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INTERNET-DRAFT                                      Kurt D. Zeilenga
Intended Category: Standard Track                   OpenLDAP Foundation
Expires in six months                               18 July 2005
Obsoletes: RFC 2252, RFC 2256, RFC 2587

           Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) schema
                    definitions for X.509 Certificates

Status of this Memo

  This document is intended to be, after appropriate review and
  revision, submitted to the RFC Editor as an Standard Track document.
  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.  Technical discussion of this
  document will take place on the IETF LDAP Extensions mailing list
  <>.  Please send editorial comments directly to the
  author <>.

  This document is intended to be published in conjunction to the
  revised LDAP TS [Roadmap].  Together, this document and the revised
  LDAP TS obsoletes RFC 2252 and RFC 2256 in their entirety.

  By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any
  applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware have
  been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes aware
  will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.

  Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task
  Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other
  groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts.

  Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
  and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
  time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material
  or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

  The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

  The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

  Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).  All Rights Reserved.

  Please see the Full Copyright section near the end of this document

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  for more information.


  This document describes schema for representing X.509 certificates,
  X.521 security information, and related elements in directories
  accessible using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
  The LDAP definitions for these X.509 and X.521 schema elements
  replaces those provided in RFC 2252 and RFC 2256.

1. Background and Intended Use

  This document provides LDAP [Roadmap] schema definitions [Models] for
  a subset of elements specified in X.509 [X.509] and X.521 [X.521],
  including attribute types for certificates, cross certificate pairs,
  and certificate revocation lists; matching rules to be used with these
  attribute types; and related object classes.  LDAP syntax definitions
  are also provided for associated assertion and attribute values.

  As the semantics of these elements are as defined in X.509 and X.521,
  knowledge of X.509 and X.521 is necessary to make use of the LDAP
  schema definitions provided herein.

  This document, together with [Roadmap], obsoletes RFC 2252 and RFC
  2256 in their entirety.  The changes (in this document) made since RFC
  2252 and RFC 2256 include:
    - addition of pkiUser, pkiCA, and deltaCRL classes;
    - update of attribute types to include equality matching rules in
      accordance with their X.500 specifications;
    - addition of certificate, certificate pair, certificate list, and
      algorithm identifer matching rules; and
    - addition of LDAP syntax for assertion syntaxes for these matching

  This document obsoletes RFC 2587.  The X.509 schema descriptions for
  LDAPv2 [RFC1777] are Historic, as is LDAPv2 [RFC3494].

  The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
  document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119].

  Schema definitions are provided using LDAP description formats
  [Models].  Definitions provided here are formatted (line wrapped) for

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2. Syntaxes

  This section describes various syntaxes used in LDAP to transfer
  certificates and related data types.

2.1. Certificate

     ( DESC 'X.509 Certificate' )

  A value of this syntax is an X.509 Certificate [X.509, clause 7].

  Due to changes made to the definition of a Certificate made through
  time, no LDAP-specific encoding is defined for this syntax.  Values of
  this syntax SHOULD be encoded using Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)
  [X.690] and MUST only be transferred using the ;binary transfer option
  [Binary].  That is, by requesting and returning values using attribute
  descriptions such as "userCertificate;binary".

  As values of this syntax contain digitally-signed data, values of this
  syntax, and the form of the value, MUST be preserved as presented.

2.2. CertificateList

       ( DESC 'X.509 Certificate List' )

  A value of this syntax is an X.509 CertificateList [X.509, clause

  Due to changes made to the definition of a CertificateList made
  through time, no LDAP-specific encoding is defined for this syntax.
  Values of this syntax SHOULD be encoded using DER [X.690] and MUST
  only be transferred using the ;binary transfer option [Binary].  That
  is, by requesting and returning values using attribute descriptions
  such as "certificateRevocationList;binary".

  As values of this syntax contain digitally-signed data, values of this
  syntax, and the form of the value, MUST be preserved as presented.

2.3. CertificatePair

       ( DESC 'X.509 Certificate Pair' )

  A value of this syntax is an X.509 CertificatePair [X.509, clause

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  Due to changes made to the definition of an X.509 CertificatePair made
  through time, no LDAP-specific encoding is defined for this syntax.
  Values of this syntax SHOULD be encoded using DER [X.690] and MUST
  only be transferred using the ;binary transfer option [Binary].  That
  is, by requesting and returning values using attribute descriptions
  such as "crossCertificatePair;binary".

  As values of this syntax contain digitally-signed data, values of this
  syntax, and the form of the value, MUST be preserved as presented.

