

distrib > Mandriva > 2009.1 > i586 > media > main-release-src > by-pkgid > 5f78993f0684d1e54f1118ebe711e3e9 > files > 34


%if %{mdkversion} > 1000
%define __libtoolize /bin/true
%define __cputoolize /bin/true

%{?!mkrel:%define mkrel(c:) %{-c: 0.%{-c*}.}%{!?_with_unstable:%(perl -e '$_="%{1}";m/(.\*\\D\+)?(\\d+)$/;$rel=${2}-1;re;print "$1$rel";').%{?subrel:%subrel}%{!?subrel:1}.%{?distversion:%distversion}%{?!distversion:%(echo $[%{mdkversion}/10])}}%{?_with_unstable:%{1}}%{?distsuffix:%distsuffix}%{?!distsuffix:mdk}}

%define official_branding 1

%define build_for_corp3 0

%if %mdkversion == 200910
# Cooker
%define release %mkrel 1
# Old distros
%if %mdkversion == 300
%define build_for_corp3 1
%define release %mkrel 1
%define subrel 1
%define release %mkrel 0

%if %{official_branding}
%define title Mozilla Thunderbird
%define title Mail/News

%define oname thunderbird
%define tbdir %{_libdir}/%{oname}-%{version}
%define tbextdir %{tbdir}-extensions

%define tbextuuid \{847b3a00-7ab1-11d4-8f02-006008948af5\}
%define xpi 0
%ifarch x86_64
%define enigmail_version 0.95.6
%define enigmail_version 0.95.7

%define _provides_exceptions\\|
%define _requires_exceptions\\|

%if %build_for_corp3
%define distversion C30
%define nsprver %(rpm -q --whatprovides nspr-devel)
%define firefoxver %(rpm -q --qf %{VERSION} %{nsprver})
%define cd3includedir /usr/include/mozilla-firefox-%{firefoxver}/nspr/

# FIXME: Bug in nsExtensionManager.js prevents using x86_64 as arch
# FIXME: I tried to modify, but it
# FIXME: complained that I had modified it
%ifarch %{ix86}
%define tbarch x86
%else # ix86
%ifarch x86_64
%if %mdkversion < 200810
%define tbarch amd64
%else # mdkversion
%define tbarch %{_arch}
%endif # mdkversion
%else # x86_64
%define tbarch %{_arch}
%endif # x86_64
%endif # ix86

Name:		mozilla-thunderbird
Release:	%{release}
Epoch:		0
Summary:	Full-featured email, RSS, and newsgroup client
License:	MPL
Group:		Networking/Mail
Source10:       mozilla-thunderbird-mozconfig
Source11:       mozilla-thunderbird-mozconfig-branded
Source12:       mozilla-thunderbird-mandriva-default-prefs.js
# This is a larger icon than in `other-licenses/branding/thunderbird'
Source22:       mozilla-thunderbird-official.png

# Mandriva sources (Source300+)
Source302:      %{name}-icons.tar.bz2
Source303:      mozilla-thunderbird-unofficial.png
# Enigmail 0.95.7 is broken in x86_64 (#44426)

# Build patches
Patch2:         mozilla-firefox-1.0-prdtoa.patch
Patch3:		mozilla-thunderbird-
Patch10:        mozilla-thunderbird-0.7.3-psfonts.patch
Patch11:        mozilla-thunderbird-0.7.3-gnome-uriloader.patch

# customization patches
Patch25:        mozilla-thunderbird-2.0-software-update.patch

# local bugfixes
Patch42:        mozilla-firefox-2.0-uriloader.patch

# Debian patches (Patch200+)
Patch200:       mozilla-thunderbird-gtk-settings.patch
Patch210:       mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail-remove-seamonkey-skin.patch
Patch212:       mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail-ui-content-contents-rdf.patch
Patch213:       mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail-build-package-contents-rdf.patch
Patch215:	mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail-visibility.patch

# Mandriva patches (Patch300+)
Patch300:       mozilla-thunderbird-0.8-progname.patch
Patch301:       mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail-package.patch
Patch302:       mozilla-thunderbird-check-default-mailer.patch
Patch304:       mozilla-thunderbird-run-mozilla.patch
Patch305:	mozilla-thunderbird-2.0b1-x11libs.patch
# Adds support for config file thunderbird.cfg
Patch310:	thunderbird-2.0b2-configfile.patch
# Fix gmail.rdf wrong place
Patch319:	thunderbird-
# Fix movemail.rdf not installing
Patch320:	thunderbird-
# (mrl) Correct place signature.
Patch323:	thunderbird-
# (mrl) Adds mailnews.clobber_list_reply pref which switches "Reply All" to
# "Reply List" functionality if set (From OpenSUSE)
#Patch324:	replytolist.patch
#Patch325:	list-replyto-clobber.patch
# (mrl)
Patch326:	thunderbird-
# (mrl) make pagesize postscript DSC conform (SUSE)
Patch327:	thunderbird-
# (mrl) Fix keyboard shortcuts with russian locale. #38241
Patch328:	mozilla-thunderbird-
# For bug:
Patch329:	mozilla-thunderbird-bug335810.patch
Patch330:	mozilla-thunderbird-hunspell.patch
Patch331:	mozilla-thunderbird-hunspell-visibility.patch
Patch332:	firefox-3.0rc1-glibc28-max_path-fix.patch
Patch333:	thunderbird-
BuildRoot:	%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
%if %mdkversion == 300
BuildRequires: autoconf
BuildRequires:	autoconf2.1
%if !%build_for_corp3
BuildRequires:  cairo-devel
BuildRequires:  gtk2-devel
BuildRequires:  gzip
BuildRequires:  libgnome2-devel
BuildRequires:  libgnomeui2-devel
BuildRequires:  libjpeg-devel
BuildRequires:	libpng-devel
BuildRequires:  nspr-devel
BuildRequires:  nss-devel
%if %{mdkversion} >= 200700
BuildRequires:  nss-static-devel
BuildRequires:  unzip
BuildRequires:  zip
BuildRequires:	zlib-devel
BuildRequires:	libIDL-devel
# Needed by xmlterm (not built) and unused enigmail scripts
#BuildRequires:	tcsh
BuildRequires:	freetype2-devel
%if %{mdkversion} >= 200610
BuildRequires:	xft2-devel
BuildRequires:	libxt-devel
BuildRequires:	libXft2-devel
%if %{mdkversion} >= 200900
BuildRequires:	hunspell-devel
# fixes bug 46107
BuildRequires:	gcc4.2-c++
Requires(post):	desktop-file-utils
Requires(postun): desktop-file-utils
Requires(post):	mktemp
Requires(post): rpm-helper
Requires(postun): rpm-helper
# Integrates thunderbird with xdg-utils.
%if %mdkversion >= 200800
Requires: xdg-utils
%if %{official_branding}
BuildRequires:	imagemagick

