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  <title>Star Delegate Example</title>
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<h1 align="center">Star Delegate Example<br /><small></small></h1>
<p>The Star Delegate example shows how to create a delegate that can paint itself and that supports edition.</p>
<p align="center"><img src="images/jambistardelegate.png" alt="The Star Delegate Example" /></p><p>When displaying data in a <a href="gui/QListView.html"><tt>QListView</tt></a>, <a href="gui/QTableView.html"><tt>QTableView</tt></a>, or <a href="gui/QTreeView.html"><tt>QTreeView</tt></a>, the individual items are drawn by a <a href="model-view-delegate.html">delegate</tt></a>. Also, when the user starts editing an item (e.g&#x2e;, by double-clicking the item), the delegate provides an editor widget that is placed on top of the item while editing takes place.</p>
<p>Delegates are subclasses of <a href="gui/QAbstractItemDelegate.html"><tt>QAbstractItemDelegate</tt></a>. Qt Jambi provides <a href="gui/QItemDelegate.html"><tt>QItemDelegate</tt></a>, which inherits <a href="gui/QAbstractItemDelegate.html"><tt>QAbstractItemDelegate</tt></a> and handles the most common data types (notably <tt>Integer</tt> and String). If we need to support custom data types, or want to customize the rendering or the editing for existing data types, we can subclass <a href="gui/QAbstractItemDelegate.html"><tt>QAbstractItemDelegate</tt></a> or <a href="gui/QItemDelegate.html"><tt>QItemDelegate</tt></a>. See <a href="model-view-delegate.html">Delegate Classes</tt></a> for more information about delegates, and <a href="model-view-programming.html">Model/View Programming</tt></a> if you need a high-level introduction to Qt Jambi's model/view architecture (including delegates).</p>
<p>In this example, we will see how to implement a custom delegate to render and edit a &quot;star rating&quot; data type, which can stores values such as &quot;1 out of 5 stars&quot;.</p>
<p>The example consists of the following classes:</p>
<li><tt>StarRating</tt> is the custom data type. It stores a rating expressed as stars, such as &quot;2 out of 5 stars&quot; or &quot;5 out of 6 stars&quot;.</li>
<li><tt>StarDelegate</tt> inherits <a href="gui/QItemDelegate.html"><tt>QItemDelegate</tt></a> and provides support for <tt>StarRating</tt> (in addition to the data types already handled by <a href="gui/QItemDelegate.html"><tt>QItemDelegate</tt></a>).</li>
<li><tt>StarEditor</tt> inherits <a href="gui/QWidget.html"><tt>QWidget</tt></a> and is used by <tt>StarDelegate</tt> to let the user edit a star rating using the mouse.</li>
<li><tt>StarWindow</tt> fills a <a href="gui/QTableWidget.html"><tt>QTableWidget</tt></a> with some data and installs the delegate on it.</li>
<a name="stardelegate-class-implementation"></a>
<h2>StarDelegate Class Implementation</h2>
<p>The StarDelegate consists of public functions reimplemented from <a href="gui/QItemDelegate.html"><tt>QItemDelegate</tt></a> to provide custom rendering and editing.</p>
<p>We provide the class with a constructor that takes a <a href="gui/QWidget.html"><tt>QWidget</tt></a>, which we use for instantiating the superclass. The native Qt code demands that all objects that inherit <a href="core/QObject.html"><tt>QObject</tt></a> has a parent; otherwise the program will fail.</p>
<p>The paint() function is reimplemented from <a href="gui/QItemDelegate.html"><tt>QItemDelegate</tt></a> and is called whenever the view needs to repaint an item:</p>
<pre>            public void paint(QPainter painter, QStyleOptionViewItem option, QModelIndex index)
                Object data =;

                if (data != null &amp;&amp; data instanceof StarRating) {
                    if (option.state().isSet(QStyle.StateFlag.State_Selected)) {
                        painter.fillRect(option.rect(), option.palette().highlight());
                    ((StarRating) data).paint(painter, option.rect(), option.palette(),
                } else
                    super.paint(painter, option, index);
<p>The function is invoked once for each item, represented by a QModelIndex object from the model. If the data stored in the item is a <tt>StarRating</tt>, we paint it ourselves; otherwise, we let <a href="gui/QItemDelegate.html"><tt>QItemDelegate</tt></a> paint it for us. This ensures that the <tt>StarDelegate</tt> can handle the most common data types.</p>
<p>In the case where the item is a <tt>StarRating</tt>, we draw the background if the item is selected, and we draw the item using <tt>StarRating.paint()</tt>, which we will review later.</p>
<p>Any kind of Object can be stored in a model, but when the item delegate encounters items it does not know how to paint, it will leave the view for that item empty.</p>
<p>The createEditor() function is called when the user starts editing an item:</p>
<pre>            public QWidget createEditor(QWidget parent, QStyleOptionViewItem item,
                                        QModelIndex index)
                Object data =;