2.4 SupportedAlgorithm

            DESC 'X.509 Supported Algorithm' )

  A value of this syntax is an X.509 SupportedAlgorithm [X.509, clause

  Due to changes made to the definition of an X.509 SupportedAlgorithm
  made through time, no LDAP-specific encoding is defined for this
  syntax.  Values of this syntax SHOULD be encoded using DER [X.690] and
  MUST only be transferred using the ;binary transfer option [Binary].
  That is, by requesting and returning values using attribute
  descriptions such as "supportedAlgorithms;binary".

  As values of this syntax contain digitally-signed data, values of this
  syntax, and the form of the value, MUST be preserved as presented.

2.5. CertificateExactAssertion

       ( IANA-ASSIGNED-OID.1 DESC 'X.509 Certificate Exact Assertion' )

  A value of this syntax is an X.509 CertificateExactAssertion [X.509,
  clause 11.3.1].  Values of this syntax MUST be encoded using the
  Generic String Encoding Rules (GSER) [RFC3641].  Appendix A.1 provides
  an equivalent Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) [ABNF] grammar for
  this syntax.

2.6. CertificateAssertion

       ( IANA-ASSIGNED-OID.2 DESC 'X.509 Certificate Assertion' )

  A value of this syntax is an X.509 CertificateAssertion [X.509, clause
  11.3.2].  Values of this syntax MUST be encoded using GSER [RFC3641].
  Appendix A.2 provides an equivalent ABNF [ABNF] grammar for this

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2.7. CertificatePairExactAssertion

            DESC 'X.509 Certificate Pair Exact Assertion' )

  A value of this syntax is an X.509 CertificatePairExactAssertion
  [X.509, clause 11.3.3].  Values of this syntax MUST be encoded using
  GSER [RFC3641].  Appendix A.3 provides an equivalent ABNF [ABNF]
  grammar for this syntax.

2.8. CertificatePairAssertion

       ( IANA-ASSIGNED-OID.4 DESC 'X.509 Certificate Pair Assertion' )

  A value of this syntax is an X.509 CertificatePairAssertion [X.509,
  clause 11.3.4].  Values of this syntax MUST be encoded using GSER
  [RFC3641].  Appendix A.4 provides an equivalent ABNF [ABNF] grammar
  for this syntax.

2.9. CertificateListExactAssertion

            DESC 'X.509 Certificate List Exact Assertion' )

  A value of this syntax is an X.509 CertificateListExactAssertion
  [X.509, clause 11.3.5].  Values of this syntax MUST be encoded using
  GSER [RFC3641].  Appendix A.5 provides an equivalent ABNF grammar for
  this syntax.

2.10. CertificateListAssertion

       ( IANA-ASSIGNED-OID.6 DESC 'X.509 Certificate List Assertion' )

  A value of this syntax is an X.509 CertificateListAssertion [X.509,
  clause 11.3.6].  Values of this syntax MUST be encoded using GSER
  [RFC3641].  Appendix A.6 provides an equivalent ABNF [ABNF] grammar
  for this syntax.

2.11 AlgorithmIdentifier

       ( IANA-ASSIGNED-OID.7 DESC 'X.509 Algorithm Identifier' )

  A value of this syntax is an X.509 AlgorithmIdentifier [X.509, Clause
  7].  Values of this syntax MUST be encoded using GSER [RFC3641].

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  Appendix A.7 provides an equivalent ABNF [ABNF] grammar for this

3. Matching Rules

  This section introduces a set of certificate and related matching
  rules for use in LDAP.  These rules are intended to act in accordance
  with their X.500 counterparts.

3.1. certificateExactMatch

  The certificateExactMatch matching rule compares the presented
  certificate exact assertion value with an attribute value of the
  certificate syntax as described in clause 11.3.1 of [X.509].

       ( NAME 'certificateExactMatch'
            DESC 'X.509 Certificate Exact Match'

3.2. certificateMatch

  The certificateMatch matching rule compares the presented certificate
  assertion value with an attribute value of the certificate syntax as
  described in clause 11.3.2 of [X.509].

       ( NAME 'certificateMatch'
            DESC 'X.509 Certificate Match'

3.3. certificatePairExactMatch

  The certificatePairExactMatch matching rule compares the presented
  certificate pair exact assertion value with an attribute value of the
  certificate pair syntax as described in clause 11.3.3 of [X.509].

       ( NAME 'certificatePairExactMatch'
            DESC 'X.509 Certificate Pair Exact Match'

3.4. certificatePairMatch

  The certificatePairMatch matching rule compares the presented
  certificate pair assertion value with an attribute value of the

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  certificate pair syntax as described in clause 11.3.4 of [X.509].

       ( NAME 'certificatePairMatch'
            DESC 'X.509 Certificate Pair Match'

3.5. certificateListExactMatch

  The certificateListExactMatch matching rule compares the presented
  certificate list exact assertion value with an attribute value of the
  certificate pair syntax as described in clause 11.3.5 of [X.509].

