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<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    ""><html xmlns="" lang="en"><head><title>Twisted Documentation: Twisted Coding Standard</title><link href="../howto/stylesheet.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /></head><body bgcolor="white"><h1 class="title">Twisted Coding Standard</h1><div class="toc"><ol><li><a href="#auto0">Naming</a></li><li><a href="#auto1">Testing</a></li><li><a href="#auto2">Whitespace</a></li><li><a href="#auto3">Modules</a></li><li><a href="#auto4">Packages</a></li><li><a href="#auto5">Docstrings</a></li><li><a href="#auto6">Scripts</a></li><li><a href="#auto7">Standard Library Extension Modules</a></li><li><a href="#auto8">ChangeLog</a></li><li><a href="#auto9">Classes</a></li><li><a href="#auto10">Methods</a></li><li><a href="#auto11">Callback Arguments</a></li><li><a href="#auto12">Special Methods</a></li><li><a href="#auto13">Functions</a></li><li><a href="#auto14">Attributes</a></li><li><a href="#auto15">Database</a></li><li><a href="#auto16">C Code</a></li><li><a href="#auto17">Commit Messages</a></li><li><a href="#auto18">Source Control</a></li><li><a href="#auto19">Recommendations</a></li></ol></div><div class="content"><span></span><h2>Naming<a name="auto0"></a></h2><p>Try to choose names which are both easy to remember and
    meaningful. Some silliness is OK at the module naming level
    (see <code class="API">twisted.spread</code>...) but when
    choosing class names, be as precise as possible. Write code
    with a dictionary and thesaurus open on the table next to
    you.</p><p>Try to avoid overloaded terms. This rule is often broken,
    since it is incredibly difficult, as most normal words have
    already been taken by some other software. More importantly,
    try to avoid meaningless words. In particular, words like
    <q>handler</q>, <q>processor</q>, <q>engine</q>, <q>manager</q>
    and <q>component</q> don't really indicate what something does,
    only that it does
    <em>something</em>.</p><p>Use American spelling in both names and docstrings.  For compound
     technical terms such as 'filesystem', use a non-hyphenated spelling in
     both docstrings and code in order to avoid unnecessary
     capitalization. </p><h2>Testing<a name="auto1"></a></h2><p>Unit tests are written using the <code class="API">twisted.trial</code> framework. Many examples are in the
    <code class="API">twisted.test</code> package. Test modules should start
    with 'test_' in their name. Source files should have <a href="test-standard.html"><code>test-case-name</code></a> tags that
    point to their related tests.</p><p>Acceptance tests are all automated by the admin/accepttests
    script currently. (TODO: real acceptance tests strategy!)</p><p>Run the unit tests tests before you check anything in.</p><p>Let me repeat that, for emphasis: <em>run the unit tests before you 
       check <strong>anything</strong> in</em>.  Code which breaks 
    functionality is unfortunate and unavoidable.  The acceptance tests
    are highly nonportable and sometimes a pain to run, so this is pardonable.
    Code which breaks the unit tests in a way that you could have prevented 
    by running them yourself, however, may be grounds for anything from 
    merciless taunting through revertion of the breakage to revocation 
    of SVN commit privileges.</p><p>It is strongly suggested that developers learn to use Emacs, and use 
    the <code>twisted-dev.el</code> file included in the TwistedEmacs 
    package to bind the F9 key to <q>run unit tests</q> and bang on it 
    frequently.  Support for other editors is unavailable at this time
    but we would love to provide it.</p><p>If you modify, or write a new, HOWTO, please read the <a href="">Lore</a>
    documentation to learn the format the docs.</p><h2>Whitespace<a name="auto2"></a></h2><p>Indentation is 4 spaces per indent. Tabs are not allowed. It
    is preferred that every block appear on a new line, so that
    control structure indentation is always visible.</p><p>Lines are flowed at 79 columns.</p><h2>Modules<a name="auto3"></a></h2><p>Modules must be named in all lower-case, preferably short,
    single words. If a module name contains multiple words, they
    may be separated by underscores or not separated at all.</p><p>In most cases, modules should contain more than one class,
    function, or method; if a module contains only one object,
    consider refactoring to include more related functionality in
    that module.</p><p>Depending on the situation, it is acceptable to have imports that
    look like this:
    <pre class="python">
<span class="py-src-keyword">from</span> <span class="py-src-variable">twisted</span>.<span class="py-src-variable">internet</span>.<span class="py-src-variable">defer</span> <span class="py-src-keyword">import</span> <span class="py-src-variable">Deferred</span>
    or like this:
    <pre class="python">
<span class="py-src-keyword">from</span> <span class="py-src-variable">twisted</span>.<span class="py-src-variable">internet</span> <span class="py-src-keyword">import</span> <span class="py-src-variable">defer</span>
    That is, modules should import <em>modules</em> or <em>classes and
    functions</em>, but not <em>packages</em>.</p><p>Wildcard import syntax may not be used by code in Twisted.  These
    imports lead to code which is difficult to read and maintain by
    introducing complexity which strains human readers and automated tools
    alike.  If you find yourself with many imports to make from a single
    module and wish to save typing, consider importing the module itself,
    rather than its attributes.</p><p><em>Relative imports</em> (or <em>sibling imports</em>) may not be
    used by code in Twisted.  Relative imports allow certain circularities
    to be introduced which can ultimately lead to unimportable modules or
    duplicate instances of a single module.  Relative imports also make the
    task of refactoring more difficult.</p><h2>Packages<a name="auto4"></a></h2><p>Package names should follow the same conventions as module
    names. All modules must be encapsulated in some package. Nested
    packages may be used to further organize related modules.</p><p><code></code> must never contain anything other than a
    docstring and (optionally) an <code>__all__</code> attribute. Packages are
    not modules and should be treated differently. This rule may be
    broken to preserve backwards compatibility if a module is made
    into a nested package as part of a refactoring.</p><p>If you wish to promote code from a module to a package, for
    example, to break a large module out into several smaller
    files, the accepted way to do this is to promote from within
    the module. For example,</p><pre class="python">
<span class="py-src-comment"># parent/
</span><span class="py-src-comment"># --- ---
</span><span class="py-src-keyword">import</span> <span class="py-src-variable">child</span>