                if (data instanceof StarRating)
                    return new StarEditor(parent, (StarRating) data);
                    return super.createEditor(parent, item, index);
<p>If the item is a <tt>StarRating</tt>, we create a <tt>StarEditor</tt>. The editor must have the <tt>parent</tt>; if not, it would be displayed as a top-level window.</p>
<p>The setEditorData() function is called when an editor is created to initialize it with data from the model:</p>
<pre>            public void setEditorData(QWidget editor, QModelIndex index)
                Object data =;

                if (data instanceof StarRating)
                    ((StarEditor) editor).setStarRating((StarRating) data);
                    super.setEditorData(editor, index);
<p>We simply call <tt>setStarRating()</tt> on the editor.</p>
<p>The setModelData() function is called when editing is finished, to commit data from the editor to the model:</p>
<pre>            public void setModelData(QWidget editor, QAbstractItemModel model,
                                     QModelIndex index)
                if ( instanceof StarRating)
                    model.setData(index, ((StarEditor) editor).starRating());
                    super.setModelData(editor, model, index);
<p>The editing is finished when the user clicks on the editor. Since we propagate the mouse click event (i.e&#x2e;, do not accept it), the view will close the editor for us when it receives the <a href="gui/QMouseEvent.html"><tt>QMouseEvent</tt></a>.</p>
<p>The <tt>sizeHint()</tt> function returns an item's preferred size:</p>
<pre>            public QSize sizeHint(QStyleOptionViewItem option, QModelIndex index)
                Object data =;

                if (data instanceof StarRating)
                    return ((StarRating) data).sizeHint();
                    return super.sizeHint(option, index);
<p>We simply forward the call to <tt>StarRating</tt>.</p>
<a name="stareditor-class-implementation"></a>
<h2>StarEditor Class Implementation</h2>
<p>The <tt>StarEditor</tt> is used by <tt>StarDelegate</tt> to edit items. The user edits a <tt>StarRating</tt> by moving the mouse over the editor. When the editing is finished the value of the star rating can be retrieved with <tt>getRating()</tt>.</p>
<p>The protected functions are reimplemented from <a href="gui/QWidget.html"><tt>QWidget</tt></a> to handle mouse and paint events. The private function <tt>starAtPosition()</tt> is a helper function that returns the number of the star under the mouse pointer.</p>
<p>Let's start with the constructor:</p>
<pre>            public StarEditor(QWidget parent, StarRating rating)

                starRating = rating;
<p>We enable <a href="gui/gui/QWidget.html#setMouseTracking(boolean)">mouse tracking</tt></a> on the widget so we can follow the cursor even when the user doesn't hold down any mouse button. We also turn on <a href="gui/QWidget.html"><tt>QWidget</tt></a>'s <a href="gui/gui/QWidget.html#autoFillBackground()">auto-fill background</tt></a> feature to obtain an opaque background. (Without the call, the view's background would shine through the editor.)</p>
<p>The <a href="porting4.html#qwidget">paintEvent()</a> function is reimplemented from <a href="gui/QWidget.html"><tt>QWidget</tt></a>:</p>
<pre>            public void paintEvent(QPaintEvent event)
                QPainter painter = new QPainter(this);
                starRating.paint(painter, rect(), palette(), StarRating.ReadWrite);
<p>We simply call <tt>StarRating.paint()</tt> to draw the stars, just like we did when implementing <tt>StarDelegate</tt>.</p>
<pre>            public void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent event)
                int star = starAtPosition(event.x());

                if (star != starRating.getRating() &amp;&amp; star &gt; 0) {
<p>In the mouse event handler, we call <tt>setRating()</tt> on the private data member <tt>starCount</tt> to reflect the current cursor position, and we call <a href="gui/QWidget.html"><tt>QWidget</tt></a>.update() to force a repaint.</p>
<pre>            public int starAtPosition(int x)
                int star = (x / (starRating.sizeHint().width()
                                / starRating.getMaxRating())) + 1;

                if (star &lt;= 0 || star &gt; starRating.getMaxRating())
                    return -1;

