

distrib > Mandriva > 2009.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > b818b6f4a71f6d777a55341c7d17486c > files > 66


   Copyright (C) 1998-2003 T. Scott Dattalo

This file is part of gpsim.

gpsim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

gpsim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with gpsim; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  */

#ifndef __PROCESSOR_H__
#define __PROCESSOR_H__
#include <glib.h>

#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <map>

#include "gpsim_classes.h"
#include "modules.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "registers.h"
#include "gpsim_time.h"
#include "gpsim_interface.h"

class Processor;
class ProcessorConstructor;
class ProgramFileType;
class FileContext;
class FileContextList;
class ProgramMemoryCollection;

/// MemoryAccess - A base class designed to support
/// access to memory. For the PIC, this class is extended by
/// the ProgramMemoryAccess and RegisterMemoryAccess classes.

class MemoryAccess :  public TriggerObject, public gpsimObject

  MemoryAccess(Processor *new_cpu);

  virtual Processor *get_cpu(void);
  virtual void set_cpu(Processor *p);

  list<Register *> SpecialRegisters;


  Processor *cpu;             /// The processor to which this object belongs

/// The ProgramMemoryAccess class is the interface used
/// by objects other than the simulator to manipulate the 
/// pic's program memory. For example, the breakpoint class
/// modifies program memory when break points are set or
/// cleared. The modification goes through here.

class ProgramMemoryAccess :  public MemoryAccess

  /// Symbolic debugging
  enum HLL_MODES {
    ASM_MODE,      // Source came from plain old .asm files
    HLL_MODE       // Source came from a high level language like C or JAL.

  ProgramMemoryAccess(Processor *new_cpu=0);

  virtual void putToAddress(unsigned int addr, instruction *new_instruction);
  virtual void putToIndex(unsigned int uIndex, instruction *new_instruction);
  instruction *getFromAddress(unsigned int addr);
  instruction *getFromIndex(unsigned int uIndex);
  instruction *get_base_instruction(unsigned int addr);
  unsigned int get_opcode(unsigned int addr);
  unsigned int get_rom(unsigned int addr);
  void put_rom(unsigned int addr,unsigned int value);
  char *get_opcode_name(unsigned int addr, char *buffer, unsigned int size);
  virtual unsigned int get_PC(void);
  virtual void set_PC(unsigned int);
  virtual Program_Counter *GetProgramCounter(void);

  void remove(unsigned int address, instruction *bp_instruction);

  void put_opcode(unsigned int addr, unsigned int new_opcode);
  // When a pic is replacing one of it's own instructions, this routine
  // is called.
  void put_opcode_start(unsigned int addr, unsigned int new_opcode);

  // Assign a cross reference object to an instruction 
  void assign_xref(unsigned int address, gpointer cross_reference);

  virtual void callback(void);
  void init(Processor *);
  // Helper functions for querying the program memory

  // hasValid_opcode -- returns true if the opcode at the address is valid
  bool hasValid_opcode_at_address(unsigned int address);
  bool hasValid_opcode_at_index(unsigned int uIndex);

  // step - step one of more instructions
  virtual void step(unsigned int steps, bool refresh=true);
  virtual void step_over(bool refresh=true);

  virtual void run(bool refresh=true);
  virtual void stop(void);
  virtual void finish(void);

  // isModified -- returns true if the program at the address has been modified 
  // (this is only valid for those processor capable of writing to their own
  // program memory)
  bool isModified(unsigned int address);

  // Given a file and a line in that file, find the instrucion in the
  // processor's memory that's closest to it.
  virtual int  find_closest_address_to_line(int file_id, int src_line);
  virtual int  find_address_from_line(FileContext *fc, int src_line);
  //virtual int  find_closest_address_to_hll_line(int file_id, int src_line);

  // Given an address to an instruction, find the source line that 
  // created it:

  unsigned int get_src_line(unsigned int address);

  // Return the file ID of the source program responsible for the opcode at address.
  unsigned int get_file_id(unsigned int address);

