

distrib > Mandriva > 2009.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 2a594bcdc662c1b6bc5e51c34309a42b > files > 36


$Id: nk7110.txt,v 1.17 2007/01/01 21:13:57 pkot Exp $

Assembled by
	Balazs Nagy (
	Marcin Wiacek (Marcin-Wiacek@TOPNET.PL)
        Jens Bennfors <>
        Michael Hund <>
        Jay Bertrand <>
        Gabriele Zappi <>
        Markus Plail <>
	... and other members of gnokii mailing list <>
            and authors of some WWW pages.

The data provided is for information purposes only. 
Some of the frames might be hazardous to your phone. Be careful!!! 
We do not take any responsibility or liability for damages, etc.

NOTE: this information isn't (and can't be) complete.  If you know anything
about features not listed here or you noticed a bug in this list, please
notify us via e-mail at our mailing list <>. Thank you.

Document describing frames used in
GSM Nokia 6210 and derivatives (7110)
Correct format is FBUS version 2/MBUS version 2/IrDA
(see nokia.txt for protocol details):


0x00: Connect to NBS port ?
    r Set ringtone          {+0x7c,0x01,0x00,0x0d,0x06[6],0x78,ringtone packed according to SM2.0}
                            Seems not to work in MBUS!
0x01: Communication Status
?   r Call msg              { 0x0002 }
?   r Call in progress      { 0x0003, seqnr }
?   r Remote end hang up    { 0x0004, seqnr, ?, error (like in netmon in 39) }
?   r incoming call alert   { 0x0005, seqnr, numlen, "number", namelen, "name" }
?   r answered call         { 0x0007, seqnr }
?   r terminated call       { 0x0009, seqnr }
?   r call msg              { 0x000a, seqnr }
    Note: in 6210 4.27 all msg from 0x01 seems to be unavailable
    s Get call status       { 0x20 }
    r Get call status       { 0x21, num of calls, 0xff, callinfo }
                            where callinfo: { 0x64, blklen (0xd4), seqnr (1-8),
			        channel (1-2), state, prevstate, ?, ?, ?, ?,
				namelen, numlen,
				name (49 unicode chars + 0x00, 0x00),
				number (49 unicode chars + 0x00, 0x00) }
				where state is:
				   0x00: incoming call
				   0x02: dialing
				   0x03: ringing (out)
				   0x04: ringing (in)
				   0x05: established
				   0x06: call held
				   0x07: remote hangup

