undocumented
;suhosin.log.phpscript.is_safe = Off

; When the Hardening-Patch logs an error the log message also contains the IP
; of the attacker. Usually this IP is retrieved from the REMOTE_ADDR SAPI
; environment variable. With this switch it is possible to change this behavior
; to read the IP from the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. This is f.e. necessary
; when your PHP server runs behind a reverse proxy.
;suhosin.log.use-x-forwarded-for = Off

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Executor Options

; Defines the maximum stack depth allowed by the executor before it stops the
; script. Without this function an endless recursion in a PHP script could
; crash the PHP executor or trigger the configured memory_limit. A value of
; "0" disables this feature.
;suhosin.executor.max_depth = 0

; Defines how many "../" an include filename needs to contain to be considered
; an attack and stopped. A value of "2" will block "../../etc/passwd", while a
; value of "3" will allow it. Most PHP applications should work flawlessly with
; values "4" or "5". A value of "0" disables this feature.
;suhosin.executor.include.max_traversal = 0

; Comma separated whitelist of URL schemes that are allowed to be included from
; include or require statements. Additionally to URL schemes it is possible to
; specify the beginning of allowed URLs. (f.e.: php://stdin) If no whitelist is
; specified, then the blacklist is evaluated.
;suhosin.executor.include.whitelist = 

; Comma separated blacklist of URL schemes that are not allowed to be included
; from include or require statements. Additionally to URL schemes it is
; possible to specify the beginning of allowed URLs. (f.e.: php://stdin) If no
; blacklist and no whitelist is specified all URL schemes are forbidden.
;suhosin.executor.include.blacklist = 

; Comma separated whitelist of functions that are allowed to be called. If the
; whitelist is empty the blacklist is evaluated, otherwise calling a function
; not in the whitelist will terminate the script and get logged.
;suhosin.executor.func.whitelist = 

; Comma separated blacklist of functions that are not allowed to be called. If
; no whitelist is given, calling a function within the blacklist will terminate
; the script and get logged. 
;suhosin.executor.func.blacklist = 

; Comma separated whitelist of functions that are allowed to be called from
; within eval(). If the whitelist is empty the blacklist is evaluated,
; otherwise calling a function not in the whitelist will terminate the script
; and get logged.
;suhosin.executor.eval.whitelist = 

; Comma separated blacklist of functions that are not allowed to be called from
; within eval(). If no whitelist is given, calling a function within the
; blacklist will terminate the script and get logged.
;suhosin.executor.eval.blacklist = 

; eval() is a very dangerous statement and therefore you might want to disable
; it completely. Deactivating it will however break lots of scripts. Because
; every violation is logged, this allows finding all places where eval() is
; used.
;suhosin.executor.disable_eval = Off

; The /e modifier inside preg_replace() allows code execution. Often it is the
; cause for remote code execution exploits. It is wise to deactivate this
; feature and test where in the application it is used. The developer using the
; /e modifier should be made aware that he should use preg_replace_callback()
; instead.
;suhosin.executor.disable_emodifier = Off

; This flag reactivates symlink() when open_basedir is used, which is disabled
; by default in Suhosin >= 0.9.6. Allowing symlink() while open_basedir is used
; is actually a security risk. 
;suhosin.executor.allow_symlink = Off

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Misc Options

; If you fear that Suhosin breaks your application, you can activate Suhosin's
; simulation mode with this flag. When Suhosin runs in simulation mode,
; violations are logged as usual, but nothing is blocked or removed from the
; request. (Transparent Encryptions are NOT deactivated in simulation mode.)
;suhosin.simulation = Off

; APC 3.0.12(p1/p2) uses reserved resources without requesting a resource slot
; first. It always uses resource slot 0. If Suhosin got this slot assigned APC
; will overwrite the information Suhosin stores in this slot. When this flag is
; set Suhosin will request 2 Slots and use the second one. This allows working
; correctly with these buggy APC versions.
;suhosin.apc_bug_workaround = Off

; When a SQL Query fails scripts often spit out a bunch of useful information
; for possible attackers. When this configuration directive is turned on, the
; script will silently terminate, after the problem has been logged. (This is
; not yet supported)
;suhosin.sql.bailout_on_error = Off

; This is an experimental feature for shared environments. With this
; configuration option it is possible to specify a prefix that is automatically
; prepended to the database username, whenever a database connection is made.
; (Unless the username starts with the prefix)
;suhosin.sql.user_prefix = 

; This is an experimental feature for shared environments. With this
; configuration option it is possible to specify a postfix that is
; automatically appended to the database username, whenever a database
; connection is made. (Unless the username end with the postfix)
; With this feature it is possible for shared hosters to disallow customers to
; connect with the usernames of other customers. This feature is experimental,
; because support for PDO and PostgreSQL are not yet implemented. 
;suhosin.sql.user_postfix = 

; This directive controls if multiple headers are allowed or not in a header()
; call. By default the Hardening-Patch forbids this. (HTTP headers spanning
; multiple lines are still allowed).
;suhosin.multiheader = Off