%{title} is a full-featured email, RSS and newsgroup client that
makes emailing safer, faster and easier than ever before.


%package devel
Summary:        Development binaries, headers, and IDL files 
Group:          Development/Other
Requires:       %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}

%description devel
This packages contains the development binaries, headers, and IDL
files which are necessary for building extensions.


%package enigmail
Summary:        Access the authentication and encryption features provided by GnuPG
Group:          Networking/Mail
Requires:       %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
Obsoletes:      %{name}-enigmime
Provides:       %{name}-enigmime = %{epoch}:%{version}
Requires:       gnupg
Requires(post): %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
Requires(preun): %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}
Requires(post):	mktemp
Requires(postun): mktemp
# Bug #35180
%if %{mdkversion} >= 200810
Suggests:	pinentry-gtk

%description enigmail
Enigmail is an extension to the mail client of %{title}
which allows users to access the authentication and encryption
features provided by GnuPG.

Main Features

    * Encrypt/sign mail when sending, decrypt/authenticate received
    * Support for inline-PGP (RFC 2440) and PGP/MIME (RFC 3156)
    * Per-Account based encryption and signing defaults
    * Per-Recipient rules for automated key selection, and
      enabling/disabling encryption and signing
    * OpenPGP key management interface


%package -n nsinstall
Summary:        Netscape portable install command
Group:          Development/Other

%description -n nsinstall
Netscape portable install command.


%setup -q -c -n %{name}-%{version}

# Thunderbird itself
%setup -q -T -D -n %{name}-%{version}/mozilla

%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1

%patch10 -p1 -b .psfonts
%patch11 -p1 -b .gnome-uriloader
%patch25 -p1
%patch42 -p1

%patch200 -p1

%patch300 -p1 -b .progname
%patch301 -p1 -b .enigmailpackage
%patch302 -p2 -b .check
%patch304 -p1 -b .run-mozilla

%patch305 -p2 -b .x11libs
%patch310 -p2
%patch319 -p2 -b .gmail
%patch320 -p2 -b .movemail
%patch323 -p0
#%patch324 -p0
#%patch325 -p0
%patch326 -p0
%patch327 -p1
%patch328 -p0
%patch329 -p2 -b .335810
%if %{mdkversion} >= 200900
%patch330 -p2 -b .hunspell
%patch331 -p2 -b .hunspell_visibility
%patch332 -p1 -b .fix_path
%patch333 -p1 -b .fix-libcrmf-lib-order.patch

# Enigmail
%ifarch x86_64
%setup -q -T -D -n %{name}-%{version}/mozilla/extensions -a304
%setup -q -T -D -n %{name}-%{version}/mozilla/extensions -a300
%patch210 -p2 -b .enigmail-remove-seamonkey-skin
%if 0
%patch212 -p2 -b .enigmail-ui-content-contents-rdf
%patch213 -p2 -b .enigmail-build-package-contents-rdf
%if %{mdkversion} > 200810
%patch215 -p2 -b .enigmail-visibility

%if !%{official_branding}
%setup -q -T -D -n %{name}-%{version}/mozilla -a302

%setup -q -T -D -n %{name}-%{version}/mozilla


%{__rm} -f .mozconfig
%{__cp} %{SOURCE10} .mozconfig
%{__perl} -pi -e 's|MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME|%{tbdir}|' .mozconfig
%if %{official_branding}
%{__cat} %{SOURCE11} >> .mozconfig



%if %mdkversion >= 200900
export CC=gcc4.2
export CXX=c++4.2

%if %{mdkversion} <= 1020
%if %build_for_corp3
export CPPFLAGS="-I%{cd3includedir}"
export CFLAGS="-I%{cd3includedir}"
export CPPFLAGS="-I%{_includedir}/cairo"

#(tpg) please see bug #32024
%ifarch x86_64
export ac_cv_visibility_pragma=no

%if %build_for_corp3
%{configure2_5x} --disable-pango --disable-system-cairo

# Fix ABI for thunderbird and enigmail
%{__perl} -pi -e 's|^TARGET_XPCOM_ABI =.*|TARGET_XPCOM_ABI = %{tbarch}-gcc3|' config/
%{__perl} -pi -e 's|^ENIG_XPCOM_ABI =.*|ENIG_XPCOM_ABI = Linux_%{tbarch}-gcc3|' extensions/enigmail/Makefile