  // A couple of functions for manipulating  breakpoints
  virtual unsigned int  set_break_at_address(unsigned int address);
  virtual unsigned int  set_notify_at_address(unsigned int address,
					      TriggerObject *cb);
  virtual unsigned int  set_profile_start_at_address(unsigned int address,
					    TriggerObject *cb);
  virtual unsigned int  set_profile_stop_at_address(unsigned int address,
					   TriggerObject *cb);
  virtual int clear_break_at_address(unsigned int address,
				     enum instruction::INSTRUCTION_TYPES type);
  virtual int clear_break_at_address(unsigned int address,
    instruction * pInstruction);
  virtual int clear_notify_at_address(unsigned int address);
  virtual int clear_profile_start_at_address(unsigned int address);
  virtual int clear_profile_stop_at_address(unsigned int address);
  virtual int address_has_break(unsigned int address,
				enum instruction::INSTRUCTION_TYPES type=instruction::BREAKPOINT_INSTRUCTION);
  virtual int address_has_notify(unsigned int address);
  virtual int address_has_profile_start(unsigned int address);
  virtual int address_has_profile_stop(unsigned int address);
  virtual instruction *find_instruction(unsigned int address,
					enum instruction::INSTRUCTION_TYPES type);
  virtual void toggle_break_at_address(unsigned int address);
  virtual void set_break_at_line(unsigned int file_id, unsigned int src_line);
  virtual void clear_break_at_line(unsigned int file_id, 
				   unsigned int src_line);
  virtual void toggle_break_at_line(unsigned int file_id, 
				    unsigned int src_line);

  void set_hll_mode(unsigned int);
  enum HLL_MODES get_hll_mode(void) { return hll_mode;}
  bool isHLLmode(void) {return get_hll_mode() == HLL_MODE;}

  ProgramMemoryCollection *m_pRomCollection;
  unsigned int

  enum HLL_MODES hll_mode;

  // breakpoint instruction pointer. This is used by get_base_instruction().
  // If an instruction has a breakpoint set on it, then get_base_instruction
  // will return a pointer to the instruction and will initialize bpi to
  // the breakpoint instruction that has replaced the one in the processor's
  // program memory.
  Breakpoint_Instruction *bpi;


/// The RegisterMemoryAccess class is the interface used
/// by objects other than the simulator to manipulate the 
/// cpu's register memory.

class RegisterMemoryAccess : public MemoryAccess
  RegisterMemoryAccess(Processor *new_cpu=0);
  virtual ~RegisterMemoryAccess();
  virtual Register *get_register(unsigned int address);
  unsigned int get_size(void) { return nRegisters; }
  void set_Registers(Register **_registers, int _nRegisters);

  // The insertRegister and removeRegister methods are used primarily
  // to set and clear breakpoints.
  bool insertRegister(int address, Register *);
  bool removeRegister(int address, Register *);
  bool hasBreak(unsigned int address);

  Register &operator [] (unsigned int address);

  unsigned int nRegisters;
  bool initialized;
  Register **registers;       // Pointer to the array of registers.


/// FileContext - Maintain state information about files.
/// The state of each source file for a processor is recorded in the 
/// FileContext class. Clients can query information like the name
/// of the source file or the line number responsible for generating
/// a specific instruction.

class FileContext
  string name_str;           // File name
  FILE   *fptr;              // File ptr when the file is opened
  vector<int> *line_seek;    // A vector of file offsets to the start of lines
  vector<int> *pm_address;   // A vector of program memory addresses for lines 
  unsigned int m_uiMaxLine;  // number of lines in the file

  friend class FileContextList;
  bool m_bIsList;          // True if this is a list file.

  void setListId(bool b)
    m_bIsList = b; 
  // cache -- deprecated - this was used with the old gui source browser
  typedef vector<gpsimObject*> Cache;
  Cache m_cache;

  FileContext(string &new_name);
  FileContext(const char *new_name);

  void ReadSource();
  char *ReadLine(unsigned int line_number, char *buf, unsigned int nBytes);
  char *gets(char *buf, unsigned int nBytes);
  void rewind(void);
  void open(const char *mode);
  void close();
  bool IsOpen() { return fptr != NULL; }
  bool IsList() { return m_bIsList; }

