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<title>Berkeley DB</title>
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Berkeley DB
Michael A. Olson
Keith Bostic
Margo Seltzer
Sleepycat Software, Inc.
<font size="-1">
Berkeley DB is an Open Source embedded database system with a number
of key advantages over comparable systems.  It is simple to use, supports
concurrent access by multiple users, and provides industrial-strength
transaction support, including surviving system and disk crashes.  This
paper describes the design and technical features of Berkeley DB, the
distribution, and its license.
The Berkeley Database (Berkeley DB) is an embedded database system
that can be used in applications requiring high-performance
concurrent storage and retrieval of key/value pairs.  The software
is distributed as a library that can be linked directly into an
It provides a variety of programmatic interfaces,
including callable APIs for C, C++, Perl, Tcl and Java.
Users may download Berkeley DB from Sleepycat Software's Web site,
<a href=""></a>.
Sleepycat distributes Berkeley DB as an Open Source product.  The company
collects license fees for certain uses of the software and sells support
and services.
Berkeley DB began as a new implementation of a hash access method
to replace both
and the various
(<tt>dbm</tt> from AT&T,
from Berkeley, and
from the GNU project).
In 1990 Seltzer and Yigit produced a package called Hash to do this
<a href="#Selt91">[Selt91]</a>.
The first general release of Berkeley DB, in 1991,
included some interface changes and a new B+tree access method.
At roughly the same time, Seltzer and Olson
developed a prototype transaction
system based on Berkeley DB, called LIBTP <a href="#Selt92">[Selt92]</a>,
but never released the code.
The 4.4BSD UNIX release included Berkeley DB 1.85 in 1992.
Seltzer and Bostic maintained the code in the early 1990s
in Berkeley and in Massachusetts.
Many users adopted the code during this period.
By mid-1996,
users wanted commercial support for the software.
In response, Bostic and Seltzer formed Sleepycat Software.
The company  enhances, distributes, and
supports Berkeley DB and supporting software and documentation.
Sleepycat released version 2.1 of Berkeley DB in mid-1997
with important new features, including
support for concurrent access to databases.
The company makes about three commercial releases a year,
and most recently shipped version 2.8.
Overview of Berkeley DB
The C interfaces in Berkeley DB permit
record management
for databases,
with significant extensions to handle duplicate data items elegantly,
to deal with concurrent access, and to provide transactional
support so that multiple changes can be simultaneously committed
(so that they are made permanent) or rolled back (so that the
database is restored to its state at the beginning of the transaction).
C++ and Java interfaces provide a small set of classes for
operating on a database.  The main class in both cases is called
and provides methods that encapsulate the
interfaces that the C interfaces provide.
Tcl and Perl interfaces allow developers working in those languages
to use Berkeley DB in their applications.
Bindings for both languages are included in the distribution.
Developers may compile their applications and link in Berkeley DB
statically or dynamically.
How Berkeley DB is used
The Berkeley DB library supports concurrent access to databases.
It can be linked
into standalone applications, into a collection of cooperating applications,
or into servers that handle requests and do database operations on
behalf of clients.
Compared to using a standalone database management system, Berkeley
DB is easy to understand and simple to use.  The
software stores and retrieves records, which consist of key/value pairs.
Keys are used to locate items and can be any data type or structure
supported by the programming language.
The programmer can provide the functions that Berkeley DB uses to
operate on keys.
For example,
B+trees can use a custom comparison function,
and the Hash access method can use a custom hash function.
Berkeley DB uses default functions if none are supplied.
Otherwise, Berkeley DB does not examine or interpret either keys
or values in any way.
Values may be arbitrarily long.
It is also important to understand what Berkeley DB is not.
It is not a database server that handles network requests.  It is not an
SQL engine that executes queries.  It is not a relational or object-oriented
database management system.
It is possible to build any of those on top of Berkeley DB,
but the package, as distributed,
is an embedded database engine.  It has been designed
to be portable, small, fast, and reliable.
