

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > x86_64 > media > main-release > by-pkgid > 94acaaf165135b34f873c69f9ca4d60c > files > 439


=head1 NAME

User Help

=head1 Description

This chapter is for those needing help using mod_perl and related

There is a parallel L<Getting Help|devel::help::help> document written
mainly for mod_perl core developers, but may be found useful to
non-core problems as well.

=head1 Reporting Problems

Whenever you want to report a bug or a problem remember that in order
to help you, you need to provide us the information about the software
that you are using and other relevant details. Please follow the
instructions in the following sections when reporting problems.

B<The most important thing> to understand is that you should try hard
to provide B<all> the information that may assist to understand and
reproduce the problem. When you prepare a bug report, put yourself in
the position of a person who is going to try to help you, realizing
that a guess-work on behalf of that helpful person, more often doesn't
work than it does. Unfortunately most people don't realize that, and
it takes several emails to squeeze the needed details from the person
reporting the bug, a process which may drag for days.

=head2 Wrong Apache/mod_perl combination

First of all:

  Apache 2.0 doesn't work with mod_perl 1.0.
  Apache 1.0 doesn't work with mod_perl 2.0.

So if you aren't using Apache 2.x with mod_perl 2.0 please do not send
any bug reports.

META: mod_perl-1.99_xx is mod_perl 2.0 to-be.

=head2 Using the Wrong Compiler

To build mod_perl, you B<must> also use the same compiler that Perl
was built with. You can find that out by running C<perl -V> and
looking at the C<Compiler:> section. If you have used a different
compiler and have encountered problems (which most likely will be the
case) recompile Perl with the same compiler and then recompile
mod_perl again.

=head2 Before Posting a Report

Before you post the report, make sure that you've checked the
I<error_log> file (t/logs/error_log in case of the failing test
suite). Usually the errors are self-descriptive and if you remember to
always check this file whenever you have a problem, chances are that
you won't need to ask for help.

=head2 Test with the Latest mod_perl 2.0 Version

If you are using an older version than the most recently released one,
chances are that a bug that you are about to report has already been
fixed. If possible, save us and yourself time and try first to upgrade
to L<the latest version|download::index>, and only if the bug persists
report it.

Reviewing the Changes file may help as well. Here is the Changes file
of the most recenly released version: .

If the problem persists with the latest version, you may also want to
try to reproduce the problem with L<the latest development
version|download::source/Development_mod_perl_2_0_Source_Distribution>. It's
possible that the problem was resolved since the last release has been
made. Of course if this version solves the problem, don't rush to put
it in production unless you know what you are doing. Instead ask the
developers when the new version will be released.

=head2 Use a Proper Subject

Make sure to include a good subject like explaining the problem in a
few words. Also please mention that this a problem with mod_perl 2.0
and not mod_perl 1.0. Here is an example of a good subject:

  Subject: [mp2] protocol module doesn't work with filters

This is especially important now that we support mod_perl versions 1.0
and 2.0 on the same list.

=head2 Send the Report Inlined

When sending the bug report, please inline it and don't attach it to
the email. It's hard following up on the attachments.

=head2 Important Information

Whenever you send a bug report make sure to include the information
about your system.


=item *

If you haven't yet installed mod_perl and/or you are having problems
with the test suite -- you should do:

  % cd modperl-2.0
  % t/REPORT > mybugreport

where C<modperl-2.0> is the source directory where mod_perl was built.
The C<t/REPORT> utility is autogenerated when C<perl Makefile.PL> is
run, so you should have it already after building mod_perl.

=item *

If you have already installed mod_perl and are having problems with
things unrelated to the the test suite -- you should do:

  % mp2bug > mybugreport

C<mp2bug> should have been installed at the same time mod_perl 2.0 was
installed. If for some reason you can't find it, you can alternatively
run the following command, which does the same:

  % perl -MApache2 -MApache::TestReportPerl \
  -le 'Apache::TestReportPerl->new->run' > mybugreport


Please post the report (F<mybugreport>) B<inlined> in the text of your
message, and not as an attachment!