0x02: SMS handling
    s Send SMS message      { 0x0001, 0x02, 0x00 (SEND REQUEST), ... }
    r Message sent          { 0x0002 }
    r Send failed           { 0x0003, ?, ?, error (like in netmon in 65)}
    r SMS message received  { 0x0010, ...... } (whole message)
    s Set CellBroadcast     { 0x0020, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01 }
                                      for enable cell broadcast ?
                                      0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }
                                      for disable cell broadcast ?
    r Set CellBroadcast OK  { 0x0021, 0x01 }
    r Read CellBroadcast    { 0x0023, ?, ?, ?, channel, ?, message... } ?
    s Set SMS center        { 0x0030, 0x64, priority, checksum?, format,
                                      validity[2], {DefaultRecipient no.}[12],
                                      {SMScenter no.}[12], {SMSC name}, 0x00}
                              where[12]: {len, type, {number(BCD)}}
                                    type: 0x81: normal
                                          0x91: + (international)
                                          0xd0: alphanumeric
                                    format: 0x00: text
                                            0x22: fax
                                            0x24: voice
                                            0x25: ERMES
                                            0x26: paging
                                            0x31: X.400
                                            0x32: email
                                    validity: 0x000b:  1 hour
                                              0x0047:  6 hours
                                              0x00a7: 24 hours
                                              0x00a9: 72 hours
                                              0x00ad:  1 week
                                              0x00ff: max.time
    r Set SMS center OK     { 0x0031 }
    r Set SMS center error  { 0x0032, reason }
    s Get SMS center        { 0x0033, 0x64, priority }
    r SMS center received   { 0x0034, priority, checksum?, type,
                                      validity[2], {DefaultRecipient no.}[12],
                                      {SMScenter no.}[12], {SMSC name}, 0x00 }
                              where priority, checksum, type, validity,
                          [12]: see 0x02/0x0030
    r SMS center error recv { 0x0035, reason }
    s??                     { 0x0074}
    r??                     { 0x0075, 0xFF, 0x11, 0x98}
    s??                     { 0x008C}
    r??                     { 0x008D, 0x00}
0x03: Phonebook functions
    s Get memory status     { 0x0103, 0x02, memory type }
                            where: memory type - see 0x03/0x0107
    r Get memory status     { 0x0104, 0x00, xL, 0x00[2], y1H, y1L, 0x10,
                                      0x00[2], z?, ymaxH, ymaxL, y2H, y2L,
                                      0x0d?, xH?, 0x00[2]? }
                              where y1: location (lowermost)
                                    y2: no. of locations
                                    ymax: maximum location no.
    s Read memory           { 0x0107, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, xH, xL,
                                     yH, yL, 0x00, 0x00}
                            where x: memory type
                                     0x01: (256) Dialled numbers
                                     0x02: (512) Missed calls
                                     0x03: (768) Received calls
                                     0x05: (500) telephone phonebook
                                     0x06: (160) SIM phonebook
                                     0x07: (10/0)
                                     0x08: (1/0)
                                     0x09: (4) voice mailbox
                                     0x0e: (10) speed dials
                                     0x10: (5) caller groups
                                  y: location
    r Read memory           { 0x0108, 0x00, 0x01,
                             code,0x00, 0x00, z, xH, xL, yH, yL, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, no.of blocks, { block } * }
                            where if code==0x0f && xH==0x34 - phonebook location not found
                              y: location
                              z: generic block size
                              block: {id, 0, 0, blocksize, block no.,
                                      {contents}, 0x00}
                                id: 0x04 pointer to another memory location { 0xff?, yH, yL, xL,0x00[3] }
                                    0x07 name {len, (unicode)},
                                    0x08 email
                                    0x09 postal
                                    0x0a note {len, (unicode)}
                                    0x0b number {type, 0x00[3], len, (unicode)}
                                    0x0c ringtone {ringtone no., 0, 0}
				    0x13 date for a called list (DC, RC, etc.)
                                    0x1b caller group graphic {width, height, 0, 0 {bitmap}}
                                    0x1c caller group graphic on? {(1: yes, 0: no), 0, 0}
                                    0x1e caller group number {number, 0, 0}
                                   type: 0x0a: General,
                                         0x03: Mobile (office ?),
                                         0x06: Work,
                                         0x04: Fax,
                                         0x02: Home (mobile ?)
    s Set mem location      { 0x010b, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, z,
                                      xH, xL, yH, yL, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
                                      no.of blocks, { block }[no.of blocks] }
    r Set mem location      { 0x010c, 0?, 1?, code, 0?, 0?, z?, 0?, 0?,
                                      yH, yL, xL }
                            where code:
                                    0x3d - wrong entry type
                                    0x3e - too much entries
    s Delete mem location   { 0x010f, 0x00, 0x01, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x01, 0xff, xH, xL,
                                      y, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}
                                      where   x: location
                                      y: memory type
    r Delete mem location   { 0x0110, 0x00, 0x00 }