Applications that use Berkeley DB
Berkeley DB is embedded in a variety of proprietary and Open Source
software packages.
This section highlights a few of the products that use it.
Directory servers, which do data storage and retrieval using the
Local Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), provide naming and directory
lookup service on local-area networks.
This service is,
database query and update,
but uses a simple protocol rather than SQL or ODBC.
Berkeley DB is the embedded data manager in the majority of deployed
directory servers today,
including LDAP servers from Netscape,
MessageDirect (formerly Isode),
and others.
Berkeley DB is also embedded in a large number of mail servers.
uses Berkeley DB as a message store
and as the backing store for its directory server.
The sendmail server
(including both the commercial Sendmail Pro offering from Sendmail,
Inc. and the version distributed by
uses Berkeley DB to store aliases and other information.
Postfix (formerly VMailer) uses Berkeley DB
to store administrative information.
In addition,
Berkeley DB is embedded in a wide variety of other software products.
Example applications include managing access control lists,
storing user keys in a public-key infrastructure,
recording machine-to-network-address mappings in address servers,
and storing configuration and device information in video
post-production software.
Berkeley DB is a part of many other Open Source software packages
available on the Internet.
For example,
the software is embedded in the Apache Web server and the Gnome desktop.
Access Methods
In database terminology, an access method is the disk-based structure
used to store data and the operations available on that structure.
For example, many database systems support a B+tree access method.
B+trees allow equality-based lookups (find keys equal to some constant),
range-based lookups (find keys between two constants) and record
insertion and deletion.
Berkeley DB supports three access methods: B+tree,
Extended Linear Hashing (Hash),
and Fixed- or Variable-length Records (Recno).
All three operate on records composed of a key and a data value.
In the B+tree and Hash access methods, keys can have arbitrary structure.
In the Recno access method, each record is assigned a record number, which
serves as the key.
In all the access methods, the
value can have arbitrary structure.
The programmer can supply comparison or hashing functions for keys,
and Berkeley DB stores and retrieves values without
interpreting them.
All of the access methods use the host filesystem as a backing store.
Berkeley DB includes a Hash access method that implements extended
linear hashing <a href="#Litw80">[Litw80]</a>.
Extended linear hashing adjusts the hash function as the hash
table grows, attempting to keep all buckets underfull in the steady
The Hash access method supports insertion and deletion of records and
lookup by exact match only.  Applications may iterate over all records
stored in a table, but the order in which they are returned is undefined.
Berkeley DB includes a B+tree <a href="#Come79">[Come79]</a> access method.
B+trees store records of key/value pairs in leaf pages,
and pairs of (key, child page address) at internal nodes.
Keys in the tree are stored in sorted order,
where the order is determined by the comparison function supplied when the
database was created.
Pages at the leaf level of the tree include pointers
to their neighbors to simplify traversal.  B+trees support lookup by
exact match (equality) or range (greater than or equal to a key).
Like Hash tables, B+trees support record insertion,
deletion, and iteration over all records in the tree.
As records are inserted and pages in the B+tree fill up, they are split,
with about half the keys going into a new peer page at the same level in
the tree.
Most B+tree implementations leave both nodes half-full after a split.
This leads to poor performance in a common case, where the caller inserts
keys in order.
To handle this case, Berkeley DB keeps track of the insertion order,
and splits pages unevenly to keep pages fuller.
This reduces tree size, yielding better search performance and smaller
On deletion, empty pages are coalesced by reverse splits
into single pages.
The access method does no other page balancing on insertion
or deletion.
Keys are not moved among pages at every update
to keep the tree well-balanced.  While this could improve search times
in some cases, the additional code complexity leads to slower updates and
is prone to deadlocks.
For simplicity, Berkeley DB B+trees do no prefix compression of keys
at internal or leaf nodes.
Berkeley DB includes a fixed- or variable-length record access method,
The Recno access method assigns logical record numbers to each
and can search for and update records by record number.
Recno is able,
for example,
to load a text file into a database,
treating each line as a record.
