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<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="sec-i18n-marking-strings"></a>Marking strings for translation</h2></div></div></div>
    String literals should be typed in the source code in English, but
    they should be surrounded by a call to the <code class="function">gettext()</code>
    function. These strings will be extracted for translation and the
    translations may be used at runtime instead of the original English
    The <span class="application">GNU gettext</span> package allows you to mark
    strings in source code, extract those strings for translation, and use
    the translated strings in your application.
    However, <span class="application">Glib</span> defines
    <code class="function">gettext()</code>
    support macros which are shorter wrappers in an easy-to-use form.
    To use these macros, include <code class="literal">&lt;glibmm/i18n.h&gt;</code>,
    and then, for example, substitute:
<pre class="programlisting">display_message("Getting ready for i18n.");</pre>
<pre class="programlisting">display_message(_("Getting ready for i18n."));</pre>
    For reference, it is possible to generate a file which contains all
    strings which appear in your code, even if they are not marked for translation, 
    together with file name and line
    number references. To generate such a file named
    <code class="literal">my-strings</code>, execute the following command,
    within the source code directory:

<pre class="programlisting">xgettext -a -o my-strings --omit-header *.cc *.h</pre>
    Finally, to let you program use the translation for the current locale,
    add this code to the beginning of your <code class="filename"></code> file, to initialize gettext.

<pre class="programlisting">bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, PROGRAMNAME_LOCALEDIR);
bind_textdomain_codeset(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8");
<div class="sect2" lang="en">
<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
<a name="sec-i18n-gettext"></a>How gettext works</h3></div></div></div>
      <span class="application">intltool</span> /
      <span class="application">xgettext</span> script extracts the strings
      and puts them in a <code class="filename">mypackage.pot</code> file.
      The translators of your application create their translations by
      first copying this <code class="filename">.pot</code> file to a
      <code class="filename">localename.po</code> file. A locale identifies a
      language and an encoding for that language, including date and numerical
      formats. Later, when the text in your source code has changed, the
      <code class="literal">msmerge</code> script is used to update the
      <code class="filename">localename.po</code> files from the regenerated
      <code class="filename">.pot</code> file.
      At install time, the <code class="filename">.po</code> files are converted to
      a binary format (with the extension <code class="filename">.mo</code>) and
      placed in a system-wide directory for locale files, for example
      <code class="filename">/usr/share/locale/</code>.
      When the application runs, the <span class="application">gettext</span>
      library checks the system-wide directory to see if there is a
      <code class="filename">.mo</code> file for the user's locale environment
      (you can set the locale with, for instance, "export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8"
      from a bash console). Later, when the program reaches a
      <code class="literal">gettext</code> call, it looks for a translation of a
      particular string. If none is found, the original string is used.
<div class="sect2" lang="en">
<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
<a name="sec-i18n-testing"></a>Testing and adding translations</h3></div></div></div>
      To convince yourself that you've done well, you may wish to add a
      translation for a new locale. In order to do that, go to the
      <code class="filename">po</code> subdirectory of your project and
      execute the following command:
<pre class="programlisting">intltool-update --pot</pre>
      That will create a file named <code class="filename">programname.pot</code>.
      Now copy that file to <code class="filename">languagecode.po</code>, such as
      <code class="filename">de.po</code> or <code class="filename">hu.po</code>. Also add
      that language code to <code class="literal">LINGUAS</code>. The
      <code class="filename">.po</code> file contains a header and a list of English strings,
      with space for the translated strings to be entered. Make sure you set the
      encoding of the <code class="filename">.po</code> file (specified in the header, but
      also as content) to <code class="literal">UTF-8</code>.
<div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><table border="0" summary="Note">
<td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Note]" src="../icons/note.png"></td>
<th align="left">Note</th>
<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
      It's possible that certain strings will be marked as
      <code class="literal">fuzzy</code> in the <code class="filename">.po</code> file.
      These translations will not substitute the original string. To make
      them appear, simply remove the <code class="literal">fuzzy</code> tag.
<div class="sect2" lang="en">
<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
<a name="sec-i18n-resources"></a>Resources</h3></div></div></div>
      More information about what lies behind the internationalization and localization process
      is presented and demonstrated in:

<div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc">
            <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top">
              Internationalizing GNOME applications</a>
            <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top">Intltool README</a>
            <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top">How to use GNOME CVS as a Translator</a>
            <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top">gettext manual</a>
            <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">gtkmm_hello</code> example package</a>
            <a class="ulink" href="" target="_top"><code class="literal">gnomemm_hello</code> example package</a>
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