; This directive controls if the mail() header protection is activated or not
; and to what degree it is activated. The appended table lists the possible
; activation levels.
suhosin.mail.protect = 1

; As long scripts are not running within safe_mode they are free to change the
; memory_limit to whatever value they want. Suhosin changes this fact and
; disallows setting the memory_limit to a value greater than the one the script
; started with, when this option is left at 0. A value greater than 0 means
; that Suhosin will disallows scripts setting the memory_limit to a value above
; this configured hard limit. This is for example usefull if you want to run
; the script normaly with a limit of 16M but image processing scripts may raise
; it to 20M.
;suhosin.memory_limit = 0

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Transparent Encryption Options

; Flag that decides if the transparent session encryption is activated or not.
;suhosin.session.encrypt = On

; Session data can be encrypted transparently. The encryption key used consists
; of this user defined string (which can be altered by a script via ini_set())
; and optionally the User-Agent, the Document-Root and 0-4 Octects of the
;suhosin.session.cryptkey = 

; Flag that decides if the transparent session encryption key depends on the
; User-Agent field. (When activated this feature transparently adds a little
; bit protection against session fixation/hijacking attacks)
;suhosin.session.cryptua = On

; Flag that decides if the transparent session encryption key depends on the
; Documentroot field.
;suhosin.session.cryptdocroot = On

; Number of octets (0-4) from the REMOTE_ADDR that the transparent session
; encryption key depends on. Keep in mind that this should not be used on sites
; that have visitors from big ISPs, because their IP address often changes
; during a session. But this feature might be interesting for admin interfaces
; or intranets. When used wisely this is a transparent protection against
; session hijacking/fixation. 
;suhosin.session.cryptraddr = 0

; Number of octets (0-4) from the REMOTE_ADDR that have to match to decrypt the
; session. The difference to suhosin.session.cryptaddr is, that the IP is not
; part of the encryption key, so that the same session can be used for
; different areas with different protection levels on the site.
;suhosin.session.checkraddr = 0

; Flag that decides if the transparent cookie encryption is activated or not.
;suhosin.cookie.encrypt = 0

; Cookies can be encrypted transparently. The encryption key used consists of
; this user defined string and optionally the User-Agent, the Document-Root and
; 0-4 Octects of the REMOTE_ADDR.
;suhosin.cookie.cryptkey = 

; Flag that decides if the transparent session encryption key depends on the
; User-Agent field. (When activated this feature transparently adds a little
; bit protection against session fixation/hijacking attacks (if only session
; cookies are allowed))
;suhosin.cookie.cryptua = On

; Flag that decides if the transparent cookie encryption key depends on the
; Documentroot field.
;suhosin.cookie.cryptdocroot = On

; Number of octets (0-4) from the REMOTE_ADDR that the transparent cookie
; encryption key depends on. Keep in mind that this should not be used on sites
; that have visitors from big ISPs, because their IP address often changes
; during a session. But this feature might be interesting for admin interfaces
; or intranets. When used wisely this is a transparent protection against
; session hijacking/fixation.
;suhosin.cookie.cryptraddr = 0

; Number of octets (0-4) from the REMOTE_ADDR that have to match to decrypt the
; cookie. The difference to suhosin.cookie.cryptaddr is, that the IP is not
; part of the encryption key, so that the same cookie can be used for different
; areas with different protection levels on the site.
;suhosin.cookie.checkraddr = 0

; In case not all cookies are supposed to get encrypted this is a comma
; separated list of cookie names that should get encrypted. All other cookies
; will not get touched.
;suhosin.cookie.cryptlist = 

; In case some cookies should not be crypted this is a comma separated list of
; cookies that do not get encrypted. All other cookies will be encrypted.
;suhosin.cookie.plainlist = 

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Filtering Options

; Defines the reaction of Suhosin on a filter violation.
;suhosin.filter.action = 

; Defines the maximum depth an array variable may have, when registered through
; the COOKIE.
;suhosin.cookie.max_array_depth = 50

; Defines the maximum length of array indices for variables registered through
; the COOKIE.
;suhosin.cookie.max_array_index_length = 64

; Defines the maximum length of variable names for variables registered through
; the COOKIE. For array variables this is the name in front of the indices.
;suhosin.cookie.max_name_length = 64

; Defines the maximum length of the total variable name when registered through
; the COOKIE. For array variables this includes all indices.
;suhosin.cookie.max_totalname_length = 256

; Defines the maximum length of a variable that is registered through the
;suhosin.cookie.max_value_length = 10000

; Defines the maximum number of variables that may be registered through the
;suhosin.cookie.max_vars = 100

; When set to On ASCIIZ chars are not allowed in variables.
;suhosin.cookie.disallow_nul = 1

; Defines the maximum depth an array variable may have, when registered through
; the URL
;suhosin.get.max_array_depth = 50

; Defines the maximum length of array indices for variables registered through
; the URL
;suhosin.get.max_array_index_length = 64

; Defines the maximum length of variable names for variables registered through
; the URL. For array variables this is the name in front of the indices.
;suhosin.get.max_name_length = 64