This permits fast searches by line number for applications like
text editors <a href="#Ston82">[Ston82]</a>.
Recno is actually built
on top of the B+tree access method and provides a simple interface
for storing sequentially-ordered data values.
The Recno access method generates keys internally.
The programmer's view of the values is that
they are numbered sequentially from one.
Developers can choose to have records automatically renumbered
when lower-numbered records are added or deleted.
In this case, new keys can be inserted between existing keys.
This section describes important features of Berkeley DB.
In general,
developers can choose which features are useful to them,
and use only those that are required by their application.
For example,
when an application opens a database, it can declare the degree of
concurrency and recovery that it requires.  Simple stand-alone applications,
and in particular ports of applications that used
or one of its
variants, generally do not require concurrent access or crash recovery.
Other applications, such as enterprise-class database management systems
that store sales transactions or other critical data, need full
transactional service.  Single-user operation is faster than multi-user
operation, since no overhead is incurred by locking.  Running with
the recovery system disabled is faster than running with it enabled,
since log records need not be written when changes are made to the
In addition, some core subsystems, including the locking system and
the logging facility,
can be used outside the context of the access methods as well.
Although few users have chosen to do so, it is possible to
use only the lock manager in Berkeley DB to control concurrency
in an application, without using any of the standard database services.
Alternatively, the caller can integrate locking of non-database resources
with Berkeley DB's transactional two-phase locking system, to impose
transaction semantics on objects outside the database.
Programmatic interfaces
Berkeley DB defines a simple API for database management.
The package does not include industry-standard
programmatic interfaces such as Open Database Connectivity (ODBC),
Object Linking and Embedding for Databases (OleDB), or Structured
Query Language (SQL).  These interfaces, while useful, were
designed to promote interoperability of database systems, and not
simplicity or performance.
In response to customer demand,
Berkeley DB 2.5 introduced support for the XA standard <a href="#Open94">[Open94]</a>.
XA permits Berkeley DB to participate in distributed transactions
under a transaction processing monitor like Tuxedo from BEA Systems.
Like XA, other standard interfaces can be built on top of the
core system.
The standards do not belong inside Berkeley DB,
since not all applications need them.
Working with records
A database user may need to search for particular keys in a database,
or may simply want to browse available records.
Berkeley DB supports both keyed access,
to find one or more records with a given key,
or sequential access,
to retrieve all the records in the database one at a time.
The order of the records returned during sequential scans
depends on the access method.
B+tree and Recno databases return records in sort order,
and Hash databases return them in apparently random order.
Berkeley DB defines simple interfaces for inserting,
and deleting records in a database.
Long keys and values
Berkeley DB manages keys and values as large as
2<sup>32</sup> bytes.
Since the time required to copy a record is proportional to its size,
Berkeley DB includes interfaces that operate on partial records.
If an application requires only part of a large record,
it requests partial record retrieval,
and receives just the bytes that it needs.
The smaller copy saves both time and memory.
Berkeley DB allows the programmer to define the data types of
keys and values.
Developers use any type expressible in the programming language.
Large databases
A single database managed by Berkeley DB can be up to 2<sup>48</sup>
or 256 petabytes,
in size.
Berkeley DB uses the host filesystem as the backing store
for the database,
so large databases require big file support from the operating system.
Sleepycat Software has customers using Berkeley DB
to manage single databases in excess of 100 gigabytes.
Main memory databases
Applications that do not require persistent storage can create
databases that exist only in main memory.
These databases bypass the overhead imposed by the I/O system
Some applications do need to use disk as a backing store,
but run on machines with very large memory.
Berkeley DB is able to manage very large shared memory regions
for cached data pages,
log records,
and lock management.
For example,
the cache region used for data pages may be gigabytes in size,
reducing the likelihood that any read operation will need to
visit the disk in the steady state.
The programmer declares the size of the cache region at
Finally, many operating systems provide memory-mapped file services
that are much faster than their general-purpose file system
Berkeley DB can memory-map its database files for read-only database use.