0x06: Calling line restriction/Call forwarding etc
    s Set call divert       { 0x0001, 0x03, 0x00, divtype, calltype, 0x01, number(packed like in SMS), 0x00, 0x00...,timeout}
                            NOTE: msglen=0x37
                            where timeout:
                              0x00: not set ?
                              0x05: 5 second
                              0x0a: 10 second
                              0x0f: 15 second
                              0x14: 20 second
                              0x19: 25 second
                              0x1e: 30 second
                            where divtype:
                              0x02: all diverts for all call types ?
                                    Found only, when deactivate all diverts for all call types (with call type 0x00)
                              0x15: all calls
                              0x43: when busy
                              0x3d: when not answered
                              0x3e: if not reached
                              0x00: all calls (data, voice, fax)
                              0x0b: voice calls
                              0x0d: fax calla
                              0x19: data calls
    s Deactivate calldiverts{ 0x0001, 0x04, 0x00, divtype, calltype, 0x00 }
                            where divtype, calltype: see above
    r Deactivate calldiverts{ 0x0002, 0x04, 0x00, divtype, 0x02, calltype, data }
    s Get call diverts      { 0x0001, 0x05, 0x00, divtype, calltype, 0x00 }
                            where divtype, calltype: see above
    r Get call diverts ok   { 0x0002, 0x05, 0x00, divtype, 0x02, calltype, data }
                            where divtype, calltype: see above
			          data: { 0x01, 0x00 } - isn't active
				        { 0x02, 0x01, number(packed like in SMS), 0x00, 0x00..., timeout }
    r Get prepaid(?) info   { 0x0005, ?,?,?,length,message(packed like in 7bit SMS)}
0x0a: Network status
    s get used network      { 0x0070 }
    r get used network      { 0x0071, available,?,?,length,netstatus,netsel,cellIDH,
                                      cellIDL,lacH,lacL,MCC+MNC[3],{Opstr}, 4?,
                                      len, xlen(78), ylen(21), 0, {bitmap} }
                            where netstatus: 0x00: home network
			                     0x01: roaming network
					     0x02: no service searching
					     0x03: no service not searching
					     0x04: no service no sim
		                  netsel: 0x00: manual
				          0x01: automatic
					  0xff: unknown
                              where {Opstr}: namelen, {operator name(unicode)}
                                    len: {xlen, ylen, 0, {bitmap} + 2
                                    {bitmap}: bitmaplen, 0, 0, {OTA bitmap}
				    available: 0x02 if the logo following is valid,
				               0x01 for no operator logo following
    s get network status    { 0x0081 }
    r get network status    { 0x0082, network%, 0x14? }
    s set operator logo     { 0x01a3 0x01, oplogo?, MCC+MNC[3], 0?,4?,len,
                                     xlen(78),ylen(21), 0 (frames?),
                                     {bitmap}*?, 0x00(padding) }
                              where len, {bitmap}: see 0x0a/0x0071
    r set operator logo OK  { 0x01a4 }
0x13: Calendar notes
    s Add meeting note      { 0x0001, body like in subtype 0x001a...}
    r Add meeting note      { 0x0002, location (2 bytes), status (2 bytes)}
    s Add call note         { 0x0003, body like in subtype 0x001a...}
    r Add call note         { 0x0004, location (2 bytes), status (2 bytes)}
    s Add birthday note     { 0x0005, body like in subtype 0x001a...}
    r Add birthday note     { 0x0006, location (2 bytes), status (2 bytes)}
    s Add reminder note     { 0x0007, body like in subtype 0x001a...}
    r Add reminder note     { 0x0008, location (2 bytes), status (2 bytes)}
    s Delete calendar note  { 0x000b, location (2 bytes) }
    r Delete calendar note  { 0x000c, location (2 bytes), ?, ?, ?, ? }
    s Get calendar note     { 0x0019, location (2 bytes) }
    r Calendar note recvd   { 0x001a, location (2 bytes), entry type, 0x00, year (2 bytes), Month, Day, block}
                            where: entry type - 0x01 - Meeting, 0x02 - Call, 0x04 - Birthday, 0x08 - Reminder
                                   block: for Meeting:{hour,minute,alarm (two bytes),recurrence (two bytes),len,0x00,string(unicode)}
                                          where alarm=Number of minutes before the time of the meeting
                                                  that the alarm should be triggered:
                                                  For meetings with "No alarm"=0xFFFF (-1).
                                                  For "On time"=0x0000
                                                  half an hour=0x001E, and so on.
                                                Recurrance=in hours, between future occurances of this meeting.
                                                  If there is no repeat, this value is 0x0000. The special value 0xffff 
                                                  means 1 Year!
                                          for Call:{Hour,Minute,Alarm (as above),Recurrance (as above),namelen,numberlen,
                                          for Reminder:{Recurrance (as above),len,0x00,string(unicode)}
                                          for Birthday:{byte1,byte2,alarm(4 bytes),yearofbirth,alarmtype,len,string(unicode)}
                                                    byte1 and byte2 may vary (???). Usually are 0x00 both (but not always)
                                                    In Birthday, the Year in the common part, usually contains a strange year.
                                                    So, don't consider it as Year of note, neither year of BirthDay (for Year of
                                                    Birthday use the value described below).
                                          where alarm=32-bit integer that is the number of seconds between the desired
                                                  alarm time and 11:59:58pm on the birthday.For "No Alarm", the value is
                                                  0x0000FFFF (65535).
                                                YearOfBirth=used instead of the one in the common part of the entry (see above)
                                                  but only when reading birthday entries. For storing entries, this field does
                                                  not exist.
                                                AlarmType: 0x00 - Tone, 0x01 - Silent
?   s???                    { 0x0021 }
?   r???                    { 0x0022, 0x5A, 0x00 }
?   s???                    { 0x0025 }
?   r???                    { 0x0026, 0x04, 0x00 }
?   s                       { 0x0029 }
?   r                       { 0x002A, 0x04, 0x00 }
    s Get first free pos    { 0x0031 }
    r Get first free pos    { 0x0032, location (2bytes) }
    s Get notes info        { 0x003a, 0xFF, 0xFE}
    r Get notes info        { 0x003b, how many notes used (2 bytes), 0x01, 0x07, { two bytes with location for each note} *}
?   s Get calendar note??   { 0x003E, location (2 bytes) }
?   r Get calendar note??   { 0x003F, location (2bytes), ... }
    s Get Picture Image     { 0x0007, location, number[2 bytes], 0x00, 0x64 }
                              where location: 0x21 (always ?)
    r Get Picture Image     { 0x0008, 0x07, location, number[2 bytes], 0x07, ??[38],
                                     width, height, lenH, lenL, {bitmap}}
                              where location: 0x21 (always ?)
    s Get SMS Status        { 0x0036, 0x64 }
    r Get SMS Status        { 0x0037, 0x05/0x03, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
                              a (2 octets), b (2 octets), c (2 octets),
                              d (2 octets), e (2 octets), 0x00
                              a - Number of locations in "fixed" memory. These are all
                                Templates entries in my Nokias 6210 (NPE-3 (c) NMP V05.36
                                14-11-01, NPE-3 (c) NMP V05.27 01-08-01).
                                I can't remove any of Templates entries in my phone.
                              b - Number of used messages in phone memory. These
                                are messages manually moved from the other folders.
                                Picture messages are saved here.
                              c - Number of unread messages in phone memory. Probably
                                only smart messsages.
                              d - Number of used messages in SIM memory. These are
                                either received messages or saved into Outbox/Inbox.
                                Note that you *can't* save message into this memory
                                using 'Move' option. Picture messages are not here.
                              e - Number of unread messages in SIM memory

