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<TITLE>NMIS - Change Log</TITLE>

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<div class="heading">NMIS - Change Log</div>

    <td width="33%">Last updated 21 June 2001</td>
    <td width="33%">
      <p align="center"><a href="">Online
    <td width="33%">
      <p align="center"><a href="">NMIS Home Page</a></p>
    <td width="100%" colspan="3"><b><a name="Announcement">Changes</a></b>
        <li><p>LOTS of tidy up in general.</li>
        <li><p>Stopped loading MIBS all the time.</li>
        <li><p>NMIS support multiple config files ALOT better, it was basically
          fine for but not the CGI stuff, should be fine now.</li>
        <li><p>Simplified the algorithm calculating group status.&nbsp; This is
          now done by weighting each status level and adding them together and
          then averaging.&nbsp; You can tweak the results in the
          overallNodeStatus subroutine.</li>
        <li><p>Fixed up and, I would actually like to
          rewrite the entire reporting subsystem, but it won't happen in a
        <li><p>Deprecated some config elements and subroutines which were
        <li><p>Escalation now done based on Group instead of sysLocation, more
          logical!&nbsp; Maybe notification should too!</li>
        <li><p>Converted links to CSV!&nbsp; Careful with conversion, should be
          fairly easy.</li>
        <li><p>Fixed links functionality!</li>
        <li><p>Added checkConfig subroutine and type=config nmis directive which
          checks the nmis configuration file and makes sure everything is
          OK.&nbsp; This will be run every time type=update is run but
        <li><p>Added printApache subroutine and type=apache nmis directive which
          displays a sample Apache configuration for the NMIS configuration
        <li><p>Added which is a tiny dash with just the basic NMIS
          network metrics.</li>
        <li><p>Multilevel debug now, debug is 0-9 where 0 is false, and then the
          level of debugging you would like.&nbsp; This means more debugging can
          be added at varying levels of verbosity.</li>
        <li><p>Lots of code tidy ups, indenting, whitespace, etc to make it a
          little easier to follow.</li>
        <li><p>Zoomed up a little by adding arrow icons for metrics,
          ie red is decreasing, green increasing.&nbsp; I have put this through
          all metrics, to help indicate where problems are coming from.</li>
        <li><p>Added config entries for icons and changed all icons in cgi
          scripts to reference config file.</li>
        <li><p>Changed getGroupSummary to handle statics which might be NaN,
          this was effecting color display for valid stats.&nbsp;</li>
        <li><p>Reweighted getGroupSummary total, so that reachability is 40%,
          health is 40% and availability is 20%.&nbsp; This should produce a
          slightly truer metric.</li>
        <li><p>ifTypes are now handled as a CSV file, this had removed the need
          for loadInterfaceTypes in; It is necessary to ensure
          that iftypes.csv is copied to the conf directory and the ifTypes table
          entries are included in the nmis.conf, samples have been included in
          the nmis-sample.conf.&nbsp; This allows new interface types to be
          added without changing the code or compiling new MIBS.</li>
        <li><p>Updated whole bunches of, updated the style and
          revamped it a little bit, looks a bit better now.</li>
        <li><p>Now using &quot;auto directory finding option&quot; so don't have
          to edit scripts as much on install, uses Perl FindBin.</li>
        <li><p>Many new config.dat options and configuration items exist and now
          called nmis.conf and in &lt;nmis base&gt;/conf</li>
        <li><p>Added a Generic event type to handle any new UP/Down events you
          might like, also created, a CGI script for distributed event
          management, or creating events in NMIS for a device from other
          processes, like Unix daemon down/up.&nbsp; Proactive events are
          already generic ie any event starting with &quot;Proactive&quot;
          passed with a level=whatever will create an event, and passed with
          level=normal will close it.&nbsp; Could be handy.</li>
        <li><p>Simple SNMP error checking in updateUptime which creates an SNMP
          Down event and checks for SNMP Down if SNMP is up.&nbsp; Prevents
          problems with people changing the SNMP community string or disabling
          SNMP.&nbsp; Assumes that if SNMP is up for UpTime ie working for
          system SNMP variables then it should be working for everything.</li>
        <li><p>NMIS now has Web based configuration using
          allows editing of the CSV configuration files.&nbsp; Will hopefully
          add abilitiy to edit the nmis.conf file too.</li>
        <li><p>Health metric now includes interface component, all interface
          input and output utilisation are each subtracted from 100, added
          together and then averaged, this number is the interface weight, this
          will contribute 20% of the health metric and should be quite
          responsive to interface utilisation.&nbsp; I also think this will
          assist in pinpointing link utilisation problems through the use of the
          health metric.</li>
        <li><p>Health metrics have been re-weighted to better suit pinpointing
          network problems with the health metric.&nbsp; Weighted as follows:</li>
              <p>reachability is 30%&nbsp;</li>
              <p>interface utilisation is 20%&nbsp;</li>
              <p>response time is 20%&nbsp;</li>
              <p>availability is 10%&nbsp;</li>
              <p>CPU is 10%&nbsp;</li>
              <p>MEM is 10%&nbsp;</li>
        <li><p>Updated with a better parsing algorithm, handles the
          weird messages in syslog which routers and switches send.</li>
        <li><p>Added which enables NMIS to display group status colored
          icons for each group on a HTML map using CSS.&nbsp; Icons will change
          color with group status, also display summary network metrics and
          allows drill in to NMIS for each group. (not auto-discovery or drag
          and drop).&nbsp; Adds a bunch of config.dat elements and requires
          setting up map.csv with icon placement co-ordinates.</li>
        <li>Changed the way events are handled by implementing eventPolicy