       ( NAME 'certificateListExactMatch'
            DESC 'X.509 Certificate List Exact Match'

3.6. certificateListMatch

  The certificateListMatch matching rule compares the presented
  certificate list assertion value with an attribute value of the
  certificate pair syntax as described in clause 11.3.6 of [X.509].

       ( NAME 'certificateListMatch'
            DESC 'X.509 Certificate List Match'

3.7. algorithmIdentifierMatch

  The algorithmIdentifierMatch mating rule compares a presented
  algorithm identifier with an attribute value of supported algorithm as
  described in clause 11.3.7 of [X.509].

       ( NAME 'algorithmIdentifier'
            DESC 'X.509 Algorithm Identifier Match'

4. Attribute Types

  This section details a set of certificate and related attribute types
  for use in LDAP.

4.1. userCertificate

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  The userCertificate attribute holds the X.509 certificates issued to
  the user by one or more certificate authorities, as discussed in
  clause 11.2.1 of [X.509].

       ( NAME 'userCertificate'
            DESC 'X.509 user certificate'
            EQUALITY certificateExactMatch
            SYNTAX )

  As required by this attribute type's syntax, values of this attribute
  are requested and transferred using the attribute description

4.2. cACertificate

  The cACertificate attribute holds the X.509 certificates issued to the
  certificate authority (CA), as discussed in clause 11.2.2 of [X.509].

       ( NAME 'cACertificate'
            DESC 'X.509 CA certificate'
            EQUALITY certificateExactMatch
            SYNTAX )

  As required by this attribute type's syntax, values of this attribute
  are requested and transferred using the attribute description

4.3. crossCertificatePair

  The crossCertificatePair attribute holds an X.509 certificate pair, as
  discussed in clause 11.2.3 of [X.509].

       ( NAME 'crossCertificatePair'
            DESC 'X.509 cross certificate pair'
            EQUALITY certificatePairExactMatch
            SYNTAX )

  As required by this attribute type's syntax, values of this attribute
  are requested and transferred using the attribute description

4.4. certificateRevocationList

  The certificateRevocationList attribute holds certificate lists, as
  discussed in 11.2.4 of [X.509].

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       ( NAME 'certificateRevocationList'
            DESC 'X.509 certificate revocation list'
            EQUALITY certificateListExactMatch
            SYNTAX )

  As required by this attribute type's syntax, values of this attribute
  are requested and transferred using the attribute description

4.5. authorityRevocationList

  The authorityRevocationList attribute holds certificate lists, as
  discussed in 11.2.5 of [X.509].

       ( NAME 'authorityRevocationList'
            DESC 'X.509 authority revocation list'
            EQUALITY certificateListExactMatch
            SYNTAX )

  As required by this attribute type's syntax, values of this attribute
  are requested and transferred using the attribute description

4.6. deltaRevocationList

  The deltaRevocationList attribute holds certificate lists, as
  discussed in 11.2.6 of [X.509].

       ( NAME 'deltaRevocationList'
            DESC 'X.509 delta revocation list'
            EQUALITY certificateListExactMatch
            SYNTAX )

  As required by this attribute type's syntax, values of this attribute
  MUST be requested and transferred using the attribute description

4.7. supportedAlgorithms

  The supportedAlgorithms attribute holds supported algorithms, as
  discussed in 11.2.7 of [X.509].

       ( NAME 'supportedAlgorithms'
            DESC 'X.509 supported algorithms'
            EQUALITY algorithmIdentifierMatch

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            SYNTAX )

  As required by this attribute type's syntax, values of this attribute
  MUST be requested and transferred using the attribute description

5. Object Classes

  This section details a set of certificate-related object classes for
  use in LDAP.

5.1. pkiUser

  This object class is used in augment entries for objects that may be
  subject to certificates, as defined in clause 11.1.1 of [X.509].

       ( NAME 'pkiUser'
            DESC 'X.509 PKI User'
            SUP top AUXILIARY
            MAY userCertificate )

5.2. pkiCA

  This object class is used to augment entries for objects which act as
  certificate authorities, as defined in clause 11.1.2 of [X.509]

       ( NAME 'pkiCA'
            DESC 'X.509 PKI Certificate Authority'
            SUP top AUXILIARY
            MAY ( cACertificate $ certificateRevocationList $
                 authorityRevocationList $ crossCertificatePair ) )

5.3. cRLDistributionPoint

  This class is used to represent objects which act as CRL distribution
  points, as discussed in clause 11.1.3 of [X.509].

