

distrib > Mandriva > 2009.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > 951641bc55afad53ff789d9883b5577e > files > 1


<IfDefine HAVE_FTP>
    <IfModule !mod_ftp.c>
	LoadModule ftp_module		extramodules/

<IfModule mod_ftp.c>

# Sample configuration file for the FTP protocol module.

# Define the formats for the command log and transfer log
<IfModule mod_log_config.c>
# The command log has the format "user [x.x.x.x] command"
# For example: "anonymous [] CWD /incoming"
LogFormat    "%u [%a] %r" command_log_fmt

# The transfer log
LogFormat    "%{%b %e %H:%M:%S %Y}t %T %a %B %U %M %F %d %W %u %S %Z %Y" transfer_log_fmt
#             1                     2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13
# What this actually means:
# 1 current time in the form DDD MMM dd hh:mm:ss YYYY
# 2 transfer time in seconds (could do milliseconds, but wu-ftp uses seconds)
# 3 remote host name
# 4 file size in bytes
# 5 name of file
# 6 transfer type (a=ascii b=binary)
# 7 special action flags (concatenated as needed)
#                        C - file was compressed
#                        U - file was uncompressed
#                        T - file was tarred
#                        _ - no action taken
# 8 file was sent to user (o=outgoing i=incoming)
# 9 accessed anonymously (r=real a=anonymous, g=guest)
# 10 username
# 11 service name ('ftp', other)
# 12 authentication method (bitmask) (0=none 1=rfc931 auth)
# 13 authenticated user id (if available, '*' otherwise)

# Basic setup

# Tell Apache which port it should listen to.
Listen @@FTPPort@@ ftp
AcceptFilter ftp none

# On Apache 2.0, comment out the above, and uncomment the line below,
# The Listen's protocol argument and AcceptFilter directive are both
# new to Apache 2.2
#Listen @@FTPPort@@

# Uncomment these lines for SSL support.  Also see
# directives in the VirtualHost context.
# SSLPassPhraseDialog     builtin
# SSLSessionCache         "dbm:@exp_runtimedir@/ssl_scache"
# SSLSessionCache         "shmcb:@exp_runtimedir@/ssl_scache(512000)"
# SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300
# SSLMutex                "file:@exp_runtimedir@/ssl_mutex"

# Setup the FTP virtualhost
<VirtualHost _default_:@@FTPPort@@>

# Setup the ServerAdmin and DocumentRoot
ServerAdmin  root@localhost
DocumentRoot "@exp_ftpdocsdir@"

# Tell Apache we want to serve FTP on this VirtualHost

# Access Control

# For the purposes of logging in, authentication is check within Apache
# on the root of the file system.  This means that if you want to restrict
# logins to the FTP server, you will need to configure Authentication for
# <Directory "@exp_ftpdocsdir@">.  See below for examples.

# File based authentication.
# Must use htpasswd to create the authentication file.
#<Directory "@exp_ftpdocsdir@">
#    AuthType basic
#    AuthUserFile "@exp_sysconfdir@/htpasswd.users"
#    AuthName "FTP Authentication"
#    require valid-user

# Anonymous ftp access.
#<Directory "@exp_ftpdocsdir@">
#    AuthName "Use 'anonymous' and email address for guest entry"
#    AuthType basic
#    Anonymous anonymous guest
#    Anonymous_MustGiveEmail on
#    Anonymous_LogEmail on
#    # More anonymous options that are not necessarily needed.
#    Anonymous_VerifyEmail off
#    Anonymous_NoUserId off
#    Anonymous_Authoritative off
#    # Require that the user is valid
#    require valid-user

# Deny all users from a protected directory.
#<Directory "@exp_ftpdocsdir@/protected">
#    deny from all

# Enabling write commands.
# Only allow write access to /incoming
# <Directory "@exp_ftpdocsdir@">
#         Order deny,allow
#         Deny from all
#     </Limit>
# </Directory>
# <Directory "@exp_ftpdocsdir@/incoming">
#     <LimitExcept MKD RMD STOR DELE RNFR>
#         Order deny,allow
#         Allow from all
#     </LimitExcept>
# </Directory>

# Basic FTP directives

# The FTPUmask directive tells the server what permissions to give a
# file when it is created.  The default is 0022.
# FTPUmask             022

# The FTPTimeoutLogin directive sets the amount of time a user has
# to send a username to the server.  If the username is not sent in
# this amount of time, the user is disconnected.
# FTPTimeoutLogin      120

# The FTPTimeoutIdle directive sets the amount of time allowed between
# commands sent by the client.  If no commands are sent in this amount
# of time, the user is disconnected.
# FTPTimeoutIdle       600

# The FTPTimeoutData directive sets the timeout on data transfers. If
# a no data is sent to the client in this amount of time, the data
# connection is closed.
# FTPTimeoutData       300

# The maximum number of login attempts before the connection is closed.
# FTPMaxLoginAttempts    3

# Logging

# Setup the error_log for this virtualhost.
ErrorLog     "@rel_logfiledir@/ftp_error_log"

# Log the commands of users logged in anonymously.
# SetEnvIf remote_user anonymous do_command_log
# CustomLog "@rel_logfiledir@/ftp_command_log" command_log_fmt env=do_command_log
# Log the command of all users
# CustomLog "@rel_logfiledir@/ftp_command_log" command_log_fmt

# The transfer log.
# CustomLog "@rel_logfiledir@/ftp_transfer_log" transfer_log_fmt env=do_transfer_log

# SSL Support

# Adding SSL support to the FTP module is similar to adding support for
# SSL to the HTTP module.

# SSLEngine on
# SSLCertificateFile "@exp_sysconfdir@/server.crt"
# SSLCertificateKeyFile "@exp_sysconfdir@/server.key"

# Should clients be forced to connect securely?
# FTPImplicitSSL On