                return star;
<p>The <tt>starAtPosition()</tt> function uses basic linear algebra to find out which star is under the cursor.</p>
<a name="starrating-class-implementation"></a>
<h2>StarRating Class Implementation</h2>
<p>The <tt>StarRating</tt> class represents a rating as a number of stars. In addition to holding the data, it is also capable of painting the stars on a <a href="gui/QPaintDevice.html"><tt>QPaintDevice</tt></a>, which in this example is either a view or an editor. The <tt>starCount</tt> member variable stores the current rating, and <tt>maxStarCount</tt> stores the highest possible rating (typically 5). The polygons used for drawing stars and diamonds are set up in a static block.</p>
<p>The constructor initializes <tt>starCount</tt> and <tt>maxStarCount</tt>:</p>
<pre>            public StarRating(int rating, int maxRating)
                maxCount = maxRating;
<p>The <tt>paint()</tt> function paints the stars in this <tt>StarRating</tt> object on a paint device:</p>
<pre>            public void paint(QPainter painter, QRect rect, QPalette palette,
                          int mode)

                painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.RenderHint.Antialiasing, true);

                if (mode == ReadWrite)

                int yOffset = (rect.height() - PaintingFactor) / 2;
                painter.translate(rect.x(), rect.y() + yOffset);
                painter.scale(PaintingFactor, PaintingFactor);

                for (int i = 0; i &lt; maxCount; i++) {
                    if (i &lt; starCount)
                        painter.drawPolygon(starPolygon, Qt.FillRule.WindingFill);
                        painter.drawPolygon(diamondPolygon, Qt.FillRule.WindingFill);

                    painter.translate(1.0, 0.0);

<p>We first set the pen and brush we will use for painting. The <tt>mode</tt> parameter can be either <tt>ReadWrite</tt> or <tt>ReadOnly</tt>. If <tt>mode</tt> is read and write, we use the Highlight</tt> color instead of the Foreground</tt> color to draw the stars.</p>
<p>Then we draw the stars. If we are in <tt>ReadWrite</tt> mode, we paint diamonds in place of stars if the rating is less than the highest rating.</p>
<p>The <tt>sizeHint()</tt> function returns the preferred size for an area to paint the stars on:</p>
<pre>            public QSize sizeHint(QStyleOptionViewItem option, QModelIndex index)
                Object data =;

                if (data instanceof StarRating)
                    return ((StarRating) data).sizeHint();
                    return super.sizeHint(option, index);
<p>The preferred size is just enough to paint the maximum number of stars. The function is called by both <tt>StarDelegate.sizeHint()</tt> and <tt>StarEditor.sizeHint()</tt>.</p>
<a name="starwindow-class-implementation"></a>
<h2>StarWindow Class Implementation</h2>
<p>StarWindow inherits <a href="gui/QWidget.html"><tt>QWidget</tt></a> and displays a table that has a star delegate installed.</p>
<p>The table is set up in the <tt>createTable()</tt> function:</p>
<pre>        public void createTable()
            LinkedList&lt;String&gt; headers = new LinkedList&lt;String&gt;();

            table = new QTableWidget(4, 4);

            table.setItemDelegate(new Delegate(table));

<p>The <tt>createTable()</tt> function creates a <a href="gui/QTableWidget.html"><tt>QTableWidget</tt></a> and sets a <tt>StarDelegate</tt> on it. We set</p>
<pre>        ...
<p>The rest of the function fills the table with data including star ratings. DoubleClicked and SelectedClicked are set as <a href="gui/gui/QAbstractItemView.html#editTriggers()">edit triggers</tt></a>, so that the editor is opened by a single click when the star rating item is selected.</p>
<a name="possible-extensions-and-suggestions"></a>
<h2>Possible Extensions and Suggestions</h2>
<p>There are many ways to customize Qt Jambi's <a href="model-view-programming.html">model/view framework</tt></a>. The approach used in this example is appropriate for most custom delegates and editors. Examples of possibilities not used by the star delegate and star editor are:</p>
<li>It is possible to open editors programmatically by calling <a href="gui/QAbstractItemView.html"><tt>QAbstractItemView</tt></a>.edit(), instead of relying on edit triggers. This could be use to support other edit triggers than those offered by <a href="gui/QAbstractItemView.html"><tt>QAbstractItemView</tt></a>. For example, in the Star Delegate example, hovering over an item with the mouse might make sense as a way to pop up an editor.</li>
<li>By reimplementing <a href="gui/QAbstractItemDelegate.html"><tt>QAbstractItemDelegate</tt></a>.editorEvent(), it is possible to implement the editor directly in the delegate, instead of creating a separate <a href="gui/QWidget.html"><tt>QWidget</tt></a> subclass.</li>
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