

distrib > Mandriva > 2009.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 313ac2e0066578acf289c135ed289fe8 > files > 1045


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
  <!ENTITY kappname "&kmail;">
  <!ENTITY package "kdenetwork">
  <!ENTITY kmail-intro SYSTEM "intro.docbook">
  <!ENTITY kmail-getting-started SYSTEM "getting-started.docbook">
  <!ENTITY kmail-using-kmail SYSTEM "using-kmail.docbook">
  <!ENTITY kmail-configure SYSTEM "configure.docbook">
  <!ENTITY kmail-menus SYSTEM "menus.docbook">
  <!ENTITY kmail-faq SYSTEM "faq.docbook">
  <!ENTITY kmail-importing SYSTEM "importing.docbook">
  <!ENTITY kmail-credits-and-licenses SYSTEM "credits-and-licenses.docbook">
  <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
  <!ENTITY % French "INCLUDE" 
> <!-- change language only here -->
<book lang="&language;">
>Manuel de &kmail;</title>

 <!-- Note:
* please do not mix up the formatting more than necessary so that
  "cvs diff" makes usefull output
* no short forms
* use <warning
> instead of <caution>
$Id: index.docbook 191613 2002-12-02 13:40:39Z bischoff $

<!-- TODO:
* guisubmenu vs. guititem ??
* more about security?

* Configure KMail: "page" or "tab", but no mix of both!
* add section for drag'n'drop?
* "Using other mailbox..." -> sounds strange?

* use better markup instead of 'quote'?
* fix my adverb vs. adjective mistakes

* coherent wording for section / tab / ...
* <menuchoice
>xxx , or is <guimenu
>xxx enough?
* <guiicon
> vs. <guibutton>
* spelling:  popup vs pop up, frontend vs front end

* message vs. mail vs. email -> using "message" everywhere
* window vs. dialog: a dialog is modal, a window is not (I think)

* in KMail: kmail vs. KMail

> <firstname
> <surname
> <affiliation
> <email
> </address
> </author>

> <firstname
> <surname
> <affiliation
> <email
> </address
> </author>

&traducteurJoelleCornavin; &traducteurGerardDelafond; &traducteurLudovicGrossard; &traducteurPierre-EmmanuelMuller; &traducteurLaurentRathle;  



>David Rugge</holder>

>&kmail; est un client de courrier électronique puissant et convivial pour &kde;.</para>


>courrier électronique</keyword>


<appendix id="installation">

<sect1 id="getting-kmail">
>Comment obtenir &kmail;</title>



<sect1 id="compilation">
>Compilation et installation</title>



<sect1 id="installation-authors">
>Auteurs de la section</title>

>Cette section a été écrite par&nbsp;: Daniel Naber <email
> et David Rugge <email

>Traduction française par &JoelleCornavin;, &GerardDelafond;, &LudovicGrossard;, &Pierre-EmmanuelMuller; et &LaurentRathle;.</para>



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mode: sgml

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