<span class="py-src-comment"># --- ---
</span><span class="py-src-keyword">import</span> <span class="py-src-variable">parent</span>
<span class="py-src-keyword">class</span> <span class="py-src-identifier">Foo</span>:
    <span class="py-src-keyword">pass</span>
<span class="py-src-variable">parent</span>.<span class="py-src-variable">Foo</span> = <span class="py-src-variable">Foo</span>
</pre><p>Every package should be added to the list in
    <code class="shell"></code>.</p><p>Packages must not depend circularly upon each other.  To simplify
    maintaining this state, packages must also not import each other
    circularly.  While this applies to all packages within Twisted, one
    <code>twisted.python</code> deserves particular attention, as it may
    not depend on any other Twisted package.</p><h2>Docstrings<a name="auto5"></a></h2><p>Wherever possible, docstrings should be used to describe the
    purpose of methods, functions, classes, and modules. In cases
    where it's desirable to avoid documenting thoroughly -- for
    example, an evolving interface -- insert a placeholder
    docstring (<code class="py-src-string">&quot;UNDOCUMENTED&quot;</code> is preferred),
    so that the
    auto-generated API documentation will not pick up an extraneous
    comment as the documentation for that
    module/class/function.</p><p>Docstrings are <em>never</em> to be used to provide semantic
    information about an object; this rule may be violated if the
    code in question is to be used in a system where this is a
    requirement (such as Zope).</p><p>Docstrings should be indented to the level of the code they
    are documenting.</p><p>Docstrings should be triple-quoted.</p><p>Docstrings should be written in epytext format; more
    documentation is available in the
    <a href="">Epytext Markup Language documentation</a>.</p><p>Additionally, to accommodate emacs users:</p><ul><li>Single quotes of the type of the docstring's triple-quote
      should be escaped. This will prevent font-lock from
      accidentally fontifying large portions of the file as a
      string.</li><li>Code examples in docstrings should be prefixed by the |
      character. This will prevent IM-Python from regarding sample
      code as real functions, methods, and classes.</li></ul><p>For example,</p><pre class="python">
<span class="py-src-keyword">def</span> <span class="py-src-identifier">foo2bar</span>(<span class="py-src-parameter">f</span>):
    <span class="py-src-string">&quot;&quot;&quot;I am a function to convert foos to bars.

    I should be used when you have a foo but you want a bar; note that this is
    a non-destructive operation.  If I can\'t convert the foo to a bar I will
    raise a FooException().