# Compress jars
%{__perl} -pi -e 's|\-0|\-9|g' config/



cd extensions/enigmail

for i in `find . -type f -name`; do
    if [ -f $i.bak ]; then
        cp $i.bak $i
        %{__cp} $i $i.bak
    %{__perl} -pi -e 's|^(DEPTH.*= )../|\1|;' $i

./makemake -r
%{make} LOCAL_INCLUDES+="-I\$(DEPTH)/mailnews/mime/src -I\$(DEPTH)/extensions/enigmail/build -I\$(DEPTH)/extensions/enigmail/src -I\$(DEPTH)/extensions/enigmail/ipc/build -I\$(DEPTH)/extensions/enigmail/ipc/src" 

(cd lang
 %{__perl} -pi -e 's|es-AR/|es-ES/|'
 %{make} LOCAL_INCLUDES+="-I\$(DEPTH)/mailnews/mime/src -I\$(DEPTH)/extensions/enigmail/build -I\$(DEPTH)/extensions/enigmail/src -I\$(DEPTH)/extensions/enigmail/ipc/src" 

%{make} xpi

cd ../..


%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}{%{_libdir},%{_bindir},%{_datadir}/applications}
%{__mkdir_p} %buildroot%tbdir

%if %mdkversion >= 200810
rm -f extensions/spellcheck/locales/en-US/myspell/en-US.{dic,aff}
ln -s /usr/share/dict/mozilla %buildroot%tbdir/dictionaries

make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} -j ${NRPROC:-1}

# Compatibility links for now. #29128
ln -s %{_libdir}/%{oname}-%{version} \
ln -s %{_bindir}/%{oname}-config \

%if %{official_branding}
%{__install} -p -D %{SOURCE22} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/pixmaps/%{name}.png
%{__install} -p -D %{SOURCE302} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/pixmaps/%{name}.png

cat << EOF > %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/applications/mandriva-%{name}.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Mail and News Client
%if %mdkversion >= 200800

# set up the thunderbird start script
(cd %{buildroot}%{_bindir} && %{__ln_s} thunderbird %{name})

%{__perl} -pi -e 's|^moz_libdir=.*|moz_libdir=%{tbdir}|' %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/thunderbird
%{__perl} -pi -e 's|^MRE_HOME=.*|MRE_HOME=%{tbdir}|' %{buildroot}/%{_bindir}/thunderbird

# <mrl> 200800 is safe here.
%if %mdkversion >= 200800
# For backwards compatibility with old profiles. Bug #37528
%{__install} -m 755 %{SOURCE31} %{buildroot}/%{tbdir}/
# For new profiles
%define COMMAND /usr/bin/xdg-open
%{__install} -m 755 %{SOURCE30} %{buildroot}/%{tbdir}/
%define COMMAND %{tbdir}/

%{__cat} %{SOURCE12} | %{__perl} -p -e 's,THUNDERBIRD_RPM_VR,%{version}-%{release},g;' \
                                    -e 's,THUNDERBIRD_VENDOR_COMMENT,%{mandriva_release},g;' \
                                    -e 's,COMMAND,%{COMMAND},g' \
  > %{buildroot}/mdv-default-prefs
%{__cp} -a %{buildroot}/mdv-default-prefs %{buildroot}/%{tbdir}/greprefs/all-mandriva.js
%{__cp} -a %{buildroot}/mdv-default-prefs %{buildroot}/%{tbdir}/defaults/pref/all-mandriva.js
%{__rm} -f %{buildroot}/mdv-default-prefs


# icons
%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}{%{_liconsdir},%{_iconsdir},%{_miconsdir}}
%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/{64x64,128x128}/apps
%if %{official_branding}
%{_bindir}/convert %{SOURCE22} -resize 48x48 %{buildroot}%{_liconsdir}/%{name}.png
%{_bindir}/convert %{SOURCE22} -resize 32x32 %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/%{name}.png
%{_bindir}/convert %{SOURCE22} -resize 16x16 %{buildroot}%{_miconsdir}/%{name}.png
%{_bindir}/convert %{SOURCE22} -resize 128x128 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/%{name}.png
%{_bindir}/convert %{SOURCE22} -resize 64x64 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/%{name}.png
%{__install} -m 644 %{name}-48.png %{buildroot}%{_liconsdir}/%{name}.png
%{__install} -m 644 %{name}-32.png %{buildroot}%{_iconsdir}/%{name}.png
%{__install} -m 644 %{name}-16.png %{buildroot}%{_miconsdir}/%{name}.png
# Converting up, but not a big issue now that we have official branding
%{_bindir}/convert %{name}-48.png -resize 128x128 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/%{name}.png
%{_bindir}/convert %{name}-48.png -resize 64x64 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/%{name}.png


#pushd dist
#%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/%{oname}-%{version}
#%{__cp} -aL include/* %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/%{oname}-%{version}
#%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/idl/%{oname}-%{version}
#%{__cp} -aL idl/* %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/idl/%{oname}-%{version}

#pushd dist/sdk
#%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/%{oname}-%{version}
#%{__cp} -aL bin/* %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/%{oname}-%{version}
#%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/%{oname}-%{version}
#%{__cp} -aL include/* %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/%{oname}-%{version}
#%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/idl/%{oname}-%{version}
#%{__cp} -aL idl/* %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/idl/%{oname}-%{version}