  /// get_address - given a line number, return the program memory address
  int get_address(unsigned int line);
  /// put_address - associate a line number with a program memory address.
  void put_address(unsigned int line, unsigned int address);

  string &name(void)
    return name_str;
  unsigned int max_line();


// FileContextList - a vector of FileContext objects.
class FileContextList : private vector<FileContext>
#ifndef _MSC_VER
  typedef vector<FileContext> _Myt;


  int Add(string& new_name);
  int Add(const char *new_name);

  int Find(string &fname);

  FileContext *operator [] (int file_number);

  void list_id(int new_list_id);
  int list_id()
    return list_file_id;

  int nsrc_files(void) 
    return (int) size();

  char *ReadLine(int file_id, int line_number, char *buf, int nBytes);
  char *gets(int file_id, char *buf, int nBytes);
  void rewind(int file_id);
  void SetSourcePath(const char *pPath);

  string sSourcePath;
  int lastFile;
  int list_file_id;

/// Processor - a generic base class for processors supported by gpsim

class Processor : public Module
  typedef bool (*LPFNISPROGRAMFILE)(const char *, FILE *);

  /// Load the source code for this processor. The pProcessorName
  /// is an optional name that a user can assign to the processor.
  virtual bool LoadProgramFile(const char *hex_file, 
			       FILE *pFile, 
			       const char *pProcessorName) = 0;
  /// The source files for this processor.
  FileContextList files;

  /// Oscillator cycles for 1 instruction
  unsigned int clocks_per_inst;

  /// Supply voltage
  double Vdd;

  /// Processor capabilities
  unsigned long m_Capabilities;
  enum {
    eSTACK                  = 0x00000001,
    eWATCHDOGTIMER          = 0x00000002,
    eBREAKONSTACKOVER       = 0x00000004,
    eBREAKONSTACKUNDER      = 0x00000009,
    eBREAKONWATCHDOGTIMER   = 0x00000010,
  unsigned long GetCapabilities();

  /// Processor RAM

  Register **registers;
  RegisterCollection *m_UiAccessOfRegisters; // should this be in rma class?

  /// Currently selected RAM bank
  Register **register_bank;

  /// Program memory - where instructions are stored.

  instruction   **program_memory;

  /// Program memory interface
  ProgramMemoryAccess  *pma;
  virtual ProgramMemoryAccess * createProgramMemoryAccess(Processor *processor);
  virtual void                  destroyProgramMemoryAccess(ProgramMemoryAccess *pma);
  virtual instruction *         ConstructInvalidInstruction(Processor *processor,
    unsigned int address, unsigned int new_opcode) {
      return new invalid_instruction(processor,address,new_opcode); }
  /// register memory interface
  RegisterMemoryAccess rma;

  /// eeprom memory interface (if present).
  RegisterMemoryAccess ema;
  unsigned int m_uPageMask;
  unsigned int m_uAddrMask;

  /// Program Counter
  Program_Counter *pc;

  /// Context debugging is a way of debugging the processor while it is
  /// in different states. For example, when the interrupt flag is set
  /// (for those processors that support interrupts), the processor is
  /// in a different 'state' then when the interrupt flag is cleared.

  list<ProgramMemoryAccess *> pma_context;

  /// Tracing
  /// The readTT and writeTT are TraceType objects for tracing
  /// register reads and writes.
  /// The mTrace map is a collection of special trace types that
  /// share the same trace function code. For example, interrupts
  /// and resets are special trace events that don't warrant thier
  /// own trace function code.
  TraceType *readTT, *writeTT;
  map <unsigned int, TraceType *> mTrace;

  virtual void set(const char *cP,int len=0);
  virtual void get(char *, int len);

  // Creation and manipulation of registers

  void create_invalid_registers (void);
  void add_file_registers(unsigned int start_address, 
			  unsigned int end_address, 
			  unsigned int alias_offset);
  void delete_file_registers(unsigned int start_address, 
			     unsigned int end_address);
  void alias_file_registers(unsigned int start_address, 
			    unsigned int end_address, 
			    unsigned int alias_offset);
  virtual int  map_rm_address2index(int address) {return address;};
  virtual int  map_rm_index2address(int index) {return index;};
  virtual void init_register_memory(unsigned int memory_size);
  virtual unsigned int register_memory_size () const = 0;
  virtual unsigned int CalcJumpAbsoluteAddress(unsigned int uInstAddr,
    unsigned int uDestAddr) { return uDestAddr; }
  virtual unsigned int CalcCallAbsoluteAddress(unsigned int uInstAddr,
    unsigned int uDestAddr) { return uDestAddr; }

