

distrib > Mandriva > 2008.1 > x86_64 > media > main-release > by-pkgid > d3fcdbcf6490f9d2fbd85048be7125ff > files > 66


<TITLE>Taper version 5 changes</TITLE>
<h1><font face="Verdana">Version History</font></h1>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0560">5.6.0</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">New triple buffering system - forks off a child to do its
 writing so should improve backup performance. The tape drive
 won't have to stop so much. You'll really notice this in
 uncompressed backups - performance gains in compressed backups
 depend on your processor speed. If you wish to utilise this,
 your kernel must have SYSV_IPC support. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Internal compression support. Taper now uses LZRW-3 compression
 code, written by Ross Williams. It has been modified for use
 under Linux by Claus-Justus Heine (the author of zftape) and to both
 people I am eternally grateful (saved me a lot of hassle). The
 internal compression support is a lot faster than gzip, however
 not as efficient - it can produce compressed files that are
 about 30% larger than gzip would have produced. Thus you have
 the option of still using gzip - change using preference
 files, command line options or the preference menu. You can
 mix different compression methods in an archive, but not
 within a volume. Note that the compression option is
 now --compress-type and the preference is COMPRESS_TYPE </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">New option - --comp-head-start (preference COMP_HEAD_START). This
 gives the compression program a head start to allow taper to
 continually stream the tape drive on very slow systems. You
 may need to give a value as high as 10 minutes
 so that there is enough compressed programs in the buffer for taper. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Uncompressing of files in restore is now done in the background.
 This should speed restore operations considerably </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">You can now abort backups. Press q or Q during the backup.
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed the backup/mkinfo/restore rate messages - now prints
 the actual tape transfer rate and then the effective tape
 transfer rate. Also changed from K/sec to M/min </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed everything from bytes to MB. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Few changes to the Makefile - separate Makefiles are now
 distributed for different tape drives. Also changes
 to enable easier version upgrades for me </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">A further level of logging has been provided - level 4. This
 is very verbose and really shouldn't be used unless debugging.
 I'll need it if you have a bug report </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Disabled ctrl-c - no interruption now. To stop a backup,
 restore or compress operation, press q. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Added .jpg files in default of files not to compress
<LI><font face="Verdana">Lots of changes to common.c code to reduce its size and
 place code more appropriately amongst files </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Improved memory usage when compressing in background
<LI><font face="Verdana">Prints Checksum OK messages in restore/mkinfo in log level 1
<LI><font face="Verdana">No longer checks if the compressed file is larger than the
 original file using gzip. This situation occurs very rarely, and
 if it does occur, the compressed file is seldom more than a few bytes
 longer than the original file - thus the overhead of checking
 each file is not worth it. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Mkinfo will update volume counts if they differ </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Bug in mktape - not closing the tape device --&gt; giving
 resource busy errors </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Mkinfo was not restoring volume counts and volume selections
 properly in a few obscure cases </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Plugged another memory leak - occurred if got a memory allocation
 error while allocating blocks </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Errors if tried to overwrite a regular file. Now the regular
 file is correctly deleted. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Counts etc.. in restore </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Backup crashed if it couldn't read a directory it needed to -
 now ignores it and doesn't back it up </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When selecting which archive to restore from, wasn't printing
 all the entries on screen correctly </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Seg fault after printing usage </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Errors with the FIFO in backup don't cause the file to be not
 backed up. It now saves the file uncompressed. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When saving preferences to a command line file, was always saving
 to start_taper despite what you typed in </font>
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0550">5.5.0</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Nothing </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">In main menu, put Check archive after mkinfo to reflect its
 action </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Exit key from preferences (default F10) can be changed in
 common.h </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">No .. entry provided if in root directory for backup/file set
<LI><font face="Verdana">Enabled support for get block size ioctl of zftape - if you
 are going to use zftape, you must use at least version 1.02 </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Can now unselect from the top directory window in backup. If
 the file is indirectly selected, then an error is printed.