The application operates on records stored directly on the pages,
with no cache management overhead.
Because the application gets pointers directly into the
Berkeley DB pages,
writes cannot be permitted.
changes could bypass the locking and logging systems,
and software errors could corrupt the database.
Read-only applications can use Berkeley DB's memory-mapped
file service to improve performance on most architectures.
Configurable page size
Programmers declare the size of the pages used by their access
methods when they create a database.
Although Berkeley DB provides reasonable defaults,
developers may override them to control system performance.
Small pages reduce the number of records that fit on a single page.
Fewer records on a page means that fewer records are locked when
the page is locked,
improving concurrency.
The per-page overhead is proportionally higher with smaller pages,
of course,
but developers can trade off space for time as an application requires.
Small footprint
Berkeley DB is a compact system.
The full package, including all access methods, recoverability,
and transaction support
is roughly 175K of text space on common architectures. 
In database terminology, a cursor is a pointer into an access method
that can be called iteratively to return records in sequence.  Berkeley
DB includes cursor interfaces for all access methods.  This permits,
for example, users to traverse a B+tree and view records in order.
Pointers to records in cursors are persistent, so that once fetched,
a record may be updated in place.  Finally, cursors support access to
chains of duplicate data items in the various access methods.
In database terminology,
a join is an operation that spans multiple separate
tables (or in the case of Berkeley DB, multiple separate DB files).
For example, a company may store information about its customers
in one table and information about sales in another.  An application
will likely want to look up sales information by customer name; this
requires matching records in the two tables that share a common
customer ID field.
This combining of records from multiple tables is called a join.
Berkeley DB includes interfaces for joining two or more tables.
Transactions have four properties <a href="#Gray93">[Gray93]</a>:
They are atomic.  That is, all of the changes made in a single
transaction must be applied at the same instant or not at all.
This permits, for example, the transfer of money between two
accounts to be accomplished, by making the reduction of the
balance in one account and the increase in the other into a
single, atomic action.
They must be consistent.  That is, changes to the database
by any transaction cannot leave the database in an illegal
or corrupt state.
They must be isolatable.  Regardless of the number of users
working in the database at the same time, every user must have
the illusion that no other activity is going on.
They must be durable.  Even if the disk that stores the database
is lost, it must be possible to recover the database to its last
transaction-consistent state.
This combination of properties -- atomicity, consistency, isolation, and
durability -- is referred to as ACIDity in the literature.  Berkeley DB,
like most database systems, provides ACIDity using a collection of core
Programmers can choose to use Berkeley DB's transaction services
for applications that need them.
Write-ahead logging
Programmers can enable the logging system when they start up Berkeley DB.
During a transaction,
the application makes a series of changes to the database.
Each change is captured in a log entry,
which holds the state of the database record
both before and after the change.
The log record is guaranteed
to be flushed to stable storage before any of the changed data pages
are written.
This behavior -- writing the log before the data pages -- is called
<i>write-ahead logging</i>.
At any time during the transaction,
the application can
making the changes permanent,
<i>roll back</i>,
cancelling all changes and restoring the database to its
pre-transaction state.
If the application
rolls back the transaction, then the log holds the state of all
changed pages prior to the transaction, and Berkeley DB simply
restores that state.
If the application commits the transaction,
Berkeley DB writes the log records to disk.
In-memory copies of the data pages already reflect the changes,
and will be flushed as necessary during normal processing.
Since log writes are sequential, but data page
writes are random, this improves performance.
Crashes and recovery
Berkeley DB's write-ahead log is used by the transaction
system to commit or roll back transactions.
It also gives the recovery system the information that
it needs to protect against data loss or corruption
from crashes.
Berkeley DB is able to survive application crashes,
system crashes,
and even catastrophic failures like the loss of a hard
without losing any data.
Surviving crashes requires data stored in several different places.
During normal processing,
Berkeley DB has copies of active log records and recently-used
data pages in memory.
Log records are flushed to the log disk when transactions commit.
