

distrib > Mandriva > 2009.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 43ed067ef12dc23f248aedf5d56e3391 > files > 3


                      dbmusicglobals.h  -  description
                  begin                : Wed Dec 19 2001
                  copyright            : (C) 2001 by Will DeRousse
                  email                :

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

 * This file is the central location for all includes, global structs and variables,
 * and for processing the compiling environment.
 * Put includes in this file instead of individual headers to maintain consistency.
 * @short Central location for includes and global decs.
 * @author Will DeRousse <>


	#include "../config.h"

using namespace std;

// low level server codes
#define	DB_EMPTY_QUERY		-199
#define	DB_FATAL_ERROR		-198
#define	DB_UNKNOWN_ERROR	-197
#define	DB_NULL_QUERY		-196
#define	DB_CONNECTION_BAD	-195
#define DB_BAD_RESPONSE 	-194
#define DB_NONFATAL_ERROR 	-193
#define	DB_TUPLES_OK		97
#define	DB_COMMAND_OK		98
#define EVERYTHING_OK 		99

#define ARTIST_ADD_FAIL		-192
#define ARTIST_GET_FAIL		-190
#define ARTIST_SUM_FAIL		-189
#define TITLE_ADD_FAIL		-187
#define TITLE_DELETE_FAIL	-186
#define TITLE_GET_FAIL		-185
#define TITLE_SUM_FAIL		-184
#define TITLE_UPDATE_FAIL	-183
#define TRACK_ADD_FAIL		-182
#define TRACK_DELETE_FAIL	-181
#define TRACK_GET_FAIL		-180
#define TRACK_SUM_FAIL		-179
#define TRACK_UPDATE_FAIL	-178
#define CATEGORY_ADD_FAIL	-177
#define CATEGORY_GET_FAIL	-175
#define CATEGORY_SUM_FAIL	-174
#define LYRIC_UPDATE_FAIL	-171
#define LYRIC_GET_FAIL		-170
#define FILE_OPEN_FAIL 		-169
#define VACUUM_FAIL		-168
#define TABLE_FORMAT_FAIL	-167
#define NO_MEMORY		-166
#define NO_TUPLES		-165
#define WORK_FAIL		-164
#define VERSION_GET_FAIL	-163

 * Default values
#define DATA_BASE "dbmusic.dump"
#define DB_VERSION "0.97"

#define KBOXSET 0
#define KFORMAT 1
#define KGENRE 2
#define KLABEL 3
#define KMETHOD 4
#define KTYPE 5
#define KBTE 6

#define REPORT_ALL 21
#define REPORT_YES 22
#define REPORT_NO 23
#define ASC 41
#define DES 42

#define ARTIST 30
#define TITLE 31
#define TRACK 32
#define LYRIC 33

#define REPORT_TBYA 61
#define REPORT_TBYT 62
#define REPORT_BTE 66
#define REPORT_STATS 67
#define REPORT_CUSTOM 71

 *SUSE 7.2 fix (maybe others who knows)

 *  Library Includes
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qfont.h>

 * Global struct prototypes

 * @short Struct for holding artist information.
 * @param aid AID
 * @param notes Artist Specific Notes
 * @param first First title/year of conception
 * @param last Demise/Last Release
 * @param homepage Homepage
 * @param name Name Of Artist
 * @param follow Do you still collect the artist?
struct artistInfo {
	QString aid,notes,first,last,homepage,name;
	bool follow;

 * @short Struct for holding category information.
 * @param name Name Of Category
 * @param xid Category ID
 * @param ctype Category Type
struct categoryInfo {
	QString name, xid;
	int ctype;

 * @short Struct for holding color information of type QString in form #RRGGBB.
 * @param artist Artists/artist information
 * @param background Background Color
 * @param misc   Headers, misc "other"/"leftover" useage. May be expanded upon in the future
 * @param title  Titles/title information
 * @param totals Totals, sums, etc
 * @param track  Tracks/track information
 * @param text  Text Color
struct colorInfo {
	QString artist, background, misc, title, totals, track, text;