    For example::

      |  import wombat
      |  def sample(something):
      |      f = something.getFoo()
      |      f.doFooThing()
      |      b = wombat.foo2bar(f)
      |      b.doBarThing()
      |      return b

    <span class="py-src-comment"># Optionally, actual code can go here.
</span></pre><h2>Scripts<a name="auto6"></a></h2><p>For each <q>script</q>, that is, a program you expect a Twisted user
    to run from the command-line, the following things must be done:</p><ol><li>Write a module in <code class="API">twisted.scripts</code> 
      which contains a callable global named <code>run</code>. This 
      will be called by the command line part with no arguments (it 
      will usually read <code>sys.argv</code>). Feel free to write more 
      functions or classes in this module, if you feel they are useful 
      to others.</li><li>Write a file in <code class="shell">bin/</code> which contains the
          Twisted running-from-SVN header, and ending with 

<pre class="python">
<span class="py-src-keyword">from</span> <span class="py-src-variable">twisted</span>.<span class="py-src-variable">scripts</span>.<span class="py-src-variable">yourmodule</span> <span class="py-src-keyword">import</span> <span class="py-src-variable">run</span>
<span class="py-src-variable">run</span>()
</pre></li><li>Write a manpage in <code class="shell">doc/man</code>.
      On debian systems you can find a skeleton example of a manpage in
      <code>/usr/share/doc/man-db/examples/manpage.example</code>.</li><li>Add your script to the script list in
      <code class="shell"></code>.</li></ol><p>This will insure your program will work correctly for users of SVN,
    Windows releases and Debian packages.</p><h2>Standard Library Extension Modules<a name="auto7"></a></h2><p>When using the extension version of a module for which there is also
    a Python version, place the import statement inside a try/except block,
    and import the Python version if the import fails.  This allows code to
    work on platforms where the extension version is not available.  For

<pre class="python">
<span class="py-src-keyword">try</span>:
    <span class="py-src-keyword">import</span> <span class="py-src-variable">cPickle</span> <span class="py-src-variable">as</span> <span class="py-src-variable">pickle</span>
<span class="py-src-keyword">except</span> <span class="py-src-variable">ImportError</span>:
    <span class="py-src-keyword">import</span> <span class="py-src-variable">pickle</span>

    Use the &quot;as&quot; syntax of the import statement as well, to set
    the name of the extension module to the name of the Python module.</p><h2>ChangeLog<a name="auto8"></a></h2><p>All changes that will affect the way end-users see Twisted should come
    with an appropriate entry in the ChangeLog that summarizes that impact.</p><p>The correct format for the ChangeLog is GNU changelog format.  There is
    an emacs mode for editing this, use <code>M-x add-change-log-entry</code>.
    If you are, for whatever absurd reason, using an editor other than emacs 
    to edit Twisted, you can use Moshe Zadka's helpfully provided
    <code>admin/change</code> script to add a properly-formatted entry.</p><h2>Classes<a name="auto9"></a></h2><p>Classes are to be named in mixed case, with the first letter
    capitalized; each word separated by having its first letter
    capitalized. Acronyms should be capitalized in their entirety.
    Class names should not be prefixed with the name of the module they are
    in. Examples of classes meeting this criteria:</p><ul><li>twisted.spread.pb.ViewPoint</li><li>twisted.parser.patterns.Pattern</li></ul><p>Examples of classes <strong>not</strong> meeting this criteria:</p><ul><li>event.EventHandler</li><li>main.MainGadget</li></ul><p>An effort should be made to prevent class names from clashing
    with each other between modules, to reduce the need for
    qualification when importing. For example, a Service subclass
    for Forums might be named,
    and a Service subclass for Words might be
    twisted.words.service.WordsService. Since neither of these
    modules are volatile <em>(see above)</em> the classes may be
    imported directly into the user's namespace and not cause
    confusion.</p><h2>Methods<a name="auto10"></a></h2><p>Methods should be in mixed case, with the first letter lower
    case, each word separated by having its first letter
    capitalized. For example, <code>someMethodName</code>, 
    <code>method</code>.</p><p>Sometimes, a class will dispatch to a specialized sort of
    method using its name; for example, twisted.reflect.Accessor.
    In those cases, the type of method should be a prefix in all
    lower-case with a trailing underscore, so method names will
    have an underscore in them. For example, <code>get_someAttribute</code>.
    Underscores in method names in twisted code are therefore
    expected to have some semantic associated with them.</p><p>Some methods, in particular <code>addCallback</code> and its
    cousins return self to allow for chaining calls.  In this case,
    wrap the chain in parenthesis, and start each chained call on
    a separate line, for example:</p><pre class="python">
<span class="py-src-keyword">return</span> (<span class="py-src-variable">foo</span>()
            .<span class="py-src-variable">addCallback</span>(<span class="py-src-variable">bar</span>)
            .<span class="py-src-variable">addCallback</span>(<span class="py-src-variable">thud</span>)
            .<span class="py-src-variable">addCallback</span>(<span class="py-src-variable">wozers</span>))
</pre><h2>Callback Arguments<a name="auto11"></a></h2><p>There are several methods whose purpose is to help the user set up
    callback functions, for example <code base="twisted.internet.defer" class="API">Deferred.addCallback</code> or the
    reactor's <code base="twisted.internet.base.ReactorBase" class="API">callLater</code> method. To make
    access to the callback as transparent as possible, most of these methods
    use <code class="python">**kwargs</code> to capture arbitrary arguments
    that are destined for the user's callback. This allows the call to the
    setup function to look very much like the eventual call to the target
    callback function.</p><p>In these methods, take care to not have other argument names that will
    <q>steal</q> the user's callback's arguments. When sensible, prefix these
    <q>internal</q> argument names with an underscore. For example, <code base="twisted.spread.pb" class="API">RemoteReference.callRemote</code> is
    meant to be called like this:</p><pre class="python">
<span class="py-src-variable">myref</span>.<span class="py-src-variable">callRemote</span>(<span class="py-src-string">&quot;addUser&quot;</span>, <span class="py-src-string">&quot;bob&quot;</span>, <span class="py-src-string">&quot;555-1212&quot;</span>)