    s Set Picture Image     { 0x0050, 0x07, location, number[2 bytes], 0x07, ??[38], 
                                     width, height, lenH, lenL, {bitmap}}
                              std. size: 72x28
                              where location: 0x21 (always ?)
    r Set Picture Image     { 0x0051, location, number[2 bytes], 0x07 }
                              where location: 0x21 (always ?)

    s List Picture Images   { 0x0096, FolderID, 0x0f, 0x07 }
                              where: FolderID - see 0x14/0x017B
    r List Picture Images   { 0x0097, number of pictures[2 bytes], number1[2 bytes], number2[2 bytes], ..., }

    s Get SMS from folder   { 0x0107, folderID, location, location, 0x01, 0x65, 0x01}
                            where: folderID - see 0x14/0x017B
    r Get SMS from folder   { 0x0108, status, folderID, 0x00, location, type, sender number,...}

                            where: status=0x01 - reveived/read
					  0x03 - received/unread
					  0x05 - stored/sent
					  0x07 - stored/not sent

			    where: folderID - see 0x14/0x017B

                            where: type=0x00 - received SMS
					0x01 - delivery report
					0x02 - stored SMS
					0x07 - picture message
    s Delete SMS            { 0x010a, folderID, location, location, 0x01 }
    r Delete SMS            { 0x010b }
    s Get folder status     { 0x016b, folderID, 0x0F, 0x01}
                            where: folderID - see 0x14/0x017B
    r Get folder status     { 0x016c, number of entries (2 bytes), entry1number (2 bytes), entry2number(2 bytes), ....}
    s Get folder names      { 0x017a, 0x00, 0x00}
    r Get folder names      { 0x017b, number of strings, folderID, name1, 0x00, folderID, name2, 0x00, name3, 0x00,...}
                            where: folderID=0x08 - Inbox
                                            0x10 - Outbox
                                            0x18 - Archive
                                            0x20 - Templates
                                            0x29 - first "My folders"
                                            0x31 - second "My folders"
                                            0x39 - third -"-
                                            and so on
    s Get Battery info      { 0x0002 }
    r Get Battery info      { 0x0003, 0x0b, batt%, 0x14?, 0x01? }
0x19: Date & time
    s Set date time         { 0x0060, 1,1,7,yearh,yearl,month,mday,hour,min,0x00 }
    r Set date time         { 0x0061, 0x01 }
    s Get date time         { 0x0062 }
    r Get date time         { 0x0063, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x07, 0x07,0xD1(year==2001) 0x05(month?) 0x02(day?) 0x00,0x1D,0x0D(hour:minute:second?)