%if !%build_for_corp3
%multiarch_binaries %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/%{oname}-config
%multiarch_includes %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/%{oname}-%{version}/mozilla-config.h
%multiarch_includes %{buildroot}%{_includedir}/%{oname}-%{version}/js/jsautocfg.h


%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}%{tbextdir}
%if !%{xpi}
%{__mkdir_p} %{buildroot}%{tbdir}/extensions/%{tbextuuid}
%{_bindir}/unzip dist/bin/enigmail-%{enigmail_version}-linux-*.xpi -d %{buildroot}%{tbdir}/extensions/%{tbextuuid}
%{__chmod} 644 %{buildroot}%{tbdir}/extensions/%{tbextuuid}/chrome.manifest
%{__cp} -aL dist/bin/enigmail-%{enigmail_version}-linux-*.xpi %{buildroot}%{tbextdir}


touch %{buildroot}%{tbdir}/chrome/app-chrome.manifest
%{__chmod} 644 %{buildroot}%{tbdir}/chrome/app-chrome.manifest
touch %{buildroot}%{tbdir}/components/compreg.dat
%{__chmod} 644 %{buildroot}%{tbdir}/components/compreg.dat
touch %{buildroot}%{tbdir}/components/xpti.dat
%{__chmod} 644 %{buildroot}%{tbdir}/components/xpti.dat


# remove files already packaged as system libs
#%{__chmod} 644 %{buildroot}%{tbdir}/defaults/pref/enigmail.js
#%{__chmod} 644 %{buildroot}%{tbdir}/extensions/*/defaults/pref*/enigmail.js
#%{__perl} -pi -e 's|agentPath",""|agentPath","%{_bindir}/gpg"|' %{buildroot}%{tbdir}/extensions/*/defaults/pref*/enigmail.js

%{__cp} -aL dist/bin/nsinstall %{buildroot}%{_bindir}


mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}
cat << EOF > %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/thunderbird.cfg
pref("", "/usr/bin/xdg-open");
pref("", "/usr/bin/xdg-open");
pref("", "/usr/bin/xdg-open");
ln -s %{_sysconfdir}/thunderbird.cfg \


%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}


%if %mdkversion >= 200810
if [ $1 == 2 ]; then
  if [ -d %{tbdir}/dictionaries ]; then
    # Otherelse rpm can't switch this into a symlink :(
    rm -rf %{tbdir}/dictionaries
%endif # 200810

%if %mdkversion > 200600
%{_bindir}/update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications

%create_ghostfile %{tbdir}/chrome/app-chrome.manifest root root 644
%create_ghostfile %{tbdir}/components/compreg.dat root root 644
%create_ghostfile %{tbdir}/components/xpti.dat root root 644

if [ -f %{tbdir}/components/compreg.dat ]; then
    %{__rm} -f %{tbdir}/components/compreg.dat

if [ -f %{tbdir}/components/xpti.dat ]; then
    %{__rm} -f %{tbdir}/components/xpti.dat

%if %build_for_corp3
mktemp="/bin/mktemp -d -q /tmp/%{name}.XXXXXXXXXX"
mktemp="/bin/mktemp -d -q -p /tmp -t %{name}.XXXXXXXXXX"

TMPDIR= TB_TMPDIR=`$mktemp` && {
    HOME="$TB_TMPDIR" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="%{tbdir}" %{tbdir}/thunderbird-bin -nox -register
    test -d "$TB_TMPDIR" && %{__rm} -rf -- "$TB_TMPDIR"

if [ -x %{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache ]; then
 %{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --force --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor

%if %mdkversion > 200600
%{_bindir}/update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications
if [ "$1" = "0" -a -x %{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache ]; then
  %{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --force --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor


%post enigmail
if [ -f %{tbdir}/components/compreg.dat ]; then
    %{__rm} -f %{tbdir}/components/compreg.dat

if [ -f %{tbdir}/components/xpti.dat ]; then
    %{__rm} -f %{tbdir}/components/xpti.dat

%if %build_for_corp3
mktemp="/bin/mktemp -d -q /tmp/%{name}.XXXXXXXXXX"
mktemp="/bin/mktemp -d -q -p /tmp -t %{name}.XXXXXXXXXX"

TMPDIR= TB_TMPDIR=`$mktemp` && {
%if %{xpi}
    HOME="$TB_TMPDIR" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="%{tbdir}" %{tbdir}/thunderbird-bin -nox -install-global-extension %{tbextdir}/enigmail-%{enigmail_version}-linux-*.xpi
    HOME="$TB_TMPDIR" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="%{tbdir}" %{tbdir}/thunderbird-bin -nox -register
    test -d "$TB_TMPDIR" && %{__rm} -rf -- "$TB_TMPDIR"

%preun enigmail
if [ -f %{tbdir}/components/compreg.dat ]; then
    %{__rm} -f %{tbdir}/components/compreg.dat

if [ -f %{tbdir}/components/xpti.dat ]; then
    %{__rm} -f %{tbdir}/components/xpti.dat

if [ -x %{tbdir}/thunderbird-bin ]; then 
%if %build_for_corp3
mktemp="/bin/mktemp -d -q /tmp/%{name}.XXXXXXXXXX"
mktemp="/bin/mktemp -d -q -p /tmp -t %{name}.XXXXXXXXXX"

  TMPDIR= TB_TMPDIR=`$mktemp` && {
  %if %{xpi}
      HOME="$TB_TMPDIR" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="%{tbdir}" %{tbdir}/thunderbird-bin -nox -install-global-extension %{tbextdir}/enigmail-%{enigmail_version}-linux-*.xpi
      HOME="$TB_TMPDIR" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="%{tbdir}" %{tbdir}/thunderbird-bin -nox -register
      test -d "$TB_TMPDIR" && %{__rm} -rf -- "$TB_TMPDIR"


