

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > x86_64 > media > main-release > by-pkgid > d3fcdbcf6490f9d2fbd85048be7125ff > files > 65


<TITLE>Taper version 4 changes</TITLE>
<BODY bgproperties="fixed"> 
<h1><font face="Verdana">Version History</font></h1>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0440">4.4.0</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Change so that there is only one program, taper, which presents
 the user with a menu so that s/he can select which program to
 run </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Allows preferences to be changed within taper. Also allows saving
 of preferences to preference file or as command line command </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Made restore a bit more intelligent. If you just want to restore
 a directory (with no files in it) or devices etc..,
 then it uses the information in the info file & doesn't have to
 read anything in from the archive </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed the completion message from "Backup completed successfully"
 to "Backup completed". Even though the screen reported errors
 (if any) people were getting confused saying that how could backup
 have completed successfully if there were errors. The fact is that
 these errors were non-fatal errors, and therefore, IMHO, backup
 did complete successfully. But due to popular demand,
 the message has been changed. Of course, this applies to mkinfo &
 backup as well. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed the TAPER.DOC file to reflect better information about SCSIs
 especially with regard to rewinding & non-rewinding devices. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changes to the documentation to reflect the fact that you don't need
 to do a 'make dep' anymore </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed the 'update' option in backup to follow the format of other options:
 ie. on = +u (or --update-on) and off = -u (or --update-off) </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Problem with the restore tree if files were being backed up
 individually rather than by directory selection </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Problem in backup when selecting files. If you selected a file
 and then selected the directory in which the file resided, the
 file was backed up twice. Now backup will recognize when files
 have been selected twice and act accordingly </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Problem in working out common path (common.c:make_cf) - incorrectly
 counting number of files in archive </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Multiple bug problems with the restore tree </font>
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0430">4.3.0</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Restore is now fairly intelligent. That is, it works out which
 volume files are on and skips to that volume immediately. It
 also realizes when no more files are to be read from a particular
 volume and stops reading from that volume </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Prints the number bytes in archive in both restore & backup
<LI><font face="Verdana">Added a -w num option to restore which tells restore to show only those
 files on volume 'num'. Default value of 0 means show all volumes </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed "Average transfer rate" to "Average backup rate" since it
 is not an average transfer rate - it takes into account time to
 advance volumes, rewind tape etc.. Similarly, "Average restore/mkinfo
 rate" </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">More Makefile tweaks to improve performance </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Made some improvements to byte counts - still ignores tape headers and
 volume headers but this really is negligible </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Rationalised the use of non-rewinding & rewinding tape devices.
 The non-rewinding tape device is used only to reposition the
 tape, otherwise the rewinding device is used. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Restore prints the volume a file is on and also the position in the
 archive that the file in </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Print directory (from restore) also prints the above two pieces of
 information </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">User interface for restore changed. The files on an archive are now
 presented in tree form. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Made the user interface with regard to restore and multiple volumes
 a bit clearer and more logical. </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Wasn't erasing tape correctly in backup and flush_buffers
<LI><font face="Verdana">Problem displaying full pathname in top left window of backup if
 pathname was wider than window </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">In backup, wouldn't enter a link that pointed to a directory
<LI><font face="Verdana">Forgot to update volume/tape table in mkinfo </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Incorrectly printing month file was backed up in restore
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0421">4.2.1</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Checks to see if it can open get tape device status before
 writing to it. To avoid problems with no tape in drive. </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed the making of .depend in the Makefile. Slightly quicker now
<LI><font face="Verdana">Cleaned up the log level 3 messages and make them more detailed
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">None Squashed </font>
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0420">4.2.0</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Added a -u [--update] option in backup. If -u is specified, and
 a taper backup exists on the backup device, taper will automatically
 select all files that have been changed since the backup was made.
 Equivalent preference file option is UPDATE </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Added a title line showing the name and ID of archive
<LI><font face="Verdana">Added another place where preferences can be stored. If a
 .taper_prefs doesn't exist in /$HOME, then taper now looks
 in /usr/local/etc (can be changed in common.h). This allows
 global defaults to be used without having to set environment
 variables </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Added option [-j num, --proc-device] for ignoring the /proc filesystem.
 Program which_device will attempt tell you which device your /proc
 filesystem is mounted on.  See TAPER.DOC for more details </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">New program mktape (to prepare tapes for taper use - only needed if
 your tape drive writes leading zeroes) and testzero (to see if your
 tape drive write leading zeroes). See TAPER.DOC for more details </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed the -o [-/+-overwrite option] in restore so that three levels
 are available: -o 0 = no overwrite (if the file exists, then it is
 not overwritten); -o 1 = more recent overwrite (if the file on the
 backup device is more recent than the file on the hard disk, then
 the hard disk file is overwritten. If the file on the backup device
 is older than the one on the hard disk, then it is not overwritten);
 -o 2 = unconditional overwrite (the hard disk file is always
 overwritten) </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When a program is finished, prints how many warnings & how many
 errors were encounterd </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed the word 'Volume' to 'Archive' in backup & restore to make
 it more consistent with the documentation </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed default color of directory to black on green
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed the handling of long (GNU style) options. Instead of
 [+/-]-option, you now use --option-on or --option-off. See TAPER.DOC
 for more details </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Removed the +/-e (--erase-tape) option. You can use the append option
 to do the same thing. If you specified --append-off (or -a), and
 if there is data on the tape, then taper will erase the existing
 archive and replace it with the new archive. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed handling of leading zeros problem. If your tape drive writes
 leading zeroes, define the appropriate variable in the Makefile.