    s Get alarm             { 0x006D }
    r Get alarm             { 0x006E, 0x01, 0x01, 0x20, 0x03, 0x01, 0x0B, 0x14 }
    s Set alarm             { 0x006B, 0x01, 0x20, 0x03, 0x02(on-off), hour, min, 0x00 }
    r Set alarm             { 0x006C, 0x01 }

?   s ??                    { 0x0083, id }
?   r ??                    { 0x0084, 0x01, 0x40, 0x03, id, 0x00, 0x00 }
?   r ??                    { 0x0084, 0x01, 0x40, 0x03, id, 0x00, 0x01 }
?   r ??                    { 0x0084, 0x01, 0x40, 0x03, id, 0x01, 0x00 }
                            where: id=0x27,0x2a,0x32,0x28,0x40
    s Get IMEI              { 0x0001 }
    r Get IMEI              { 0x0002, {IMEI(ASCII)}, 0x00 }
    s get HW&SW version     { 0x0003, 0x01, 0x32 }
    r get HW&SW version     { 0x0004, "V " "firmware\n" "firmware date\n"
                              "model\n" "(c) NMP." 0x00 0xff[14] }
    s ???                   { 0x0010, 0x02, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff }
    r ???                   { 0x0011, length, 0x00, {block}[length] }
                              where block: { unicode letter[2], 0x0000,
                                0x00, 0x55, ??, ?? }
    s Set ringtone          { 0x011f, 0x00, location, 0x00, name(Unicode),
                              ringtone(format the same to 0x40/0x019e and 0x40/0x01a0) }
                              where: location: 0x8a to 0x8e on N6210
                                               0x75 to ... on N7110
?   s Get ringtone          { 0x0122, 0x00, location}
?   r Get ringtone          { 0x0123, 0x00, location, name(Unicode), 0x00,...,0x00, 0x02,0xFC,0x09(ringtone contenst)}
    s get profile feature   { 0x0101, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, number1, number2}
                            where number1: from 0x00 to 0x07 (for each profile ?)
                                  number2: 0x00 - 0x09, 0x0A, 0x16 - 0x19, 0x1a - 0x1f, 0x20 - 0x29, 0x2a - 0x2c, 0xff
				     where 0x00: keypad tones
					   0x02: incoming call alert
				           0x03: ringtone number
					   0x04: ringing volume
					   0x05: message alert tone
					   0x06: vibration
					   0x07: warning tones
					   0x08: caller groups alert for
					   0x09: automatic answer
					   0xff: name
    r get profile feature   { 0x0102, 0x01, number1, number2, block...}
                            for number2==0xff: (Profile Name)
                              block: 0x01, 0x01, length, name(Unicode), 0x00, 0x00
                            for number2==0x00: (Keypad Tones)
                              block: 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, Type, 0x01
                              where: Type : 0x00 = Off
                                            0x01 to 0x03 = Level1 .. Level3
                            for number2==0x02: (Incoming Call Alert)
                              block: 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, Type, 0x01
                              where: Type : 0x00 = Ringing
                                            0x01 = Ascending
                                            0x02 = Ring Once
                                            0x03 = Beep Once
                                            0x04 = Caller Groups?
                                            0x05 = Off
                            for number2==0x03: (Ringtone Number)
                              block: 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, Number, 0x01
                              where: Number : 0x40 to 0x62 - gives number of factory ringtone. The number of menu is
                                              obtained by doing (Number - 0x3f);
                              where: Number : 0x89 to 0x8d - gives number of uploaded ringtone. The number of menu is
                                              obtained by doing (Number - 0x65),while the uploaded ringtone number is
                                              obtained by doing (Number - 0x88).
                            for number2==0x04: (Ringing volume)
                              block: 0x01, 0x??, 0x??, Volume, 0x01
                              where: Volume : 0 = Level1 .. to 4 = Level5
                            for number2==0x05: (Message Alert Tone)
                              block: 0x01, 0x01, 0x??, Type, 0x01
                              where: Type : 0x00 = Off
                                            0x01 = Standard
                                            0x02 = Special
                                            0x03 = Beep Once
                                            0x04 = Ascending
                            for number2==0x06: (Vibration)
                              block: 0x01, 0x??, 0x??, Switch, 0x01
                              where: Switch : 0 = Off, 1 = On
                            for number2==0x07: (Warning Tones)
                              block: 0x01, 0x??, 0x??, Switch, 0x01
                              where: Switch : 0 = Off, 1 = On
                            for number2==0x08: (Caller groups Alert for)
                              block: 0x01, 0x??, 0x??, Callers, 0x01
                              where: Callers : 0xff = All calls alert (Read below *)
                                               0x01 = Family
                                               0x02 = VIP
                                               0x04 = Friends
                                               0x08 = Colleagues
                                               0x10 = Others
                                     All logical OR among groups are valid, so if you select from one phone's profile
                                     alert for Friends and Collegues, a 0x0c will return (because 0x04 OR 0x08 = 0x0c).
                                 (*) If Callers==0xff, means "Alert for All calls". Then, in this case, you don't
                                     need to read other groups selection.
                            for number2==0x09: (Automatic answer)
                              block: 0x01, 0x??, 0x??, Switch, 0x01
                              where: Switch : 0 = Off, 1 = On
                                N.B. This feature is valid for Handsfree and Headset profiles only!
    s set profile feature   { 0x0103, 0x01, 0x01, 0x03, feat_id, profile_id, 0x01, value }
                            where feat_id: feature id (see get profile feature)
    s ???                   { 0x0101, 0x04, 0x01, 0x01, 0xff, 0x03 }
    r ???                   { 0x0102, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x85/0x087 }