%doc LEGAL
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/mozilla-thunderbird
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/thunderbird
%attr(644,root,root) %{_datadir}/applications/*.desktop
%attr(644,root,root) %{_datadir}/pixmaps/%{name}.png
%ghost %{tbdir}/chrome/app-chrome.manifest
%ghost %{tbdir}/components/compreg.dat
%ghost %{tbdir}/components/xpti.dat
%if %{xpi}
%dir %{tbextdir}
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/thunderbird.cfg
# Mandriva menu
# other icons
# devel
%exclude %{tbdir}/regxpcom
%exclude %{tbdir}/xpidl
%exclude %{tbdir}/xpt_dump
%exclude %{tbdir}/xpt_link
# enigmail
%if !%{xpi}
%exclude %{tbdir}/extensions/%{tbextuuid}
%exclude %{tbdir}/enigmail-%{enigmail_version}-linux-*.xpi
#%exclude %{tbdir}/components/enigmail.js
#%exclude %{tbdir}/components/enigmail.xpt
#%exclude %{tbdir}/components/enigprefs-service.js
#%exclude %{tbdir}/chrome/enigmail.jar
#%exclude %{tbdir}/chrome/enigmail-skin-tbird.jar
#%exclude %{tbdir}/defaults/pref/enigmail.js
#%exclude %{tbdir}/defaults/preferences/enigmail.js
#%exclude %{tbdir}/chrome/enigmail-??-??.jar
# enigmime
#%exclude %{tbdir}/components/enigmime.xpt
#%exclude %{tbdir}/components/ipc.xpt
#%exclude %{tbdir}/components/
#%exclude %{tbdir}/chrome/enigmime.jar

%files devel
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/%{oname}-config
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/%{name}-config
%if !%build_for_corp3
%attr(755,root,root) %{multiarch_bindir}/%{oname}-config
%attr(755,root,root) %{tbdir}/regxpcom
%attr(755,root,root) %{tbdir}/xpidl
%attr(755,root,root) %{tbdir}/xpt_dump
%attr(755,root,root) %{tbdir}/xpt_link

%files enigmail
%if !%{xpi}

%files -n nsinstall


* Thu Mar 19 2009 Funda Wang <> 0:
+ Revision: 357612
- New version

* Sat Mar 14 2009 Gustavo De Nardin <> 0:
+ Revision: 354800
- provide enigmail 0.95.6 for x86_64, instead of 0.95.7, that is what
  upstream gives too; this fixes bug #44426
- build using gcc 4.2 in 2009.0 and newer; fixes bug #46107
- automate subrel definition when building for older distros

* Wed Dec 31 2008 Funda Wang <> 0:
+ Revision: 321666
- fix str fmt
- patch to enigmail Makefile is not needed any more (merged upstream)
- New version
- rediff enigmaiil patch

  + Oden Eriksson <>
    - lowercase ImageMagick

* Thu Nov 20 2008 Funda Wang <> 0:
+ Revision: 304934
- New version

* Mon Sep 29 2008 Funda Wang <> 0:
+ Revision: 289466
- New version of enigmail

* Sat Sep 27 2008 Tiago Salem <> 0:
+ Revision: 288844
- version

* Sat Aug 09 2008 Tiago Salem <> 0:
+ Revision: 269879
- add patch to fix broken build with nss 3.12
- bump release
- fix conditionals to be able to build for the older distros.

* Thu Jul 24 2008 Tiago Salem <> 0:
+ Revision: 247394
- Version fixes:
  MFSA 2008-34  Remote code execution by overflowing CSS reference counter
  MFSA 2008-33 Crash and remote code execution in block reflow
  MFSA 2008-31 Peer-trusted certs can use alt names to spoof
  MFSA 2008-29 Faulty .properties file results in uninitialized memory being used
  MFSA 2008-26 Buffer length checks in MIME processing
  MFSA 2008-25 Arbitrary code execution in mozIJSSubScriptLoader.loadSubScript()
  MFSA 2008-24 Chrome script loading from fastload file
  MFSA 2008-21 Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:
- add patches to fix gcc visibility on hunspell and enigmail
- add patch from firefox to fix max_path

  + Giuseppe Ghibò <>
    - Added Patch329 to fix MOZ#335810.
    - Enable MathML in configure (mozilla-thunderbird-mozconfig).
    - Added hunspell support (Patch330, deb).

* Sun May 04 2008 Funda Wang <> 0:
+ Revision: 200996
- New version
- new enigmail version 0.95.6

  + Tiago Salem <>
    - do not replace /etc/thunderbird.cfg. (#40347)
    - fix for cs3 build (Suggests, BuildRequires and includedirs)

* Wed Mar 05 2008 Tiago Salem <> 0:
+ Revision: 180131
- Disabled replytolist patches. They are making thunderbird crash.

  + Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <>
    - Added patch russian_shortcuts: fixes problems with keyboard shortcuts and
      russian locale. Closes: #38241

* Wed Feb 27 2008 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:
+ Revision: 175817
- New upstrema:
- Removed patch bug30657: already applied upstream.

* Mon Feb 25 2008 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:
+ Revision: 174797
- Disable dict links for mdkversion >= 200810. We are going to symlink entire
  mozilladir/dictionaries instead. Closes: #21370

* Thu Feb 14 2008 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:
+ Revision: 168466
- Fix arch mangling.