 Similarly, can unselect from restore menu. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Unselecting a file has changed from `d' to `u'. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Fixed problem with zftape-1.02 and taper interaction. Causing
 multiple "unknown tape data" errors. Downside is that it
 takes longer to identify a tape. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Fixed problem with zftape-1.02 when using different block sizes
 in different volumes. </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Fixed a couple of compile time warnings - they were only warnings
<LI><font face="Verdana">Problem if information messages, etc. were too long for
 message boxes </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Seg fault when trying to load a file set </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Bug in testzero caused a segfault </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Was ignoring all files if the exclusion list was empty. Same
 with the compression list. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Not setting the SCSI default block size correctly
<LI><font face="Verdana">Incorrectly adding the size of directory entries (not directory
 contents) to backup sizes </font>
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0540">5.4.0</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">AT LAST - support for unattended backups. See documentation
 for details on how to do it. New preferences menu for
 unattended preferences. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Support for the new floppy tape driver, zftape. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Drives that have leading zeroes do not need a compile time
 option - it is automatically built in. You still, however,
 need to using mktape on tape before you can use them with
 taper. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Support for fully fixed block reading and writing. All transfers
 to/from the tape drive are in strictly blocksize blocks. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">It is possible to get taper to call MTSETBLK to set the tape
 block size before doing an erase. Define
 SET_BLOCK_SIZE in the Makefile. With the option, the block
 size is also set using an ioctl call after each open (but
 only for zftape). </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Support for quick fast forwarding. Some tape drives are able to
 fast forward a volume while in the middle of a tape. In addition,
 they correctly fast forward if at the end of a volume.
 If your tape drive is one of these, performance can be
 improved up considerably by defining -DFAST_FSF in the
 Makefile. A new program, testfast_fsf will tell you
 if your tape drive is capable of this. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When selecting entry from on_archive list, prints
 an error message if the file/directory no longer
 exists, as opposed to just ignoring you. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Using the --version option also prints which options taper
 was compiled with </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When doing a backup, prints the total size of archive.
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed the Makefile option MEMORY to MEMORY_TIGHT
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed the output of the log file slightly if an
 error was encountered </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">More logging for tape changes </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">In incremental backups, if a file needs to be backed up,
 all the relevant directory entries will be backed up
 even if they haven't changed - saves having to get a
 directory entry from one volume and the files from another. </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Not recognizing some long options (specifically, those
 that required a -on or -off) </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Size of files to be backed up didn't take into account the
 length of the filename or the file_info structure </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Seg fault if using a regular file, only restored a part of
 a volume </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">If there was a fatal error, was recording this as a
 warning in the error/warning count </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When creating a directory from a `made up' one, was setting
 permissions as --------- instead of rwxr-xr-x </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When retrieving files for backup from file set, wasn't taking
 into account the hard-links option </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Problem if there was an unexpected blank line in file set
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0531">5.3.1</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Nothing </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Write code optimised. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Read code optimised. </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When loading a file set, was not taking links into
 account </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">In Makefile, was a reference to do_compress which is
 no longer used </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Cursor wasn't being turned off after changing preferences
<LI><font face="Verdana">Problem if info file was &gt;100K in size </font>
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0530">5.3.0</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">In backup and restore, you can select files & directories
 for backup & restore from the "on_archive" window
 (ie. the top right). Just press 's' and the appropriate
 file will be selected, the same as if you had pressed
 's' in the top left window. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">New option (-A id [--archive-diff]) lets you print a list of files
 that have changed since the last backup was made. The
 list is printed to the screen. id is archive ID to
 compare, -1 means use the archive in the tape drive </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">No Changes </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">None Squashed </font>
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0520">5.2.0</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">In backup, compression of programs in now done in the
 background to speed up execution time </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Memory is now allocated in blocks when required. This
 has the slight overhead of increased memory requirements,
 (maximum extra is 100K) but means that reallocation of memory
 blocks is greatly reduced, reducing system overhead &
 load </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Auto-descend option in restore. If a directory only has
 one directory entry in it, it will automatically descend
 into this directory. Similarly, it will auto-ascend. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">In effect, two versions of taper are available - one is a
 fast, but memory & resource hungry taper. The other is
 much more modest in memory requirements (but still improved
 over earlier tapers - approx 15% memory required than
 5.1.5) but you pay with an increase in load and decrease
 in speed. Define the appropriate option in the Makefile </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">If you overwrite an archive, taper will delete the old
 info file </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Optimised code for calculating directory sizes. Much quicker
 now. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Optimised code for selecting files to restore. Much quicker.