    s ?                     { 0x0105}
    r ?                     { 0x0106, 0x01, 0x04}
0x3f: WAP 
    s                       { 0x0000}
    r                       { 0x0001, 0x01}
    s  ??                   { 0x0003}
    r  ??                   { 0x0004}
    s Get WAP bookmark      { 0x0006, 0x00, location}
                              where location: 0 - 14
    r Get WAP bookmark      { 0x0007, 0x00, name_len, name(unicode),
                              url_len, url(unicode), 0x01,0x80,0x00[7]}
    r Get WAP bookmark err  { 0x0008, error }
                              where error:
                                0x00  invalid position
                                0x02  no more bookmark stored
    s Set WAP bookmark      { 0x0009, 0xff, 0xff, name_len, name(unicode),
                              url_len, url(unicode), 0x01,0x80,0x00[7] }
                              Note: bookmark is added to the first free location.

?   r Set WAP bookmark err  {+0x01, 0x36, 0x0b, error }
                              where error:
                               0x04 - memory is full
                               0x01 - we are in the bookmark menu
                               0x00 - unknown reason for now ;(
?   r Set WAP bookmark OK   {+0x01, 0x36, 0x00, block }
                              where block:
                                0x0a, location_of_just_written_bookmark(?),
                                0x00, next_free_location(?)