  // Creation and manipulation of Program Memory

  virtual void init_program_memory(unsigned int memory_size);
  virtual void init_program_memory(unsigned int address, unsigned int value);
  virtual void init_program_memory_at_index(unsigned int address,
    unsigned int value);
  virtual void init_program_memory_at_index(unsigned int address, 
					    const unsigned char *, int nBytes);
  virtual unsigned int program_memory_size(void) const {return 0;};
  virtual unsigned int get_program_memory_at_address(unsigned int address);
  void build_program_memory(unsigned int *memory,
			    unsigned int minaddr, 
			    unsigned int maxaddr);

  virtual int  map_pm_address2index(int address) {return address;};
  virtual int  map_pm_index2address(int index) {return index;};
  virtual void set_out_of_range_pm(unsigned int address, unsigned int value);
  guint64 cycles_used(unsigned int address);
  virtual bool         IsAddressInRange(unsigned int address) {
    return address < program_memory_size();

  // opcode_size - number of bytes for an opcode.
  virtual int opcode_size() { return 2;}

  // Symbolic debugging
  // First the source files:

  void attach_src_line(unsigned int address,
		       unsigned int file_id,
		       unsigned int sline,
		       unsigned int lst_line);
  void read_src_files(void);

  virtual void dump_registers(void);
  virtual instruction * disasm ( unsigned int address,unsigned int inst)=0;

  virtual void initializeAttributes();
  // Processor State 
  // copy the entire processor state to a file
  virtual void save_state(FILE *);
  // take an internal snap shot of the current state.
  virtual void save_state();

  // restore the processor state
  virtual void load_state(FILE *);

  // Execution control

  virtual void run(bool refresh=true);
  virtual void run_to_address(unsigned int destination);
  virtual void finish(void);

  virtual void sleep(void) {};
  virtual void step(unsigned int steps,bool refresh=true);
  virtual void step_over(bool refresh=true);
  virtual void step_one(bool refresh=true) = 0;
  virtual void interrupt(void) = 0 ;

  // Simulation modes

  /// setWarnMode - when true, gpsim will issue warnings whenever
  /// suspicious is occuring.
  virtual void setWarnMode(bool);
  virtual bool getWarnMode() { return bWarnMode; }

  /// setSafeMode - when true, model will model the 'official'
  /// behavior of the chip. When false, the simulator behaves the same
  /// as the hardware.
  virtual void setSafeMode(bool);
  virtual bool getSafeMode() { return bSafeMode; }

  /// setUnknownMode - when true, gpsim will implement three-state logic
  /// for data. When false, unkown data are treated as zeros. 
  virtual void setUnknownMode(bool);
  virtual bool getUnknownMode() { return bUnknownMode; }

  /// setBreakOnReset - when true, gpsim will implement three-state logic
  /// for data. When false, unkown data are treated as zeros. 
  virtual void setBreakOnReset(bool);
  virtual bool getBreakOnReset() { return bBreakOnReset; }

  bool getBreakOnInvalidRegisterRead() { return *m_pbBreakOnInvalidRegisterRead; }
  bool getBreakOnInvalidRegisterWrite() { return *m_pbBreakOnInvalidRegisterWrite; }

  /// Notification of breakpoint set
  virtual void NotifyBreakpointSet(Breakpoints::BreakStatus &bs, TriggerObject *bpo) { }
  virtual void NotifyBreakpointCleared(Breakpoints::BreakStatus &bs, TriggerObject *bpo) { }

  // Tracing control

  virtual void trace_dump(int type, int amount);
  virtual int trace_dump1(int type, char *buffer, int bufsize);
  virtual RegisterValue getWriteTT(unsigned int addr);
  virtual RegisterValue getReadTT(unsigned int addr);