 * @short Struct for holding database connection information.
 * @param db_name Name of the database
 * @param db_location Web Address/IP
 * @param db_passwd Password for user (blank if none)
 * @param db_port Port database is receiving connections on
 * @param db_user Username used to connect to db (if blank then what you are logged in as)
 * @param pg_version The version of the PostgreSQL server (if set)
struct dbInfo {
	QString db_name, db_location, db_passwd, db_port, db_user;
	QString pg_version;

 * @short Struct to hold which artist columns to display in a QListView.
 * @param name Name
 * @param first Conception
 * @param last Demise
 * @param follow Artist followed or not
 * @param homepage Homepage
 * @param notes Notes
 * @param aid Artist ID
struct enabledArtistColumns {
	bool name,first,last,follow,homepage,notes,aid;

 * @short Struct to hold which categories columns to display in a QListView.
 * @param name Name
 * @param xid Category ID
struct enabledCategoryColumns {
	bool name,xid;

 * @short Struct to hold which title columns to display in a QListView.
 * @param name Name Of Title
 * @param collected Title collected or not
 * @param length Length Of Title
 * @param nod Number Of Media
 * @param notracks Number Of Tracks
 * @param fid Format
 * @param gid Genre
 * @param lid Label
 * @param mid Method
 * @param tid Type
 * @param yearstart Year Start
 * @param yearend Year End
 * @param rating Rating of the music
 * @param quality Quality Of Recording
 * @param notes Title Notes
 * @param code Extra field (indexing, etc)
 * @param loan On loan or not
 * @param cdid Title ID
struct enabledTitleColumns {
	bool name,collected,length,nod,notracks,fid,gid,lid,mid,tid,yearstart,yearend,rating,quality,notes,code,loan,cdid;

 * @short Struct to hold which track columns to display in a QListView.
 * @param num Track Number
 * @param name Name Of Track
 * @param length Length Of Track
 * @param lyric Track Lyrics
 * @param side Release side (1,2 or a,b)
 * @param notes Track Notes
 * @param trackid Track ID
struct enabledTrackColumns {
	bool num,name,length,lyric,side,notes,trackid;

 * @short Struct for holding report options. Used when generating reports custom tailored to the users selection.
 * @param date_range_enabled Used to set if the report will be restricted by a date range
 * @param limit_enabled Used to set if the report will be restricted by a limited amount of results
 * @param sort_time If sort by number is enabled
 * @param report_type All, Collected, or Not Collected
 * @param sort_order Ascending or Descending
 * @param end End year (inclusive) for date range
 * @param start Start year (inclusive) for date range
 * @param charset Locale Charset
 * @param limit Limit Report to n values
 * @param rfont Report Font
struct reportInfo {
	bool date_range_enabled, sort_time, limit_enabled;
	int report_type, sort_order;
	QString end, start, charset, limit;
	QFont rfont;

 * @short Struct for holding supported report options. Can be used in report dialogs for enabling/disabling widgets.
 * @param orderby Ascending/Descending support
 * @param collect Collect, Not Collected, All
 * @param range A Date Range (i.e. 1980-1989)
 * @param font Font Changing
 * @param color Color Changing
 * @param limit LIMIT Setting
struct reportProvides {
	bool orderby, collect, range, font, color, limit;

 * @short Struct for holding title information.
 * @param name Name Of Title
 * @param cdid DB CDID Index
 * @param yearstart Yearstart
 * @param yearend Yearend
 * @param nod Number Of Media
 * @param notracks Number Of Tracks
 * @param length Length Of Title
 * @param notes Title Specific Notes
 * @param picpath Path to the pic
 * @param collected Is this title in your collection?
 * @param rating How much do you like the release?
 * @param quality How good is the recording?
 * @param code For storing title code, cuecat, or any other information
 * @param loan If you have loaned out the title or not
 * @param cat List of 6 categoryInfo structs to hold boxset, format, genre, label, method, type.
struct titleInfo {
	QString name,cdid,yearstart,yearend,nod,notracks,length,notes,picpath,rating,quality,code;
	categoryInfo cat[6];
	bool collected, loan;

 * @short Struct for holding track information.
 * @param trackid Track ID
 * @param name Track Name
 * @param length Track Length (xx:xx:xx)
 * @param lyric Track Lyrics
 * @param side Side that track is on
 * @param notes Track Notes
struct trackInfo {
	QString trackid,name,length,lyric,side,notes;