    s Delete WAP bookmark   { 0x000c, 0x00, location }
                              where: location = 0-14
    r Delete WAR bookmark OK{ 0x000d }
    r Delete WAPbookmark err{ 0x000e, 0x02 }
    s ??                    { 0x000F}
    r ??                    { 0x0010, 0x00}
    s Get WAP settings      { 0x0015, location}
                            where location: 0x00 - 0x05
    r Get WAP settings OK   { 0x0016, location }
    r Get WAP settings err  { 0x0017, error }
    s ???                   { 0x001b, location}
                            where location: 0x00 - 0x1d
    r ???                   { 0x001c,...}
    r ??? err               { 0x001d,error}
                            where: error=0x05    
0x40: Security commands
?   s ???(N6150)            { 0x08, 0x00 }
?   r ???(N6150)            { 0x08 }
    s Enable extended cmds  { 0x64, cmd }
                            where cmd: 0x00: off
                                       0x01: on
                                       0x03: reset (doesn't ask for PIN again)
                                       0x04: reset (PIN is requested)
                                             In 5110 makes reset without PIN
                                       0x06: CONTACT SERVICE!!! Don't try it!
    s Get IMEI              { 0x66 }
    r Get IMEI              { 0x66, 0x01, IMEI, 0x00}
    s (ACD Readings)?(N6150 { 0x68 }
    r (ACD Readings)?(N6150 { 0x68, ... }
    s Get Product Profile
      Settings              { 0x6a}
    r Get Product Profile
      Settings              { 0x6a, 4bytes with Product Profile Settings }
    s Set Product Profile
      Settings              { 0x6b, 4bytes with Product Profile Settings }
    r Set Product Profile
      Settings OK ?         { 0x6b }
    s Get code              { 0x6e, code }
                            where code: see 0x08/0x0004 (no allowed code !)
    r Get code              { 0x6e, code, allowed, allowed? (sec code (text)) }
                            where code: see 0x08/0x0004
                                  allowed: 0: no
                                           1: yes
?   s Reset Permanent
?     Counters (nm->test36) { 0x74, 0x01, 0x01, 0x0e }
?   r Reset Permanent
?     Counters (nm->test36) { 0x74 }
    s Call commands         { 0x7c, block }
                            where where: command, (values)
			          command: 0x01
				      values: number(ASCII), 0x00 - makes voice call
				  command: 0x02 - answer call
				  command: 0x03 - release call
    r Call commands         { 0x7c, command }
    s Netmonitor            { 0x7e, field }
                            where: field: 00: next
                                          F0: reset
                                          F1: off
                                          F2: field test menus
                                          F3: developer menus
    s Get simlock info      { 0x8a, 0x00}
    r Get simlock info      { 0x8a, 0x00, 0x01, lockstype, locksclosed, 0x00, 0x00, locksinfo(lock1,4,2,3), counter1,counter2,counter4,counter4,0x00 }
                            where: lockstype:   bit1,bit2,bit3,bit4 - if set, selected lock is user lock
                                   locksclosed: bit1,bit2,bit3,bit4 - if set, selected lock is closed
                                   counter1 - counter4: counters for locks
    s Buzzer pitch          { 0x8f, volume, hzLO, hzHI }
                            if volume and hz is 0, it's off
    r Buzzer pitch          { 0x8f}
    s ACD Readings ?        { 0x91, parameter?(0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x07) }
    r ACD Readings ?        { 0x91, parameter?, value? }
?   s ???(N6150)            { 0x98, 0x00 }
?   r ???(N6150)            { 0x98, 0x00, 0x04 }
    s Get bin ringtone      { 0x9e, location }
                            where: location=0,1,etc.
    r Get bin ringtone      { 0x9e, location, error, contents... }
                            where location=0,1,etc.
                                  error=0x0a, ringtone NOT available
                                        0x00, OK
    s Set bin ringtone      { 0xa0, location, 0x00, contenst... }
                            where: location=0,1,etc.
    r Set bin ringtone      { 0xa0, location, error }
                              where location=0,1,etc.
                                    error=0x0a, ringtone NOT set
                                          0x00, ringtone set OK
?   r Get MSid              { 0xb5, 0x01, 0x2f, msid, 0x25 }
    s Get info about phone  { 0xc8, 0x01 }
    r Get info about phone  { 0xc8, 0x01, 0x00, "V ", "firmware", 0x0a, "firmware date", 0x0a, "model", 0x0a, "(c) NMP.", 0x00 }
    s Get MCU SW Checksum   { 0xc8, 0x02 }
    r Get MCU SW Checksum   { 0xc8, 0x02, 0x00, checksum (4 bytes),0x00 }
    s DPS External SW       { 0xc7, 0x03 }
    r DSP External SW       { 0xc7, 0x03, 0x00, string,0x00 }
    s Get HW                { 0xc8, 0x05 }
    r Get HW                { 0xc8, 0x05, 0x00, HW version (4 bytes), 0x00 }
    s Get "Made" Date       { 0xc8, 0x05 }
    r Get "Made" Date       { 0xc8, 0x05, 0x00, date(4 bytes), 0x00 }
    s Get DSP Internal SW   { 0xc8, 0x09 }
