

distrib > Mandriva > 2009.0 > i586 > by-pkgid > b83cbb31638b0f9b70e0dd9a04697145 > files > 1


    <IfModule !mod_security.c>
	LoadModule security_module    extramodules/

<IfModule mod_security.c>

    # Basic configuration options

    # SecAuditEngine - On, Off or RelevantOnly to determine the level of audit logging
    SecRuleEngine On

    # SecRequestBodyAccess - On or Off
    SecRequestBodyAccess On

    # SecResponseBodyAccess - On or Off
    SecResponseBodyAccess Off

    # Handling of file uploads
    # TODO Choose a folder private to Apache.
    # SecUploadDir /opt/apache-frontend/tmp/
    SecUploadKeepFiles Off

    # Debug log
    # SecDebugLog - path to the debug log file
    SecDebugLog logs/modsec_debug.log

    # SecDebugLogLevel - debug log level, which controls the  verbosity of 
    # logging. Use values from 0 (no logging) to 9 (a *lot* of logging).
    SecDebugLogLevel 0

    # Serial audit log
    SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly

    # SecAuditLogRelevantStatus - regular expression that will be used to 
    # determine if the response status is relevant for audit logging
    SecAuditLogRelevantStatus ^5

    # SecAuditLogStorageDir - path to the audit log storage area; absolute, 
    # or relative to the root of the server

    # SecAuditLogParts - list of audit log parts that go into the log.
    SecAuditLogParts ABIFHZ

    # SecAuditLogType - whether to use the old audit log format (Serial) or new (Concurrent)
    SecAuditLogType Serial

    # SecAuditLog - The filename of the audit log file
    SecAuditLog logs/modsec_audit.log

    # SecRequestBodyLimit - maximum request body size ModSecurity is 
    # allowed to access.
    SecRequestBodyLimit 131072

    # SecRequestBodyInMemoryLimit - maximum request body size that will 
    # be placed in memory (except for POST urlencoded requests).
    # Store up to 128 KB in memory
    SecRequestBodyInMemoryLimit 131072

    # Buffer response bodies of up to
    # 512 KB in length
    SecResponseBodyLimit 524288

    # SecAction - 

    # SecArgumentSeparator - character that will be used as separator when
    # parsing application/x-www-form-urlencoded content.

    # SecChrootDir - Path of the directory to which server will be chrooted

    # SecCookieFormat - version of the Cookie specification to use for
    # parsing. Possible values are 0 and 1.

    # SecDataDir - 

    # SecDefaultAction - 

    # SecDefaultTransformation - 

    # SecGuardianLog - The filename of the filter debugging log file

    # SecResponseBodyMimeType - adds given MIME types to the list of types
    # that will be buffered on output

    # SecResponseBodyMimeTypesClear - clears the list of MIME types that will
    # be buffered on output

    # SecRule - 

    # SecRuleEngine - On or Off

    # SecRuleInheritance - On or Off

    # SecRuleRemoveById - 

    # SecRuleRemoveByMsg - 

    # SecServerSignature - The new signature of the server

    # SecTmpDir - 

    # SecWebAppId - 

    # include the core rules..., beware!
    #Include conf/modsecurity/*.conf
    #Include conf/modsecurity/base_rules/*.conf
    #Include conf/modsecurity/optional_rules/*.conf