Data pages trickle out to the data disk as pages move through
the buffer cache.
the system administrator backs up the data disk,
creating a safe copy of the database at a particular instant.
When the database is backed up,
the log can be truncated.
For maximum robustness,
the log disk and data disk should be separate devices.
Different system failures can destroy memory,
the log disk,
or the data disk.
Berkeley DB is able to survive the loss of any one
of these repositories
without losing any committed transactions.
If the computer's memory is lost,
through an application or operating system crash,
then the log holds all committed transactions.
On restart,
the recovery system rolls the log forward against
the database,
reapplying any changes to on-disk pages that were in memory at the
time of the crash.
Since the log contains pre- and post-change state for
the recovery system also uses the log to restore any pages to
their original state if they were modified by transactions
that never committed.
If the data disk is lost,
the system administrator can restore the most recent copy from backup.
The recovery system will roll the entire log forward against
the original database,
reapplying all committed changes.
When it finishes,
the database will contain every change made by every
transaction that ever committed.
If the log disk is lost,
then the recovery system can use the in-memory copies of
log entries to roll back any uncommitted transactions,
flush all in-memory database pages to the data disk,
and shut down gracefully.
At that point,
the system administrator can back up the database disk,
install a new log disk,
and restart the system.
Berkeley DB includes a checkpointing service that interacts
with the recovery system.
During normal processing,
both the log and the database are changing continually.
At any given instant,
the on-disk versions of the two are not guaranteed to be consistent.
The log probably contains changes that are not yet in the database.
When an application makes a
all committed changes in the log up to that point
are guaranteed to be present on the data disk,
Checkpointing is moderately expensive during normal processing,
but limits the time spent recovering from crashes.
After an application or operating system crash,
the recovery system only needs to go back two checkpoints
to start rolling the log forward.
(One checkpoint is not far enough.
The recovery system cannot be sure that the most recent
checkpoint completed --
it may have been interrupted by the crash that forced the
recovery system to run in the first place.)
Without checkpoints,
there is no way to be sure how long restarting after a crash will take.
With checkpoints,
the restart interval can be fixed by the programmer.
Recovery processing can be guaranteed to complete in a second or two.
Software crashes are much more common than disk failures.
Many developers want to guarantee that software bugs do not destroy data,
but are willing to restore from tape,
and to tolerate a day or two of lost work,
in the unlikley event of a disk crash.
With Berkeley DB,
programmers may truncate the log at checkpoints.
As long as the two most recent checkpoints are present,
the recovery system can guarantee that no committed transactions
are lost after a software crash.
In this case,
the recovery system does not require that the log and the
data be on separate devices,
although separating them can still improve performance
by spreading out writes.
Two-phase locking
Berkeley DB provides a service known as two-phase locking.
In order to reduce the likelihood of deadlocks and to guarantee ACID
properties, database systems manage locks in two phases.  First, during
the operation of a transaction, they acquire locks, but never release
them.  Second, at the end of the transaction, they release locks, but
never acquire them.  In practice, most database systems, including Berkeley
DB, acquire locks on demand over the course of the transaction, then
flush the log, then release all locks.
Berkeley DB can lock entire database files, which correspond to tables,
or individual pages in them.
It does no record-level locking.
By shrinking the page size,
developers can guarantee that every page holds only a small
number of records.
This reduces contention. 
If locking is enabled,
then read and write operations on a database acquire two-phase locks,
which are held until the transaction completes.
Which objects are locked and the order of lock acquisition
depend on the workload for each transaction.
It is possible for two or more transactions to deadlock,
so that each is waiting for a lock that is held by another.  
Berkeley DB detects deadlocks and automatically rolls back
one of the transactions.
This releases the locks that it held  
and allows the other transactions to continue.
The caller is notified that its transaction did not complete,
and may restart it.
Developers can specify the deadlock detection interval
and the policy to use in choosing a transaction to roll back.
The two-phase locking interfaces are separately callable by applications
that link Berkeley DB, though few users have needed to use that facility
Using these interfaces,
Berkeley DB provides a fast,
platform-portable locking system for general-purpose use.