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed the most recent restore handling. For restoration, the
 file on the latest volume is regarded as the most recent.
 This has speeded up the code considerably, the penalty is
 that if a file on an older volume is actually more recent,
 it won't be picked up. This will happen extremely rarely. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When selecting directories in restore, will now print the
 size of the directory that will be restored taking into
 account most recent restore. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Tightened up handling of /proc device </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Make common path takes into account volume restriction
 (if any) </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Minor changes in the log file messages printed by restore
<LI><font face="Verdana">When saving file sets, will create set directory if
 doesn't exist. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">The -d (--print-dir) option now requires the archive_id
 of the archive whose contents you wish to print. A
 -1 will print the directory of the archive currently
 in the tape drive </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Not allowed to change directories when selecting an info
 file </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Does not have to traverse through a whole regular file
 archive now while restoring - will stop when all files
 been restored. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Few more status boxes etc.. to give user idea of what's
 going on </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Mkinfo will verify checksums. Prints an error to the log
 if it doesn't match </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Minor screen corruption in backup after restoring from
 set </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Not reading all entries in when restoring from file set
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changing directories inadvertantly after reading in
 file set </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When calculating total selected sizes in restore, was
 including the size of the directory entry, as well
 as the sizes of the files in the directory </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Was not backing up backup device entry in /dev. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Not a bug, but in backup, was getting file info for a file
 twice - waste of time. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Not backing up missing directories when found. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">If entry was too long in on_archive window, was not truncating
 properly </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">If backup didn't correctly make missing directories,
 restore was stuffing up </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When doing an incremental backup, sometimes had problems
 with missing volumes in restore </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Problem with incremental backups of recursive directories
<LI><font face="Verdana">Not printing title line correctly if tape not in drive
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0515">5.1.5</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Nothing </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Minor changes to LSM file to fit the auto-daemon </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Remove trailing spaces in volume & archive title </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">If you try to select a file that would be automatically
 excluded (eg. test.o), then you will get a message to
 this effect </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Fixed problem with deleting selections in backup & restore.