       ( NAME 'cRLDistributionPoint'
            DESC 'X.509 CRL distribution point'
            SUP top STRUCTURAL
            MUST cn
            MAY ( certificateRevocationList $
                 authorityRevocationList $ deltaRevocationList ) )

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5.4 deltaCRL

  The deltaCRL object class is used to augment entries to hold delta
  revocation lists, as discussed in clause 11.1.4 of [X.509].

       ( NAME 'deltaCRL'
            DESC 'X.509 delta CRL'
            SUP top AUXILIARY
            MAY deltaRevocationList )

5.5. strongAuthenticationUser

  This object class is used to augment entries for objects participating
  in certificate-based authentication, as defined in clause 6.15 of
  [X.521].  This object class is deprecated in favor of pkiUser.

       ( NAME 'strongAuthenticationUser'
            DESC 'X.521 strong authentication user'
            SUP top AUXILIARY
            MUST userCertificate )

5.6. userSecurityInformation

  This object class is used to augment entries with needed additional
  associated security information, as defined in clause 6.16 of [X.521].

       ( NAME 'userSecurityInformation'
            DESC 'X.521 user security information'
            SUP top AUXILIARY
            MAY ( supportedAlgorithms ) )

5.7. certificationAuthority

  This object class is used to augment entries for objects which act as
  certificate authorities, as defined in clause 6.17 of [X.521].  This
  object class is deprecated in favor of pkiCA.

       ( NAME 'certificationAuthority'
            DESC 'X.509 certificate authority'
            SUP top AUXILIARY
            MUST ( authorityRevocationList $
                 certificateRevocationList $ cACertificate )
            MAY crossCertificatePair )

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5.8. certificationAuthority-V2

  This object class is used to augment entries for objects which act as
  certificate authorities, as defined in clause 6.18 of [X.521].  This
  object class is deprecated in favor of pkiCA.

       ( NAME 'certificationAuthority-V2'
            DESC 'X.509 certificate authority, version 2'
            SUP certificationAuthority AUXILIARY
            MAY deltaRevocationList )

6. Security Considerations

  General certificate considerations [RFC3280] apply to LDAP-aware
  certificate applications.  General LDAP security considerations
  [Roadmap] apply as well.

  While elements of certificate information are commonly signed, these
  signatures only protect the integrity of the signed information.  In
  the absence of a data integrity protections in LDAP (or lower layer,
  e.g. IPsec), a server is not assured that client certificate request
  (or other request) was unaltered in transit.  Likewise, a client
  cannot be assured that the results of the query were unaltered in
  transit.  Hence, it is generally recommended implementations make use
  of authentication and data integrity services in LDAP

7. IANA Considerations

7.1. Object Identifier Registration

  It is requested that IANA register upon Standards Action an LDAP
  Object Identifier for use in this technical specification.

      Subject: Request for LDAP OID Registration
      Person & email address to contact for further information:
          Kurt Zeilenga <>
      Specification: RFC XXXX
      Author/Change Controller: IESG
          Identifies the LDAP X.509 Certificate schema elements
           introduced in this document.

7.2. Registration of the descriptor

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  It is requested that IANA update upon Standards Action the LDAP
  Descriptor registry as indicated below.

      Subject: Request for LDAP Descriptor Registration
      Descriptor (short name): see table
      Object Identifier: see table
      Person & email address to contact for further information:
          Kurt Zeilenga <>
      Usage: see table
      Specification: RFC XXXX
      Author/Change Controller: IESG

      algorithmIdentifierMatch     R
      authorityRevocationList      A *
      cACertificate                A *
      cRLDistributionPoint         O *
      certificateExactMatch        R
      certificateListExactMatch    R
      certificateListMatch         R
      certificateMatch             R
      certificatePairExactMatch    R
      certificatePairMatch         R
      certificateRevocationList    A *
      certificationAuthority       O *
      certificationAuthority-V2    O *
      crossCertificatePair         A *
      deltaCRL                     O *
      deltaRevocationList          A *
      pkiCA                        O *
      pkiUser                      O *
      strongAuthenticationUser     O *
      supportedAlgorithms          A *
      userCertificate              A *
      userSecurityInformation      O *

      * Updates previous registration

8. Acknowledgments

  This document is based upon X.509, a product of the ITU-T.  A number
  of LDAP schema definitions were based on those found in RFC 2252 and
  RFC 2256, both products of the IETF ASID WG.  The ABNF productions in
  Appendix A were provided by Steven Legg.  Additional material was
  borrowed from prior works by David Chadwick and Steven Legg to refine
  the LDAP X.509 schema.

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9. Author's Address

  Kurt D. Zeilenga
  OpenLDAP Foundation


10. References

  [[Note to the RFC Editor: please replace the citation tags used in
  referencing Internet-Drafts with tags of the form RFCnnnn where

10.1. Normative References

  [RFC2119]     Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
                Requirement Levels", BCP 14 (also RFC 2119), March 1997.