    r Get DSP Internal SW   { 0xc8, 0x09, 0x00, version (1 bytes), 0x00 }
    s Get PCI version       { 0xc8, 0x0b }
    r Get PCI version       { 0xc8, 0x0b, 0x00, version, 0x00 }
    s Get system ASIC       { 0xc8, 0x0c }
    r Get system ASIC       { 0xc8, 0x0c, 0x00, string, 0x00 }
    s Get COBBA             { 0xc8, 0x0d }
    r Get COBBA             { 0xc8, 0x0d, 0x00, string, 0x00 }
    s Get PLUSSA            { 0xc8, 0x0e }
    r Get PLUSSA            { 0xc8, 0x0e, available, 0x00 }
                            where available: 0x01: not available
    s Get CCONT             { 0xc8, 0x0f }
    r Get CCONT             { 0xc8, 0x0f, available, 0x00 }
                            where available: 0x01: not available
    s Get PPM version       { 0xc8, 0x10 }
    r Get PPM version       { 0xc8, 0x10, 0x00, "V ", "firmware", 0x0a, "firmware date", 0x0a, "model", 0x0a, "(c) NMP.", 0x00 }
    s Get PPM info          { 0xc8, 0x12 }
    r Get PPM info          { 0xc8, 0x12, 0x00, PPM version ("B", "C", etc.), 0x00 }
    s Set HW version        { 0xc9, 0x05, version, 0x00 }
    s Get Product Code      { 0xca, 0x01 }
    r Get Product Code      { 0xca, 0x01, 0x00, number, 0x00 }
    s Get Order Number      { 0xca, 0x02 }
    r Get Order Number      { 0xca, 0x02, 0x00, string, 0x00 }
    s Get Prod.Ser.Number   { 0xca, 0x03 }
    r Get Prod.Ser.Number   { 0xca, 0x03, 0x00, number, 0x00 }
    s Get Basic Prod.Code   { 0xca, 0x04 }
    r Get Basic Prod.Code   { 0xca, 0x04, 0x00, number, 0x00 }
    s Set Product Code      { 0xcb, 0x01, product code, 0x00 }
    s Set Order Number      { 0xcb, 0x02, number, 0x00 }
    s Set Prod.Ser.Number   { 0xcb, 0x03, number, 0x00 }
    s Get (original ?)IMEI  { 0xcc, 0x01 }
    r Get (original ?)IMEI  { 0xcc, 0x01, IMEI, 0x00 }
    s Get Manufacture Month { 0xcc, 0x02 }
    r Get Manufacture Month { 0xcc, 0x02, 0x00, string, 0x00 }
    s Get Purchare date     { 0xcc, 0x04 }
    r Get Purchare date     { 0xcc, 0x04, 0x00, string, 0x00 }
    s Set "Made" date       { 0xcd, 0x02, string, 0x00 }
    s Make "all" phone tests{ 0xce,0x1d,0xfe,0x23,0x00,0x00}
    s Make one phone test   { 0xce,0x1d,num1,num2,num3,num4}
                            Where num1-num4: 0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00;
                                             0x00,0x04,0x00,0x00; - "Power off"
                                               No test for "Security data"
    s Result of phone tests { 0xcf }
    r Result of phone tests { 0xcf, number of tests, results of next tests }
?   s ???                   { 0xd1 }
?   r ???(N5110)            { 0xd1, 0x00, 0x1d, 0x00, 0x01, 0x08, 0x00 }
    s LCD Test              { 0xd3, value }
                            where value: 0x03, 0x02 - 1'st test
			                 0x03, 0x01 - 2'nd test
                                         0x02, 0x03 - clears screen
    s ACD Readings(N6150)?  { 0xd4, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x01}
    r ACD Readings(N6150)?  { 0xd4, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x01, ?}
    r Function of           { 0xff, 0x8c }
      0x40 msgtype not
      supported ?
    s Status confirm        { 0x0201, 0x03 }
    r Incoming call seq1    { 0x0102 0x0e 0x03 }
    r Incoming call seq2    { 0x0102 0x7e 0x01 }
    s CarKit enable         { 0x0201 0x01 0x62 0x00 }
    r CarKit enabled        { 0x0201 0x02 0x06 0x00 "V " {version} "\nHFU"
                                     0x00 }
0x7a: settings
    r Set setting           { 0x01eb, number, 0x00 }
    s Set setting           { 0x01ec, number, contents }
                            where for number:
                              0x15 (startup logo) : 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04,
                                        0xc0, 0x02, 0x00, height, 0xc0, 0x03, 0x00, width,
				        0xc0, 0x04, 0x03, 0x00, {bitmap} }
                                where width, height, {bitmap}: see 0x7a/0x01ed 0x15
    s Get setting           { 0x01ee, number}
                            where number: 0x01 - 0x1e
                              0x15: startup logo
                              0x1c: security code
    r Get setting           { 0x01ed,number, 0x00, contents}
                            where for number:
                              0x15 (startup logo) : 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04,
                                        0xc0, 0x02, 0x00, height, 0xc0, 0x03, 0x00, width,
                                        0xc0, 0x04, 0x03, 0x00, {bitmap} }
                                where height: 60 (0x3c) or 65
                                      width:  96 (0x60)
                                      {bitmap}: like other bitmaps but pixels
                                                placed vertically.
                              0x1c (security code): {code(ascii)}, 0x00 
0x7f: Acknowledge(FBUS/IRDA){+type, seq }
    s Power on message seq1 {+04 }
    r Power on message seq1 {+05 }
    s Get HW&SW version     { 0x0003, 0x00 }
    r Get HW&SW version     { 0x0003 "V " "firmware\n" "firmware date\n"
                              "model\n" "(c) NMP." }
0xf4: Power on message seq 2