Now add L<the problem description|/Problem_Description> to the report
and send it to the L<mod_perl users mailing list|maillist::modperl>.

=head2 Problem Description

If the problem is with the mod_perl distribution test suite, refer to
the L<'make test' Failures|/_C_make_test___Failures> section.

If the problem incurs with your own code, please try to reduce the
code to the very minimum and include it in the bug report. Remember
that if you include a long code, chances that somebody will look at it
are low. If the problem is with some CPAN module, just provide its

Also remember to include the relevant part of I<httpd.conf> and of
I<> if applicable. Don't include whole files, only the parts
that should aid to understand and reproduce the problem.

Finally don't forget to copy-n-paste (not type!) the B<relevant> part
of the I<error_log> file (not the whole file!).

To further increase the chances that bugs your code exposes will be
investigated, try using
C<L<Apache-Test|docs::general::testing::testing>> to create a
self-contained test that core developers can easily run.  To get you
started, an C<Apache-Test> bug skeleton has been created:

Detailed instructions are contained within the C<README> file in that

Finally, if you get a segfault with or without a core dump, refer to
the L<Resolving Segmentation Faults|/Resolving_Segmentation_Faults>

=head2 'C<make test>' Failures

If when running C<make test> some of the tests fail, please re-run
them in the verbose mode and post the output of that run and the
contents of the F<t/logs/error_log> file to the list. Please B<do not
post> the F<t/logs/error_log> file from C<make test> that runs a
complete test suite, as it contains a lot of irrelevant information.

For example if 'C<make test>' reports:

  Failed Test          Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
  compat/apache_util.t               15    1   6.67%  13
  modperl/pnotes.t                    5    1     20%   2

Do the following:

  % cd modperl-2.0.xx
  % make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 \
    TEST_FILES="compat/apache_util.t modperl/pnotes.t"

or use an alternative way:

  % cd modperl-2.0.xx
  % t/TEST -clean
  % t/TEST -verbose compat/apache_util.t modperl/pnotes.t

In the latter approach, C<t/TEST -clean> cleans things up before
starting a new test. Make sure that you don't forget to run it, before
running the individual tests.

Now post to the mailing list the output of the individual tests
running and the contents of F<t/logs/error_log>.

Also please notice that there is more than one C<make test> being
run. The first one is running at the top directory, the second in a
sub-directory F<ModPerl-Registry/>. The first logs errors to
F<t/logs/error_log>, the second too, but relative to
F<ModPerl-Registry/>. Therefore if you get failures in the second run,
make sure to C<chdir()> to that directory before you look at the
I<t/logs/error_log> file and re-run tests in the verbose mode. For

  % cd modperl-2.0.xx/ModPerl-Registry
  % t/TEST -clean
  % t/TEST -verbose closure.t

At the moment the second test suite is not run if the first one fails.

=head2 Resolving Segmentation Faults

If during C<make test> or the use of mod_perl you get a segmentation
fault you should send to the list a stack backtrace.  L<This
section|devel::debug::c/Analyzing_Dumped_Core_Files> explains how to
get the core file and extract this backtrace. Once a proper stack
backtrace is obtained append it to the bug report as explained in the
previous section.

=head2 Please Ask Only Questions Related to mod_perl

If you have general Apache questions, please refer to:

If you have general Perl questions, please refer to:

For other remotely related to mod_perl questions see the references to
L<other documentation|docs::offsite::other>.

Finally, if you are not familiar with the modperl list etiquette,
please refer to the mod_perl mailing lists'
L<Guidelines|maillist::email-etiquette> before posting.

=head1 Help on Related Topics

When developing with mod_perl, you often find yourself having
questions regarding other projects and topics like Apache, Perl, SQL,
etc. L<This document|docs::offsite::other> will help you find the
right resource where you can find the answers to your questions.

=head1 Maintainers

Maintainer is the person(s) you should contact with updates,
corrections and patches.


=item * Stas Bekman


=head1 Authors


=item * Stas Bekman


Only the major authors are listed above. For contributors see the
Changes file.