It also lets users include non-database objects in a database transaction,
by controlling access to them exactly as if they were inside the database.
The Berkeley DB two-phase locking facility is built on the fastest correct
locking primitives that are supported by the underlying architecture.
In the current implementation, this means that the locking system is
different on the various UNIX platforms, and is still more different
on Windows NT.  In our experience, the most difficult aspect of performance
tuning is finding the fastest locking primitives that work correctly
on a particular architecture and then integrating the new
interface with the several that we already support.
The world would be a better place if the operating systems community
would uniformly implement POSIX locking primitives and would guarantee
that acquiring an uncontested lock was a fast operation.
Locks must work both among threads in a single process
and among processes.
Good performance under concurrent operation is a critical design point
for Berkeley DB.  Although Berkeley DB is itself not multi-threaded,
it is thread-safe, and runs well in threaded applications.
we view the use of threads and the choice of a threads package
as a policy decision,
and prefer to offer mechanism (the ability to run threaded or not),
allowing applications to choose their own policies.
The locking, logging, and buffer pool subsystems all use shared memory
or other OS-specific sharing facilities to communicate.  Locks, buffer
pool fetches, and log writes behave in the same way across threads in
a single process as they do across different processes on a single
As a result, concurrent database applications may start up a new process
for every single user, may create a single server which spawns a new
thread for every client request, or may choose any policy in between.
Berkeley DB has been carefully designed to minimize contention
and maximize concurrency.
The cache manager allows all threads or processes to benefit from
I/O done by one.
Shared resources must sometimes be locked for exclusive access
by one thread of control.
We have kept critical sections small,
and are careful not to hold critical resource locks across
system calls that could deschedule the locking thread or process.
Sleepycat Software has customers with hundreds of concurrent
users working on a single database in production.
Engineering Philosophy
Fundamentally, Berkeley DB is a collection of access methods with
important facilities, like logging, locking, and transactional access
underlying them.  In both the research and the commercial world,
the techniques for building systems like Berkeley DB have been well-known
for a long time.
The key advantage of Berkeley DB is the careful attention that has been
paid to engineering details throughout its life.  We have carefully
designed the system so that the core facilities, like locking and I/O,
surface the right interfaces and are otherwise opaque to the caller.
As programmers, we understand the value of simplicity and have worked
hard to simplify the interfaces we surface to users of the
database system.
Berkeley DB avoids limits in the code.  It places no practical limit
on the size of keys, values, or databases; they may grow to occupy
the available storage space.
The locking and logging subsystems have been carefully crafted to
reduce contention and improve throughput by shrinking or eliminating
critical sections, and reducing the sizes of locked regions and log
There is nothing in the design or implementation of Berkeley DB that
pushes the state of the art in database systems.  Rather, we have been
very careful to get the engineering right.  The result is a system that
is superior, as an embedded database system, to any other solution
Most database systems trade off simplicity for correctness.  Either the
system is easy to use, or it supports concurrent use and survives system
failures.  Berkeley DB, because of its careful design and implementation,
offers both simplicity and correctness.
The system has a small footprint,
makes simple operations simple to carry out (inserting a new record takes
just a few lines of code), and behaves correctly in the face of heavy
concurrent use, system crashes, and even catastrophic failures like loss
of a hard disk.
The Berkeley DB 2.x Distribution
Berkeley DB is distributed in source code form from
<a href=""></a>.
Users are free to download and build the software, and to use it in
their applications.
What is in the distribution
The distribution is a compressed archive file.
It includes the source code for the Berkeley DB library,
as well as documentation, test suites, and supporting utilities.
The source code includes build support for all supported platforms.
On UNIX systems Berkeley DB uses the GNU autoconfiguration tool,
to identify the system and to build the library
and supporting utilities.
Berkeley DB includes specific build environments for other platforms,
such as VMS and Windows.
The distributed system includes documentation in HTML format.