  [RFC3641]     Legg, S., "Generic String Encoding Rules for ASN.1
                Types", RFC 3641, October 2003.

  [Roadmap]     Zeilenga, K. (editor), "LDAP: Technical Specification
                Road Map", draft-ietf-ldapbis-roadmap-xx.txt, a work in

  [Models]      Zeilenga, K. (editor), "LDAP: Directory Information
                Models", draft-ietf-ldapbis-models-xx.txt, a work in

  [Binary]      Legg, S., "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP):
                The Binary Encoding Option",
                draft-legg-ldap-binary-xx.txt, a work in progress.

  [X.509]       International Telecommunication Union -
                Telecommunication Standardization Sector, "The
                Directory: Authentication Framework", X.509(2000).

  [X.521]       International Telecommunication Union -
                Telecommunication Standardization Sector, "The
                Directory: Selected Object Classes", X.521(2000).

  [X.680]       International Telecommunication Union -
                Telecommunication Standardization Sector, "Abstract
                Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) - Specification of Basic
                Notation", X.680(2002) (also ISO/IEC 8824-1:2002).

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  [X.690]       International Telecommunication Union -
                Telecommunication Standardization Sector, "Specification
                of ASN.1 encoding rules: Basic Encoding Rules (BER),
                Canonical Encoding Rules (CER), and Distinguished
                Encoding Rules (DER)", X.690(2002) (also ISO/IEC

11.2. Informative References

  [ABNF]        Crocker, D. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
                Specifications: ABNF", draft-crocker-abnf-rfc2234bis, a
                work in progress.

  [AuthMeth]    Harrison, R. (editor), "LDAP: Authentication Methods and
                Connection Level Security Mechanisms",
                draft-ietf-ldapbis-authmeth-xx.txt, a work in progress.

  [Protocol]    Sermersheim, J. (editor), "LDAP: The Protocol",
                draft-ietf-ldapbis-protocol-xx.txt, a work in progress.

  [RFC2156]     Kille, S., "MIXER (Mime Internet X.400 Enhanced Relay):
                Mapping between X.400 and RFC 822/MIME", RFC 2156,
                January 1998.

  [RFC3280]     Housley, R., Polk, W., Ford, W., and D. Solo, "Internet
                X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and
                Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile", RFC 3280,
                April 2002.

  [RFC3383]     Zeilenga, K., "IANA Considerations for LDAP", BCP 64
                (also RFC 3383), September 2002.

  [RFC3642]     Legg, S., "Common Elements of GSER Encodings", RFC 3642,
                October 2003.

  [RFC3687]     Legg, S., "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
                and X.500 Component Matching Rules", RFC 3687, February

  [BCP64bis]    Zeilenga, K., "IANA Considerations for LDAP",
                draft-ietf-ldapbis-bcp64-xx.txt, a work in progress.

Appendix A.

  This appendix is informative.

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  This appendix provides ABNF [ABNF] grammars for GSER-based [RFC3687]
  LDAP-specific encodings specified in this document.  These grammars
  where produced using, and relying on, Common Elements for GSER
  Encodings [RFC3342].

A.1.  CertificateExactAssertion

  CertificateExactAssertion = "{" sp cea-serialNumber ","
       sp cea-issuer sp "}"

  cea-serialNumber = id-serialNumber msp CertificateSerialNumber
  cea-issuer = id-issuer msp Name

  id-serialNumber =
       %x73. ; 'serialNumber'
  id-issuer = %x69. ; 'issuer'

  Name = id-rdnSequence ":" RDNSequence
  id-rdnSequence = %x72.64.6E. ; 'rdnSequence'

  CertificateSerialNumber = INTEGER

A.2.  CertificateAssertion

  CertificateAssertion = "{" [ sp ca-serialNumber ]
       [ sep sp ca-issuer ]
       [ sep sp ca-subjectKeyIdentifier ]
       [ sep sp ca-authorityKeyIdentifier ]
       [ sep sp ca-certificateValid ]
       [ sep sp ca-privateKeyValid ]
       [ sep sp ca-subjectPublicKeyAlgID ]
       [ sep sp ca-keyUsage ]
       [ sep sp ca-subjectAltName ]
       [ sep sp ca-policy ]
       [ sep sp ca-pathToName ]
       [ sep sp ca-subject ]
       [ sep sp ca-nameConstraints ] sp "}"

  ca-serialNumber = id-serialNumber msp CertificateSerialNumber
  ca-issuer = id-issuer msp Name
  ca-subjectKeyIdentifier = id-subjectKeyIdentifier msp
  ca-authorityKeyIdentifier = id-authorityKeyIdentifier msp
  ca-certificateValid = certificateValid msp Time
  ca-privateKeyValid = id-privateKeyValid msp GeneralizedTime