; Defines the maximum length of the total variable name when registered through
; the URL. For array variables this includes all indices.
;suhosin.get.max_totalname_length = 256

; Defines the maximum length of a variable that is registered through the URL.
;suhosin.get.max_value_length = 512

; Defines the maximum number of variables that may be registered through the
; URL.
;suhosin.get.max_vars = 100

; When set to On ASCIIZ chars are not allowed in variables.
;suhosin.get.disallow_nul = 1

; Defines the maximum depth an array variable may have, when registered through
; a POST request.
; = 50

; Defines the maximum length of array indices for variables registered through
; a POST request.
; = 64

; Defines the maximum length of variable names for variables registered through
; a POST request. For array variables this is the name in front of the indices.
; = 64

; Defines the maximum length of the total variable name when registered through
; a POST request. For array variables this includes all indices.
; = 256

; Defines the maximum length of a variable that is registered through a POST
; request.
; = 65000

; Defines the maximum number of variables that may be registered through a POST
; request.
; = 200

; When set to On ASCIIZ chars are not allowed in variables.
; = 1

; Defines the maximum depth an array variable may have, when registered through
; GET , POST or COOKIE. This setting is also an upper limit for the separate
; GET, POST, COOKIE configuration directives.
;suhosin.request.max_array_depth = 50

; Defines the maximum length of array indices for variables registered through
; GET, POST or COOKIE. This setting is also an upper limit for the separate
; GET, POST, COOKIE configuration directives.
;suhosin.request.max_array_index_length = 64

; Defines the maximum length of variable names for variables registered through
; the COOKIE, the URL or through a POST request. This is the complete name
; string, including all indicies. This setting is also an upper limit for the
; separate GET, POST, COOKIE configuration directives.
;suhosin.request.max_totalname_length = 256

; Defines the maximum length of a variable that is registered through the
; COOKIE, the URL or through a POST request. This setting is also an upper
; limit for the variable origin specific configuration directives.
;suhosin.request.max_value_length = 65000

; Defines the maximum number of variables that may be registered through the
; COOKIE, the URL or through a POST request. This setting is also an upper
; limit for the variable origin specific configuration directives.
;suhosin.request.max_vars = 200

; Defines the maximum name length (excluding possible array indicies) of
; variables that may be registered through the COOKIE, the URL or through a
; POST request. This setting is also an upper limit for the variable origin
; specific configuration directives.
;suhosin.request.max_varname_length = 64

; When set to On ASCIIZ chars are not allowed in variables.
;suhosin.request.disallow_nul = 1

; When set to On the dangerous characters <>"'` are urlencoded when found
; not encoded in the server variables REQUEST_URI and QUERY_STRING. This
; will protect against some XSS vulnerabilities.
;suhosin.server.encode = 1

; When set to On the dangerous characters <>"'` are replaced with ? in
; the server variables PHP_SELF, PATH_TRANSLATED and PATH_INFO. This will
; protect against some XSS vulnerabilities.
;suhosin.server.strip = 1

; Defines the maximum number of files that may be uploaded with one request.
;suhosin.upload.max_uploads = 25

; When set to On it is not possible to upload ELF executables.
;suhosin.upload.disallow_elf = 1

; When set to On it is not possible to upload binary files.
;suhosin.upload.disallow_binary = 0

; When set to On binary content is removed from the uploaded files.
;suhosin.upload.remove_binary = 0

; This defines the full path to a verification script for uploaded files. The
; script gets the temporary filename supplied and has to decide if the upload
; is allowed. A possible application for this is to scan uploaded files for
; viruses. The called script has to write a 1 as first line to standard output
; to allow the upload. Any other value or no output at all will result in the
; file being deleted.
;suhosin.upload.verification_script = 

; Specifies the maximum length of the session identifier that is allowed. When
; a longer session identifier is passed a new session identifier will be
; created. This feature is important to fight bufferoverflows in 3rd party
; session handlers.
;suhosin.session.max_id_length = 128

; Undocumented: Controls if suhosin coredumps when the optional suhosin patch 
; detects a bufferoverflow, memory corruption or double free. This is only
; for debugging purposes and should not be activated.
;suhosin.coredump = Off

; Undocumented: Controls if the encryption keys specified by the configuration
; are shown in the phpinfo() output or if they are hidden from it
;suhosin.protectkey = 1

; Controls if suhosin loads in stealth mode when it is not the only
; zend_extension (Required for full compatibility with certain encoders 
;  that consider open source untrusted. e.g. ionCube, Zend)
;suhosin.stealth = 1

; Controls if suhosin's ini directives are changeable per directory
; because the admin might want to allow some features to be controlable
; by .htaccess and some not. For example the logging capabilities can
; break safemode and open_basedir restrictions when .htaccess support is
; allowed and the admin forgot to fix their values in httpd.conf
; An empty value or a 0 will result in all directives not allowed in
; .htaccess. The string "legcprsum" will allow logging, execution, get, 
; post, cookie, request, sql, upload, misc features in .htaccess
;suhosin.perdir = "0"