          subsystem, all event levels and notifications are now controled
          through the events.csv file.</li>
        <li>Added real escalation subsystem with escalationPolicy and
          runEscalate, modularised stuff a bit more to support this.</li>
        <li>Optimised the runThreshold subroutine a little bit.</li>
        <li>Added and DNS LOC entries to the DNS function in
        <li>Error checking added to to validate data in each record.</li>
        <li> fixed up to do handle unknown records a little better parse.</li>
        <li> now displays summary stats for each group and a raising
          falling indicator for metric (could do with some graphics I am sure
          but more to do).</li>
        <li>Improved support for the Cisco Catalyst IOS switches, not really
        <li>NMIS Large Dash now has a config option.</li>
        <li>NMIS and now uses embedded PNG graphics generated at
          runtime, this should improve polling scaling.&nbsp; This also assists
          in distributed management, etc.&nbsp; All automatic graphing has been
          turned off in by setting the $graph = &quot;false&quot;.&nbsp;
          This just improved the poll cycle from real    0m10.33s, user    0m6.72s,
          sys     0m0.43s to real    0m5.61s, user    0m2.31s, sys     0m0.32s.</li>
        <li>Automatically handling of interfaces which have been shutdown
          between update cycles, this will recreate the interface files on
        <li>Added to enable NMIS to be used in a distributed manner,
          returns easily passed text data over HTTP.&nbsp; Eg
        <li>Added to enable NMIS to be accessed by ANY HTML device
          like WAP!&nbsp; Just provides basic lists and summary information.</li>
        <li> and show how easy it is to develop mini NMS apps
          which use the NMIS &quot;api&quot; to easily access all the collected
        <li><p>Added email field to contacts table.</li>
        <li><p>Added support for default locations and contacts for devices
          without sysLocation and sysContact being set.</li>
        <li><p>notify subroutine now uses the email field from the contacts
          table to issue notifications.</li>
        <li><p>Added CGI graphing to which does the NMIS graphing on the fly,
          cool, now you can embed NMIS graphs where ever you want!&nbsp; Have
          started embedding this into all CGI scripts which display
          graphs.&nbsp; All NMIS graphs will be drawn on the fly.</li>
        <li><p>Changed the loadConfiguration subroutine to handle variables in
          the configuration file.&nbsp; This will make installation a little
          easier for people.</li>
        <li><p>Added Interface thresholding for input utilisation, output
          utilisation and interface availability.</li>
        <li><p>Updated the with a summarised dash and left the
          nmisMenuLarge as another option.&nbsp; Also created a new summary for
          each group, allows a little more the concept of drill in!</li>
        <li><p>Enhanced NMIS documentation.</li>
        <li><p>Brian gave NMIS a logo.</li>
        <li><p>Tested with RRDTool 1.0.33.</li>
        <li><p>Added IP addresses to interface info and fixed up the
          &quot;find&quot; function so that you can search the interfaces for an
          IP address (this could be handy for big networks).</li>
        <li><p>New PING routine using Perl Ping with ms timeout too! Code
          provided by Richard Kuehnle (this
          requires root privilages for the NMIS programs)</li>
        <li><p>Added support for a enterprises file for identifying vendors.
        <li><p>Worked on createInterfaceFile and added ability to capture IP
          addresses from the ipAddrTable MIB.
        <li><p>Added a view table function which allows the easy integration of
          other data sources.</li>
        <li><p>Added Locations and Contacts Tables which use the view table
        <li><p>Did a fairbit of Cascading Style Sheet Integration into
; This means if you want to change the way NMIS looks
          you can just edit the NMIS Style Sheet nmis.css and wallah.
        <li><p>Fixed up that a node with collect = false would not store
          response time stats.
        <li><p>Fixed up SNMPv2 Support, now getNodeInfo tests for SNMPv2 support
          and then if available caches as part of system attributes.
        <li><p>Added more MIBs to the OID files, and enhanced the existing MIBS
          to include other common interesting things.
        <li><p>Fixed it so that the nodeType, netType, and role from the nodes
          file overrides the getNodeInfo information.
        <li><p>NMIS is considerable modularised.&nbsp; This is to make the
          system a little easier to improve with new changes only being added in
          one file not effecting other files.&nbsp; This includes new packages:
              <p> (replacing</li>
        <li><p>Added an IP subnetting program to assist with those nasty
          subnetting calculations.</li>
        <li><p>Memory stats now contribute to health statistics.</li>
        <li><p>Added a notification method for paging.&nbsp; There is now a
          sendPagerMessage to integrate into an existing paging system.</li>
        <li><p>SNMP_Simple now included in the NMIS distribution library
          directories (much easier).</li>
        <li><p> This includes several minor
          fixes to the logic and some more considerable changes like using
          SNMPv2 for collection on Routers and Switches.&nbsp; New options in
          the config file.</li>
        <li><p>NMIS now produces a single metric which summarises the network.</li>
        <li><p>The first version of the <a href="nmis-doc.html">documentation</a>
          has been added.</li>
        <li><p><a href="nmis-faq.html">FAQ's</a> added.</li>
        <li>The PING routine seems to be the biggest problem and I am working on
          a better cross platform fix but for now Linux users will have to apply
          there own patch as there seems to be some vast differences to PING
          across Solaris and Linux.</li>
        <li>NMIS has been tested and updated to work with RRDTool 1.0.27, I
          found some unexplained core dumps with 1.0.28 so have decided to go
          back one and investigate those further.</li>
        <li> Thanks to the <a href="index.html#Contributors">Contributors</a> for
          assisting in the debugging and development of NMIS.&nbsp;</li>