<span class="py-src-comment"># on the remote end, the following method is invoked:
</span><span class="py-src-keyword">def</span> <span class="py-src-identifier">addUser</span>(<span class="py-src-parameter">name</span>, <span class="py-src-parameter">phone</span>):
</pre><p>where <q>addUser</q> is the remote method name. The user might also
    choose to call it with named parameters like this:</p><pre class="python">
<span class="py-src-variable">myref</span>.<span class="py-src-variable">callRemote</span>(<span class="py-src-string">&quot;addUser&quot;</span>, <span class="py-src-variable">name</span>=<span class="py-src-string">&quot;bob&quot;</span>, <span class="py-src-variable">phone</span>=<span class="py-src-string">&quot;555-1212&quot;</span>)
</pre><p>In this case, <code>callRemote</code> (and any code that uses the
    **kwargs syntax) must be careful to not use <q>name</q>, <q>phone</q>, or
    any other name that might overlap with a user-provided named parameter.
    Therefore, <code>callRemote</code> is implemented with the following
    signature:</p><pre class="python">
<span class="py-src-keyword">def</span> <span class="py-src-identifier">callRemote</span>(<span class="py-src-parameter">self</span>, <span class="py-src-parameter">_name</span>, *<span class="py-src-parameter">args</span>, **<span class="py-src-parameter">kw</span>):
</pre><p>Do whatever you can to reduce user confusion. It may also be
    appropriate to <code class="python">assert</code> that the kwargs
    dictionary does not contain parameters with names that will eventually
    cause problems.</p><h2>Special Methods<a name="auto12"></a></h2><p>The augmented assignment protocol, defined by __iadd__ and other
    similarly named methods, can be used to allow objects to be modified in
    place or to rebind names if an object is immutable -- both through use
    of the same operator.  This can lead to confusing code, which in turn
    leads to buggy code.  For this reason, methods of the augmented
    assignment protocol should not be used in Twisted.</p><h2>Functions<a name="auto13"></a></h2><p>Functions should be named similiarly to methods.</p><p>Functions or methods which are responding to events to
    complete a callback or errback should be named <code>_cbMethodName</code> or
    <code>_ebMethodName</code>, in order to distinguish them from normal
    methods.</p><h2>Attributes<a name="auto14"></a></h2><p>Attributes should be named similarly to functions and
    methods. Attributes should be named descriptively; attribute
    names like <code>mode</code>, <code>type</code>, and
    <code>buf</code> are generally discouraged. Instead, use
    <code>displayMode</code>, <code>playerType</code>, or
    <code>inputBuffer</code>.</p><p>Do not use Python's <q>private</q> attribute syntax; prefix
    non-public attributes with a single leading underscore. Since
    several classes have the same name in Twisted, and they are
    distinguished by which package they come from, Python's
    double-underscore name mangling will not work reliably in some
    cases. Also, name-mangled private variables are more difficult
    to address when unit testing or persisting a class.</p><p>An attribute (or function, method or class) should be
    considered private when one or more of the following conditions
    are true:</p><ul><li>The attribute represents intermediate state which is not
      always kept up-to-date.</li><li>Referring to the contents of the attribute or otherwise
      maintaining a reference to it may cause resources to
      leak.</li><li>Assigning to the attribute will break internal
      assumptions.</li><li>The attribute is part of a known-to-be-sub-optimal
      interface and will certainly be removed in a future
      release.</li></ul><h2>Database<a name="auto15"></a></h2><p>Database tables will be named with plural nouns.</p><p>Database columns will be named with underscores between
    words, all lower case, since most databases do not distinguish
    between case.</p><p>Any attribute, method argument, or method name that
    corresponds <em>directly</em> to a column in the database will
    be named exactly the same as that column, regardless of other