 When doing backups, you will have to use mktape to prepare tapes
 for taper use. Taper will not automatically erase tapes for you. If
 you use an unprepared taper tape, then you will run into problems.
 See TAPER.DOC for more details </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed handling of directory sizes in sel_restore to make it quicker
 on large archives. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">In restore, prints the position in archive of each file
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Problem with -d option in restore (trying to open status_box)
<LI><font face="Verdana">Problem in restore if archive was empty </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Erase tape when prompting for 2nd, 3rd.. tape of backup
<LI><font face="Verdana">Rewind tape after finished writing in multiple tape backups
<LI><font face="Verdana">Problem if backup extended by less than one blocksize onto a new tape
<LI><font face="Verdana">Problem with calculating how many files to advance when appending to
 multi-tape archive </font>
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0410">4.1.0</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Added support for multiple tape archives. Required a change to
 the info file structure therefore, previous taper backups will
 need to have their info files recreated (easily done with
 mkinfo - no need to re-backup) </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed Mkinfo to provide a nice screen (user interface change
 only) </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Enabled escape mkinfo (of course, if escaped, the info file is
 incomplete) </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Logged errors if failed to make a directory in restore
<LI><font face="Verdana">Created directory for info files if doesn't exist
<LI><font face="Verdana">When reading in the tape header at the beginning of the tape,
 ignores leading zeroes </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Added a message box at end of backup/restore/mkinfo saying that
 everything went OK </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Added support for long options (GNU style) </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Internal code change so that the common code between mkinfo &
 restore is in common.c </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changes $ in filenames to \$ to avoid shell expansions when
 decompressing & compressing files </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Filename changed to taper-4.1.tar.gz (instead of taper41.tar.gz)
 to bring it in line with other Linux packages </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Apart from the tape header, information is written to the tape
 device in blocks. The size of a block defaults to 28K, but
 can be changed with the -x option (BLOCK_SIZE in preference
 file) - the old -x option (or MAX_TRANSFER_SIZE preference option)
 has been superseeded by this. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed name of README to TAPER.DOC (it was too big to be a README
 file) </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Error in calculating volume count when using mkinfo
<LI><font face="Verdana">Error handling soft links in mkinfo </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Added BOTH option in preference file (was in documentation but
 never made it into program) </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">The preference file option for location of info files is
 TAPER_INFO_FILES. The README was incorrect and has been updated </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Fixed bug that caused extra directories to be created if an absolute
 path was supplied with -r in restore </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">If backed up an absolute pathname, can now restore using that
 absolute pathname </font>
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0402">4.0.2</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Added option -x num which allows one to specify the maximum
 number of bytes to transfer to the tape device in one hit.
 This is to avoid variable mode SCSI drives returning a
 EOVERFLOW error </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed the code for parsing arguments so that some of it
 is modularized in common.c. In preparation for multiple tape
 archives </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Internal changes to reading/writing to tape. All calls pass
 through tape_read & tape_write in common.c. </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">None Squashed </font>
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0401">4.0.1</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">More detailed error messages if couldn't open/read/write to
 backup & info files etc.. </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">No Changes </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Fixed -p option not working correctly </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed preferences LOG_FILE & LOG_LEVEL to LOGFILE & LOGLEVEL
 to match what was in the README file </font>
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0400">4.0.0</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Command Line Options </font>
<TR><TD><font face="Verdana">-?</font></TD><TD><font face="Verdana">on the command line prints help on command line options</font></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><font face="Verdana">-v</font></TD><TD><font face="Verdana">prints current version</font></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><font face="Verdana">+/-y</font></TD><TD><font face="Verdana">allows the directory to be displayed in alphabetical order
 or the order in which the files were backed up.<BR>
 +y means sort in alpha order</font></TD></TR>
<TR><TD><font face="Verdana">-/+z</font></TD><TD><font face="Verdana">if on, then confirmation is required when a directory
 is selected for restore/backup. If off, no confirmation
 is sought</font></TD></TR>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Checksums are calculated for every file that is written to the
 archive. When restoring, if the checksum is not correct, the
 file is still restored but the checksum error is recorded in
 the log file. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Better support of errors while backing up (eg. unable to read
 file because no permission etc..). </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Added support for log files </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Use of archive information files. Please see the README file
 and the VERSION4 file for details of the change. This means
 that version 4 archives are not compatble with other taper
 archives. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Lots of command line letters have been changed. Mainly to allow
 accommodation of feature addition. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed the handling of stripping pathnames. The full pathname is
 stored in the information file and on tape. You have the option at
 restore time of stripping excess pathnames. See README for more details. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Played around with restore & backup status boxes a bit. Nothing major.
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed the way selected files are stored in the restore module.
 Should speed things up. </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Makes filename compare case sensitive (as should be under U*IX)
<LI><font face="Verdana">Stopped calling setup_colors if only wanting to print directory in
 restore </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Checked to make sure that a second argument was supplied for those
 options that required an argument (eg. -f, -t). </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Had a heart attack on recursive links. Now if a link points to
 itself, it is ignored </font>