 Also fixed problem of jumping to end of window when
 deleting. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When trying to go into a directory in which you have no
 permission, occassionally was segfaulting </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Long filenames were causing minor screen problems
<LI><font face="Verdana">When toggling between most-recent-restore mode in restore &
 between incremental-backup mode in backup, doesn't scroll
 the screen to bottom anymore. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When paging down, occassionally would print some garbage
 after last entry </font>
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0514">5.1.4</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Nothing </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">After many requests, memory usage has been dramatically reduced by
 re-organization of the way taper handles files currently on the
 archive. Unfortunately, no-one gets anything for free and this
 memory saving comes about by taper suffering a bit of a
 performance hit. It doesn't affect backing up/restoring - only
 selecting files. It shouldn't make too much of a difference,
 but if you have a large number of files on your archive, you
 may notice the keyboard a bit sluggish. However, your
 memory usage will only be 30% of that in taper 5.1.3. </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Not correctly storing missing directories - resulted in problems
 with incorrect file counts. Most common symptom is restore not
 printing all the files on the archive, or funny files in the
 restore screen. The archives written with earlier versions will
 still contain the incorrect file count, however, to overcome
 it, run mkinfo on your old archives, and the info file will
 be fudged to overcome the error. A message will be printed
 in your log file saying that the info file has been fudged. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Minor bug in .sgml file - stuffed up a bit of formatting
<LI><font face="Verdana">Restore screen was cutting out last digit of size
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0513">5.1.3</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Nothing </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">No Changes </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Problem with getting volume & archive title in backup
<LI><font face="Verdana">Fixed Makefile to correctly install man page </font>
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0512">5.1.2</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Nothing </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">I now use linuxdoc-sgml for documentation hence, taper.txt,
 and taper.1 are supplied as documentation. Because taper.1 is
 already formatted, it is placed in /usr/man1/cat1, rather than
 /usr/man1/man1. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When going up directories in restore, goes up to the volume that
 you were in </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">In restore window, prints the volume we are restricted to
<LI><font face="Verdana">In restore module, if you have selected most recent restore,
 will print the volume from which it will restore the file </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Problems with restore tree </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Major bug with --exclude-files option corrected </font>
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0511">5.1.1</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Nothing </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Prints "F10 to exit" in changing preference menus
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">None Squashed </font>
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0510">5.1.0</A></font></H1>
<P><font face="Verdana">NOTE:  You now need ncurses 1.9.6 for taper to work</font></P>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">New option (-X --exclude-compress) which allows you to specify
 which group of files to exclude from compressing. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">New option (-F --exclude-files) which allows you to specify
 which group of files to exclude from archives. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Files selection sets </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Fixed minor problems that arose with updating to ncurses 1.9.6 -
 mainly with \n and \r </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Volume title & archive title have been removed from the preference
 file. You are now prompted for them both before entering
 backup module. They are still in the command line options. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Upper case command line options are now different from lowercase
 ones. </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Not initialising all variables correctly
 Allowed you to select a file twice in backup module
 In restore, printing the size of compressed file rather than
 uncompressed one </font>
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0503">5.0.3</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Nothing </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">If two files are the same in an archive, then most recent
 restore will restore the file in the latest volume </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed status screens in restore & mkinfo a bit </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When doing a backup, if a taper archive is found, user is
 given the option of appending or erasing (ie. the append
 preference is ignored - it's left in for when I get
 around to doing unattended backups) </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Default is now not prompting for directories. </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Bug in mkinfo so that if you did a mkinfo after a restore,
 it didn't restore volume header details correctly </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">In backup, it was ignoring the fact that do_read_voldir
 could return an I/O error </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When saving to a preference file, if you didn't change
 the default name, the filename was garbage </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When read preferences, was not ignoring the quotes
 used to surround volume & archive title </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed the colour of the help screen so that it was
 clearer using shells under X </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Prints the volume number when restoring from regular files
<LI><font face="Verdana">Few bugs in the tape_readheader code with regard to tape
 drives that have a leading zero problem </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Was changing the global preference strip inadvertantly. Only
 mattered if you saved preferences after running
 backup or restore. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Slight problem trying to overwrite existing archives
<p><font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font></p>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0502">5.0.2</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">At last, a man page! Finally got around to doing it.
<LI><font face="Verdana">New option in Makefile - make install will automatically
 place files in correct location - binaries in /sbin and
 man page in /usr/man/man1. make uninstall will
 remove the files </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">New option: +/-k [--erase-tape] - allows one to specify
 whether taper will erase a new tape before using it.
 Default is yes but some SCSI drives don't need erasing
 before use. Floppy tape drives need it set to yes. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">When changing preferences within program, for YES/NO
 options, can use y/Y and n/N keys. </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changed to preference & environment names for the tape
 devices. Non-rewinding preference and environment is
 NTAPE and rewinding preference & environment is TAPE.