* Thu Feb 14 2008 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:
+ Revision: 167773
- Do not tweak x86_64 arch name anymore for mdkversion >= 200810, as it causes
  problems with extensions. Closes: #33103

* Mon Feb 11 2008 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:
+ Revision: 165151
- Added patch bug30657, fixing stale tmp files at $HOME/tmp. Closes: #30657

* Thu Feb 07 2008 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:
+ Revision: 163448
- Pushes soundwrapper back. RealPlayer still needs it, while Flash and Java can
  live with it without problems, as stated on bug #37400.

* Wed Feb 06 2008 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:
+ Revision: 163151
- Do not use soundwrapper anymore. Closes: #37400
- Fix replytolist stuff, as list-replyto-clobber depends on replytolist patch.
- Ship a backward compatible, which will be used by old
  profiles using newer packages. This wrapper will just call xdg-open. Closes: #37528
- Do not touch open-browser for distros older than 2008.0.
- Added patches cups-paper and postscriptdsc, just like our FF package has
- Removed replytolist stuff, in favor of list-replyto-clobber previously
- Use xdg-open for handling http, https and ftp protocols instead of a private
- Added patch list-replyto-clobber: adds mailnews.clobber_list_reply pref which
  switches "Reply All" to "Reply List" functionality if set (from OpenSUSE)

* Mon Jan 14 2008 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:
+ Revision: 151186
- Added suggests to pinentry-gtk to enigmail subpackage. Closes: #36685

  + Olivier Blin <>
    - restore BuildRoot

  + Thierry Vignaud <>
    - kill re-definition of %%buildroot on Pixel's request

* Wed Nov 28 2007 David Walluck <> 0:
+ Revision: 113622

* Fri Nov 23 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:
+ Revision: 111541
- Adds gnome buildreqs and enable support for using gnome-vfs.

* Wed Oct 31 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:
+ Revision: 104235
- Added patch bug273114 as requested by Florin.
  See for details.
- Prepared for replytolist feature. (Off for now, not working yet)

* Fri Sep 14 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:
+ Revision: 85755
- Fix .desktop categories for 2008.0. Closes: #33201

  + Frederic Crozat <>
    - Improve patch321

* Fri Aug 31 2007 Frederic Crozat <> 0:
+ Revision: 77008
- Patch321: fix invalid GTK call with causes crash with GTK+ >= 2.11.0

  + Thierry Vignaud <>
    - kill desktop-file-validate's 'warning: key "Encoding" in group "Desktop Entry" is deprecated'

  + Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <>
    - Adds TB to X-MandrivaLinux-CrossDesktop category.

* Sun Aug 05 2007 Funda Wang <> 0:
+ Revision: 59066
- New version of enigmail 0.95.3

* Thu Aug 02 2007 Funda Wang <> 0:
+ Revision: 57989
- New version

* Wed Aug 01 2007 Tomasz Pawel Gajc <> 0:
+ Revision: 57306
- fix build on x86_64 by exporting visibility option (bug #32024)

  + David Walluck <>
    - x86_64 already has -fPIC
    - add -fPIC to CXXFLAGS on x86_64
    - update enigmail to 0.95.2

  + Funda Wang <>
    - New version

  + Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <>
    - Added movemail patch, fixing movemail.rdf not being installed.

* Wed Jun 20 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:
+ Revision: 41863
- Added patch rss, fixing rss.rdf location. Closes: #31421
- Added patch gmail, fixing gmail.rdf location.
- Added patch g_thread_init, fixing the bug of not calling g_thread_init before
  everything else. May be related with #31282.

* Fri Jun 15 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:
+ Revision: 39998
- Removed patch visibility: not needed anymore.
- New upstream:
- Updated patch uriloader. Using Vincent Danen one.
- Removed patch gpg-agent: my config was broken, and not the system default
  one, so we can keep the auto-detection as-is.

* Mon Apr 23 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:
+ Revision: 17396
- Added patch gpg-agent: avoid auto-detection of gpg-agent, as gpg-agent seems to be run
  automatically but with a strange configuration.
- Commented patch enigmail-no-upgrade, as enigmail seems to not support this anymore.
- Updated enigmail to 0.95.0
- Removed patch enigmail-version: not needed anymore.
- Removed patch dnd-nograb: already applied.
- New upstream:

* Mon Mar 12 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 2.0b2-5mdv2007.1
+ Revision: 142094
- Added support for /etc/thunderbird.cfg
- Integrated with xdg-utils.
- Adds compatibility links due to name change (mozilla-thunderbird ->
  thunderbird). Closes: #29128

* Wed Mar 07 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:2.0b2-5mdv2007.1
+ Revision: 134522
- Added missing BuildRequires for nss-static-devel.
- Rebuild to fix libnss3 issue.

* Thu Feb 15 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:2.0b2-3mdv2007.1
+ Revision: 121381
- Use only startup script provided by upstream. Closes: #28707
- Dropped startup script adopted from Fedora.
  Upstream one seems better at all.
- Bumped release.
- Change devel group to Development/Other. Closes: #28146

* Wed Feb 14 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:2.0b2-2mdv2007.1
+ Revision: 120784
- Added patch dnd-nograb. Closes: #28051

* Fri Feb 09 2007 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:2.0b2-1mdv2007.1
+ Revision: 118428
- More improvements in order to use system's nspr.
- Use system's nspr.
- New upstream: 2.0b2
- Updated enigmail to 0.94.2
- Patched enigmail (patch 306) so it works with TB 2.0b2
- Updated some informations in
- Do not enforce requires on mozilla-nspr and mozilla-nss libraries
- Do not install devel stuff by hand for now: let's use what
  they are installing and see if it works.
- New tarball upstream: 2.0b2
- First 2.0 series commit
- Rediffed patches: software-update, check-default-mailer and default-applications
- Added patch x11libs.

