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<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="id2590474"></a>Plugs and Sockets Example</h2></div></div></div>
      The following is a simple example of using sockets and plugs.  The method
      of communication between processes is deliberately kept very simple: The
      <code class="classname">Plug</code> writes its ID out to a text file named
      <code class="filename"></code> and the process with the socket reads the ID
      from this files.  In a real program, you may want to use a more
      sophisticated method of inter-process communication.
<p><a class="ulink" href="../../../examples/book/socket/" target="_top">Source Code</a></p>
<p>File: <code class="filename"></code>
<pre class="programlisting">
#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;fstream&gt;
#include &lt;gtkmm.h&gt;
#include &lt;gtkmm/plug.h&gt;
#include &lt;glib/gstdio.h&gt;

using namespace std;

const char* id_filename = "";

void on_embed()
  cout &lt;&lt; "I've been embedded." &lt;&lt; endl;

class MyPlug : public Gtk::Plug
    MyPlug() :
      m_label("I am the plug")
    set_size_request(150, 100);

    Gtk::Label m_label;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  Gtk::Main app(argc, argv);
  MyPlug plug;

  ofstream out(id_filename);
  out &lt;&lt; plug.get_id();
  cout &lt;&lt; "The window ID is: " &lt;&lt; plug.get_id() &lt;&lt; endl;;

  // remove the ID file when the program exits
  return 0;
<p>File: <code class="filename"></code>
<pre class="programlisting">
#include &lt;iostream&gt;
#include &lt;fstream&gt;
#include &lt;gtkmm.h&gt;
#include &lt;gtkmm/socket.h&gt;

using namespace std;

const char* id_filename = "";

void plug_added()
  cout &lt;&lt; "A plug was added" &lt;&lt; endl;

bool plug_removed()
  cout &lt;&lt; "A Plug was removed" &lt;&lt; endl;
  return true;

class MySocketWindow : public Gtk::Window
      ifstream infile(id_filename);
      if (infile)
        Gtk::Socket* socket = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Socket());
        Gdk::NativeWindow plug_id;
        infile &gt;&gt; plug_id;
        Gtk::Label* label = Gtk::manage(
            new Gtk::Label(
              "Plug id file not found.\n Make sure plug is running."));
        set_size_request(150, 50);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  Gtk::Main app(argc, argv);
  MySocketWindow win;;
  return 0;
      This example creates two executable programs: <code class="filename">socket</code>
      and <code class="filename">plug</code>.  The idea is that
      <code class="filename">socket</code> has an application window that will embed a
      widget from the <code class="filename">plug</code> program.  The way this example
      is designed, <code class="filename">plug</code> must be running first before
      starting <code class="filename">socket</code>.  To see the example in action,
      execute the following commands in order from within the example directory:
      Start the <code class="filename">plug</code> program and send it to the background
      (or just use a different terminal).
<pre class="screen">$ ./plug &amp;</pre>
      After which you should see something like the following:
<pre class="screen">The window ID is: 69206019</pre>
<p>Then start the <code class="filename">socket</code> program:</p>
<pre class="screen">$ ./socket</pre>
      After starting <code class="filename">socket</code>, you should see the following
      output in the terminal:
<pre class="screen">I've been embedded.
A plug was added</pre>
      The first line of output is from <code class="filename">plug</code>, after it has
      been notified that it has been embedded inside of a
      <code class="classname">Socket</code>.  The second line was emitted by
      <code class="filename">socket</code> in response to its
      <code class="function">plug_added</code> signal. If everything was done as
      described above, the <code class="filename">socket</code> window should look
      roughly like the following:
<div class="screenshot"><div><img src="../figures/socket.png"></div></div>
      If for some reason the <code class="classname">Socket</code> couldn't attach the
      <code class="classname">Plug</code>, the window would look something like this:
<div class="screenshot"><div><img src="../figures/socket-fail.png"></div></div>
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