

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > x86_64 > media > main-release > by-pkgid > 976aeacbdb50a0541a053b760df66615 > files > 90


<!-- $Id: FTP.html,v 1.4 2004/12/31 19:17:17 castaglia Exp $ -->
<!-- $Source: /cvsroot/proftp/proftpd/doc/howto/FTP.html,v $ -->

<title>ProFTPD Supported FTP Commands</title>

<body bgcolor=white>

<center><h2><b>ProFTPD Supported FTP Commands</b></h2></center>

<b>Supported FTP Commands</b><br>
  <li><a name="ABOR"><b><code>ABOR</code></b></a><br>

  <li><a name="APPE"><b><code>APPE</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>APPE</b>nd.<br>

  <li><a name="AUTH"><b><code>AUTH</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>AUTH</b>enticate (supported by <code>mod_tls</code>)<br>

  <li><a name="CDUP"><b><code>CDUP</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>C</b>hange <b>D</b>irectory <b>UP</b>, this command is used
    to move the client's &quot;location&quot; on the server up one level in
    the filesystem hierarchy.<br>

  <li><a name="CWD"><b><code>CWD</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>C</b>hange <b>W</b>orking <b>D</b>irectory.<br>

  <li><a name="DELE"><b><code>DELE</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>DELE</b>te, this command is used by the client to tell the
    server to delete a file.<br>

  <li><a name="EPRT"><b><code>EPRT</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>E</b>xtended <b>P</b>o<b>RT</b>, an enhanced version of
    the <a href="#PORT"><code>PORT</code></a> command that can handle IPv6

  <li><a name="EPSV"><b><code>EPSV</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>E</b>xtended <b>P</b>a<b>S</b>si<b>V</b>e, an enhanced
    version of the <a href="#PASV"><code>PASV</code></a> command that can
    handle IPv6 addresses.<br>

  <li><a name="FEAT"><b><code>FEAT</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>FEAT</b>ures, this command is used by the client to request
    a descriptive list of server-supported features.<br>

  <li><a name="HELP"><b><code>HELP</code></b></a><br>

  <li><a name="LIST"><b><code>LIST</code></b></a><br>

  <li><a name="MDTM"><b><code>MDTM</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>M</b>o<b>D</b>ification <b>T</b>i<b>M</b>e, this command
    is used by the client to request the modification time of a file on the
    server.  This command is not defined in any formal RFCs (yet), but is
    a commonly implemented FTP command.  <i>Note</i> that this command
    <b>cannot</b> be used to change the modification time of the file on
    the server; it only reports on the file's modification time.<br> 

  <li><a name="MKD"><b><code>MKD</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>M</b>a<b>K</b>e <b>D</b>irectory.<br>

  <li><a name="NLST"><b><code>NLST</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>N</b>ame <b>L</b>i<b>ST</b>.<br>

  <li><a name="NOOP"><b><code>NOOP</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>NO OP</b>eration.  This command has no functionality, and
    is often used as a session keepalive mechanism.<br>

  <li><a name="OPTS"><b><code>OPTS</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>OPT</b>ion<b>S</b>.  This command is used to specify
    optional parameters for the command to follow the <code>OPTS</code>
    command, if that command supports such optional parameters.<br>

  <li><a name="PASS"><b><code>PASS</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>PASS</b>word, the client uses this command to convey the
    password of the user attempting to log into the server.<br>

  <li><a name="PASV"><b><code>PASV</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>PAS</b>si<b>V</b>e, the client uses this command to ask the
    server for a port to which the client should connect, indicating a
    passive data transfer.<br>

  <li><a name="PBSZ"><b><code>PBSZ</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>P</b>rotection <b>B</b>uffer <b>S</b>i<b>Z</b>e.  Used
    to determine the size of a buffer needed for secure handshaking (supported
    by <code>mod_tls</code>)<br>

  <li><a name="PORT"><b><code>PORT</code></b></a><br>
    The client uses this command to tell the server to what client-side port
    the server should contact; use of this command indicates an active data

  <li><a name="PROT"><b><code>PROT</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>PROT</b>ection.  Used to set the protection level on the
    data channel (supported by <code>mod_tls</code>)<br>

  <li><a name="PWD"><b><code>PWD</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>P</b>rint <b>W</b>orking <b>D</b>irectory.<br>

  <li><a name="QUIT"><b><code>QUIT</code></b></a><br>

  <li><a name="REST"><b><code>REST</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>REST</b>art, this command is used by the client to tell the
    server that it would like to restart a previous data transfer, either
    upload or download.<br>

  <li><a name="RETR"><b><code>RETR</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>RETR</b>ieve, this command is used by the client to inform
    the server of the file the client would like to download.  On many FTP
    client, this is implemented using the client-specfic &quot;get&quot;

  <li><a name="RMD"><b><code>RMD</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>R</b>e<b>M</b>ove <b>D</b>irectory, this command is used
    to have the server delete the requested directory from its filesystem.<br>

  <li><a name="RNFR"><b><code>RNFR</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>R</b>e<b>N</b>ame <b>FR</b>om.<br>

  <li><a name="RNTO"><b><code>RNTO</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>R</b>e<b>N</b>ame <b>TO</b>.<br>

