

distrib > Mandriva > 2009.1 > x86_64 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 9195f3b53d2bac122def5f10c210f355 > files > 130


                           -== Testoob Changelog ==-

'Testoob' is an advanced testing framework for Python. It is designed to
integrate effortlessly with existing PyUnit (standard module 'unittest') test

== Testoob 1.13, 3 December, 2006

 * Python 2.5 support, #281
 * New option --rerun-on-fail (added by Ryan Wilcox), #288
 * --vassert now works with 'testoob.testing' functions, #289

 * Install Windows executable helper only on Windows, #279
 * Skipped tests don't count as run tests, #271
 * '--processes' fixed (by Chad Whitacre), #287
 * Missing import in tests fixed (by Lukasz Strzygowski)

 * Unit tests for 'testoob.running', #155
 * Using optparse's '--version' hook, #285
 * Testoob is tested by a PyBot, #282 (by Grig Gheorghiu)

 Misha Seltzer, Ori Peleg, Ryan Wilcox, Chad Whitacre, Lukasz Strzygowski,
 Wolfram Kriesing, Grig Gheorghiu

== Testoob 1.12, 9 September, 2006

 * Added color support on Windows consoles, #260 and #261
 * Added '--timeout-with-threads', which also works on Windows, #262
 * Ctrl-C skips one test, 2 in succession skips to the end, #267

 * On Windows, 4Suite is chosen before MSXML so the "date" field in HTML
   output works. #256
 * --pbar fixes: import (#257), race condition (#258), and passing exceptions (#259)

 * Better release testing (no path mangling, and added isolated tests)
 * More unit tests, #155
 * Many code cleanups and refactorings
 * Updated release script to use pysvn, #268

 Misha Seltzer, Amir Szekely, Barak Schiller, Michael McFaden, Ori Peleg

== Testoob 1.11, 1 July, 2006

Bugfix release, some options wouldn't run (Thanks Jochen!)

== Testoob 1.1, 24 June, 2006

 * Optimizations have made Testoob over 4 times faster, #233
 * A summary of failed tests is now printed after the run, #252
 * Added a simple Tk GUI progress report with --pbar, #253
 * A better assertRaises, #42
 * Profiling support with --profile, #163 + #164
 * Silent running with --silent, #225
 * Graceful behavior on interrupt (Ctrl-C), #231
 * Optionally skip a command-line test _after_ the command is run, #241

 * An installation bug cause HTML reports to not work, #219
 * Coverage ignores C extensions, #205
 * Coverage now works with Python2.2, #198
 * --timed-repeat calls setUp/tearDown, #201
 * Fixed coverage error due to a bug in std. module 'trace', #206
 * Exit with error on failure also when using testoob.main, #226
 * --repeat and --list now work together, #232
 * Fixed XML import error, #234
 * Skipping tests now works with --processes, #235
 * Fixed synax error, #247
 * Ignore duplicate suites on the command line, #172
 * Fixed passing arguments with values to testoob.main(), #173

 * Added a plugin mechanism for command-line options, #175
 * Cleaned up ErrInfo, TestInfo, and PyroRunner, #236
 * Limit no. of profiling lines printed, #242
 * Show where the profiling stats are saved, #240
 * Check for 'profile' module, not included by default in Debian, #238
 * Proper error message when hotshot stats file is corrupt, #237

New contributors:
 * Aya Horwitz
 * Roi "Kipi" Degani
 * Tomer Alon
 * Yoram Bachrach

Full tracking at

== Testoob 1.0, 28 April, 2006

Many thanks to Nir Soffer and Bryce Hendrix, who both submitted an amazing
amount of bug reports and patches!!!

We also welcome back Barak Schiller, who has returned after an absence.

 * Automatic color detection
 * Support for skipping tests
 * PDF reports (needs ReportLab's PDF library:
 * Improved reporting when testing command-line applications
 * Can pass options through main() (thanks Ryan!)
 * Print current iteration when repeating tests
 * Test-loading glob and regex patterns with --test-method-{glob,regex}
 * Helper functions for loading tests from the local directory,
 * Coverage results reported in xml (thanks Bryce!)

 * Twisted is not necessary for running in threads anymore (thanks nirs!)
 * XML file format changed to more closely match that of Ant's JUnitReport

 * Zero tests are now correctly reported as an error
 * Coverage now works with Python 2.3
 * Running a nonexistant test gives an error message instead of a traceback
 * Fixed a bug with pickling
 * ReporterProxy now thread safe when threads are used

 * Many more unit tests
 * Improved tests structure
 * Much refactoring

Full tracking at

== Testoob 0.9, 17 March, 2006

'TestOOB' has been renamed to 'Testoob', to encourage the correct
pronunciation, "tess-toob", like "test tube".
Too many people were calling it "Test Oh-Oh-Bee"...

 * New '--coverage' option to print a coverage report
 * New '--timed-repeat' option that repeats each test for a given time interval
 * New '--capture' option prints stdout only on failure, like py.test and nose
 * New '--list-formatted' option can list tests in CSV format
 * New '--randomize-order' and '--randomize-seed' to randomize test order
 * '--list' no longer stops at 50 tests (there was no real need)
 * zsh completion module, see logistics/_testoob
 * New 'rc_predicate' parameter for testoob.testing.command_line
 * Improved testoob.testing.command_line's default behavior
 * Added more assert functions to testoob.testing

 * Renamed collectors to testoob.collector_from_{globals,modules}

 * Fixed running in multiple processes with Pyro
 * Fixed '--debug' on Windows
 * Fixed collectors
 * Cleaner stack-trace printing with testoob.testing functions
 * '--timeout' now checks for Posix

 * Lots of refactoring
 * More tests

== TestOOB 0.8.1, 1 December, 2005

Bugfix release (critical bug prevented importing).
Reported by Oli and Ryan - Thanks!