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  ca-subjectPublicKeyAlgID = id-subjectPublicKeyAlgID msp
  ca-keyUsage = id-keyUsage msp KeyUsage
  ca-subjectAltName = id-subjectAltName msp AltNameType
  ca-policy = id-policy msp CertPolicySet
  ca-pathToName = id-pathToName msp Name
  ca-subject = id-subject msp Name
  ca-nameConstraints = id-nameConstraints msp NameConstraintsSyntax

  id-subjectKeyIdentifier =
       ; 'subjectKeyIdentifier'
  id-authorityKeyIdentifier =
       ; 'authorityKeyIdentifier'
  id-certificateValid = %x63.
       ; 'certificateValid'
  id-privateKeyValid = %x70.
       ; 'privateKeyValid'
  id-subjectPublicKeyAlgID  =
       ; 'subjectPublicKeyAlgID'
  id-keyUsage = %x6B. ; 'keyUsage'
  id-subjectAltName = %x73.75.62.6A.
       ; 'subjectAltName'
  id-policy = %x70.6F.6C.69.63.79 ; 'policy'
  id-pathToName = %x70. ; 'pathToName'
  id-subject = %x73.75.62.6A.65.63.74 ; 'subject'
  id-nameConstraints = %x6E.61.6D.65.43.6F.6E.
       ; 'nameConstraints'

  SubjectKeyIdentifier = KeyIdentifier

  KeyIdentifier = OCTET-STRING

  AuthorityKeyIdentifier = "{" [ sp aki-keyIdentifier ]
       [ sep sp aki-authorityCertIssuer ]
       [ sep sp aki-authorityCertSerialNumber ] sp "}"

  aki-keyIdentifier = id-keyIdentifier msp KeyIdentifier
  aki-authorityCertIssuer = id-authorityCertIssuer msp GeneralNames

  GeneralNames = "{" sp GeneralName *( "," sp GeneralName ) sp "}"
  GeneralName  = gn-otherName
       / gn-rfc822Name
       / gn-dNSName
       / gn-x400Address
       / gn-directoryName

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       / gn-ediPartyName
       / gn-uniformResourceIdentifier
       / gn-iPAddress
       / gn-registeredID

  gn-otherName = id-otherName ":" OtherName
  gn-rfc822Name = id-rfc822Name ":" IA5String
  gn-dNSName = id-dNSName ":" IA5String
  gn-x400Address = id-x400Address ":" ORAddress
  gn-directoryName = id-directoryName ":" Name
  gn-ediPartyName = id-ediPartyName ":" EDIPartyName
  gn-iPAddress = id-iPAddress ":" OCTET-STRING
  gn-registeredID = gn-id-registeredID ":" OBJECT-IDENTIFIER

  gn-uniformResourceIdentifier = id-uniformResourceIdentifier
       ":" IA5String

  id-otherName = %x6F. ; 'otherName'
  gn-id-registeredID = %x72.
       ; 'registeredID'

  OtherName = "{" sp on-type-id "," sp on-value sp "}"
  on-type-id = id-type-id msp OBJECT-IDENTIFIER
  on-value = id-value msp Value
       ;; <Value> as defined in Section 8 of [RFC3786]

  id-type-id = %x74. ; 'type-id'
  id-value = %x76.61.6C.75.65 ; 'value'

  ORAddress = dquote *SafeIA5Character dquote
  SafeIA5Character = %x01-21 / %x23-7F / ; ASCII minus dquote
       dquote dquote ; escaped double quote
  dquote = %x22 ; '"' (double quote)

  ;; Note: The <ORAddress> rule encodes the x400Address component
  ;; of a GeneralName as a character string between double quotes.
  ;; The character string is first derived according to Section 4.1
  ;; of [RFC2156], and then any embedded double quotes are escaped
  ;; by being repeated. This resulting string is output between
  ;; double quotes.