  <li><a name="SITE"><b><code>SITE</code></b></a><br>
    This command is used for site-specific commands.  See below for descriptions
    of <code>proftpd</code>'s SITE commands.<br>

  <li><a name="SIZE"><b><code>SIZE</code></b></a><br>

  <li><a name="STAT"><b><code>STAT</code></b></a><br>

  <li><a name="STOR"><b><code>STOR</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>STOR</b>e, this command is used by the client to tell the
    the server that the client will be uploading data for a file to stored
    on the server using the filename given.  On many FTP clients, this
    is implemented using the client-specific &quot;put&quot; command.<br>

  <li><a name="STOU"><b><code>STOU</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>STO</b>re <b>U</b>unique, it requests that the file being
    stored on the server be given a unique filename.  The server chooses the
    unique name for the stored file, and reports the name chosen back to
    the client. On some FTP clients, this ability is enabled using the
    client-specific &quot;sunique&quot; command.<br>

  <li><a name="SYST"><b><code>SYST</code></b></a><br>

  <li><a name="TYPE"><b><code>TYPE</code></b></a><br>

  <li><a name="USER"><b><code>USER</code></b></a><br>
    An FTP client uses this command to inform the server of the name of the
    user requesting an FTP session.<br>

  <li><a name="XCUP"><b><code>XCUP</code></b></a><br>
    This is an X-variant of the <a href="#CDUP"><code>CDUP</code></a> command,
    and has the same functionality.<br>

  <li><a name="XCWD"><b><code>XCWD</code></b></a><br>
    This is an X-variant of the <a href="#CWD"><code>CWD</code></a> command,
    and has the same functionality.<br>

  <li><a name="XMKD"><b><code>XMKD</code></b></a><br>
    This is an X-variant of the <a href="#MKD"><code>MKD</code></a> command,
    and has the same functionality.<br>

  <li><a name="XPWD"><b><code>XPWD</code></b></a><br>
    This is an X-variant of the <a href="#PWD"><code>PWD</code></a> command,
    and has the same functionality.<br>

  <li><a name="XRMD"><b><code>XRMD</code></b></a><br>
    This is an X-variant of the <a href="#RMD"><code>RMD</code></a> command,
    and has the same functionality.<br>

<b>Supported <code>SITE</code> commands</b><br>
  <li><a name="SITE_CHGRP"><b><code>CHGRP</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>CH</b>ange <b>GR</b>ou<b>P</b>.
    SITE CHGRP ftpgroup script.cgi

  <li><a name="SITE_CHMOD"><b><code>CHMOD</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>CH</b>ange <b>MOD</b>e.
    SITE CHMOD 755 script.cgi

  <li><a name="SITE_HELP"><b><code>HELP</code></b></a><br>

  <li><a name="SITE_MKDIR"><b><code>MKDIR</code></b></a><br>
    Similar to the <a href="#MKD"><code>MKD</code></a> command, this
    <code>SITE</code> can be used to create a directory.  It will, unlike
    <code>MKD</code>, also create any directories in the path that do
    not exist.
  SITE MKDIR /path/to/some/dir/that/is/not/there/
    Supported by the <code>mod_site_misc</code> module.

  <li><a name="SITE_RMDIR"><b><code>RMDIR</code></b></a><br>
    Similar to the <a href="#RMD"><code>RMD</code></a> command, this
    <code>SITE</code> can be used to remove a directory.  It will, unlike
    <code>RMD</code>, also delete any files in the directory.
  SITE RMDIR /path/to/some/dir/with/files/
    Supported by the <code>mod_site_misc</code> module.

  <li><a name="SITE_SYMLINK"><b><code>SYMLINK</code></b></a><br>
    Used to create a symbolic link (<i>a.k.a.</i> a symlink) from
    the source path (<em>src</em>) to the destination path (<em>dest</em>).
  SITE SYMLINK src dest
    Supported by the <code>mod_site_misc</code> module.

  <li><a name="SITE_UTIME"><b><code>UTIME</code></b></a><br>
    Used to update the access and modification timestamps on a file.
  SITE UTIME 200412312359 /path/to/some/file.txt
    Supported by the <code>mod_site_misc</code> module.


<b>Unsupported FTP Commands</b><br>
  <li><a name="ACCT"><b><code>ACCT</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>ACC</b>oun<b>T</b><br>

  <li><a name="ALLO"><b><code>ALLO</code></b></a><br>

  <li><a name="MACB"><b><code>MACB</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>MAC</b>intosh <b>B</b>inary.  This command is not defined in
    any RFC, and is something of a hack added by Apple in order to support
    transfers of the resource forks of Mac files.<br>

  <li><a name="MODE"><b><code>MODE</code></b></a><br>
    There are three mode types defined by RFC959; <code>proftpd</code> only
    supports one (<i>i.e.</i> <b>S</b>tream), and thus this command is not

  <li><a name="REIN"><b><code>REIN</code></b></a><br>

  <li><a name="SMNT"><b><code>SMNT</code></b></a><br>

  <li><a name="STRU"><b><code>STRU</code></b></a><br>
    Short for <b>STRU</b>cture.  <code>proftpd</code> only supports a
    <code>STRU</code> parameter of type <b>F</b> (for &quot;file&quot;),
    and so does not support this command.<br>

Last Updated: <i>$Date: 2004/12/31 19:17:17 $</i><br>