* Wed Dec 20 2006 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner <> 0:
+ Revision: 100459
- New upstream with security fixes.

* Thu Nov 09 2006 Frederic Crozat <> 0:
+ Revision: 79538
-Release (security update)
-bunzip patches
-upgrade enigmail to 0.94.1
- Import mozilla-thunderbird

* Sat Sep 16 2006 Frederic Crozat <> 0:
- Release (security update)
- remove patch305, merged upstream

* Thu Sep 07 2006 Frederic Crozat <> 0:
- allow build for 2006 and corp3 (Vincent Danen)
 - fix the %%post scripts wrt mktemp because corp3 has an older mktemp
 - have to do some fiddling to get the right mkrel tag for corp3 and use
   %%build_for_corp3 to make it build properly
 - only do the xdg stuff for %%mkdversion > 200600
 - this should build for all supported distros so we need the tags

* Sat Aug 05 2006 Frederic Crozat <> 0:
- Fix xdg tag
- fix enigmail postun script

* Fri Aug 04 2006 David Walluck <> 0:
- quiet all %%setup macros

* Sun Jul 09 2006 Christiaan Welvaart <> 0:
- add BuildRequires: libxt-devel

* Mon Jun 19 2006 David Walluck <> 0:
- add symlink: thunderbird -> mozilla-thunderbird

* Sun Jun 18 2006 David Walluck <> 0:
- use BuildRequires: xft2-devel instead of BuildRequires: libxft2-devel

* Wed Jun 14 2006 Frederic Crozat <> 0:
- Remove source20, inline .desktop file into specfile and fix it and migrate
  to new XDG
- fix buildrequires for Mdk 2006

* Sun Jun 04 2006 David Walluck <> 0:

* Sun Apr 23 2006 Christiaan Welvaart <> 0:
- fix directory level for patch2

* Sat Apr 22 2006 David Walluck <> 0:
- nable inspector, pref, and typeaheadfind extensions

* Tue Apr 11 2006 Frederic Crozat <> 0:1.5-11mdk
- Add calls to gtk-update-icon-cache, all packages adding icons
  into theme icon directory must run it at post/postun

* Mon Apr 10 2006 David Walluck <> 0:1.5-10mdk
- add 64x64 and 128x128 icons (bug #21916)

* Thu Apr 06 2006 Frederic Crozat <> 0:1.5-9mdk
- Enable official branding

* Fri Feb 24 2006 David Walluck <> 0:1.5-8mdk
- version nspr and nss BuildRequires
- add versioned nspr and nss Requires

* Wed Feb 22 2006 Frederic Crozat <> 0:1.5-7mdk
- fix freetype buildrequires
- Update source12, remove patch303, follow system locale

* Wed Feb 15 2006 David Walluck <> 0:1.5-6mdk
- fix duplicate file ownership for enigmail
- fix file perms on enigmail chrome.manifest

* Fri Feb 10 2006 David Walluck <> 0:1.5-5mdk
- package enigmail as an xpi

* Thu Feb 09 2006 David Walluck <> 0:1.5-4mdk
- fix error in

* Wed Feb 08 2006 David Walluck <> 0:1.5-3mdk
- move soundwrapper call to
- fix unofficial icons

* Wed Feb 08 2006 Christiaan Welvaart <> 0:1.5-2mdk
- add BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils

* Fri Jan 20 2006 David Walluck <> 0:1.5-1mdk
- 1.5
- add back devel package
- merge enigmail and enigmime packages

* Wed Dec 21 2005 Per Øyvind Karlsen <> 1.0.7-4mdk
- fix build on 10.2 (club request)

* Sun Oct 16 2005 Christiaan Welvaart <> 0:1.0.7-3mdk
- fix version in nss-devel build dependency

* Fri Oct 14 2005 Frederic Crozat <> 0:1.0.7-2mdk
- Don't package i18n pack which are already in separate packages (anne)
- Don't package empty directories
- clean up prereq dependencies
- prevent failing when uninstall packages 
- force HOME value in rebuild-database script

* Sat Oct 08 2005 David Walluck <> 0:1.0.7-1mdk
- 1.0.7
- enigmail 0.93.0
- sync patches
- remove old build date

* Sat Sep 17 2005 David Walluck <> 0:1.0.6-7mdk
- enable xprint (#18412)

* Wed Sep 14 2005 Frederic Crozat <> 1.0.6-6mdk
- Patch114 (CVS): fix idn crash

* Tue Sep 06 2005 David Walluck <> 1.0.6-5mdk
- be sure to register enigmail extension (bug #14809)
- remove enigmail seamonkey skin and add enigmail tbird skin
- disable enigmail upgrade hotkey
- set PREF_JS_EXPORTS=prefs/enigmail.js in enigmail Makefile
- add post/preun scripts for enigmime.jar
- add other enigmail langs besides en-US

* Sat Sep 03 2005 David Walluck <> 0:1.0.6-4mdk
- try to avoid conflicts with mozilla libraries
- remove lang directories as to not conflict with standalone rpms

* Fri Aug 19 2005 Frederic Crozat <> 1.0.6-3mdk
- Update patch6 (pango is now used by default)
- Update source8 (no longer remove cache at startup, change pango variable)
- Update patch36 to remove last reference to pango-xft