The documentation is in two parts:
a UNIX-style reference manual for use by programmers,
and a reference guide which is tutorial in nature.
Test suite
The software also includes a complete test suite, written in Tcl.
We believe that the test suite is a key advantage of Berkeley DB
over comparable systems.
First, the test suite allows users who download and build the software
to be sure that it is operating correctly.
Second, the test suite allows us, like other commercial developers
of database software, to exercise the system thoroughly at every
release.  When we learn of new bugs, we add them to the test suite.
We run the test suite continually during development cycles, and
always prior to release.  The result is a much more reliable system
by the time it reaches beta release.
Binary distribution
Sleepycat makes compiled libraries and general binary distributions available
to customers for a fee.
Supported platforms
Berkeley DB runs on any operating system with a
POSIX 1003.1 interface <a href="#IEEE96">[IEEE96]</a>,
which includes virtually every UNIX system.
In addition,
the software runs on VMS,
and Windows/NT.
Sleepycat Software no longer supports deployment on sixteen-bit
Windows systems.
Berkeley DB 2.x Licensing
Berkeley DB 2.x is distributed as an Open Source product.  The software
is freely available from us at our Web site, and in other media.  Users
are free to download the software and build applications with it.
The 1.x versions of Berkeley DB were covered by the UC Berkeley copyright
that covers software freely redistributable in source form.  When
Sleepycat Software was formed, we needed to draft a license consistent
with the copyright governing the existing, older software.  Because
of important differences between the UC Berkeley copyright and the GPL,
it was impossible for us to use the GPL.
A second copyright, with
terms contradictory to the first, simply would not have worked.
Sleepycat wanted to continue Open Source development of Berkeley DB
for several reasons.
We agree with Raymond <a href="#Raym98">[Raym98]</a> and others that Open
Source software is typically of higher quality than proprietary,
binary-only products.
Our customers benefit from a community of developers who
know and use Berkeley DB,
and can help with application design,
and performance tuning.
Widespread distribution and use of the source code tends to
isolate bugs early,
and to get fixes back into the distributed system quickly.
As a result,
Berkeley DB is more reliable.
Just as importantly,
individual users are able to contribute new features
and performance enhancements,
to the benefit of everyone who uses Berkeley DB.
From a business perspective,
Open Source and free distribution of the
software creates share for us, and gives us a market into which
we can sell products and services.
Finally, making the source code
freely available reduces our support load, since customers can
find and fix bugs without recourse to us, in many cases.
To preserve the Open Source heritage of the older Berkeley DB code,
we drafted a new license governing the distribution of Berkeley DB
2.x.  We adopted terms from the GPL that make it impossible to
turn our Open Source code into proprietary code owned by someone else.
Briefly, the terms governing the use and distribution of Berkeley DB
your application must be internal to your site, or
your application must be freely redistributable in source form, or
you must get a license from us.
For customers who prefer not to distribute Open Source products,
we sell licenses to use and extend Berkeley DB at a reasonable cost.
We work hard to accommodate the needs of the Open Source community.
For example,
we have crafted special licensing arrangements with Gnome
to encourage its use and distribution of Berkeley DB.
Berkeley DB conforms to the Open Source definition <a href="#Open99">[Open99]</a>.
The license has
been carefully crafted to keep the product available as an Open Source
while providing enough of a return on our investment to fund continued
development and support of the product.  The current license has
created a business capable of funding three years of development on
the software that simply would not have happened otherwise.
Berkeley DB offers a unique collection of features, targeted squarely
at software developers who need simple, reliable database management
services in their applications.  Good design and implementation and
careful engineering throughout make the software better than many
other systems.
Berkeley DB is an Open Source product, available at
<a href=""></a>.
for download.  The distributed system includes everything needed to
build and deploy the software or to port it to new systems.
Sleepycat Software distributes Berkeley DB under a license agreement
that draws on both the UC Berkeley copyright and the GPL.  The license
guarantees that Berkeley DB will remain an Open Source product and
provides Sleepycat with opportunities to make money to fund continued
development on the software.
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