  // Processor Clock control

  void set_frequency(double f);
  virtual double get_frequency();

  void set_ClockCycles_per_Instruction(unsigned int cpi) 
  { clocks_per_inst = cpi; }
  unsigned int get_ClockCycles_per_Instruction(void) 
    return clocks_per_inst;

  virtual double get_OSCperiod();

  virtual double get_InstPeriod()
    return get_OSCperiod() * get_ClockCycles_per_Instruction();

  virtual void disassemble (signed int start_address, 
			    signed int end_address);
  virtual void list(unsigned int file_id, 
		    unsigned int pcval, 
		    int start_line, 
		    int end_line);

  // Configuration control

  virtual bool set_config_word(unsigned int address, unsigned int cfg_word)
    {return false;} // fixme - make this a pure virtual function...
  virtual unsigned int get_config_word(unsigned int address) = 0;
  virtual unsigned int config_word_address(void) {return 0;}

  // Processor reset
  virtual void reset(RESET_TYPE r) {};
  virtual void por(void) = 0;            // por = Power On Reset

  virtual double get_Vdd() { return Vdd; }
  virtual void set_Vdd(double v) { Vdd = v; }

  // Debugging - used to view the state of the processor (or whatever).

  virtual void Debug();

  // FIXME -- create -- a way of constructing a processor (why not use constructors?)

  virtual void create(void);
  static Processor *construct(void);
  ProcessorConstructor  *m_pConstructorObject;

  Processor(const char *_name=0, const char *desc=0);
  virtual ~Processor();


  Float *mFrequency;

  // Simulation modes
  bool bSafeMode;
  bool bWarnMode;
  bool bUnknownMode;
  bool bBreakOnReset;
  Boolean *m_pbBreakOnInvalidRegisterRead;
  Boolean *m_pbBreakOnInvalidRegisterWrite;

// ProcessorConstructor -- a class to handle all of gpsim's supported
// processors
// gpsim supports dozens of processors. All of these processors are
// grouped together in the ProcessConstructor class. Within the class
// is a static STL list<> object that holds an instance of a
// ProcessorConstructor for each gpsim supported processor. Whenever
// the user selects a processor to simulate, the find() member 
// function will search through the list and find the one that matches
// the user supplied ASCII string.
// Why have this class?
// The idea behind this class is that a ProcessorConstructor object 
// can be instantiated for each processor and that instantiation will
// place the object into list of processors. Prior to gpsim-0.21, a
// giant array held the list of all available processors. However,
// there were two problems with this: it was painful to look at and
// it precluded processors that were defined outside of the gpsim
// core library.

class ProcessorConstructorList;

class ProcessorConstructor

  typedef Processor * (*tCpuContructor) (const char *_name);

  // A pointer to a function that when called will construct a processor
  tCpuContructor cpu_constructor;

  virtual Processor * ConstructProcessor(const char *opt_name=0);

  // The processor name (plus upto three aliases).
  #define nProcessorNames 4
  const char *names[nProcessorNames];

  // contructor -- 
       tCpuContructor    _cpu_constructor,
			 const char *name1, 
			 const char *name2, 
			 const char *name3=0,
			 const char *name4=0);

  static ProcessorConstructorList * processor_list;
  static ProcessorConstructorList * GetList();


// THE list of all of gpsim's processors:
class ProcessorConstructorList : public list <ProcessorConstructor *> {
  ProcessorConstructorList() {}
  static ProcessorConstructor * findByType(const char *type);
  static string DisplayString(void);
  static ProcessorConstructorList *GetList();
  static ProcessorConstructorList *processor_list;


// Global definitions:

#if defined(IN_MODULE) && defined(_WIN32)
// we are in a module: don't access active_cpu object directly!
LIBGPSIM_EXPORT Processor * get_active_cpu(void);
// we are in gpsim: use of get_active_cpu() and set_active_cpu() is recommended,
// even if active_cpu object can be accessed directly.
extern Processor *active_cpu;

inline Processor *get_active_cpu(void)
  return active_cpu;

inline void set_active_cpu(Processor *act_cpu)
  active_cpu = act_cpu;