* Thu Aug 18 2005 Frederic Crozat <> 1.0.6-2mdk
- Add patches from Firefox package :
 - Patch33: fix clipped text rendering with Pango 
 - Patch34: fix cursor positionning in textarea 
 - Patch35: fix bidi justification with pango 
 - Patch36: fix last Xft references 
 - Patch37: fix pango underline displayed as overstrike in CJK
 - Patch107: fix position of IM candidate window
 - Patch108: properly link with gfxshared
 - Patch109: fix warning with latest GTK
 - Patch110: file chooser is now modal
 - Patch111: fix crash with latest GTK
 - Patch112: add support for freedesktop mime-info
 - Patch113: fix bad aliasing with gcc4 on x86-64 (Moz bug #293307) (CVS)

* Thu Jul 21 2005 Buchan Milne <> 1.0.6-1mdk
- New release 1.0.6
- drop p8,p104,p105,p107,p108 (integrated upstream)
- enigmail 0.92.0, ipc 1.1.3
- fix conditional %%mkrel definition

* Sat Apr 23 2005 David Walluck <> 0:1.0.2-3mdk
- merge patches from Fedora
- remove devel package
- fix gpg path

* Wed Apr 06 2005 Frederic Crozat <> 1.0.2-2mdk
- Patch8 (CVS): fix JS vulnerability (Moz bug #288688)
- Patch9 (Fedora) : add env variable to disable GNOME url handler 
- Update source5 to set HOME is not set

* Tue Mar 22 2005 Frederic Crozat <> 1.0.2-1mdk
- Release 1.0.2 (security fix)

* Wed Mar 16 2005 Frederic Crozat <> 1.0-9mdk
- Patch5: fix compilation with system nspr
- Patch6: quiet extension manager (Firefox package)
- Patch7: fix extension manager (Firefox package)
- Change build directory to allow parallel build with other moz products
- build against libnspr4/libnss3 from firefox
- Remove alternative on mozilla-config

* Mon Mar 14 2005 David Walluck <> 0:1.0-8mdk
- lang patch from Yuri Bugelli <>

* Tue Feb 15 2005 Couriousous <> 0:1.0-7mdk
- Fix dictionary detection ( don't take hyph )

* Mon Feb 14 2005 David Walluck <> 0:1.0-6mdk
- enigmail 0.90.0
- %%multiarch
- "fix" requires-on-release
- Requires: myspell-dictionary
- %%mkrel (thanks Buchan Milne)
- add patch for locale detection (thanks Couriousous)
- add patch for mozilla dictionary (thanks Couriousous)
- add patch for automatic locale detection (thanks Couriousous)

* Thu Dec 16 2004 Götz Waschk <> 1.0-5mdk
- fix bug 12686, thanks to mightor

* Tue Dec 14 2004 Götz Waschk <> 1.0-4mdk
- don't try to register as default mail client on startup

* Thu Dec 09 2004 Götz Waschk <> 1.0-3mdk
- add missing file
- fix enigmail installation

* Tue Dec 07 2004 Buchan Milne <> 1.0-2mdk
- fix build on 10.1
- distro-specific release tag

* Tue Dec 07 2004 Götz Waschk <> 1.0-1mdk
- update enigmail
- new version

* Thu Dec 02 2004 Götz Waschk <> 1.0-0.rc.2mdk
- fix post script

* Thu Dec 02 2004 Götz Waschk <> 1.0-0.rc.1mdk
- upgrade enigmail
- remove soundwrapper
- fix post script (from firefox package)
- new version

* Fri Nov 05 2004 Götz Waschk <> 0.9-1mdk
- update ipc
- add gpg signature
- fix source URL
- New release 0.9

* Fri Sep 24 2004 Götz Waschk <> 0.8-4mdk
- drop xvfb hack, call thunderbird-bin -register instead
- upgrade enigmail to 0.86.1

* Thu Sep 16 2004 Götz Waschk <> 0.8-3mdk
- update release notes
- update enimail

* Wed Sep 15 2004 Götz Waschk <> 0.8-2mdk
- fix URL
- fix binary name

* Wed Sep 15 2004 Götz Waschk <> 0.8-1mdk
- fix installation
- fix URL
- New release 0.8

* Sat Aug 07 2004 Buchan Milne <> 0.7.3-2mdk
- enigmail 0.85.0
- merge fixes from Club (Thu Jul 01 2004 0.7.1-0.100.1mdk)
 - enigmail 0.84.2, ipc 1.0.7
 - fix scripts to not remove entries just added, and not use scripts we just
   uninstalled (preuninstead of postun).

* Fri Aug 06 2004 Götz Waschk <> 0.7.3-1mdk
- increase sleep time in the postinstall script
- New release 0.7.3

* Tue Jul 13 2004 Götz Waschk <> 0.7.2-1mdk
- use hacks from the fedora package to run mozilla-thunderbird as root first
- New release 0.7.2

* Thu Jul 01 2004 Götz Waschk <> 0.7.1-1mdk
- compress source 6
- reenable libtoolize on Cooker
- fix 10.0 build
- New release 0.7.1

* Tue Jun 29 2004 Guillaume Rousse <> 0.7-2mdk
- dropped patch0, fixed upstream (Sebastian Dransfeld <>)

* Sat Jun 26 2004 Guillaume Rousse <> 0.7-1mdk 
- new version
- --enable-single-profile

* Sun Jun 13 2004 Pascal Terjan <> 0.6-2mdk
- BuildRequires autoconf2.1

* Fri May 21 2004 Pascal Terjan <> 0.6-1mdk
- 0.6
- rediff patch0
- some cleaning, some more should be done