  EDIPartyName = "{" [ sp nameAssigner "," ] sp partyName sp "}"
  nameAssigner = id-nameAssigner msp DirectoryString
  partyName = id-partyName msp DirectoryString
  id-nameAssigner = %x6E.61.6D.
       ; 'nameAssigner'
  id-partyName    = %x70. ; 'partyName'

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  aki-authorityCertSerialNumber = id-authorityCertSerialNumber
       msp CertificateSerialNumber

  id-keyIdentifier = %x6B.
       ; 'keyIdentifier'
  id-authorityCertIssuer =
       ; 'authorityCertIssuer'

  id-authorityCertSerialNumber = %x61.
       ; 'authorityCertSerialNumber'

  Time = time-utcTime / time-generalizedTime
  time-utcTime = id-utcTime ":" UTCTime
  time-generalizedTime = id-generalizedTime ":" GeneralizedTime
  id-utcTime = %x75. ; 'utcTime'
  id-generalizedTime = %x67.65.6E.
       ; 'generalizedTime'

  KeyUsage = BIT-STRING / key-usage-bit-list
  key-usage-bit-list = "{" [ sp key-usage *( "," sp key-usage ) ] sp "}"

  ;; Note: The <key-usage-bit-list> rule encodes the one bits in
  ;; a KeyUsage value as a comma separated list of identifiers.

  key-usage = id-digitalSignature
       / id-nonRepudiation
       / id-keyEncipherment
       / id-dataEncipherment
       / id-keyAgreement
       / id-keyCertSign
       / id-cRLSign
       / id-encipherOnly
       / id-decipherOnly

  id-digitalSignature = %x64.
       %x75.72.65 ; 'digitalSignature'
  id-nonRepudiation   = %x6E.6F.6E.
       ; 'nonRepudiation'
  id-keyEncipherment  = %x6B.
       ; 'keyEncipherment'
  id-dataEncipherment = %x64.
       %x74 ; "dataEncipherment'
  id-keyAgreement     = %x6B.
       ; 'keyAgreement'
  id-keyCertSign      = %x6B.
       ; 'keyCertSign'

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  id-cRLSign          = %x63.52.4C. ; "cRLSign"
  id-encipherOnly     = %x65.6E.
       ; 'encipherOnly'
  id-decipherOnly     = %x64.
       ; 'decipherOnly'

  AltNameType = ant-builtinNameForm / ant-otherNameForm

  ant-builtinNameForm = id-builtinNameForm ":" BuiltinNameForm
  ant-otherNameForm = id-otherNameForm ":" OBJECT-IDENTIFIER

  id-builtinNameForm = %x62.75.69.6C.74.69.6E.4E.61.6D.65.46.6F.72.6D
       ; 'builtinNameForm'
  id-otherNameForm   = %x6F.
       ; 'otherNameForm'

  BuiltinNameForm  = id-rfc822Name
       / id-dNSName
       / id-x400Address
       / id-directoryName
       / id-ediPartyName
       / id-uniformResourceIdentifier
       / id-iPAddress
       / id-registeredId

  id-rfc822Name = %x72. ; 'rfc822Name'
  id-dNSName = %x64.4E.53.4E.61.6D.65 ; 'dNSName'
  id-x400Address  = %x78. ; 'x400Address'
  id-directoryName = %x64.
       ; 'directoryName'
  id-ediPartyName  = %x65.
       ; 'ediPartyName'
  id-iPAddress = %x69. ; 'iPAddress'
  id-registeredId = %x72.
       ; 'registeredId'

  id-uniformResourceIdentifier = %x75.6E.69.66.6F.72.6D.
       ; 'uniformResourceIdentifier'

  CertPolicySet = "{" sp CertPolicyId *( "," sp CertPolicyId ) sp "}"

  NameConstraintsSyntax = "{" [ sp ncs-permittedSubtrees ]
       [ sep sp ncs-excludedSubtrees ] sp "}"

  ncs-permittedSubtrees = id-permittedSubtrees msp GeneralSubtrees
  ncs-excludedSubtrees = id-excludedSubtrees  msp GeneralSubtrees

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  id-permittedSubtrees =
       ; 'permittedSubtrees'
  id-excludedSubtrees =
       ; 'excludedSubtrees'

  GeneralSubtrees = "{" sp GeneralSubtree
       *( "," sp GeneralSubtree ) sp "}"
  GeneralSubtree  = "{" sp gs-base
       [ "," sp gs-minimum ]
       [ "," sp gs-maximum ] sp "}"

  gs-base = id-base msp GeneralName
  gs-minimum = id-minimum msp BaseDistance
  gs-maximum = id-maximum msp BaseDistance

  id-base = %x62.61.73.65 ; 'base'
  id-minimum = %x6D.69.6E.69.6D.75.6D ; 'minimum'
  id-maximum = %x6D. ; 'maximum'

  BaseDistance = INTEGER-0-MAX

A.3.  CertificatePairExactAssertion

  CertificatePairExactAssertion = "{" [ sp cpea-issuedTo ]
       [sep sp cpea-issuedBy ] sp "}"
  ;; At least one of <cpea-issuedTo> or <cpea-issuedBy> MUST be present.