    coding conventions surrounding that circumstance.</p><p>All SQL keywords should be in upper case.</p><h2>C Code<a name="auto16"></a></h2><p>Wherever possible, C code should be optional, and the
    default python implementation should be maintained in tandem
    with it. C code should be strict ANSI C, and
    <strong>must</strong> build using GCC as well as Visual Studio
    for Windows, and really shouldn't have any problems with other
    compilers either. Don't do anything tricky.</p><p>C code should only be used for efficiency, not for binding
    to external libraries. If your particular code is not
    frequently run, write it in Python. If you require the use of
    an external library, develop a separate, external bindings
    package and make your twisted code depend on it.</p><h2>Commit Messages<a name="auto17"></a></h2><p>The commit messages are being distributed in a myriad of ways. Because
    of that, you need to observe a few simple rules when writing a commit
    message.</p><p>The first line of the message is being used as both the subject of
    the commit email and the announcement on #twisted. Therefore, it should
    be short (aim for &lt; 80 characters) and descriptive -- and must be
    able to stand alone (it is best if it is a complete sentence). The rest
    of the e-mail should be separated with <em>hard line breaks</em> into
    short lines (&lt; 70 characters). This is free-format, so you can do
    whatever you like here.</p><p>Commit messages should be about <em>what</em>, not <em>how</em>: we can
    get how from SVN diff. Explain reasons for commits, and what they
    affect.</p><p>Each commit should be a single logical change, which is internally
    consistent. If you can't summarize your changes in one short line, this
    is probably a sign that they should be broken into multiple checkins.</p><h2>Source Control<a name="auto18"></a></h2><p>Twisted currently uses Subversion for source control.  All
    development <strong>should</strong> occur using branches; when a task is
    considered complete another Twisted developer may review it and if no
    problems are found, it may be merged into trunk (TODO: Describe this
    more thoroughly (Divmod wiki has <a href="">a start</a>)). 
    Branches <strong>must</strong> be used for major development.  Branches
    should be managed using <a href="">Combinator</a> (but
    if you can manage them in some other way without anyone noticing, knock
    yourself out).</p><p>Certain features of Subversion should be avoided.</p><ul><li><p>Do not set the <code class="shell">svn:ignore</code> property on any
    file or directory.  What you wish to ignore, others may wish to examine. 
    What others may wish you ignore, <em>you</em> may wish you examine. 
    <code class="shell"> svn:ignore </code> will affect everyone who uses
    the repository, and so it is not the right mechanism to express personal
    preferences.</p><p>If you wish to ignore certain files use the <code class="shell">
    global-ignores </code> feature of <code class="shell">
    ~/.subversion/config </code>, for example:</p><pre class="shell">
global-ignores = dropin.cache *.pyc *.pyo *.o *.lo *.la #*# .*.rej *.rej .*~
    </pre></li></ul><h2>Recommendations<a name="auto19"></a></h2><p>These things aren't necessarily standardizeable (in that
    code can't be easily checked for compliance) but are a good
    idea to keep in mind while working on Twisted.</p><p>If you're going to work on a fragment of the Twisted
    codebase, please consider finding a way that you would <em>use</em>
    such a fragment in daily life. I use the Twisted Web server on
    the main TML website, and aside from being good PR, this
    encourages you to actively maintain and improve your code, as
    the little everyday issues with using it become apparent.</p><p>Twisted is a <strong>big</strong> codebase! If you're
    refactoring something, please make sure to recursively grep for
    the names of functions you're changing. You may be surprised to
    learn where something is called. Especially if you are moving
    or renaming a function, class, method, or module, make sure
    that it won't instantly break other code.</p></div><p><a href="../howto/index.html">Index</a></p><span class="version">Version: 2.5.0</span></body></html>