== TestOOB 0.8, 30 November, 2005

Many updates are introduced in this release.

Release focus: stability, new features, and a mailing list

Mailing list:
   The Testoob mailing list is the preferred way to ask questions, offer
   assistance, and discuss Testoob in general.

   For more information, visit:

 * New '--list' option to lists tests, courtesy of Wolfram Kriesing
 * New '--version' option
 * New '--stop-on-fail' option to stop on the first failure or error
 * New '--timeout' option to limit the maximum time a test can run
 * New convenience functions for gathering tests from modules: testoob.collect and
 * '--processes' option reimplemented with optimized distribution across
   processes, and much better reporting. It uses Pyro for RPC. Reverts to the
   old implementation if Pyro isn't available.
   Visit Pyro at
 * Fixed immediate reporting with multiple processes
 * Fixed local imports on Windows
 * _Many_ vassert (verbose assert) fixes, enhancements, and design improvements
 * Various other fixes

 * Testoob tests extended and improved
 * Extensive refactoring

== TestOOB 0.7, 17 October, 2005

Release Focus: Multi-process test running

New Features:
 * Run tests in multiple processes (--processes)
 * Repeat tests (--repeat)
 * Filter tests with glob patterns (--glob)

 * 'testoob' executable should exit with non-zero code on failure, ticket #149

 * API for receiving the results of the test run, ticket #150
 * Former test extractors are now decorators on an extractor
 * Fixed some system tests
 * Cleaned up docstrings

== TestOOB 0.6, 23 August, 2005

Release Focus: License Change, Bugfixes

 * Testoob is now licensed under the Apache License version 2.0
 * ElementTree is no longer necessary for generating XML and HTML, the
   necessary ElementTree sources have been included in the distribution

 * vassert failures with '%', ticket #117
 * html_report.xsl missing from the distribution, ticket #123

 * Better system tests, tickets #113, #114, #120, #121
 * Documentation updates, tickets #18, #19, #102, #107, #109, #119, #122

== TestOOB 0.5, 25 July, 2005

Release Focus: threads, verbose asserts, and stability fixes

New Features:
 * Run tests in threads with '--threads=NUM', ticket #36
 * Verbose asserts with '--vassert', ticket #16

 * 'testoob' executable receives its own options, ticket #95
 * Python 2.2 compatibility fix, ticket #96
 * testing.command_line works with Python 2.4, ticket #90
 * Line-endings on windows for testing.command_line, ticket #94
 * when using '--debug', load pdb on failures too, ticket #69
 * better error messages for missing external modules, ticket #86

 * Better system tests, tickets #99, #74
 * Documentation updates

== TestOOB 0.4, 2 July, 2005

Release Focus: compatibility with older Python versions

New Features:
 * Now works with Python versions 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4, tickets #73 and #75
 * Immediate feedback about failed tests with '--immediate'
 * Special support for testing command-line applications with
   testoob.testing.command_line, ticket #38

 * The 'testoob' executable now correctly imports modules in the test suite's
   directory, ticket #85

 * Testoob's own tests converted to unittest/Testoob, ticket #72
 * More self-testing scenarios, ticket #45
 * New website based on webgen (

== TestOOB 0.3, 12 June, 2005

New committer: Misha Seltzer

New Features:
 * New 'testoob' executable, run tests with no changes at all!
   (changeset:103, ticket:65)
 * '--debug' command line option - run pdb post-mortem on test errors!
   (changeset:101, ticket:60)
 * Printed test names are now copy-paste friendly (changeset:99, ticket:59)
 * '--interval' command line option - define a sleep interval between tests
   (changeset:98, ticket:20)
 * Improved color output when using '--color' (changeset:97, ticket:63)


 * Added logistics/
 * API documentation is included in the distribution via epydoc

== TestOOB 0.2, 4 June, 2005

Release Focus: Better reporting

Dedicated to Barak Schiller, who is leaving for South
America. Have fun!

 * Color output with ANSI codes [barak, orip]
   (changeset:64 + changeset:68, ticket:14)
 * XML output additions: [barak]
   - Total time element to XML output
     (incomplete, changeset:69, ticket:46)
   - Failure message and type (changeset:70, ticket:47)
 * HTML output [barak]
   - Converting XML with XSLT, requires 4Suite, '--html'
     cmdline option (changeset:74)
   - Direct HTML output (OldHTMLReporter) (changeset:71)


API Changes:
 * Refactored running interface [orip] (changeset:66)


== TestOOB 0.1, 20 May, 2005

Release Focus: A drop-in enhancement to unittest.main()

 * Reproducing unittest.main()'s features [orip]
   (ticket:1, ticket:2, ticket:3, ticket:4, changeset:19,
 * XML reporting, requires ElementTree [orip]
   (ticket:5, changeset:41)


API Changes:
 * Results are proxies through an ObservableProxy [orip]
   (ticket:40, changeset:30)

 * Self-validating tests for Testoob itself [orip]