  cpea-issuedTo = id-issuedToThisCAAssertion msp
  cpea-issuedBy = id-issuedByThisCAAssertion msp

  id-issuedToThisCAAssertion = %x69.
       %x43. ; 'issuedToThisCAAssertion'
  id-issuedByThisCAAssertion = %x69.
       %x43. ; 'issuedByThisCAAssertion'

A.4.  CertificatePairAssertion

  CertificatePairAssertion = "{" [ sp cpa-issuedTo ]
       [sep sp cpa-issuedBy ] sp "}"
  ;; At least one of <cpa-issuedTo> and <cpa-issuedBy> MUST be present.

  cpa-issuedTo = id-issuedToThisCAAssertion msp CertificateAssertion

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  cpa-issuedBy = id-issuedByThisCAAssertion msp CertificateAssertion

A.5.  CertificateListExactAssertion

  CertificateListExactAssertion = "{" sp clea-issuer ","
       sp clea-thisUpdate
       [ "," sp clea-distributionPoint ] sp "}"

  clea-issuer = id-issuer msp Name
  clea-thisUpdate = id-thisUpdate msp Time
  clea-distributionPoint = id-distributionPoint msp

  id-thisUpdate = %x74. ; 'thisUpdate'
  id-distributionPoint =
       ; 'distributionPoint'

  DistributionPointName = dpn-fullName / dpn-nameRelativeToCRLIssuer

  dpn-fullName = id-fullName ":" GeneralNames
  dpn-nameRelativeToCRLIssuer = id-nameRelativeToCRLIssuer ":"

  id-fullName = %x66.75.6C.6C.4E.61.6D.65 ; 'fullName'
  id-nameRelativeToCRLIssuer = %x6E.61.6D.
       %x54.6F.43.52.4C. ; 'nameRelativeToCRLIssuer'

A.6.  CertificateListAssertion

  CertificateListAssertion = "{" [ sp cla-issuer ]
       [ sep sp cla-minCRLNumber ]
       [ sep sp cla-maxCRLNumber ]
       [ sep sp cla-reasonFlags ]
       [ sep sp cla-dateAndTime ]
       [ sep sp cla-distributionPoint ]
       [ sep sp cla-authorityKeyIdentifier ] sp "}"

  cla-issuer = id-issuer msp Name
  cla-minCRLNumber = id-minCRLNumber msp CRLNumber
  cla-maxCRLNumber = id-maxCRLNumber msp CRLNumber
  cla-reasonFlags = id-reasonFlags msp ReasonFlags
  cla-dateAndTime = id-dateAndTime msp Time

  cla-distributionPoint = id-distributionPoint msp

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  cla-authorityKeyIdentifier = id-authorityKeyIdentifier msp

  id-minCRLNumber = %x6D.69.6E.43.52.4C.4E.75.6D.62.65.72
       ; 'minCRLNumber'
  id-maxCRLNumber = %x6D.
       ; 'maxCRLNumber'
  id-reasonFlags = %x72. ; 'reasonFlags'
  id-dateAndTime = %x64. ; 'dateAndTime'


  ReasonFlags = BIT-STRING
       / "{" [ sp reason-flag *( "," sp reason-flag ) ] sp "}"

  reason-flag = id-unused
       / id-keyCompromise
       / id-cACompromise
       / id-affiliationChanged
       / id-superseded
       / id-cessationOfOperation
       / id-certificateHold
       / id-privilegeWithdrawn
       / id-aACompromise

  id-unused = %x75.6E. ; 'unused'
  id-keyCompromise = %x6B.
       ; 'keyCompromise'
  id-cACompromise = %x63.41.43.6F.6D.70.72.6F.6D.69.73.65
       ; 'cACompromise'
  id-affiliationChanged =
       ; 'affiliationChanged'
  id-superseded = %x73. ; 'superseded'
  id-cessationOfOperation =
       ; 'cessationOfOperation'
  id-certificateHold = %x63.
       ; 'certificateHold'
  id-privilegeWithdrawn =
       ; 'privilegeWithdrawn'
  id-aACompromise = %x61.41.43.6F.6D.70.72.6F.6D.69.73.65
       ; 'aACompromise'

A.7.  AlgorithmIdentifier

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  AlgorithmIdentifier = "{" sp ai-algorithm
       [ "," sp ai-parameters ] sp "}"

  ai-algorithm = id-algorithm msp OBJECT-IDENTIFIER
  ai-parameters = id-parameters msp Value
  id-algorithm = %x61.6C.67.6F. ; 'algorithm'
  id-parameters = %x70. ; 'parameters'

Intellectual Property Rights

  The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
  Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
  pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
  this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
  might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
  made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information
  on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be found
  in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

  Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
  assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
  attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
  such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this specification
  can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at

  The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
  copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
  rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
  this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at

Full Copyright

  Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).

  This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
  contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
  retain all their rights.

  This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

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