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<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="sec-TextEntries"></a>Entry</h2></div></div></div>
Entry widgets allow the user to enter text (surprisingly
You can change the contents with the <code class="function">set_text()</code> method,
and read the current contents with the <code class="function">get_text()</code> method.
Occasionally you might want to make an <code class="classname">Entry</code> widget
read-only.  This can be done by passing <code class="literal">false</code> to the
<code class="function">set_editable()</code> method.
For the input of passwords, passphrases and other information you don't want
echoed on the screen,  calling <code class="function">set_visibility()</code> with
<code class="literal">false</code> will cause the text to be hidden.
You might want to be notified whenever the user types in a text entry widget.
<code class="classname">Gtk::Entry</code> provides two signals,
<code class="literal">activate</code> and <code class="literal">changed</code>, for just this
purpose.  <code class="literal">activate</code> is emitted when the user presses the
enter key in a text-entry widget; <code class="literal">changed</code> is emitted when
the text in the widget changes.  You can use these, for instance, to validate
or filter the text the user types.
<p><a class="ulink" href="../../reference/html/classGtk_1_1Entry.html" target="_top">Reference</a></p>
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<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
<a name="id2573024"></a>Example</h3></div></div></div>
Here is an example using <code class="classname">Gtk::Entry</code>.  As well as a
<code class="classname">Gtk::Entry</code> widget, it has two
<code class="classname">CheckButton</code>s, with which you can toggle the editable and
visible flags.
<div class="figure">
<a name="figure-entry"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 6.2. Entry</b></p>
<div class="figure-contents"><div class="screenshot"><div><img src="../figures/entry.png" alt="Entry"></div></div></div>
<br class="figure-break"><p><a class="ulink" href="../../../examples/book/entry" target="_top">Source Code</a></p>
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