 This was done to accommodate SCSI users who don't use
 ftape. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">If you press an illegal key, automatically prints help
 screen </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Prompts for tape insertion before commencing mkinfo
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Prints a cursor in changing preferences if the string
 line is NULL </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">The HAVE_SCSI line in Makefile should have been
 -DHAVE_SCSI </font>
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0501">5.0.1</A></font></H1>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Added a QUIT signal handler so that if you abort or terminate,
 your screen is not mucked up and memory is not lost. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">In restore, when you go up a directory, the cursor points to
 the directory you were in (like backup & mc) </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Reworked the missing directories search. It was working in 5.0
 but was so slow that people thought taper had crashed. Was only
 evident on &gt;1000 files. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Slight optimization of cp counter </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Change to Makefile - have another variable HAVE_SCSI, which if set
 sets the default device names to SCSI device names rather than
 floppy device names </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Prints error message for info file mismatch now </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Updated select_box to handle changes to ncurses 1.9.6.
<LI><font face="Verdana">Wasn't handling restore to different paths properly
<LI><font face="Verdana">Added trailing '/' to recursively included directories
<LI><font face="Verdana">Added a zero to the time so that it prints as 21:08 not, 21:8
<LI><font face="Verdana">Blank cursor line in on_vol window for blank lines
<LI><font face="Verdana">Clears title line at program end </font>
<font face="Verdana">&nbsp;</font><HR>

<H1><font face="Verdana"><A NAME="0500">5.0.0</A></font></H1>
<P><font face="Verdana">MY ADDRESS HAS CHANGED TO:</font></P>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="aninew.gif" ALT="New" ALIGN=CENTER width="38" height="39"> <STRONG>New</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Major archive format change - basically, more information was
 added to volume headers to make incremental backups easier.
 This means that archives created under taper 4.x are not
 compatible with 5.0. The volume & archive magic numbers have
 been changed to reflect this. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Restore even more intelligent with regular file restores -
 doesn't have to traverse the whole archive now. Stops
 when restored all files required </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Info files have been renamed from taper_xxx to taper_info_xxx
 (to allow use of backup sets which will be named taper_set_xxx) </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">In restore, you get to select which archive you wish to restore from.
 Taper prints a list of all archives it knows about. The default
 archive selected is the one in the tape drive (or the one
 that pertains to the regular filename given). The tape doesn't
 have to be in the drive to peruse an archive. </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Changes to incremental backup & incremental restore. See TAPER.DOC
 for details </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anilight.gif" ALT="Traffic Lights" ALIGN=CENTER width="26" height="32"> <STRONG>Changes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">In selecting files for a backup, when you move up a directory,
 the cursor points to the directory you were in (like mc) </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">If there is no title (archive, volume etc..), rather than printing
 a NULL string, the string &lt;no title&gt; is printed </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">In backup & restore, permissions are no longer printed. They were
 wasting too much valuable screen real-estate, and really, are
 not of much use in an archiving system. In restore, the date/time
 the file/directory was backed up is not printed - that information
 can be obtained from the right hand window (volume information) </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Restore now prints details of what's on archive like backup
<LI><font face="Verdana">Major change to TAPER.DOC to reflect all new features
<LI><font face="Verdana">Better handling of status reports in restore </font>
<font face="Verdana">
<IMG SRC="anibug.gif" ALT="Bug" ALIGN=CENTER width="32" height="32"> <STRONG>Bug Fixes</STRONG>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Mktape - was proceeding even if you answered 'no'
<LI><font face="Verdana">Mktape - better error handling </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Testzero - better error handling </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Better handling of errors when erasing a tape in backup
<LI><font face="Verdana">Mkinfo - was closing standard input accidently if no archive
 was found </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Backup - incorrect archive size if no archive existed
<LI><font face="Verdana">Allowed abort if don't have correct tape in drive
<LI><font face="Verdana">Backup/Restore - confusing directories with files for recursive
 recursive selections </font>
<LI><font face="Verdana">Problem creating extra directories when restricting restore to
 a certain volume </font>